WvW Tank Thief to replace DPS Thief? Viable?

WvW Tank Thief to replace DPS Thief? Viable?

in WvW

Posted by: ItsChauTime.7513


Hey guys so recently i just finished an all DPS Thief build with dagger/dagger because everyone was saying it was the most viable build but i find that i get drained way to fast and the only viable skills on the dagger/dagger is 2, 5 and sometimes 4 and also the auto attack obviously. I made a build here which i have decided to go a tanky hybrid build: http://gw2buildcraft.com/calculator/thief/?7|a.1h.h2.8.1h.h17|5.1g.h2|1h.7h.1h.7h.1h.7h.1h.7h.1h.7h.1h.7h|1h.0.1h.0.1h.0.1h.0.1h.0.1h.0|0.0.u34b.k29.k37|2y.7|e

Tell me if you think is viable and think i should actually do it.

(edited by ItsChauTime.7513)

WvW Tank Thief to replace DPS Thief? Viable?

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

If you are only using 2, 5 and sometimes 4, well there’s your problem. It’s kind of weird to pass judgement on a build you don’t even know how to play, or never tried playing.

Therefore I will reserve judgement on the build you linked.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

WvW Tank Thief to replace DPS Thief? Viable?

in WvW

Posted by: ItsChauTime.7513


If you are only using 2, 5 and sometimes 4, well there’s your problem. It’s kind of weird to pass judgement on a build you don’t even know how to play, or never tried playing.

Therefore I will reserve judgement on the build you linked.

I know how to use the build, obviously I use 1 but it is an auto attack so i didn’t mention it and also just doesn’t put as much damage out as 2 say if someone is below 50%. Just my two sense

WvW Tank Thief to replace DPS Thief? Viable?

in WvW

Posted by: Xirin.8593


This should probably be in the Thief forum.

Were you combo’ing effectively? Not that the C&D->Steal->BS combo is hard to do, but I’ve seen quotes on this forum by players saying that 1) they can’t do it or 2) it can only be done by a macro (lol?)

There’s even a thread over in the Thief forum from a week or two ago where they state that positioning for BS is too hard, so they just exclusively HS spam. Which I know we have all seen in WvW

[AoN] All or Nothing

WvW Tank Thief to replace DPS Thief? Viable?

in WvW

Posted by: ItsChauTime.7513


This should probably be in the Thief forum.

Were you combo’ing effectively? Not that the C&D->Steal->BS combo is hard to do, but I’ve seen quotes on this forum by players saying that 1) they can’t do it or 2) it can only be done by a macro (lol?)

There’s even a thread over in the Thief forum from a week or two ago where they state that positioning for BS is too hard, so they just exclusively HS spam. Which I know we have all seen in WvW

Haha yea thanks for the advice, and yes HS spam does put out a lot of dmg which is why people do it but thanks for actually being helpful instead of exclusively hating like the guy above ^

WvW Tank Thief to replace DPS Thief? Viable?

in WvW

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


Like people have said this belongs in the Thief Forum.

Just to point out if you’re making the comment that on the D/D build you only use 2,5, and 4 sometimes, and left out 1 because its a autoattack, that really only leaves 3 being underused, which makes complete sense considering a class running off of initiative. Besides, on a D/D cond build, 3 is your bread and butter, so it makes sense that the BS D/D build wouldn’t use it as much.

The fastest way to spot a new/unskilled thief is by watching for HS spam. Any HS used before 50% that isn’t for the purpose of gap closing is a waste of initiative. Think of C&D 5 then Backstab 1 as your bread and butter, and then only use 2 to finish and close.

Positioning and timing are key for the BS build. get comfortable with the timing of your C&D and know when to start winding it up so you can hit as soon as you get in range. Most thieves have a certain direction they like to stealth to in order to get behind them. Experiment and find out what seems more natural to you: right strafe, left strafe, straight behind then press about face (Yes, there is a button for about face. Its very useful both as a thief and vs a thief. They wont see it coming if you suddenly turn 180 degrees immediately.)

As for the cond build on P/D, they have quite a few P/D builds that have been shown to be powerful and stand up against (If not outright beat) the usual meta of Glass BS thief if played correctly. However, being a Glass BS thief myself that has tried quite a few other builds, cond and tanky being some of them, I can tell you outright that you wont be relying on your short bow to do dmg. The crit dmg shortbow is amazing, and you will miss it. As far as tankiness, P/D will allow you to stay in the fight longer assuming you run the necessary traits to prolong stealth and use mobs to your advantage with smart C&D’s, but you are not going to feel any tankier when that shortbow is out. You will have more HP, but in WvW, you will still get shredded pretty fast unless you are facing equally small numbers.

But I’m just basing this off my own experience from my condition build, which was more based on D/D 3 spam condition before the P/D meta was fully explored.

Either way, Good luck!

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

WvW Tank Thief to replace DPS Thief? Viable?

in WvW

Posted by: UmbraVictor.9842


Hey guys so recently i just finished an all DPS Thief build with dagger/dagger because everyone was saying it was the most viable build but i find that i get drained way to fast and the only viable skills on the dagger/dagger is 2, 5 and sometimes 4 and also the auto attack obviously. I made a build here which i have decided to go a tanky hybrid build: http://gw2buildcraft.com/calculator/thief/?7|a.1h.h2.8.1h.h17|5.1g.h2|1h.7h.1h.7h.1h.7h.1h.7h.1h.7h.1h.7h|1h.0.1h.0.1h.0.1h.0.1h.0.1h.0|0.0.u34b.k29.k37|2y.7|e

Tell me if you think is viable and think i should actually do it.

This is the current build I use. It’s a hybrid build of tanky / dps.


I carry 3 daggers all knights for swapping and stacking sigil of bloodlust, 4 pistols (2x berserker and 2x knights), and 1x shortbow (berserker).

I use omnomberry ghost and sharpening stone. I swap to the +100 toughness and +70 precision food sometimes in situations that require more toughness.

Hope this helps.

(edited by UmbraVictor.9842)

WvW Tank Thief to replace DPS Thief? Viable?

in WvW

Posted by: UmbraVictor.9842


This is my updated thief build


Changes are shoulders / coat to Soldier PVT, and trinkets to Knights (except backpiece). Will be upgrading the runes of superior divinity.