WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Dware.4259


Honestly the ONLY reason i bought GW2 was for the 3 sided WvW that was billed as the next DAOC.

Im not interested in killing ai mobs, im not interested in grinding dungeons or “farming” loot/pixels forhours/days/months..

I just want to WvW.

Is there any fixes/work coming to WvW at all?


WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Derk.3189


They got rid of Orbs, if that’s any indication of how things get ‘fixed’

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


I’m here for the same reason. and no WvW reward system is really killing it for me.

I thought of GW2 as my last hope for DAOC style pvp. But low and behold ESO has shown itself in the last month and it actually is doing 3 faction RVR. one of the devs was even part of the build team for DAOC. With the skyrim play style and active blocking and parrying and counter attacks i think it might be what GW2 WvW was suppose to be for us DAOC people

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


I came here for wvwvw too. HOwever, now I must grind for weeks in dungeons to be competitive in wvwvw

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


Maybe I played a different DAoC than you guys did, but I recall fighting a TON of guards, keep lords, wandering mobs, sentry patrols (that ratted you out when you fought them), and relic guards (which were really really tough).

Sure, there was loads of roaming Emain and farming RPs. But they didn’t really build the game for that. It just happened because Emain was the easiest to run around in.

Most of the RvR that I actually remember involved using the various guards to your advantage. If you could bait your opponent into engaging you near a guard patrol, then you could count on aggroing a sentry and getting an easy advantage. If you could bait them into fighting you close to a keep then you had all the keep guards to come help you.

And don’t even get me started on Darkness Falls! PvE + PvP central.

I think a lot of people look back at DAoC with rose colored glasses.

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


So far I’m still able to have fun. It sucks they got rid of the “report” bug though. I really enjoyed talking to some of the other players I had good fights with. I hope they add this back in some form in the future.

Playing casually I’ve gotten full exotic gear from WvW only. Split my armor between Karma vendors in Orr and Badge vendors in WvW. Everything else was purchased from the market for gold obtained in WvW.

I’ve put ascended gear out of my mind. Most of the people who grind for that stuff suck at PvP anyway and will still get destroyed. I’m going to wait and see if Anet holds true to their promise of “not creating a treadmill”.

Now every bit of gold/karma/badges I have I really have no need for. I’m just buying skins I like. Some off the market, some T3 karma ones. I’m hoping that skinning and all that can get me to the big WvW update they have referenced. All they need is some sort of stat tracking and ranking/point system to keep me hooked.

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: xtorma.1283


This early phase of ascended will just be normalized in the grand scheme of things in wvw. I don’t see it making a difference until more pieces are available. Hopefully by that time there will be an option to aquire them via WvW.

It would be nice if they gave us some heads up, not necessarily on cost, but on how they would allow them to be aquired so we could start saving up relevent currency or mats.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


@Stiv: The bug report was there last I checked. They just moved it, to the options iirc.

As for my thoughts on WvW. I love it, if for nothing less then contributing to the cause of my fellow server members. It’s fun setting up siege weapons in clever locations for optimal offense and defense.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Xenotor.1350


Honestly the ONLY reason i bought GW2 was for the 3 sided WvW that was billed as the next DAOC.

Im not interested in killing ai mobs, im not interested in grinding dungeons or “farming” loot/pixels forhours/days/months..

I just want to WvW.

Is there any fixes/work coming to WvW at all?


I can just sign this.

In the Old games there was allways long term progresion like the"Godlike Equipment in Ragnarok where you had to keep your carstle no matter what.
This keept the game running for over 10 years. Most MMOs nowdays die in less then a year.

Was it FFXIV that MMO without PVP. It failed after the first 2 month. The thing that keeps most player is PVP or spezific RVR. Large Battles with huge numbers where also small groups can do good is what a game keeps running but seeing A-net supprised at how “popular” WvWvW was i doup that there are any real DAOC players in A-net.

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


@Stiv: The bug report was there last I checked. They just moved it, to the options iirc.

I mean the one where you can report a player and it gave you their account ID. This let you send whispers across servers.

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: mcarswell.3768


they “fixed” WvW by introducing a grind fest dungeon that everyone stands around in LA trying to get groups for now. nobody is left in WvW (at least on my server)…problem solved.

Berner | Nitzerebb | Suna | Shivayanama
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Xyanide.8650


If nothing ever refreshes wvwvw, just wait for 2013 ESO.
Not only RvRvR but also there is a 4th party probably controoled by AI

[NöPë] from Stormbluff Isle
In morte ultima veritas

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Kalizaar.4729


I can just sign this.

In the Old games there was allways long term progresion like the"Godlike Equipment in Ragnarok where you had to keep your carstle no matter what.
This keept the game running for over 10 years. Most MMOs nowdays die in less then a year.

Was it FFXIV that MMO without PVP. It failed after the first 2 month. The thing that keeps most player is PVP or spezific RVR. Large Battles with huge numbers where also small groups can do good is what a game keeps running but seeing A-net supprised at how “popular” WvWvW was i doup that there are any real DAOC players in A-net.

FFXIV failed not because of lack of PVP but because it was a horrible game. There are plenty of games that have been around a long time that have PVE as the focus. I like PVP in games but it’s not PVP that keeps games around. The PVP only population in MMOs is a smaller percentage of total population.

That’s why you see more MMOs that are PVE-centric with a smaller PVP capability. Look at this game. You think they made a large PVE world, dungeons, events, etc. and a small PVP area because most their players are hardcore PVPers?

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


I’m here for the same reason. and no WvW reward system is really killing it for me.

I thought of GW2 as my last hope for DAOC style pvp. But low and behold ESO has shown itself in the last month and it actually is doing 3 faction RVR. one of the devs was even part of the build team for DAOC. With the skyrim play style and active blocking and parrying and counter attacks i think it might be what GW2 WvW was suppose to be for us DAOC people

Gw2 was made for all of us, not just DAOC people. Keep that in mind.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


I came here for wvwvw too. HOwever, now I must grind for weeks in dungeons to be competitive in wvwvw

If my sources are correct, you come from Aion. Also if my sources are even more correct, I am currently putting my tinfoil hat on to join you in your endeavors.

Welcome back Columba.


Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


I think a lot of people look back at <INSERT NOSTALGIA-FILLED GAME EXPERIENCE HERE> with rose colored glasses.

Rose-colored glasses will always plague new releases. Always and forever.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


I came here for wvwvw too. HOwever, now I must grind for weeks in dungeons to be competitive in wvwvw

If my sources are correct, you come from Aion. Also if my sources are even more correct, I am currently putting my tinfoil hat on to join you in your endeavors.

Welcome back Columba.


Aion was a pretty good game until they seemly out of nowhere upped the level cap and added all new items (history repeating?). I quit a couple months after that when I came to my senses and realized I had been farming for 2 weeks to get mats for a bow I had a 1 in 256 chance of actually crafting. I was happy with all my 40 elite stuff and thought I could just PvP in that forever. Oh well..

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


I came here for wvwvw too. HOwever, now I must grind for weeks in dungeons to be competitive in wvwvw

If my sources are correct, you come from Aion. Also if my sources are even more correct, I am currently putting my tinfoil hat on to join you in your endeavors.

Welcome back Columba.


Aion was a pretty good game until they seemly out of nowhere upped the level cap and added all new items (history repeating?). I quit a couple months after that when I come to my senses and realized I had been farming for 2 weeks to get mats for a bow I had a 1 in 256 chance of actually crafting. I was happy with all my 40 elite stuff and though I could just PvP in that forever. Oh well..

Tinfoil hats for everyone!

It was good pvp. But when it became a 3 month grind for gear and the 2 months of using the gear, rinse, repeat, that’s when it ended for me.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


I came here for wvwvw too. HOwever, now I must grind for weeks in dungeons to be competitive in wvwvw

If my sources are correct, you come from Aion. Also if my sources are even more correct, I am currently putting my tinfoil hat on to join you in your endeavors.

Welcome back Columba.


Aion was a pretty good game until they seemly out of nowhere upped the level cap and added all new items (history repeating?). I quit a couple months after that when I come to my senses and realized I had been farming for 2 weeks to get mats for a bow I had a 1 in 256 chance of actually crafting. I was happy with all my 40 elite stuff and though I could just PvP in that forever. Oh well..

Tinfoil hats for everyone!

It was good pvp. But when it became a 3 month grind for gear and the 2 months of using the gear, rinse, repeat, that’s when it ended for me.

Yea same. Originally I thought 50 would stay the cap and 50Elite would always be the best gear. I had actually put 50E out of my mind and was very happy with endgame PvP in my 1 tier down set.. until they introduced the treadmill.

The major question is if the new gear Anet has introduced is simply a 1 time addition or is it the start of a treadmill? If it’s 1 time, it doesn’t bother me as much. I’ll pvp in 1 tier down forever and be happy. Maybe even get it someday if they make it attainable via normal WvW activities.

If exotics become 3rd tier someday or I find myself constantly needing to update my gear to stay even 2nd tier I’m gone.

Maybe someday they will add an open world format to sPvP somehow. You join in, choose one of three sides to be on and that’s that. It shows deathspam and tracks PvP stats, uses the PvP locker/gear. There is no server pride (maybe team pride?) but showing names and having deathspam will make up for it. Sounds good to me.

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


You know I keep asking myself the same question, why does this orange not taste like the apple I ate last month?? When you try and make this game into something it’s not (ie any other “similar” MMO) you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment.
“I only bought this game to WvW” = you won’t be here long anyway why would you expect Anet to cater to you?
“I got to dungeon grind to get the best gear now” = you don’t have the foresight, nor care, to see them inplementing that gear to be obtained in other ways
“<Insert popular thing to complain about> will break this game” = you’re trying to be a fortune teller and seem like you know what you’re talking about when all you really are doing is copying a comment that’s been made 100 times already
“Nerf <anything that has killed me in the last 5 minutes>”= you’re acting off of some strong emotions to the point you had to make a rash comment on the forums 95% of the time with no thought out discussion of WHY
The game isn’t perfect and it never will be. Learn to enjoy the flaws and anticipate the fixes or just stop playing, either way this game wasn’t constructed with just you in mind.

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Brooke.9741


I play GW2 for WvW only, but I think the dedicated WvW’ers are in the minority, as I have been in several guilds on a few servers who claim they’re WvW oriented but simply are not.
To many fair weather players play GW2 for WvW to be a serious Esport.

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: moirweyn.9872


I would love to see the jumping puzzles removed from WvW, has no place here and it takes away spots from people who actually want to participate. Nothing like having half your force be on a stupid PvE attraction in a PvP enviroment.

“There are two types of people in the world…and I don’t like them.”

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


“I only bought this game to WvW” = you won’t be here long anyway why would you expect Anet to cater to you?

“I got to dungeon grind to get the best gear now” = you don’t have the foresight, nor care, to see them inplementing that gear to be obtained in other ways

“<Insert popular thing to complain about> will break this game” = you’re trying to be a fortune teller and seem like you know what you’re talking about when all you really are doing is copying a comment that’s been made 100 times already

The first one I completely disagree with. This is the best open world PvP setup since Daoc and that type of environment when done right keeps people around for the long haul. They are dong some thing wrong like not letting players know who their enemies are and not having a point system for non vertical progression. They can fix those things easy though.

The next two quotes I just found funny because in the first you are saying they have a lack of foresight and the 2nd you are saying they are trying to be a fortune teller…

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


I would love to see the jumping puzzles removed from WvW, has no place here and it takes away spots from people who actually want to participate. Nothing like having half your force be on a stupid PvE attraction in a PvP enviroment.

You do realize when you’re attacking a camp/tower/keep with no players actually defending it you are PvEing right? Also PvP happens at that puzzle….alot. It’s a free loot box with badges and siege equipment in it TO HELP YOU PvP.

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


“I only bought this game to WvW” = you won’t be here long anyway why would you expect Anet to cater to you?

“I got to dungeon grind to get the best gear now” = you don’t have the foresight, nor care, to see them inplementing that gear to be obtained in other ways

“<Insert popular thing to complain about> will break this game” = you’re trying to be a fortune teller and seem like you know what you’re talking about when all you really are doing is copying a comment that’s been made 100 times already

The first one I completely disagree with. This is the best open world PvP setup since Daoc and that type of environment when done right keeps people around for the long haul. They are dong some thing wrong like not letting players know who their enemies are and not having a point system for non vertical progression. They can fix those things easy though.

The next two quotes I just found funny because in the first you are saying they have a lack of foresight and the 2nd you are saying they are trying to be a fortune teller…

Sarcasm and irony……..yes they are intended

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: wick.9057


WvW is sick even without rewards or whatever you guys are crying about. Maybe you should try playing it instead of being chatty cathy’s about it on the forums.


WvW...for those of us that aren't into PvE

in WvW

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


I agree they really need to consider giving WvW’ers a relative avenue to gaining the same gear upgrades. Personally, I’m not too into PvE or dungeons but I do enjoy special events => 95% of the time it’s WvW.

A little off-topic, I’m hoping they bring orbs back and change the effect to something along the lines of the chosen keep gains supply at a 50% rate. Something important and useful but not completely screwing up the competition. Oh yeah, and hacker-proof.