What in WvW is really fair?

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Mashiach.8176


I’m sorely disappointed with an otherwise novel and high potential game. Its the lack of attention this is getting that is going to make me quit. There is blatant inequality in WvW.

1. Thieves. There are no counter measures to them. NO ONE can see them EVER???They do insane damage…..they touch a ranged class or caster class, and kill them. They go into stealth every 5 seconds and I have watched an enemy thief kill 5 people level 80 on a small ledge and walk away with half his health, 5 good WvWers all trying to target him. They can even deliver kill shots while stealthed. It is the most frustrating thing to watch guys. You cannot give one class so much power that they can eliminate a group ACTING TOGETHER, ALONE! I don’t care how good he is. You cannot target a thief long enough to get any real damage done to him. If you hit him with a stun he auto stealths. If he’s low on health he disappears and returns 10 seconds later to finish off everyone else.

2. The Honor Badges. The drop rate on these is ridiculous. 1500 WvW kills under my belt and I have 114 badges? The game is/was supposed to be PvP centric. Its all I do everytime I log on. Its all I want to do. Its what I got the game for. Its supposed to be a PvP oriented game at its core, I don’t want to play jump puzzle, to get badges, I want to kill invaders. Can you reward me fairly for that please? If this drop rate continues I have to kill 6000 enemies to get ONE WvW weapon. The invader’s longbow is 398 badges. I am level 80 and I have been in pure WvW since level 50. I have 33 silver to my name, I cannot afford to buy one, I was buying siege and repairing my armor. I was counting onthe badges to buy a level 80 bow.

3. Five days ago, my son who is 3 accidentally transferred me to another server, I think its called Sorrow’s Despair…WOW, guys how does server matching take place? This server is beaten to shreds by Devona’s Rest everyday. Now when I say beaten I mean 20:1 WvW player ratio. Don’t believe me? Hopefully the screenshots post. The other team delights in it, the other server, does not participate at ALL. I’m sticking this paragraph here for them, because they just suicidally try to keep a fort per night, and don’t complain much, but I will be leaving that server gladly asap. Its not working whatever it is, two team doesn’t even have enough players to take one keep away on their own damn map from the other team???? How can that be fair or enjoyable?

4. The ranger. I’ll be the first to admit my gear is poor. I have two pieces of exotic and an exotic shortbow. The PVE game bores me to death. So I’ll take some responsibility for being one shotted sometimes. The issue is that a warrior can take me out AT RANGE and he’s not a ranged class. We are supposed to be the kings of at least MELEE ranged damage, you haven’t given us that honor. I don’t care what skill it is, why can a warrior hit me at range for 9k, and I can’t do ANYTHING like that??? Then procede to hit me for 1800 damage with Volley? WAIT? My bow only hits for 800 with my AOE? My shortbow hits for 400.

I think WvW is a disaster in so many respects. There are great aspects to it guys don’t get me wrong but unfortunately, its starting to get the best of me, and its starting to outweigh the fun I thought I would have had, and was having in the game. Its no fun being in an encounter with a thief, with 2-3 other players and everyone is just running for safety because we ALL know there is no hope in killing him, and we just don’t want him to get all of us. When a warrior can take you down from range, and you are a ranger!!! there is little hope there, and when you’re server is outmatched 20:1…well that’s the icing on the GW2 cake.

The first screenshot, Denravi’s Rest Domination

The second Warrior Ranged Domination….


What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Ekove.4586


You are right about these things among other things. Many have argued that the big design issue with WvW is that it got the least attention compared to PvE and sPvP, yet it’s probably the best thing about GW2 and the aspect that can have the longest game life. Though sPvP has it’s own problems as well…I guess it will take a while until things are improved. I got this game for both types of PvP…and surprinsgly the best aspect of this game turned out to be it’s PvE, at least it’s the most engaging. Sadly I am not a PvE person, and as good PvE is, I don’t see the point of doing it with very limited gear progression.

But again, MMO’s take a while to fully flourish, the only problem is most of them lose their majority of their players after they finally polish the big things. I don’t know if that’ll be the case with GW2, though I’ll say that it is the first MMO I have played that actually has hope. I’m just hoping for a big WvW patch but I would say that currently the two big things is fixing the problem with perma stealth thieves and improving the rewards; they are too hard to get and only one type of set is available, if you want a different stat set for a different build you’ll have to do PvE…a lot of it.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Kinglette.4906


1. there are many counters to thieves, and if he won 5v1 then i dont think people are doing something right.
2. i earn alot more badges than that, you get used to spamming f as people die
3. if they dont like it they can come to a wvw server, the top tiers still get the outmanned buff. I would like to be able to pick a server for wvw and one for pve.
4. The warrior has a rifle as a weapon set he is also ranged. I guess it depend on your spec we have a ranger in guild who can constantly be last man standing whilst putting out good dps.

I recommend that if you are just in the game for pvp join a wvw guild and you will see the badges flow in most of my guild has 1-3 80s geared now and have 500+ banked.
But if you are outnumbered that bad the kills would be coming slowly.
And for Ekove there are lots of sets that you can earn in wvw you just have to goto orr to pick them up, what else would you do with karma?

80 Guardian, 80 Warrior, 80 Thief

(edited by Kinglette.4906)

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Ekove.4586


1. there are many counters to thieves, and if he won 5v1 then i dont think people are doing something right.
2. i earn alot more badges than that, you get used to spamming f as people die
3. if they dont like it they can come to a wvw server, the top tiers still get the outmanned buff. I would like to be able to pick a server for wvw and one for pve.
4. The warrior has a rifle as a weapon set he is also ranged. I guess it depend on your spec we have a ranger in guild who can constantly be last man standing whilst putting out good dps.

I recommend that if you are just in the game for pvp join a wvw guild and you will see the badges flow in most of my guild has 1-3 80s geared now and have 500+ banked.
But if you are outnumbered that bad the kills would be coming slowly.
And for Ekove there are lots of sets that you can earn in wvw you just have to goto orr to pick them up, what else would you do with karma?

1. Thieves do have counters, but there are perma invis builds, mainly p/d, that can wear people down while being untouchable by some profession specs/combinations. They can just sit there chaining invisibility and slowly wearing people down. Go check some youtube videos..
2. I think most people agree that badge drop rate is ridiculously low compared to badge prices. You can get the same items from Dungeons/karma for much less time invested…and I’m talking about a huge difference…even if you get a 100 badges a day (which is a ridiculous number unless you spend all day WvW’ing and running the JP), you’ll still be doing it 25%-50% as fast as running all AC path’s once aday which takes an hour or two.
3. Server population is a more complicated issue…though if you want WvW, some servers are really not worth being in…
4. Warrior vs ranger is a complicated matter. Sure I agree that the warrior can spec for range and be effective just like the rangers can spec for melee (ranger regen melee build is damn good) Infact, I love the fact you can spec pretty much any class to be effective melee or range in this game and not be locked down to one or the other. But the big problem is both classes ranged weapon sets are terribly simple and similar…yet the warrior annihilated the ranger in a pure 1v1 ranged fight, and it’s hard to balance it because, again, both classes are very very simple. For example it’s hard to sell who’d win in a necro vs mesmer staff fight because their spells are more complex and it’s not just about raw damage.

And about getting Orr Karma armor, which is what most PvP’ers do…well, that’s all fair and square but…Orr is a PvE zone isn’t it? and not an easy one to get to. Not to mention those Karma vendors only cover 5 pieces of the 14-16 pieces you need…plus runes plus jewels etc, and they don’t have all affix combinations either…But even if Orr covered all item pieces and affix combinations, it’d be just another proof that badges of honor rewards are so overpriced.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


1. Thief issue is not completely bound to thieves but also to the culling issues, in big group battles Thieves sometimes show up 1-2 seconds later on your screen then supposed to. However in small scale battles where there are 10 people on the screen, they pop up right away for me.
2. I’ve been playing WvW a lot and have around 10k kills (mind you I don’t zerg so I don’t really stack kills as much as zerglings). I average about 1 badge per 4-5 kills. You want badges? Find a succesful zerg and go AoE your butt off and pick up the bags afterwards.
3. As of right now WvW is definately dying. Hell I’ll say it, this game is dying. With the poor support, insane amount of bugs, poor handling of exploits/hacks and so on, its actually some kind of miracle people stuck around for this long.

4. This is a favorite of mine by now. Recently ANet gave us a description of what every class is supposed to do. Thieves have stealth and high single target damage, Guardians are THE support class, Rangers are the masters of ranged combat.

When you reach the Warrior this is what you will basically read:
Warriors don’t have a lot of utility or condition removal, thus they have to power through everything they come up against… So we gave them everything to do so. A GS/Rifle glass cannon warrior has 20k HP and will beat you every single time as a Ranger. You can count on it.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Kinglette.4906


I know the thief build i have played it to learn to counter it.
And i agree the drop rate is low, they need to increase it and add varied sets to buy. one set is not enough and most of my toons dont want power, tough vit.
The rest was trying to improve on what sounds like a newer players frustrations. I would hate to see more people leave the game, wvw populations are slowing fast enough.

80 Guardian, 80 Warrior, 80 Thief

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


1. there are many counters to thieves, and if he won 5v1 then i dont think people are doing something right.

Normally im not against Thieves but in WvW they have an upper hand on everyone due to the enviroment.

- lags
- rendering issues
- targeting issues

These 3 reasons are doing insanelly good stealth mechanic more than only OP mechanic. I never believed Thief is an issue and i have killed so many of them.. and so easily. But in sPvP where they dont have so hudge advantage. In WvW i have seen a thief killing one by one in our zerg and noone was able to target him.

Yesterday i played in group with 2 of our friends. He wasn´t able to kill us.. but so we were not able to kill him. Not because of we play badly, but because we simply can´t see him.. can´t target him.. and his first shots are usually from stealth.

So at this point – there are builds in WvW Thief metagame that allow the Thief to go stealth so offten and so easily.. that its not possible to counter him..

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


To the OP, sorry, but you have to be doing a lot of things wrong to be having results like that … and I don’t make any claim to even know what I should be doing in WvW. A commander I am most certainly not. I have credit for maybe less than 300 kills and I have almost 100 badges for it.

I also happen to be on Devona’s Rest server and I will tell you that we had to work pretty hard to do what we’ve done … first against some pretty stiff competition for weeks from FC and Kain in Tier 8, and then at the beginning of Tier 7 last Friday.

I was in one of the enemy’s (don’t remember which one) BL during our first night in Tier 7 because SM in EB was so heavily contested that the group I was in wasn’t doing much good there. We were defending a supply camp with about 15 players, and the enemy kept sending a force of about 25 or 30 against us. We beat them back about four times and then they just gave up. They had almost no coordination and didn’t even build any sieges on the cliffs that they controlled above us. That’s not a fault of the game … that’s a fault of the players, and it has pretty much played out that way every day since. I spent over an hour in EB last night about 9 PM server time running around looking for something to do and I don’t think I came across more than about 8 or 10 server mates that entire time. If you just showed up playing for SF recently, the problem isn’t that DR is fielding too many players. The problem is that neither SF nor HoD has been bothering anymore to field very many players at all.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


1. Being able to take towers and keeps without the need to take a single gate or wall down.

Sorta defeats the purpose of anything you do in WvW.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


I am from Devona’s Rest. I am sorry our server is really excited to go up a tier and we will be leaving to tier 6 depending on the performance of GoM last server of T6. You should blame server transfers for that reason because HoD and SF lost alot of players I don’t know exactly why. As you can expect they won’t lose their rating in 1 day so it’s taking time for them to go down that’s why T7 match up is not fair at the moment. About thieves you are making a mistake I play one and I believe I am a decent one and I can honestly tell you they nerfed the thief fair enough. Dancing Daggers was OP it got nerfed so hard now it’s really not useful. Thief is really good at killing unexperienced players that’s a fact. I can take down a group of 10 new/lowbie/unskilled players but on the other hand when I fight skilled players I have pretty much %50 success rate. Only class I believe underpowered is Engineer against thieves but I have seen some decent ones but deffinetly their win chance is not close to %50. There are different builds for thief so I can not exactly tell you how to counter them but what I would suggest you is to what I personally do:
If you are having any problems about any class just start one and go to sPvP and play and learn that class so you can see the pluses and minueses of it and fight according to that. An other tip is do not forget thieves get hit even when they go invisible. You can not believe the numbers of thieves I kill while they are stealthed a day.

Ranger is not suppose to be best class in range. GW2 doesn’t use the old mmorpg meta about classes. Every class has different adventages in both range and melee and have different roles in WvW. It is impossible to balance the game perfectly unless you have 1 class for everybody. Make sure you are playing the class you enjoy. Do not ask Anet to turn the class you choose to what you were expecting from it. I play all classes I know what I enjoy most in WvW and in sPvP and some times I switch classes to have some change.

About badges I have a post suggesting an alternative please check it out and shae your ideas:

An other thing if you are wearing berserker gear don’t expect to survive long. Go buy knights or something else with toughness so you won’t get burst down easily.

If you have any questions whisper me in game I will gladly help.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Darx.6798


Dear OP,

Nothing is fair in life when god crated us, some are born rich, some poor, some are born ugly, some pretty, some are healthy, some are not. Arena net personal are just human, they are no god, how can you expect them to fair better than the almighty GOD.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


If you want better badges and loot run around in a party. If you run around solo you will just jack squat for loot and badges, party up, even if you aren’t in the same zerg you will still see better loot drops.

Loot is also DPS dependent, sadly. More damage = more loot. Support classes/team players get shafted again.


What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


1. WvW is unfair

2. Full Exotics are a must

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


Dear OP,

Nothing is fair in life when god crated us, some are born rich, some poor, some are born ugly, some pretty, some are healthy, some are not. Arena net personal are just human, they are no god, how can you expect them to fair better than the almighty GOD.

While I agree with the sentiment, leave the religious mumble jumble at the door please.


What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Spinestalker.7639


I’m sorely disappointed with an otherwise novel and high potential game. Its the lack of attention this is getting that is going to make me quit. There is blatant inequality in WvW.

2. The Honor Badges. The drop rate on these is ridiculous. 1500 WvW kills under my belt and I have 114 badges? The game is/was supposed to be PvP centric. Its all I do everytime I log on. Its all I want to do. Its what I got the game for. Its supposed to be a PvP oriented game at its core, I don’t want to play jump puzzle, to get badges, I want to kill invaders. Can you reward me fairly for that please? If this drop rate continues I have to kill 6000 enemies to get ONE WvW weapon. The invader’s longbow is 398 badges. I am level 80 and I have been in pure WvW since level 50. I have 33 silver to my name, I cannot afford to buy one, I was buying siege and repairing my armor. I was counting onthe badges to buy a level 80 bow.

You’re obviously doing something wrong. I’m playing a necro which his supposedly so broken and with under 1500 WvW kills I got over 640 badges now. I think you need to work on your skill rotation etc. and optimize skill use based on situation. And yes, exotics are a must.

Spinetwist – lvl 80 Necro
[NP] Night Pact

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Jefzor.7145


1. WvW is unfair

2. Full Exotics are a must

3. Rangers are underwhelming in wvw.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Galrond.5972


3. Rangers are underwhelming in wvw.

Only vs range Warriors and Mesmer (but who isn’t)

All other ranged attacks can easily be avoided while spaming shortbow autoattack and meeles have to charge into tons of traps and can be kited/dodged.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Jefzor.7145


3. Rangers are underwhelming in wvw.

Only vs range Warriors and Mesmer (but who isn’t)

All other ranged attacks can easily be avoided while spaming shortbow autoattack and meeles have to charge into tons of traps and can be kited/dodged.

Maybe I just haven’t met any pro rangers yet, but as a thief, rangers are the easiest class to kill.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Mashiach.8176


What can I do wrong to get fewer badges besides not pick up the bags? I will be honest. I don’t miss a single bag. I rather suicide if necessary to get the chance at getting another badge. That is not my issue. My drop rate is hosed.

My thing is that the developers have no motivation to fix this at a hasty pace, and quite frankly I am not a newb, I have been playing rangers from since 12 years ago with Everquest.

Luckily I don’t have to pay a fee to play the game. So I will be back if decent fixes are implemented in WvW and for rangers. For now it’s too frustrating, because many things are not as advertised. Like I said many novel and great ideas. I am not against changes, but gross imbalances are only tolerable until they start cutting into the fun. I only run with the Zerg. When I flank, naturally as a ranger, it’s too easy for a thief to kill me, rendering me ineffective unless I stay back and pick off dying players. Which is so gimp.

I have actually been beaten by a thief who was on the ground almost dead, who managed to rally twice and kill me. Hahaha, that’s madness.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Ekove.4586


Are those people with high badge drops including badges they get from the JP puzzle? because those numbers are a bit high if you are not including the JP puzzle which is a different story.

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


All the people saying they have plenty of badges are either

a) Running in a zerg and have the luxury and time to collect the bags of loot.
b) Playing a class that easily hits and damages multiple players with little risk to themselves

For the rest of us, regardless of skill or playstyle, the drop rate is too low or the system needs to be revised allowing acquisition of the badges without needing to press “f”.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


All the people saying they have plenty of badges are either

a) Running in a zerg and have the luxury and time to collect the bags of loot.
b) Playing a class that easily hits and damages multiple players with little risk to themselves

For the rest of us, regardless of skill or playstyle, the drop rate is too low or the system needs to be revised allowing acquisition of the badges without needing to press “f”.

Pretty much every class has fair amount of AoE if you think your class doesn’t or your class is more on the defensive side there is always arrow carts. Considering in almost every match up forum all servers complain about their team not defending enough I think you should think about that. I am a thief I have 750 badges deposited in my bank and I probably spent around 5k badges on siege so far. I am a commander so I really dont have the luxary of going back and grabbing loot bags but I spam F key well on the move. Problem is not about badge drop rate problem is the reward system. I have been to JP twice and deffinetly think all JPs should be world-pvp areas with no relation to WvWvW maps and points and it should not reward badges or siege. You should be rewarded with badges when you defend/capture objectives beside killing players. Drop rate of badges should be fixed to a flat rate instead of random and loot bags should be removed unless your inventory is full.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


If your have fewer than 10 people, you might as well avoid any conflicts with humans and just take supply camps.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs

What in WvW is really fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Avalon.4809


3. Rangers are underwhelming in wvw.

Only vs range Warriors and Mesmer (but who isn’t)

All other ranged attacks can easily be avoided while spaming shortbow autoattack and meeles have to charge into tons of traps and can be kited/dodged.

Maybe I just haven’t met any pro rangers yet, but as a thief, rangers are the easiest class to kill.

Rangers are the easiest for all classes…