Waypoints in the current setup

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Hello everyone,

I didnt find a topic on this on the last 3 pages so i’ll be sorry if it exists somewhere already.

In the past few days, my guild and I found it utterly ridiculous how the waypoint system is working. First off, i like the idea that the waypoint wont get contested instantly on the start of a siege, but in an ongoing assault on a keep, the waypoint should not open up at all, the 1second window before was already something debatable, but the 30s window now is completely over the top. It basically means, you have 2:30 to take a keep with a waypoint, if you dont manage to flip it in this time, you barely stand a chance because defending forces can stream in braindead and take you down. Especially if you are outmanned and keep pushing it’s a big disadvantage.

we’ve been sieging up briar on blue borderlands (our server being red) the last days, keeping it from any assault and meantime trebbing down the walls and pushing into the keep, starving it from supplies, made it in the lordsroom with about 20 (outmanned buff still active) got the lord down, capped it to half, then the waypoint opened (we had someone tagging doors to get it contested asap again). Before it would have been open for a second, no way the entire server would have made it, naturally many miss it if its only open for a brief second. but this way the entire server made it into the lordsroom to wipe us out.

It didnt only happen to us that we were only a few, but it also happend about an hour later when greens went there with a army of 12 golems, they made it to the lordsroom to then lose to the open waypoint.

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


The WP goes instantly contested (and the defend timer starts) as soon as a gate/wall takes damage. The only change there was that the visual marker on the map – the white swords – are delayed by thirty seconds. When it comes to WP’d keeps, you only have to look at the WP itself (whether it’s contested or not) to know if it’s under attack. In that respect, no, there isn’t a thirty-second window to port people in.

What is a legitimate concern that has been raised before is that there’s that second or two between the end of the event and someone hitting the door to trigger the next one where the WP goes uncontested – a lot of worlds, particularly ones coordinating over VOIP servers will take advantage of this to WP everyone in at once (or if they’re dead, to respawn more easily).

Sea of Sorrows

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Still the current WP block has 2 disadvantages which I do not like, and that could be fixed as proposed in https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Why-is-SM-waypoint-contested-all-the-time/1810315
- a single hit on the outter-door by a thief can block teleports for 3min
- reinformencent (and resurrection) is possible in the 1sec Open every 3min.

I think perma-block during real fights combined with resistance against pure-block attack is superior to the current system.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


The WP goes instantly contested (and the defend timer starts) as soon as a gate/wall takes damage. The only change there was that the visual marker on the map – the white swords – are delayed by thirty seconds. When it comes to WP’d keeps, you only have to look at the WP itself (whether it’s contested or not) to know if it’s under attack. In that respect, no, there isn’t a thirty-second window to port people in.

What is a legitimate concern that has been raised before is that there’s that second or two between the end of the event and someone hitting the door to trigger the next one where the WP goes uncontested – a lot of worlds, particularly ones coordinating over VOIP servers will take advantage of this to WP everyone in at once (or if they’re dead, to respawn more easily).

hm if thats the case we really had badluck that their entire zerg made it in within that 1s time :/ didnt really look on own waypoints as we barely have them up recently.

but it certainly felt like that it was open for more than a second even tough we had someone hitting the gate

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


Honestly, with good coordination, it’s nothing. I’ve seen a group of 40-50 WP into a keep in the space of a second. It’s just a question of spamming the WP so you don’t miss it through latency issues.

Sea of Sorrows

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


yeah I know, but as I said it felt like the waypoint was open for much longer than this second, guess that was a wrong impression due the situation xD

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


yeah I know, but as I said it felt like the waypoint was open for much longer than this second, guess that was a wrong impression due the situation xD

I noticed that also the WPs have “Skill-Laags”: they open later than they should and stay open longer than they should. So if you had a large battle inside with skill-laags, the WP may have been open longer than usual.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Rigel.5789


Still the current WP block has 2 disadvantages which I do not like, and that could be fixed as proposed in https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Why-is-SM-waypoint-contested-all-the-time/1810315
- a single hit on the outter-door by a thief can block teleports for 3min
- reinformencent (and resurrection) is possible in the 1sec Open every 3min.

I think perma-block during real fights combined with resistance against pure-block attack is superior to the current system.

I think it would be nice if everytime someone hit something it reset the timer back to 3 minutes. Although they would have to redesign the entire “Repel the enemy attackers” system or give that a timer of it’s own. Whether they should make the waypoint timer visible or not is another thing that can be discussed.

Narai [VoTF] | Far Shiverpeaks