Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: SSnowman.3187


Guild has about 40-50 players on at night that are willing to hop out to WvW. Haven’t fully agreed on transferring yet, but hypothetically this is what we’re looking for.

-Tier that is competitive and doesn’t have crazy queues(don’t think queues exist anymore!)
-Guilds on the server that are WvW focused like us
-A good fun community without super elitist guilds that think they own the server.
-People on the server stand their ground more than they run. Fighting spirit!
-EU server is not an option, sorry

We’re organized with good leadership and know how to WvW. We also have relaxed personalities and out there to have fun while playing competitively. We’re good at splitting up or sticking together depending on what the situation on the map calls for. We’re also not looking to transfer into an already super competitive matchup to turn it into a landslide if there were 40 more coordinated people in US Prime-time. So ideally I suppose it would be the bottom server in one of the middle tier matchups. I hope that made some sense.

Our main playtime is 8pm-12am EST. If you guys think your server would fit with us, let me know and we’ll scout it up!

EDIT – my post on page 3

I am currently scouting out Yak’s Bend. This decision will not be made quickly as we don’t want to make multiple moves. It’s hard enough coordinating one move with more than 20 people at once.

I apologize about not responding to PM’s. I’ve been reading them, but I’ve been getting 10 new PM’s a day and don’t have time to reply to all of the PM’s sorry!

(edited by SSnowman.3187)

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Nidhogg.2950


You might enjoy the community and spirit of Gunnars Hold, we have good fighters but no elitists.

We are frequently outnumbered and as such have learned to fight the odds, to communicate and cooperate. We have some people in your time zone but I have to admit that is one of our weaker periods.

You are welcome to join our server comms if you want and listen in for yourself.

Guildleader of Vitas, Gunnars Hold

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


Northern Shiverpeaks currently has no queues (well, I haven’t had a queue in EB for a couple weeks) and is currently in one of the most competitive play brackets. The current matchup should be the same next week and at the moment third place is only 14k points behind first. We’re currently 14th out of the 24 NA servers.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Convenant.7092


Maguuma I’ve been there with my guild for a week and it’s been so great so far. Excellent server, completely WvW oriented.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


Crystal Desert certainly could use your force.

We have strong asia/oceanic WvW primetime (6pm-2am) coverage, but we need more for the NA primetime.

I believe no queue during NA primetime.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

(edited by azizul.8469)

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


if i were a leader of a strong wvw guild, i’d join one of the servers in T8. if you join any of the T4-6 servers, all that will do is make that server win, get bumped up a tier, then lose horribly in the next tier.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


maguuma is good, been here for about a week as well and they have really awesome people here, first day i came here, i was invited to their server mumble and it was a blast, and also Kaineg would be good, but kaineg is preferable trying to fill their time coverages of 8am-4pm, they have great primetime fights of 6pm-midnight pst, they wouldn’t mind if you joined, but it wouldn’t solve the future problems theyre having.

Will you help me move?

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


if i were a leader of a strong wvw guild, i’d join one of the servers in T8. if you join any of the T4-6 servers, all that will do is make that server win, get bumped up a tier, then lose horribly in the next tier.

That seems to actually make less sense doesn’t it? I’m not saying to not join a t8 server, just saying that it seems contradicting that you believe that a strong guild of 40players, will make an impact on a t3/t4 server but none on a t8 server.

Will you help me move?

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Jacklo.4230


Perhaps you’d also consider Gandara?

An EU server currently number 17 here: http://mos.millenium.org/matchups

We seem to be dominating right now, mainly due to off-peak players holding things together and some smart play in the Borderlands at peak times.
In many previous matchups, we have seen the opposite and our off-peak players just aren’t enough.

We’d like to progress up the ranks, but the higher ranks do have more off-peak players which has been our downfall.

I believe a good guild of US players could make a huge difference as we progress through the rankings.

We’re also invariably a ‘no-nonsense’ server and we play fair with a disdain towards exploiters.

We have shortish WvW queue’s at peak times, but at your hours queues would be minimal at worst.

Check us out and good luck wherever you decide upon.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Aratoa.7398


HoD’s Guilds and HoD in general as a server have really started to solidify and recover from our downward slide. We are currently sitting in the T6 and have begun organizing a lot better now, having finally recovered from the mass exodus earlier. I think you’ll see us looking far stronger in the upcoming weeks (moreso if you decide to join us). We have a pretty decent morning crew but our prime time WvW could use a boost to help us compete. We have little to no queues currently and best of all, a pretty laid back ground of folks who have had to learn through adversity how to fight against the odds.


(edited by Aratoa.7398)

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


Sanctum of Rall has a great reputation of never giving up no matter what. That is our motto and we live by it. We are currently trying to make a push towards tier one but are locked into tier 2 at the moment with much stagnation at the five spot (we have been at the 5 spot for a few weeks now). We really need oceanic/european guilds but our NA presence is very strong and we could use some more people as always. Queue times are very low if any, but almost all servers even in tier one don’t have queues anymore. Check us out if you like.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


Fort Aspenwood is looking for guilds/players across all time zones to compete with the first place server (Tarnished Coast) in tier 3. We have a great base of guilds who will help out with anything they can to make your transition smooth. We have a community website just getting started for better guild to guild communication as well.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ekove.4586


Yaks Bend could have great use of a guild like yours. We are in Tier 3 which currently is very evenly matched.

.We have many WvW dedicated guilds such as mine. And our alliance/server also has a 1000 slot mumble if you don’t already have means to voice chat yourself, or you would just like to organize with other guilds/pugs.
.Even for a tier 3 server we rarely have queue times, and if we do it’s either in our Borderlands/EB on resetday…that’s it.
.We are known for being a server that never gives up, fighting with us or against us never gets dull.
.We have moved up from rank 16 to rank 8 as a server in about 5 weeks without any significant transfers, and that should say a lot about how much our players and guilds have adapted and improved while facing difficult opponents every week. We have won every match until we hit tier 3.
.Our Servers Primetime starts towards the end of yours, so you will be filling a gap that could use a few more players.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Yaks Bend is the server for you. We need players in your time zone, we have several WvW focussed guilds, pugs who are willing to listen and learn, and have a never say die attitude. The queue times are minimal.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: onelyte.8725


Yaks is a good server with a nice community. i would say come to Blackgate but we are in a very tight fight with SoR and Ioj.

The beast wants you!

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

KISS in Gunnar’s Hold would welcome you, already got a few US players who’d love to see more americans in the guild.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Bash.7291


Isle of Janthir could use some more NA coverage as well. We are a strong oceanic server but lack an EU/NA primetime. There are a few NA guilds on the server but we are lacking compared to most of the other T2 teams. With some more numbers we could make a good solid push on the rankings as we are still keeping up despite our lack of those 2 timezones. Also there is almost never a queue for borderlands around that time frame other than reset night. And at most only one borderland has a queue outside of reset nights.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Paljas.2581


Yaks Bend could have great use of a guild like yours. We are in Tier 3 which currently is very evenly matched.

.We have many WvW dedicated guilds such as mine. And our alliance/server also has a 1000 slot mumble if you don’t already have means to voice chat yourself, or you would just like to organize with other guilds/pugs.
.Even for a tier 3 server we rarely have queue times, and if we do it’s either in our Borderlands/EB on resetday…that’s it.
.We are known for being a server that never gives up, fighting with us or against us never gets dull.
.We have moved up from rank 16 to rank 8 as a server in about 5 weeks without any significant transfers, and that should say a lot about how much our players and guilds have adapted and improved while facing difficult opponents every week. We have won every match until we hit tier 3.
.Our Servers Primetime starts towards the end of yours, so you will be filling a gap that could use a few more players.

I’m on Sanctum of Rall, but I’d pick this! Nicely advertised. Short, to the point, achievements, no bs.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


I’m from Tarnished Coast, and I recommend Yak’s Bend. While obviously I would love for you guys to join us because we kick kitties, Yak’s seems to have the lowest average population in what is currently an extremely competitive tier. I obviously have to put in something for my own server though, so I’ll just say TC fulfills all your requirements as well. Anyone who plays here or transfers knows it’s just a great place to be.

I’ll also look at tiers 4 and 5, tier 4 could use some help balancing out crystal desert (or you could go to crystal desert and try to push tier 3) and tier 5 looks fun in general.

(edited by ykyk.2740)

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: onelyte.8725


Isle of Janthir could use some more NA coverage as well. We are a strong oceanic server but lack an EU/NA primetime. There are a few NA guilds on the server but we are lacking compared to most of the other T2 teams. With some more numbers we could make a good solid push on the rankings as we are still keeping up despite our lack of those 2 timezones. Also there is almost never a queue for borderlands around that time frame other than reset night. And at most only one borderland has a queue outside of reset nights.

This^^ they could use a lil more help

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


As you can see, many servers need it. I’m going to tell you why Far Shiverpeaks need it.

During the past month or two we’ve been loosing more and more of our “hardcore” WvW population, to other servers. This is no secret.

Those who are still here are very likely here to stay, and we are here because we are not quitters we are here to fight. Currently we are restructuring our communication between commanders, we are working more towards appealing to the strong PvE community that we do have on our server, and we’re bonding together to become even stronger.

We have a night time crew, be it small, that would be morally boosted by you guys joining us. We also have a token guild for our Off Peak Hours, which is your prime time. To quickly get in touch with people at that hour.

Our website might not be as fancy as some others, but that is also currently being worked on, baby steps! Our forums has just been rebooted after clearing out a lot of people and opening up to regulars and letting guests see alittle bit more. (Might look empty right now tho) http://farshiverpeaks.com/forum

If you want to find a server to stay on, we welcome you to Far Shiverpeaks where we’re turning the tide and heading back up to higher tiers, or finding our footing and great fights right where we are. (Currently T4)

If you have any questions feel free to try and get hold of me in game, or send me a private message here on the forums.

This was written by one of our NA players earlier today:

No matter if you find a match in us or not, I wish you good luck in finding the server that is right for you!


ps. we have cookies, boobs and beer!

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: MrKnieves.4162


Crystal Desert certainly could use your force.

We have strong asia/oceanic WvW primetime (6pm-2am) coverage, but we need more for the NA primetime.

I believe no queue during NA primetime.

There is queue on CD at NA prime time but mostly for EB and CD Borderlands, cause no one cares about the other two borderlands.

Zheenn [Warrior] [Commander]| Alondra Del Mar [Thief] | Lorean Alisk [Elemental]
Rough Trade [RTGC]
Crystal Desert

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


if i were a leader of a strong wvw guild, i’d join one of the servers in T8. if you join any of the T4-6 servers, all that will do is make that server win, get bumped up a tier, then lose horribly in the next tier.

That seems to actually make less sense doesn’t it? I’m not saying to not join a t8 server, just saying that it seems contradicting that you believe that a strong guild of 40players, will make an impact on a t3/t4 server but none on a t8 server.

because the difference between T8 and 7 isnt as much as any other tier. maybe except for T1 and 2.

so if they get a server out of T8, they’ll have a decent time in T7

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Destroyer.1306


Join a T2 server imo. Servers haven’t been moving up from T2 to T1 and it’s going to be the same matchups for both Tiers for a third consecutive week next week (in all likelihood). So I’d be in favor of tipping the balance in favor of one of them.

Stinky Garbage, Engineer. Meatbag, Guardian. Dum Dums, Elementalist.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I would like to suggest my current opponents and fellow oceanics on Isle of Janthir. They have awesome night time coverage but I reckon they would love to have some more US coverage. Great fighters and honourable opponents.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Absinth.6917


CD is currently tier 4 and we won last week and will win again this week which should move us into tier 3. Quite frankly our NA coverage is not ready but our Oceanic presence keeps us in most matches if not tipping the scales in our favor. If you truly wanted to make a difference then give Crystal Desert a look.

Also this server, for whatever reason, seems to be generally despised. Therefore we get tag teamed often. So if playing the part of the “bad guy” (we are truly a well meaning group of kind hearted souls who just enjoy killing people) is your thing then this might be the server for your guild.

Lastly, as per the queue times – as was already mentioned EB and CD BL will sometimes have queues, especially during reset, but on average they do not last more than 15 mins. Where ever you end up I wish you the best of luck.


Potential For An Esport [NONE]

Haiku FTW

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Panic.2497


Eredon Terrace – all I can say is we have an amazing community (bar a few individuals) we never back down and do our best every match up with the numbers we have.

Nayni &Befriend & Satisfy – Tactical Terror
Glass Thief & D/D Ele & Glass Mesmer – Eredon Terrace

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Semprenaviguare.2936


if you are NA guilde , please i prefer you stay on NA server !
EU serveur don t need you

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Kurthos.2354


Sea of Sorrows is currently looking for more strong NA players. We have committed to building a community oriented server, which has been the key to our success in WvW. Our NA player base is very competitive and constantly build upon our WvW strategies/meta game in biweekly meetings. We’re the top NA server and we’re planning on staying that way for a long time to come.

If you’d like to know more about our server, Email me at Weindustrynow@Gmail.com, whisper me in game, or check our our realm forums at Sea-of-sorrows.com

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: SSnowman.3187


I appreciate all the responses and personal PM’s. I’m sorry I opened the thread without making sure I covered everything. EU server isn’t really an option for us, sorry to some of you! I like what I’ve seen on the forums about Yak’s Bend so I’m going to personally check it out this week and get a feel for it.

Again, thanks for the responses. Willing to listen to more in case we don’t pick Yak’s in the end, so feel free to advertise your server if you haven’t already!

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Stenia.9623


Stormbluff Isle

“Jade Quarry overstacked in TKG timezone”

Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Yak’s bend. No question.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: pseudosapien.4076


Lol. Every server is going to extend an invitation. If your guild is truly looking for a home where you will be most comfortable, then split your transfers among a few servers to try them out and get a feel for them. While you will not have your full guild on any server for a week, you can get a preview of many servers and hopefully choose one that is best for your guild.

Good Hunting!!

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


I’m kind of iffy about replying to any thread like this, ‘cause it kinda seems a bit like I’m pandering for WvW members to me, but I do have to give a shout out to Dragonbrand just because I enjoy WvW so much. I joined WvW a little late in Dragonbrand’s WvW history, so I didn’t really experience the whole guild exodus or anything. I experienced being on the bottom for many matchups in a row, which probably resulted in a lot more people leaving for the winning server in the matchup. My friend that invited me to GW2 actually transferred to SoS the week after we got stomped by them.

It’s only been the past month or so that our matchups have been more even. I say that a bit loosely because we just got utterly destroyed by Ehmry Bay in our matchup with EBay and HoD a week or two ago, but we held our own against Maguuma for two weeks (we won one then we lost one, and Maguuma moved up a tier). The thing is, we have a strong Asian presence for our tier. the issue is, we definitely have a weak Euro presence and a persistent but still-a-bit-weaker-than-our-tier NA presence. We tend to recapture plenty of things during the late night EST, then capture maps overnight because we have a few Taiwan guilds that play overnight.

That being said, our NA presence is… Well, to me, hilarious. Most of our commanders aren’t overly concerned with our win, more the current fight and what’s best at the moment, and an odd amount of joking around occurs between everyone. Of course, we have our share of people that get frustrated when we lose stuff during NA prime time, but for the most part, our NA crew is lively and poke fun at each other. I very much enjoy it, even when we’re losing everything in our BL. We don’t really have any really big WvW guilds during the day. We have a few WvW focused guilds, definitely, but none of them are nearly as big as they could be. They certainly can’t make a full zerg by themselves.

The thing is, most of the regular WvW players that are still playing in DB are here to stay. I’ve been playing with the same group of players for weeks because we just enjoy what we do. Sometimes we’re completely boned, sometimes we’re on the bigger side, but we always enjoy the fight. I can’t speak for everyone, of course, but our group of regulars definitely is there for the fighting. I love it, and I’m sure they love it too. We like to win, but we’re also tenacious and light-hearted in losing, and we’re kind of bouncing around in tier 5.

Anyway, do what you and your guild feels is right, but I wouldn’t feel right not saying something about a group of players I’m so fond of.

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Murmanda.2894


I’d also recommend Eredon Terrace. As is known, our server suffered horrific setbacks from mass server transfers that decimated our population.

However, the crew that stayed behind has benefited from this – the lack of a zerg to hide amongst has taught us how to fight and fight hard.

The soldiers of ET have been forged into a rock solid outfit of grizzled WvW veterans. Our server routinely destroys our opponents in the field, we just lack the numbers to turn those victories in to map conversion.

Your Guild could make a big difference in our efforts and I’m sure that is one of the outcomes you are hoping to achieve with your transfer.

Good community, a tenacious fighting spirit and no queues, makes Eredon Terrace worth thinking about.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Oeps Rolls Necro.2594

Oeps Rolls Necro.2594

Hello, im from desolation. Euro tier 2. We have hard fights, epic commanders and we are almost outmand for 24/7.



We have some decent wvw guilds overhere. We lack numbers atm.
We are busy with recruiting.
If you can pm Offski/Wrex/Jackal or Qazael they will help you further.

We have the second place in tier 2 atm. Only because oure organization and dedication.

See you on the battlefield.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


If Crystal Desert had a strong primetime guild we’d be in awesome shape. As it stands we already have a strong night crew, and we play to win.

Good luck!

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

(edited by Raincrow.1840)

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Lightvision.9357


Guild has about 40-50 players on at night that are willing to hop out to WvW. Haven’t fully agreed on transferring yet, but hypothetically this is what we’re looking for.

-Tier that is competitive and doesn’t have crazy queues(don’t think queues exist anymore!)
-Guilds on the server that are WvW focused like us
-A good fun community without super elitist guilds that think they own the server.
-People on the server stand their ground more than they run. Fighting spirit!

We’re organized with good leadership and know how to WvW. We also have relaxed personalities and out there to have fun while playing competitively. We’re good at splitting up or sticking together depending on what the situation on the map calls for. We’re also not looking to transfer into an already super competitive matchup to turn it into a landslide if there were 40 more coordinated people in US Prime-time. So ideally I suppose it would be the bottom server in one of the middle tier matchups. I hope that made some sense.

Our main playtime is 8pm-12am EST. If you guys think your server would fit with us, let me know and we’ll scout it up!

have a read at this post https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Seafarer-s-Rest-Community/first#post714090

Seaferer’s Rest is in Tier 2 and currently has no queue’s outside prime time. the way thigns are going atm we prob win and stay in Tier 2, currently we are having some really epic fights and all 3 sides are enjoying the match up


Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Anzu.5702


Isle of Janthir could use some more NA coverage as well. We are a strong oceanic server but lack an EU/NA primetime. There are a few NA guilds on the server but we are lacking compared to most of the other T2 teams. With some more numbers we could make a good solid push on the rankings as we are still keeping up despite our lack of those 2 timezones. Also there is almost never a queue for borderlands around that time frame other than reset night. And at most only one borderland has a queue outside of reset nights.

^ Agreed. You will really enjoy your time in IOJ. The only time I have ever seen a queue is on our own BL trying to defend it. We have some great guilds and a fighting spirit. We are usually outnumbered by the other two servers (being BG and SOR atm) but still put up a very strong fight.

The NA timezone is one of our weakest and one that could use your help immensely. We are not looking to dominate the other side but just to have good fun match ups.

Hope to see you on IOJ, if not enjoy your new server

Xarvacious: Guardian | Xarvo: Engineer | Achiles Augustus: Warrior

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Ruins of Surmia:
Check this out: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/RoS-looking-for-30-people-at-3am-1PM-CET

and then

In about a week and a couple of days we will be transferring up a tier, it will be very hard, and we will need your help during the night. It will be competitive, I can assure you, your guild will also matter. You won’t be bandwagonning cause you’re transferring to a “currently” tier 8 server.

Think about it.

Oh and don’t let the current points fool you.

This is what happened before vabbi lost a lot of players and dropped to last tier:

We didn’t get any more players and we won’t be landsliding in the tier above us.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

(edited by Ilesyt.7084)

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


T2, Blackgate (where i am right now) and IOJ both are shorter on NA than SOR and have no queues for NA timeslot. I know the people on Blackgate are amazing, coordinated, and extremely friendly and welcoming. IOJ probably needs more people to be competitive in the bracket though. IOJ would absolutely stomp the next server below them but could for sure use a population bump in the tier they are in. SOR seems pretty heavy on NA and light on all the other times. i’d recommend IOJ just because a 50 person guild could really make this a tight bracket.

T3, FA and Yaks both have room but i’d strongly recommend Yak’s Bend. Yak’s has fewer players than TC or FA but the organization on that server and the people there have such a fighting spirit they hold their own all week outmanned and the numbers don’t lie, they punch well above their weight class. Go here if you want a server with a T6 population that fights so hard they can sit in T3 all they like.

T4, CD has an amazing non-NA team and almost no NA coverage. Maguuma is tough as nails and amazing at strategy and could also do to have more NA people for sure. heartily recommend Maguuma

Only other tier i’m familiar with is T8 and there i would say go to Ferguson’s Crossing without a doubt. they have a good thing going on in that tier with healthy competition and moving to any server but Devona’s would help keep that competition alive. It’s possible that ET and HOD will end up there and get smashed by Ferguson’s so they too could probably also use a bit of help. but that is just speculation.

-Desirz Matheon

(edited by fivekiller.1432)

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


T2, Blackgate (where i am right now) and IOJ both are shorter on NA than SOR and have no queues for NA timeslot. I know the people on Blackgate are amazing, coordinated, and extremely friendly and welcoming. IOJ probably needs more people to be competitive in the bracket though. IOJ would absolutely stomp the next server below them but could for sure use a population bump in the tier they are in. SOR seems pretty heavy on NA and light on all the other times. i’d recommend IOJ just because a 50 person guild could really make this a tight bracket.

T3, FA and Yaks both have room but i’d strongly recommend Yak’s Bend. Yak’s has fewer players than TC or FA but the organization on that server and the people there have such a fighting spirit they hold their own all week outmanned and the numbers don’t lie, they punch well above their weight class. Go here if you want a server with a T6 population that fights so hard they can sit in T3 all they like.

T4, CD has an amazing non-NA team and almost no NA coverage. Maguuma is tough as nails and amazing at strategy and could also do to have more NA people for sure. heartily recommend Maguuma

Only other tier i’m familiar with is T8 and there i would say go to Ferguson’s Crossing without a doubt. they have a good thing going on in that tier with healthy competition and moving to any server but Devona’s would help keep that competition alive. It’s possible that ET and HOD will end up there and get smashed by Ferguson’s so they too could probably also use a bit of help. but that is just speculation.

I’d like to just copy-paste this for any “where should I transfer” thread. This analysis is spot on and following any of the recommendations will keep the matchups healthy.

I’ve been on both Maguuma and Ferguson’s Crossing and both are great servers to play on. Go Mag if you want larger scale warfare with good tactics and strategy. Go FC if you like to roam and stomp 1vX battles in between taking objectives.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Kogan.9857


Please, do not come to Piken Square EU. This would cause us to rank up and become magnet of easymoders and bandwagoners. We already have queues during our primetime as it is.

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

I think your guild will do well in either IoJ or SoR.. of course, SoS would love to have you as well!

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Diehard.1432


Come to Crystal Desert. We have strong Oceanic presence. All we lack is the NA primetime.

Garuda X, lvl 80 human Siamoth Ranger JQ SEA

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Crystal Desert got kicked out of T3 and they won’t be making their way back in. You should transfer to one of the other T4 servers that aren’t them if you are looking for that tier because CD needs to be losing population, not gaining it. Blackgate, Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Kaineng, Ferguson’s Crossing all seem like good choices for your guild.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Diehard.1432


Crystal Desert got kicked out of T3 and they won’t be making their way back in. You should transfer to one of the other T4 servers that aren’t them if you are looking for that tier because CD needs to be losing population, not gaining it. Blackgate, Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Kaineng, Ferguson’s Crossing all seem like good choices for your guild.

Wow, so much hate without any valid reason. We got kicked out because we never (yeah..NEVER) get any reinforcement from other world. Whatever have we done to you again? and which world are you from?

Garuda X, lvl 80 human Siamoth Ranger JQ SEA

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Crystal Desert got kicked out of T3 and they won’t be making their way back in. You should transfer to one of the other T4 servers that aren’t them if you are looking for that tier because CD needs to be losing population, not gaining it. Blackgate, Maguuma, Ehmry Bay, Kaineng, Ferguson’s Crossing all seem like good choices for your guild.

Wow, so much hate without any valid reason. We got kicked out because we never (yeah..NEVER) get any reinforcement from other world. Whatever have we done to you again? and which world are you from?

There is a valid reason: CD isn’t T3 material and they heavily outnumber the other T4 servers. I’m playing on Ferguson’s Crossing right now, but I don’t see how that’s relevant.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


IOJ could use you we have a very strong oceanic presence but could use more na guilds come help us move up the ranks of 2nd teir and hopefully onto teir one in the future. If your interested in join a already established guild come join hire assassins (hire) we have 300 active wvwvw members and 5 commanders look up blackfalcon for a invite

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

Who needs 40 US Prime-time players for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

From Sea of Sorrows i would reccomend Isle of Janthir, they could really use some NA leadership presence to inspire the massive Oceanic force there, plus they seem quite laid back.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php