Right now as many have pointed out in the “night capping” or “PvDoor” threads, the scoring system for WvW has almost no correlation to skill. The servers with the most players participating in WvW evenly distributed across time zones will win the matches. But what if servers were only awarded points for capturing and defending objectives, NOT for passively holding them?
Let’s say you have two servers, A and B, and two time zones, 1 and 2. Server A has all their players in both time zones completely focused on WvW, so in other words they are never outmanned. Server B has all their players in time zone 1 focused on WvW, but all their players in time zone 2 are focused on PvE. Lastly, all players in both servers are of equal skill.
Under the current scoring system, both servers should end up with roughly the same score during peak hours of time zone 1, but during peak hours of time zone 2 server A will easily cap and hold all of the objectives giving them a huge point advantage and winning them the match in the end.
Under a system where passive holding of objectives is not rewarded, server A will only get the points for initially capturing these objectives at the end of time zone 1 peak hours. For the remaining time, since there is no one on server B to try capture, server A won’t accumulate any points as they don’t have anyone to defend against. So when peak hours of server B come around again, the score would roughly be equal to when they all logged off to sleep/go to work the day before.
Now it is possible for even a server with a low WvW population to win matches against servers with high populations if they play smart. For example, rather than having 10 people in each map trying and failing to capture towers (which will provide the other server with points for defending), the server would do better to consolidate all their forces into one map. With a 40 man group they would be able to take the tower earning their server points, and the other server wouldn’t gain any points on the other maps because there is no one to defend against.