What server needs Americans/EST people?

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


Just checking. Would be interesting to see how many servers and what servers think they need it most.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: igneous.8153


Blacktide could use a larger night crew to kill some those RUIN buggers.

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Aleaf.8174


Sea of Sorrows could use American players. It’s not as bad as it used to be but we still barely have enough players.

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


By the looks of it Sea of Sorrows has enough.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Zero.8590


We really need any night force, because our morning force wake up at 5 am(GMT) and lose a lot of time to capture 4 maps.

We need the whole world.

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Skunt.5076


Seafarers Rest is looking for EST people!
Server community/alliance site: http://www.pevepe.net/

We formed this alliance before release, contacting only WvW focused guild, and we choise an empty server to avoid queue and pve focused guilds.

It is working pretty good as we are able to win vs most servers during prime time and also getting good results during day time.

Our biggest problem at the moment is a almost non excisting nightime players. but even with this handicap we reached T2.

Though atm we are getting our kitten handed due to not enough night players which resulted in a huge gap first day.(and i must say arborstone is pretty good server).

Also by coinsedence some of bigger guild leaders went slack/vacation on same time.

We are really looking for american/EST players to complete our alliance and get our hands dirty in T1/T2.

Without a influence of americans/EST players i doubt we will mannage to get to T1.
But with them im sure we have what it takes to get #1 position.

for more information drop by at http://www.pevepe.net/ in chat or create a topic.

Have nice day!

[FU]Fluffy the Pusycat.
SFR community site: http://www.pevepe.net/

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


For a rounded gaming experience, solid oppostion and organised alllies I would suggest you do as I did and move to Blacktide.

Moving was one of the best decisions our guild made in gaming and we were moving from a server we liked.

I lay out a number of the reasons here.


Here is some footage from last night.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

(edited by Snort.3698)

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Aldare.5836


Northern Shiverpeaks would love to have some more EST players like myself. We’re in need of a solid night/evening crew to help back up our morning/day crew. We’ve shown to have amazing potential, and our commanders do a fantastic job of bringing people together.

Just a Guy

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Essarious Quw.8946

Essarious Quw.8946

Gandara would like some more Americans. Preferably ones that are a little bit thick skinned cos some of our residents can be a little prickly. We’re pretty good at the early morning zerg but need people to fill in the blanks and keep our night-owls company with their other-side-of-the-Atlantic charms and anecdotes.

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Dominae.3146


I doubt any server is going to jump up and shout “no thanks, we have enough talent” except the T1’s or those with clogged queues in NA prime time.

Really though, in a perfect world we’d have all the servers roughly equal so we’d all rotate around and compete against each other instead of stacking tiers to ensure servers almost never move in rankings and have to fight the same opponents every week. I guess having 5 or 6 solid servers is better than having 3 or 4, but WvW still seems rather imbalanced.

By the looks of it Sea of Sorrows has enough.

Obviously, Dragonbrand lost a large chunk of their regular WvW population to SoS recently, and SoS picked up some people from elsewhere as well.

Some SoS members are still recruiting (some still trying rather hard to poach the last couple visible WvW guilds Dragonbrand has left, even) to get everything all sealed up as a 24/7 server for fighting T2 matches later.

I can’t answer what Dragonbrand needs right now though (although I would probably say “Everyone, come!”) since it hasn’t had a real WvW since the mass exodus to feel out who is left on the server. Getting paired against SoS and the guilds that just hopped servers left a lot of people to skip WvW this week, or GW2 in general. It could take a week or two before DB realizes who is left and what time zones are solid or not.

Somehow, despite losing so many people, DB is still a highly populated server, too. Maybe those “it is the unofficial PvE server” comments are dead on, and in that case I’m not sure what the remedy is.

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Busko.7408


Desolation invites people from NA and Asia/Austraila

Im a Kitty Cat rawr
what what what….

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


I vouch for Gandara. We could always use the extra night force. And yea as Quw said we do have a few idiots on there as every server probably has. We have gotten our stuff together lately and a few Americans would be another awesome addition to our server

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Tine Sionnach.8629

Tine Sionnach.8629

Dragonbrand needs more wvw players in general but mainly from 2am est- 8am est. could also use more from noon-4 est.

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Scuzzy.2713


Searfer’s Rest – would benifit alot from some Americans/EST players.

Alot of background has been posted by a guy above with links to server community and history etc.

To keep it short – up until T2 where we find ourselves this week we have always been able to pull back deficits from overnight during primetime and win matches. This week we have been matched with opponents that are as good in prime time (or in cases better – MoS – best guild I have seen to date). The view is slightly subjective as the Arborstone guys have mostly had 3 orbs 24/7 , and have not really seen a fight on equal footing (however they will still be very good).

Seafarer’s is one of the lowest population EU servers, but managed to fight up to 6th spot beating many of the more popular servers along the way with good team spirit , tactical awareness and communication.

Our night-time presence (apart from weekends) is a close to zero as you get.

If any NA guild is considering moving accross to EU this server would be greatfull – to be realistic it would likely require more than one as to get #1 spot we are going to need around 200 players to compete, as its not feasible to make up massive losses in primetime (EU) in the top 2 tiers.

The server has recently had an influx of another alliance from EU timezones so is strong during this time, and any NA efforts would not be wasted. Also in case this may be a consideration all map chat is 100% english so there would be no languagre barrier.

I hope the above is a decent overview of our server

I know that guilds from any outside time zone are much in demand, but if you want to take a look at the server drop by the forums and ask questions etc and try out for a night or 2 (suggest weekends when we are forefitting sleep!!!).

Ultimately think the game is going to drop down to 6-9 servers per region that are competitive in WWW and the rest being PVE based, so as players we may as well speed this process up and get the transfers over and done with so we have balanced fights in the top 2-3 tiers and get the 24/7 coverage for those that want to WWW.

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Lyan.6804


Gandara loses ground at european night time, this is the main problem of our server, servers cap everything at night while most of us are sleeping, in the day time we fight back get our stuff together again but to lose it again at night. In my guild we have a few night crew but only like 7 ppl stay at night.
We could use extra help because Gandara is actually a good server at day time.

Gandara Commander [SN]
Ly Ann at ur service

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: Askil.8301


Whiteside Ridge; we’re back with our “old” friends from Dzagonur and Drakkar, where we can actually take alot of the maps during EU prime time. But come night time/working hours, Drakkar steam rolls the entire map.

It’s almost the same against any server we’ve been up against the past 3-4 weeks.

What server needs Americans/EST people?

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


Isle of Janthir needs EU and Asian guilds for WvWvW fun if you’re up for the challenge, Check out the Island who loves to fight
