Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate
Would like to thank everyone suggesting loj, teir two is a very fun bracket and all we need is a strong na/ eu guilds to really make a run at blackgate
Desolation (EU) tier 2 server would love to have you ! Please go to, we are the core WvW guild on the server and would love to chat.
As mentioned just a bit earlier.
If you want competitive, no ques, then you should look into tier 1~2
Here in tier 2 the battles are competitive all the time.
I’d suggest picking either Blackgate or IoJ if you come to tier 2 as SoR isn’t lacking NA presence.
Blackgate will cover your butt when you sleep, but needs help during NA time.
IoJ just needs more presence overall.
As for W3 oriented guilds, all tier 1~2 servers have some very coordinated guilds that are W3 focused and you can’t go wrong with joining either of the servers and get to cooperate with them.
I would have to recommend Tarnished Coast or Sanctum of Rall.
Ioj is the server that would most benefit from your expertise. We are weak in n/a primetime, and your guild would make a difference that would be appriciated, and honored.
If you want competitive, no ques, then you should look into tier 1-2. I would suggest you got to Seafarer’s Rest server leading tier 2. If you want competitive, no ques. Best organisation, community ts.
(edited by Imacop.6409)
We are currently T8 due to being such a small newer released server.
We are going to hit T7 soon, and would def need the help.
Great community full of WvW guilds.
Dont let the fact its T8 turn you away. Its a very competitive tier. Our matches against DR and Fergs have been a very close amazing matchup for almsot a month and a half now.
Currently Dr is going to hit Tier7 before we do, and they do not need the extra population. Kaineng will hit Tier7 as the odd man out in that tier, and an extra guild focused to WvW during primetime would be awesome.
right now we can field a force in our own BL to keep it locked down and defended. And defended it is and has been the entire week with a specific plan and organized defence. We also are able to push out with a force into 1 other map with about 30 of us. Another guild like yours would allow us to extend our reach.
We have a great community, zero drama on the server between any of our guilds. We all work well together and get along. Heck we even get along with our adversaries on the other servers.
We desire to have a fun competitive time in tier7, your guild would make that happen for all 3 server in that tier.
Crystal Desert got kicked out of T3 and they won’t be making their way back in. You should transfer to one of the other T4 servers that aren’t them if you are looking for that tier because CD needs to be losing population, not gaining it. Blackgate, Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Kaineng, Ferguson’s Crossing all seem like good choices for your guild.
Wow, so much hate without any valid reason. We got kicked out because we never (yeah..NEVER) get any reinforcement from other world. Whatever have we done to you again? and which world are you from?
There is a valid reason: CD isn’t T3 material and they heavily outnumber the other T4 servers. I’m playing on Ferguson’s Crossing right now, but I don’t see how that’s relevant.
Like i said before, we were T3 material before TC,YB or even SOR/SOS got teh reinforcement while we never received any. We know our weakness very well, our NA is just isnt strong enough, while our oceanic can compete well in T3 hence we need more support in that regards.
Maguuma fits what you’re looking for pretty well, at least in my opinion. I found it more fun to wvw on than other large servers. Anyways, hope you find some place that works for your guild.
Would be so awesome having you on Gunnar’s Hold (EU).
We are highly outnumbered each bracket – we had a lot of guilds leaving since we were no. 6 EU(tier 2) – and until recently are in the right bracket according to players playing.
As we’ve been highly outnumbered in almost each bracket we’ve managed to unite the server and stand and fight against zergs with 10 or 15 of us.
Come to Gunnar’s Hold and make a difference – or hop on voice comms and chat with us, and you will see how organised we are, we just lack numbers, and NA guilds.
Aurora Glade would rly like to get more players in our ranks Atm. we are stuck between two tiers, one tier which we outmann people, and the other we get completly outmanned. We do have a lot of good WvW orientated guilds up an running and good commanders aswell. There is communication between the guilds, and the players on the server. Not just by /tells but also by comms like Mumble, where the server have a Mumble channel set up for us. We even have our own community website. If you want to see some stuff that we have done in WvW, you can search on Youtube for gw2 Unity, that’s the guild I’m in at least
cheers for reading
Wow, I would like to just extend a thank you to all the non IoJ people that gave praise to the server. It is always a great thing to have that much respect from people of other servers, even those we are playing against / have played against. And good luck snowman to whichever server you do move to.
Only Piken Square. Only RolePlay Hardcore
I’m surprised no one has mentioned Jade Quarry. We are a competitive, though friendly, long-standing tier 1 server with a fantastic and dedicated WvWvW community that has earned the respect of our peers and rivals.
Currently, though, Jade Quarry is in a precarious state: not yet T2 material but lacking the man power to make a push for 1st or even 2nd. Our numbers are so few that we often only have the man power for one map, if that, during NA primetime, and it is not uncommon to see outmanned buffs in Jade Quarry’s borderlands at certain points during the day. It goes without saying that you will not experience queues on JQ, with the exception of the occasional five minute Friday queue.
If you want to see your guild have an immediate impact as well as join an awesome WvW community, please consider JQ. You will receive an enthusiastic welcome, I assure you.
(edited by Minoru.1237)
It really depends on what would suit the emmigrating guild. If you want a quick win, then go to a high tier server.
If your guys want a challenge then look further down where a server has a gap in what they deliver in terms of 24/7 play. Long term you’ll also be able to take more credit in that server’s success, instead of perhaps being seen as a Johnny-come-lately on an already prospering server.
We’ve had a smaller US guild recently join us on Gunnar’s Hold, they seem to be having a good time. Actually, there was Yank whoopage last night on voice comms so I think we’re doing it right (Bluevale, around I think 10pm UK time, we’re holding it and enemy building siege outside. We timed an assault on their rear at the same time as we pushed out from Vale onto them. It was a massacre).
So yeh, based on the original post GH may suit if thats what you’re after
Aurora Glade.
We are middle bottom of the table but, like the Cylons, we have a plan…
And it all starts with a community –
We are bringing together all our fractured guilds, for cooperation. We have skilled leaders, field commanders and brave fighters. What we didnt have was a joint plan. We do now, or rather we are working on one, every day.
We have non EU guilds fighting for us now, your presence would reinforce these guys and give Aurora Glade a 24hr fighting force.
The rest of the servers, have spirit, and their own dedicated players, we salute and respect that, but they are not the Glade, and Aurorians are set to rise.
If you are looking for a proactive server, set on rising up the charts through skill and dedicated teamwork. Look no further than Aurora Glade. But no need to take my word for it, is free to sign up. Have a look on there and you will see, that you can make a real difference, and earn the respect you deserve for your efforts.
Gunnar’s Hold has formed a very fun and strong community through the recent months. We lost a number of guilds early on which forced us to really band together and get things working. Hard times forge hard people, and we’ve very much learnt to stand, fight and play smart against more numerous opponents. We’re not elitists; you find a certain breed of people willing to hold to the last and fight their way back up.
You can check out the community for yourself on We have a huge community Mumble server based off this site and run a weekly WvW mumble meeting, which is open to everyone on the server. We don’t do exclusion, and believe a 3-man guild can make as important an impact through the right calls as those in a 1000-man guild. We like everyone to really feel a part of something big, not just the big guilds.
We have a great laugh exactly as we are, our primetime is hugely successful, but increasing numbers would really allow us to shine.
If you want to see what Gunnars Hold have on offer for a multiple guild community budding, check this post too. We like to enjoy ourselves, and the cooperation is great.
HI, I am a guild leader on IOJ for NA primetime. As soon as I logged on this morning I had mail and whispers talking about this thread. This is how hungry our community is for players like yourself. How much value we think you would add. We are a tier 2 server, and are fighting tooth and nail to maintain.
We have been trying really hard to reorganize the server and have made great strides. Our server has really stepped it up over the last 2 weeks. This week we kept the score within 10 until Wednesday night.
We are in great need of more NA WvW players. When it comes to fighting. We never run, we can take on numbers 2-3x ours and fight both servers at the same time. We are always outnumbered but we are never outskilled. We really would love to share our home with you!
If you want an opportunity to play with skilled and fun pvpers while making a difference in WvW, IOJ is definitely the place to do it. I have never seen a time where the pvp is not competitive. I think you will not regret your choice!
Hope you pay us a visit, on behalf of the server we all are looking forward to hearing from you!
I’m going to vote for…. Gandara!
On Gandara we’re a strange mixed of play for fun and focused guild. We work together with the occasional spat and whilst we love tactical play there are times when a Zerg needs to be taught a lesson with a Gandaran kitten slap
Gandara isn’t just about winning, it’s about creating a valuable and welcoming WvW community. This week I’ve seen just how hard our night service works despite their numbers and it would be amazing to add to their numbers so that we can start moving up the ranks. We float around the mid section of the rankings because the higher we go, we just can’t compete with the night service of other servers.
With you on our side, we can indeed compete and after a couple of weeks if you don’t fall in love with us, you can always try one of the other suggestions
If you do change your mind on the EU servers (btw, other EU people: he said it was not an option), I’d advise against lower tier servers.
This is not an advertisement for Blacktide, we’re fine.
Thing is, coverage is only really relevant in the higher tiers in EU, joining a tier which doesnt have timezone issues….. well, it’s doubtful they’d do well in the higher tiers if they can’t even get out of the area where coverage isn’t really an issue
(edited by Genev.2450)
I think the primary problem with a lot of these threads are that, after explaining that if a guild moves to a winning server, they’re just creating more of a landslide than what was already present. Such as a week back some guild wanted to move to a server that had a challenge and servers with failing WvW numbers all said hey we’re pretty good but we could use more numbers. Said guild went to a faceroll server and created even more of a faceroll.
If you want a challenge and want to know that you can make a difference, I’d choose any of the “losing badly” servers which can be seen here:
Also from that chart you can see which servers are obviously the most competitive by their close weekly numbers. HoD and ET are going to plummet into T8 at the rate that they’re not getting numbers for their weekly matchups. The current T8 servers have fierce competition on all the servers though DR will be moving up in the next month regardless if they throw another match or not because of ET and HoD coming down. The t7 matchups are changing this next matchup and will again change in the next two weeks where Anvil Rock will be suffering from a lack of population in WvW problem when bumped up into T6.
Ultimately, it’s your choice and how well your guild can handle demoralizing servers that don’t “have it together”. If you think you can deal with a challenge, go to any of the losing servers. If you can’t, then find another faceroll server like the last several movers did.
If you guys are looking to fight in Tier 1 I would suggest Stormbluff Isles. As it is right now NA Primetime is the weakest time for the server. Please check out the community website, and see if the server would be right for you. If you are looking for heavy competition than Tier 1 with SBI is where you want to be.
There has not been a queue even on the weekend on most maps even EB at times.
Yaks Bend would love to have you. We are in a highly competitive Tier where we are the underdogs and are especially light in comparison to peers at the key NA primetime.
Good luck with whatever you guys choose
Another here from Sea of Sorrows recommending Isle of Janthir. They’re a good group of kids who need a bump in NA coverage to stay competitive during the NA primetime.
Of course Sea of Sorrows welcomes all cool people as well.
Without being a kitten, please don’t come to the EU. It just doesn’t work. You’ll be laughed at, victimised and trolled as a PvDoor guild.
The closest you’ll get to competition is facing off against the remains of the frankly woeful [RUIN].
NA tier 3 is very competitive at the moment, and while both Yak´s Bend and Fort Aspenwood could use the reinforcements I suggest you come to FA as YB are yaks and well.. yaks smell funny.
Yak’s Bend. Great community. Great leadership. We also have a 1000 slot alliance mumble server.
We could use some more NA help on Blackgate. We have a very friendly community that never gives up and have a bunch of big guilds that communicate with each other on a mumble and website. We’re always looking for NA guilds as our Europeans and Oceanics are looking for us to step up, we just don’t have the numbers.
We’re always competitive and our guilds are always willing to help out with siege costs and upgrade costs as well as willing to place siege on the map. We’re a strong community looking to get stronger and retake our place in T1.
It also depends on what kind of server you’re looking for. We’re primarily WvW, and some of our guilds spend hours everyday in WvW trying to compete. In fact the other day we scheduled an all server attack, in which we made a 20k deficit into a 10k lead.
I’m going to recommend CD and here is why:
As WvW goes everybody is aware that you need coverage across all time zones. Right now CD has great oceanic presence which means we can be kept competitive in any bracket during that time.
CD prime time participation is lesser than that of tier 3 servers though and with just a little bit of a push we can match up against anybody.
You will not have queues or long queues for any map. During Friday Reset, EB BL does have a queue, otherwise you can get into any other BL fairly easy.
So to reiterate, competitive server, low or no queues, decent guilds to work with, former T2 server that has fought the best and didn’t get embarrassed. And we’re try-hards.
There is a valid reason: CD isn’t T3 material and they heavily outnumber the other T4 servers. I’m playing on Ferguson’s Crossing right now, but I don’t see how that’s relevant.
What constitutes T3 material? Head to head CD has beaten 2 of the 3 servers in there right now. Granted one was prior to the CD alliance dissolving. We beat YB as recently as a month ago and only lost to them due to making a strategic mistake. We attacked TC thinking they are top dog in t3 and YB took advantage of our positions. We won’t make that mistake again.
And as far as I know, of the four servers we’ve been in the highest bracket.
In any case, I don’t want to get in an argument of what server is better, but I would appreciate facts behind the statements you made. I think CD is a great place that lacks NA players to really push for T2. We are T3 material as is. That’s my opinion and I hope people enjoy a different perspective.
Good luck to the OP regardless where he goes.
[RUIN] v.2.0?
no thx.
SSnowman-Tier that is competitive and doesn’t have crazy queues(don’t think queues exist anymore!)
-Guilds on the server that are WvW focused like us
-A good fun community without super elitist guilds that think they own the server.
-People on the server stand their ground more than they run. Fighting spirit!
Greetings, SSnowman.
I invite you to check out Aurora Glade. I believe you will find we have what you are looking for:
-Tier that is competitive and doesn’t have crazy queues(don’t think queues exist anymore!)
We currently move between Tier 7 and Tier 6 with each new match. We dominate in the former, but tend to lose in the latter (but not by much). Primarily because we lack a 24-hour WvWvW presence at the moment. Your 40 players would tip the balance in favor of winning in Tier 6.
As US players on an EU server, your queue times will be almost non-existent. I’m one of the few US players on the server and I only ever queue on weekends; even then, it’s never been more than 15 minutes.
-Guilds on the server that are WvW focused like us
Two of our larger WvWvW guilds are UNITY and FURY. There are several other smaller guilds with a WvWvW focus as well.
-A good fun community without super elitist guilds that think they own the server.
The Aurora Glade community is far from being elitist. It is a fun and respectful community.
-People on the server stand their ground more than they run. Fighting spirit!
Aurora Glade’s WvWvW community most definitely has fighting spirit. We had many fair-weather guilds and players which have since left the server following a string of early defeats (due to the lack of 24 hour coverage mentioned earlier). The remaining WvWvW-ers are the ones who have persevered and are dedicated to the server, frequently fighting while outmanned. We stand our ground, frown upon those who exploit and use ALT-F4 to avoid defeat, and know how to make the best use of our fewer numbers.
Our early defeats have only made us stronger. We are now mobilizing, greatly improving our communication, coordination, and cooperation. We now have a 100-user Mumble server solely for WvWvW use and have begun to better organize our command structure. We have started to hold weekly WvWvW training sessions for those new to WvWvW (completely voluntary, of course; this isn’t boot camp). All the while keeping it fun and friendly.
Aurora Glade is on the move and we invite you to check out the server to see if it fits your needs. As mentioned, I, too, am a US player. As I will be logged in at the same time as your guild, feel free to whisper me or send an in-game mail with any questions you may have about our community.
Thank you for your consideration.
(edited by Kraag Deadsoul.2789)
Sounds like you have a good group, I’d love to fight against you sometime!
Tier 3 has Tarnished Coast and Yaks Bend that are great servers to fight against. They constantly have Fort Aspenwood surrounded, the poor kittens.
Don’t come to Fort Aspenwood though, unless you think you can handle the thunder.
If you decide to join T2, BG and IoJ are both in need of more NA players. BG has the possibility to bounce between T1 and T2 so matches may not get as stale. If your looking to just even out a Tier IoJ is in far more need of a NA guild than SoR or BG.
Heck maybe help push a T3 server into rotating with a T2 server for more variety. really depends on what your looking for.
If you are looking for a server with fighting spirit, that’s us! Yak’s Bend has definitely had more coverage issues than FA or TC, but has not dampened our motivation to fight and defend every bit of land we own (FA/TC can attest to this =P ) Also we have a great community website and a server Mumble.
(edited by Kronyx.2570)
T2 NA Blackgate has pretty large holes in NA prime time coverage that means virtually no Qs on any map. if there is its like 5 mins. Im not saying that there arent other servers that may not need you but Blackgate offers the following:
1: Blackgate Alliance consisting of I think over 30 guilds ATM. some big some small
2: 1000 person Blackgate Mumble for you and your troops to coordinate
3. Very comprehensive map coverage for oceanic and EU times, which means what you guys can take in NA prime we can hold when your off.
4. Super fun community where all players in WVW are encouraged to have fun and make points,, whether its a 5 man camp team or a 50 man zerg for SM.
5 Server leadership that is top notch and will help in whatever way possible.
6. Top T2 placement and could potentially be T1 with in weeks with the right coverage.
7. And this is a biggie…. pugs or smaller groups that will follow direction in maps and help out a lot.They never cease to amaze me, our pugs are a HUGE part of our backbone in BG.
So in all thats what BG offers, again not to say that other server may not need you, thats just me makin my If you do make it to Blackgate make sure to contact an officer in the large PVP guilds so you can be brought up to speed right away. They are Urge,LOTD,EA,FA,HB,KnT, and yes……Icoa. hopefully one of them sees this post. Regardless good luck to you guys wherever you may land. If not BG i will make a case for IOJ, they are in our bracket now and do really need better coverage for NA primetime. However I am not oficially sponsoring going there because they are as of right now little red names on a map preventing us from ruling the world! JK great fights this week IOJ and SOR.
From my month of experience on Maguuma it seems very wvw focused and still has enough players to do other things. Competitive but still out to have fun and enjoy the game. My guild has really enjoyed it so far and could not imagine being anywhere else now.
I am surprised some people from some EU servers have said US players are unwelcome!
As I posted before KISS will more than welcome you to Gunnar’s Hold, our peak WvW is 8pm-3am GMT, which is 3pm-10pm EST though some stay on longer.
GH may be in 20th position atm, but KISS have received invitations from a few top tier servers, which we have refused. So if you are willing to put in some hard work and have some fun, let us know.
As mentioned just a bit earlier.
If you want competitive, no ques, then you should look into tier 1~2Here in tier 2 the battles are competitive all the time.
I’d suggest picking either Blackgate or IoJ if you come to tier 2 as SoR isn’t lacking NA presence.Blackgate will cover your butt when you sleep, but needs help during NA time.
IoJ just needs more presence overall.As for W3 oriented guilds, all tier 1~2 servers have some very coordinated guilds that are W3 focused and you can’t go wrong with joining either of the servers and get to cooperate with them.
This pretty much sums up tier 2:
Blackgate: needs more NA coverage, has best oceanic and eu coverage in tier 2
SOR: needs more oceanic and EU coverage, has best NA coverage
IOJ: trys hard, but needs more NA, EU, and oceanic at this point to be competitive
So in summary: either blackgate or IOJ if tier 2 is where you want to be. How to choose between them? send a few transfers to each for a few days to a week and see what its like.
Saw this tonight because I don’t bother forums much. Whoever recommended to try a bunch of servers is wise. With 40 guys you can send 10 people to four different servers for a week and try them out.
My recommendation is to go to two of the three Tier 2 Servers (IoJ and BG have been mentioned a lot) and the top rank Tier 3 / bottom rank Tier 1.
That will give you a good idea what’s out there and you can all transfer to something else a week later. If you end up in Blackgate feel free to jump into the Lords of the Dead TS server or the public Mumble server because that’s the best way to get to know our server.
some servers I consider fun from that I read at the forums.
If I ever get more fed up with Drakkar Lake than I already am, I’m prolly gonna switch to the US cause tagged servers are the bane of EU matchmaking.
So the servers:
Yak’s Bend(unmatched fighting spirit)
Borlis Pass(seem to be a bunch of nice guys)
Northern Shiverpeaks(seem to be ok)
Please consider Blackgate.
Advantage of being in Blackgate
-Tier2 (Competitive to T1) Standard
-No queue at all for NA (We really lacking on NA/Oceanic coverage)
-Very Strong EU Coverage (See HB video in youtube)
-Organized, Hard fighters WvWer Im sure u wont disappoint by our commanders
-Central TS/Vent ready for action
-Strong PvE Server
-Friendly and nice WvW council that weight everyone’s opinion, we treat everyone like our friends no ranking or chain of command drama
Blackgate lacking oceanic coverage? Your very strong like us (IOJ) right now with both have around 40% each just saying you would enjoy your time on IOJ more though
SFR is where u wanna go, we crush em all in prime time.
Just need more people for outside EU prime time.
Definitely Isle of Janthir! We need more NA players!
Isle of Janthir has an amazing community, and everyone that plays WvW strives to play their best. We do have a very strong Oceanic coverage, able to rival Blackgate, There are many days where we actually are able to lead in potential points, even if it is for a small time slot.
T2 at the moment is amazing, the fights between all three servers is a blast! SoR is amazing to fight against, and so is Blackgate, SoR performs great with lesser numbers during the Oceanic period, and they are so strong during NA time. You would have great fun trying to vs them, I have no doubt.
Isle of Janthir also has;
- A Community Website
- A 1000ppl TeamSpeak 3 server, which is being used a lot more frequently now.
- Several commanders that you can have a real fun time with
- Strong PvE action aswell, I doubt you will struggle at all to find Fotm runs!
Please consider IoJ, We would become a lot stronger with your support
Please, do not come to Piken Square EU. This would cause us to rank up and become magnet of easymoders and bandwagoners. We already have queues during our primetime as it is.
lol, yeah for Piken Square, 95 posts saying come here, 1 post saying don’t come here from a Med pop server, always breaking the trends o/
Guild has about 40-50 players on at night that are willing to hop out to WvW. Haven’t fully agreed on transferring yet, but hypothetically this is what we’re looking for.
-Tier that is competitive and doesn’t have crazy queues(don’t think queues exist anymore!)
-Guilds on the server that are WvW focused like us
-A good fun community without super elitist guilds that think they own the server.
-People on the server stand their ground more than they run. Fighting spirit!We’re organized with good leadership and know how to WvW. We also have relaxed personalities and out there to have fun while playing competitively. We’re good at splitting up or sticking together depending on what the situation on the map calls for. We’re also not looking to transfer into an already super competitive matchup to turn it into a landslide if there were 40 more coordinated people in US Prime-time. So ideally I suppose it would be the bottom server in one of the middle tier matchups. I hope that made some sense.
Our main playtime is 8pm-12am EST. If you guys think your server would fit with us, let me know and we’ll scout it up!
Hey mate,
We from Desolation are looking for more good guilds while we building our community. Our ques are around 1-2mins sometimes max 10mins if your a NA guild then you have no que at all…..any help would be appriciated.
I wish you good luck in your search for a good server and i hope it will be Desolation hehe.
(edited by Dalure.4691)
Please, do not come to Piken Square EU. This would cause us to rank up and become magnet of easymoders and bandwagoners. We already have queues during our primetime as it is.
lol, yeah for Piken Square, 95 posts saying come here, 1 post saying don’t come here from a Med pop server, always breaking the trends o/
Hey there:)
I heard some good things about your guild BOON. If you every consider a transfer think of Desolation, always nice to have good guilds fighting together.
I am Felerina Dalure from Forsakengamers(FG) just /pm me if your intrested.
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