Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: fenim.2395


Watch this Amazing video first of the guild Crimethink trolling EB Jumping puzzle.

They had a superior ballista and an arrow cart and at one point a siege golem. Are jumping puzzles working as intended? We tried trebbing but it didn’t reach the otherside of the dome.

Suggestion: Make jumping puzzles unsiegeable like the starting zone areas.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

All’s fair in love and war.

They only part that should be modified is the arena, because every other part can be done with invaders present. But if another server stays at the top of the arena, there is no counterplay.

But still, it’s part of the game.

Anet make Rev great again.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

This has been complained about since the first week of Guild Wars 2. Nothing about it has been acknowledged or addressed by Anet.

So it’s pretty much safe to assume working as intended and won’t be dealt with.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Bodyguard.7296


Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Onixxx.9725


LOL guys why so butthurt? CrimeThink all the way u just jelly u cant own the puzzle like we do. how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: fadswaffer.5140


Can people please stop complaining about this. If the jumping puzzle is being camped, more power to you, means less of them on the battlefield, where YOU should be. And if it means so much to do the puzzles, then go to a different BL. I believe there are 4… yes, my sources confirmed, there are FOUR!

So that mean 3 extra you can go to. OR maybe you can go and fight and hmm. take a few towers.

Bottom line, Anet will probably never change it. It is intended to be war, and they are denying you free siege and badges from the puzzle.

That may be the #2 suggestion to stop siege or just stop ALL conflict in the puzzles, but I don’t think they will. Number one of course, is to stop transfers. Then thieves and how they’re too strong. Then stacks, and then, while we’re changing the whole WvWvW, I think we should get rid of score, because I don’t like losing. Oh wait, I don’t think that we should kill each other, we should all be nice kitty cats and roll up in balls and sleep.

Stop complaining about every little thing. Sorry dudes, none of this will be fixed exactly how you want.

None of these suggestion will happen. Transfers are due to stop at some point, they’ve said this.

Necromancer | Warrior

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Senjun.8149


Why am i not surprised a guild who camps a jumping puzzle thinks anyone even recognizes them? You know like 95% of the time when tarnished coast see’s your guild camping they constantly think and say over chat it’s fort aspenwood? It’s because you’re insignificant and you make no impact on pvp at all and we will continue to thrash your server in wvwvw till you learn to play properly.

BTW that 5v5 in arena was fun, even though you guys got absolutely massacred. Worse thief/guardian ive ever fought, next time i go back remind me to send you guys a gift basket for the free kills :] and trust me… none of the others thought you guys were any good at all and we completely forget about you FA GODS guild… now when they camp JP thats a fight to behold, unlike the amateurs yaksbend can conjure up

(edited by Senjun.8149)

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Onixxx.9725


LOL thats because half our server isnt intrested in wvwvw a group of no more than 5 of us can take out 10 of u now how does that feel … i dont remember u guys getting many kills btw

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Bodyguard.7296


Mad? I am sorry.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Denim Samurai.2379

Denim Samurai.2379

I just find it funny that YB camping a JP is such a rare event that you have to create a thread about it. I just take it for granted that TC and/or CD are going to be camping 24/7.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Onixxx.9725


lol this guy^ exactly

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Bodyguard.7296


Hey guys, I do enjoy the battles we have had. I hope your not that mad…. please understand it is WvWvW…… and you guys have the # game on your side vs our server…. ILU all though.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Senjun.8149


Hey guys, I do enjoy the battles we have had. I hope your not that mad…. please understand it is WvWvW…… and you guys have the # game on your side vs our server…. ILU all though.

ily more!!!! <33333

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Onixxx.9725


yeh i had fun thats all that matters its a game so ily and hope to destroy or be destroyed by u in the future (mostly us doing the destroying xD)

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


I’m still confused. People are still talking about WvW and… jumping puzzles? Is this jumping puzzle in a keep? Are you sure it’s in WvW? I’ve never seen any objectives with a jumping puzzle.

I guess it must not actually be around any important part of the battlefield. /shrug

Edit: Clarification since last time someone took me seriously. Yes I know there’s a jumping puzzle, I’m being sarcastic because it’s completely irrelevant to anything actually pertaining to the battle in WvW imo. If anything the only thing it does is to take soldiers off the field for a silly stupid chest. I’d rather have those spots on the map taken up by players that are going to fight rather than dork around bunny hopping over rocks

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Newjack.8124


Watch this Amazing video first of the guild Crimethink trolling EB Jumping puzzle.

They had a superior ballista and an arrow cart and at one point a siege golem. Are jumping puzzles working as intended? We tried trebbing but it didn’t reach the otherside of the dome.

Suggestion: Make jumping puzzles unsiegeable like the starting zone areas.

U mad bro?

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


I love camping of the jump puzzle, both of me and by me, but I will admit I have never understood the logic behind using siege above the dome. I like fighting people, not shooting them in a barrel. Bad’s will be bad’s I guess.

~ AoN ~

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


If I was TC, I wouldn’t be mad about it. Look at that PPT on your screen. Thank ChrimeThink for not helping their server.

YB always talks about lack of people, it doesn’t help when they have a guild dedicated to camping the JP. Not a reflection of the server but hopefully they realize their own shortcomings.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Onixxx.9725


yes we are a guild dedicated to camping the jump puzzle … lol ive done it once and that was today sorry guys that CT as a guild like doing things together its like familiy time if someone wants to camp the jp a few of us will come we honestly only had 6 ppl there at the most at any point of time i do remember when there was a 3v7 figth tho and we won . but yes think of us as the jp campers cause u know thats what we do

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Please stop this QQ the JP especially the EB one is the best PvP in this game. I’d rather break a JP siege camp than take a tower that will flip in 20 mins.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: K U R O I T S U K I.4980

K U R O I T S U K I.4980

Getting camped by the enemy is normal guys, what I personally hate is getting screwed over by your own allies activating the traps to kill players when your server is the only one holding control of the JP, when you ask them to stop they say they are practicing dodge skills…

[LH]La Hermandad-Guild Leader
Kuroitsuki Lvl.80 Mesmer/La Biribiri Lvl.80 Elementalist
Sorrows Furnace SF (since Aug-25-12)

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Bodyguard.7296


Hehe, we are not dedicated to any camping in any way shape or form other than having fun. The video I made which is above is for enjoyment to watch and get some laughs. His video sadly is rage….. sorry you got upset bud. It is WvWvW and you guys camp it just as much w/ your servers. I enjoy the fights in there, would love to see some more competitive small man fights as these guys claim they have had I have yet to experience that when I am on. It is usually 99% they win with more numbers vs our 2-3 camping it if we are. We are very active in WvW outside the puzzle also. ILU all see you in the field!

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


They only part that should be modified is the arena, because every other part can be done with invaders present. But if another server stays at the top of the arena, there is no counterplay.

Incorrect. The only place where there is no counter play to camping is at the very start of the puzzle where the different teams spawn.

I’ve passed through the arena many times when it was being camped. At the very start of the puzzle there is no Mystic Fountain to give you the advantage of being undetected.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


Some days ago, a full-exotics level 80 Yak Bend player was messaging me, clearly deeply hurt to the point of being shocked (he wasn’t pretending), after I killed him in our (TCBL) jumping puzzle. I just ran there for my blueprints, met a red player, dispatched him - really nothing out of ordinary.

Now, he started asking me about how good I feel about myself, attacking people in a puzzle, and as he wouldn’t ever do such disgusting thing, as he and his men only fight on the real battlefield and whatever, I wasn’t paying much attention by then, but his point was supposed to be something about that.

Well, looks like that nice concept works for them only as long they’re not on the top, quite literally it seems.

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


Why am i not surprised a guild who camps a jumping puzzle thinks anyone even recognizes them? You know like 95% of the time when tarnished coast see’s your guild camping they constantly think and say over chat it’s fort aspenwood? It’s because you’re insignificant and you make no impact on pvp at all and we will continue to thrash your server in wvwvw till you learn to play properly.

BTW that 5v5 in arena was fun, even though you guys got absolutely massacred. Worse thief/guardian ive ever fought, next time i go back remind me to send you guys a gift basket for the free kills :] and trust me… none of the others thought you guys were any good at all and we completely forget about you FA GODS guild… now when they camp JP thats a fight to behold, unlike the amateurs yaksbend can conjure up

Pretty sure there was no 5v5 fight were we died. In fact, none of us died the entire time.

The point of camping the puzzle is to make people mad, and you are clearly mad.

Mission accomplished.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: fenim.2395


I’m not butthurt. I made this thread so that you guys would all fuss and it would get the attention of arenanet and they would look at my suggestion of having a siege safe zone. As someone put in this thread shooting fish in a barrel is not competitive PVP. Spamming the arena entrance with a ballista and an arrowcart doesn’t take skill.

Also I’m all for trolling in the JP just not for siege in the JP. By all means have players able to duke it out and push people off, that is fun.

But when it comes to the point of

how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

because someone set up siege it just means that if someone is dedicated enough they could camp the whole thing for a year without dying. Perhaps botters want to set up siege and farm badges. Its quite possible.

As for your video, it is well done and contains little to no siege(except golem)because people don’t want to watch someone shooting a ballista all day.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


I’m not butthurt. I made this thread so that you guys would all fuss and it would get the attention of arenanet and they would look at my suggestion of having a siege safe zone. As someone put in this thread shooting fish in a barrel is not competitive PVP. Spamming the arena entrance with a ballista and an arrowcart doesn’t take skill.

Also I’m all for trolling in the JP just not for siege in the JP. By all means have players able to duke it out and push people off, that is fun.

But when it comes to the point of

how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

because someone set up siege it just means that if someone is dedicated enough they could camp the whole thing for a year without dying. Perhaps botters want to set up siege and farm badges. Its quite possible.

As for your video, it is well done and contains little to no siege(except golem)because people don’t want to watch someone shooting a ballista all day.

We prevented people from getting badges and blueprints that could potentially be used against our server. We did a service.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


I’m not butthurt. I made this thread so that you guys would all fuss and it would get the attention of arenanet and they would look at my suggestion of having a siege safe zone. As someone put in this thread shooting fish in a barrel is not competitive PVP. Spamming the arena entrance with a ballista and an arrowcart doesn’t take skill.

Also I’m all for trolling in the JP just not for siege in the JP. By all means have players able to duke it out and push people off, that is fun.

But when it comes to the point of

how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

because someone set up siege it just means that if someone is dedicated enough they could camp the whole thing for a year without dying. Perhaps botters want to set up siege and farm badges. Its quite possible.

As for your video, it is well done and contains little to no siege(except golem)because people don’t want to watch someone shooting a ballista all day.

We prevented people from getting badges and blueprints that could potentially be used against our server. We did a service.

What you didn’t prevent was your server getting wiped off the map in EBG.

Always funny when people from losing servers justify puzzle camping with “we are denying siege”. It’s your freedom to have fun in your own way at the expense of your server, but it’s everyone’s freedom to openly laugh at you when you try to make a thing out of it

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


I’m not butthurt. I made this thread so that you guys would all fuss and it would get the attention of arenanet and they would look at my suggestion of having a siege safe zone. As someone put in this thread shooting fish in a barrel is not competitive PVP. Spamming the arena entrance with a ballista and an arrowcart doesn’t take skill.

Also I’m all for trolling in the JP just not for siege in the JP. By all means have players able to duke it out and push people off, that is fun.

But when it comes to the point of

how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

because someone set up siege it just means that if someone is dedicated enough they could camp the whole thing for a year without dying. Perhaps botters want to set up siege and farm badges. Its quite possible.

As for your video, it is well done and contains little to no siege(except golem)because people don’t want to watch someone shooting a ballista all day.

We prevented people from getting badges and blueprints that could potentially be used against our server. We did a service.

What you didn’t prevent was your server getting wiped off the map in EBG.

Always funny when people from losing servers justify puzzle camping with “we are denying siege”. It’s your freedom to have fun in your own way at the expense of your server, but it’s everyone’s freedom to openly laugh at you when you try to make a thing out of it

Hmmm… centralized pvp that requires actually using skill to fight where you can potentially have an equal playing field, or, zerging towers to lose them 10 minutes later and getting killed by invisible players due to rendering.

Regardless of siege or not, EB puzzle still has the best pvp in the game.

Tough choice.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


On the bright side, if you get more of your server to think like you, your guys can drop down to tier whatever where you won’t lose your whole map while still being able to camp to your heart’s content! Everybody wins, no?

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


On the bright side, if you get more of your server to think like you, your guys can drop down to tier whatever where you won’t lose your whole map while still being able to camp to your heart’s content! Everybody wins, no?

Orrrrr they can get rid of that stupid JP that takes men off the field.

And I certainly hope more Benders don’t start thinking like these guys, we’re having a hard enough time keeping up numbers wise as is.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: waeren.9743


Sounds like they’re doing a good job!

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Some days ago, a full-exotics level 80 Yak Bend player was messaging me, clearly deeply hurt to the point of being shocked (he wasn’t pretending), after I killed him in our (TCBL) jumping puzzle. I just ran there for my blueprints, met a red player, dispatched him – really nothing out of ordinary.

Now, he started asking me about how good I feel about myself, attacking people in a puzzle, and as he wouldn’t ever do such disgusting thing, as he and his men only fight on the real battlefield and whatever, I wasn’t paying much attention by then, but his point was supposed to be something about that.

Well, looks like that nice concept works for them only as long they’re not on the top, quite literally it seems.

Some days as in how many days?

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


Moar deaths. More vids.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Bodyguard.7296


More deaths, and more vids to come. They are fun and interesting. We like a good fight always. Keep coming in. As stated above CT also goes out and actively participates and helps with the WvWvW atmosphere I am sorry that during our off low # hours we like to troll the puzzle a while. Much appreciated for the fun times I have had in there and fights. Keep the fun coming! (As for camping with siege, TC was the first server I ran into that did that to us prior. We made it up with stealth and took over the top.) Payback to all you lovers! <3 See you in the field.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


LOL guys why so butthurt? CrimeThink all the way u just jelly u cant own the puzzle like we do. how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

It’s also why their server loses all the time. Let them camp the jump puzzle.

It is the only thing they can do in WvW.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


LOL guys why so butthurt? CrimeThink all the way u just jelly u cant own the puzzle like we do. how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

It’s also why their server loses all the time. Let them camp the jump puzzle.

It is the only thing they can do in WvW.

Server losing on the shoulders of just 5 people!

Didn’t realize we were so important to the cause.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


I’m not butthurt. I made this thread so that you guys would all fuss and it would get the attention of arenanet and they would look at my suggestion of having a siege safe zone. As someone put in this thread shooting fish in a barrel is not competitive PVP. Spamming the arena entrance with a ballista and an arrowcart doesn’t take skill.

Also I’m all for trolling in the JP just not for siege in the JP. By all means have players able to duke it out and push people off, that is fun.

But when it comes to the point of

how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

because someone set up siege it just means that if someone is dedicated enough they could camp the whole thing for a year without dying. Perhaps botters want to set up siege and farm badges. Its quite possible.

As for your video, it is well done and contains little to no siege(except golem)because people don’t want to watch someone shooting a ballista all day.

We prevented people from getting badges and blueprints that could potentially be used against our server. We did a service.

What you didn’t prevent was your server getting wiped off the map in EBG.

Always funny when people from losing servers justify puzzle camping with “we are denying siege”. It’s your freedom to have fun in your own way at the expense of your server, but it’s everyone’s freedom to openly laugh at you when you try to make a thing out of it

Hmmm… centralized pvp that requires actually using skill to fight where you can potentially have an equal playing field, or, zerging towers to lose them 10 minutes later and getting killed by invisible players due to rendering.

Regardless of siege or not, EB puzzle still has the best pvp in the game.

Tough choice.

lol. You are saying there is balanced skilled fighting to be had inside the jump puzzle? Oh boy, that is some strong denial.

You’re doing it at off-peak hours. There is no skill involved. It is 10-20 [ct] members jumping 1 solo player from FA or TC.

FA and TC can hold the map AND jump puzzle during peak hours. And they actually need to fight over it and use skill.

As far as I’ve seen, [ct] shows up when it is easy. That’s smart. Avoid all fighting in pvp. Just, not my taste to do pvp without p v p.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


Some days as in how many days?

I have no idea. We’ve been against Yak’s Bend for three weeks now, so if it didn’t happen yesterday, I wouldn’t exactly remember if it was two days, or two weeks ago.

Why, is it any important?

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


I’m not butthurt. I made this thread so that you guys would all fuss and it would get the attention of arenanet and they would look at my suggestion of having a siege safe zone. As someone put in this thread shooting fish in a barrel is not competitive PVP. Spamming the arena entrance with a ballista and an arrowcart doesn’t take skill.

Also I’m all for trolling in the JP just not for siege in the JP. By all means have players able to duke it out and push people off, that is fun.

But when it comes to the point of

how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

because someone set up siege it just means that if someone is dedicated enough they could camp the whole thing for a year without dying. Perhaps botters want to set up siege and farm badges. Its quite possible.

As for your video, it is well done and contains little to no siege(except golem)because people don’t want to watch someone shooting a ballista all day.

We prevented people from getting badges and blueprints that could potentially be used against our server. We did a service.

What you didn’t prevent was your server getting wiped off the map in EBG.

Always funny when people from losing servers justify puzzle camping with “we are denying siege”. It’s your freedom to have fun in your own way at the expense of your server, but it’s everyone’s freedom to openly laugh at you when you try to make a thing out of it

Hmmm… centralized pvp that requires actually using skill to fight where you can potentially have an equal playing field, or, zerging towers to lose them 10 minutes later and getting killed by invisible players due to rendering.

Regardless of siege or not, EB puzzle still has the best pvp in the game.

Tough choice.

lol. You are saying there is balanced skilled fighting to be had inside the jump puzzle? Oh boy, that is some strong denial.

You’re doing it at off-peak hours. There is no skill involved. It is 10-20 [ct] members jumping 1 solo player from FA or TC.

FA and TC can hold the map AND jump puzzle during peak hours. And they actually need to fight over it and use skill.

As far as I’ve seen, [ct] shows up when it is easy. That’s smart. Avoid all fighting in pvp. Just, not my taste to do pvp without p v p.

Group of 4-5 doesn’t equal 10-20.

We play at night because we are available to play at night.

We have had many even fights, too many to count.
So, make up more stuff.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: AprilRain.7649


All’s fair in love and war.

They only part that should be modified is the arena, because every other part can be done with invaders present. But if another server stays at the top of the arena, there is no counterplay.

But still, it’s part of the game.

It’s pretty easy to get the arena done. Each profession either has a teleporting skill that allows them to skip half of the content in the JP, or they have a jumping skill which allows them to skip passed the other half of the content. Combine forces with different professions and it’s quite easy to stomp your enemies to the ground.


Mesmer has the portal, a blink skill and can use temporal curtain to pull down the enemy. Highly successful.

The thief can use it’s clusterbomb and use the scorpion wire. They can teleport passed half the arena with their shortbow, and use shadow refuge to help stealth others.

The ele has tons of ranged attacks, mostly superior to other professions. They can hit heavy with AoE, have a blink skill that allows skipping of sections in the puzzle and have skills to add stability and swiftness.

Ranger has tons of range and an annoying pet. Their AoE is enough to send most people straight into the downed state if you trait your ranger right.

Warrior has its rifle and longbow to cover range and AoE – They also have a leap skill that allows them to skip portions of the JP. Though mostly melee focussed, this is one of the toughest professions to use whilst trying to stomp through a campsite.

Necro has fear, marks and ranged attacks. Not to mention that it can use its teleporting skill to skip part of the arena, much like the thief, ele and mesmer.

Engineer is pretty much the warrior and ranger combined. Use your grenades and you should be able to kill stuff pretty good and quickly. Use your jumpshot to get to places whilst in combat.

Guardian is pretty much the same as the warrior, with extra stability, better range and the ability to use consecrations on the ground – Sanctuary unto your enemy and it should bounce them right off the cliff, if used properly.

Let me remind you though that these are the things I can think off the top of my head. I haven’t properly played with all professions, such as the ranger, but have tried them before I got rid of them so I know the basics well enough to understand that each profession has it’s own unique way to deal with campers.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

All’s fair in love and war.

They only part that should be modified is the arena, because every other part can be done with invaders present. But if another server stays at the top of the arena, there is no counterplay.

But still, it’s part of the game.

It’s pretty easy to get the arena done. Each profession either has a teleporting skill that allows them to skip half of the content in the JP, or they have a jumping skill which allows them to skip passed the other half of the content. Combine forces with different professions and it’s quite easy to stomp your enemies to the ground.


Mesmer has the portal, a blink skill and can use temporal curtain to pull down the enemy. Highly successful.

The thief can use it’s clusterbomb and use the scorpion wire. They can teleport passed half the arena with their shortbow, and use shadow refuge to help stealth others.

The ele has tons of ranged attacks, mostly superior to other professions. They can hit heavy with AoE, have a blink skill that allows skipping of sections in the puzzle and have skills to add stability and swiftness.

Ranger has tons of range and an annoying pet. Their AoE is enough to send most people straight into the downed state if you trait your ranger right.

Warrior has its rifle and longbow to cover range and AoE – They also have a leap skill that allows them to skip portions of the JP. Though mostly melee focussed, this is one of the toughest professions to use whilst trying to stomp through a campsite.

Necro has fear, marks and ranged attacks. Not to mention that it can use its teleporting skill to skip part of the arena, much like the thief, ele and mesmer.

Engineer is pretty much the warrior and ranger combined. Use your grenades and you should be able to kill stuff pretty good and quickly. Use your jumpshot to get to places whilst in combat.

Guardian is pretty much the same as the warrior, with extra stability, better range and the ability to use consecrations on the ground – Sanctuary unto your enemy and it should bounce them right off the cliff, if used properly.

Let me remind you though that these are the things I can think off the top of my head. I haven’t properly played with all professions, such as the ranger, but have tried them before I got rid of them so I know the basics well enough to understand that each profession has it’s own unique way to deal with campers.

Right, and most of that is useless in the arena.

Mesmer: Portal isn’t going to help you here. There’s no way to get up top to drop the portal since you will constantly have someone using some CC at some jump. And if you don’t then you’re going to hit by some arrow cart which puts you in combat and makes the jumps 100x more difficult.

Thief: It’s very easy to set up here in a spot making it impossible for a thief to target you with scorpion wire or cluster bomb.

Ele: only weapon that can really hit people here is staff so if you went into it with anything else you’re boned cause you’ll constantly be in combat making switching weapons impossible.

Ranger: Pet is useless here with the height advantage. They can do some damage but it will be negligible.

Warrior: completely boned in arena

Necro: completely boned in arena

Engineer: completely boned in arena

Gaurdian: Can stay alive but will be impossible to make progress until the people attacking you get bored and leave.

The arena portion offers no counterplay unlike the rest of the jump puzzle. Part of it is due to the way combat mode works. If you’re at the bottom and take damage by anyone above you then you will say in combat mode even if you go 2 minutes without taking more damage. Last time I was in this position I got hit by an arrow cart and no matter where I went I was not able to leave combat mode.

Every other portion of the jump puzzle if it’s being camped you can get past it with a group of a similar size or even of a smaller size. And each other portion offers a way to “sneak” past others. The other day I even did the dark room completely invisible from the mystic fountain, which means not using a torch (used the light from mad memories, which gives off light even when stealthed)

But when you get to arena, there’s no counterplay except waiting from them to get bored.

Anet make Rev great again.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


All’s fair in love and war.

They only part that should be modified is the arena, because every other part can be done with invaders present. But if another server stays at the top of the arena, there is no counterplay.

But still, it’s part of the game.

It’s pretty easy to get the arena done. Each profession either has a teleporting skill that allows them to skip half of the content in the JP, or they have a jumping skill which allows them to skip passed the other half of the content. Combine forces with different professions and it’s quite easy to stomp your enemies to the ground.


Mesmer has the portal, a blink skill and can use temporal curtain to pull down the enemy. Highly successful.

The thief can use it’s clusterbomb and use the scorpion wire. They can teleport passed half the arena with their shortbow, and use shadow refuge to help stealth others.

The ele has tons of ranged attacks, mostly superior to other professions. They can hit heavy with AoE, have a blink skill that allows skipping of sections in the puzzle and have skills to add stability and swiftness.

Ranger has tons of range and an annoying pet. Their AoE is enough to send most people straight into the downed state if you trait your ranger right.

Warrior has its rifle and longbow to cover range and AoE – They also have a leap skill that allows them to skip portions of the JP. Though mostly melee focussed, this is one of the toughest professions to use whilst trying to stomp through a campsite.

Necro has fear, marks and ranged attacks. Not to mention that it can use its teleporting skill to skip part of the arena, much like the thief, ele and mesmer.

Engineer is pretty much the warrior and ranger combined. Use your grenades and you should be able to kill stuff pretty good and quickly. Use your jumpshot to get to places whilst in combat.

Guardian is pretty much the same as the warrior, with extra stability, better range and the ability to use consecrations on the ground – Sanctuary unto your enemy and it should bounce them right off the cliff, if used properly.

Let me remind you though that these are the things I can think off the top of my head. I haven’t properly played with all professions, such as the ranger, but have tried them before I got rid of them so I know the basics well enough to understand that each profession has it’s own unique way to deal with campers.

Right, and most of that is useless in the arena.

Mesmer: Portal isn’t going to help you here. There’s no way to get up top to drop the portal since you will constantly have someone using some CC at some jump. And if you don’t then you’re going to hit by some arrow cart which puts you in combat and makes the jumps 100x more difficult.

Thief: It’s very easy to set up here in a spot making it impossible for a thief to target you with scorpion wire or cluster bomb.

Ele: only weapon that can really hit people here is staff so if you went into it with anything else you’re boned cause you’ll constantly be in combat making switching weapons impossible.

Ranger: Pet is useless here with the height advantage. They can do some damage but it will be negligible.

Warrior: completely boned in arena

Necro: completely boned in arena

Engineer: completely boned in arena

Gaurdian: Can stay alive but will be impossible to make progress until the people attacking you get bored and leave.

The arena portion offers no counterplay unlike the rest of the jump puzzle. Part of it is due to the way combat mode works. If you’re at the bottom and take damage by anyone above you then you will say in combat mode even if you go 2 minutes without taking more damage. Last time I was in this position I got hit by an arrow cart and no matter where I went I was not able to leave combat mode.

Every other portion of the jump puzzle if it’s being camped you can get past it with a group of a similar size or even of a smaller size. And each other portion offers a way to “sneak” past others. The other day I even did the dark room completely invisible from the mystic fountain, which means not using a torch (used the light from mad memories, which gives off light even when stealthed)

But when you get to arena, there’s no counterplay except waiting from them to get bored.

you can do the jumps in combat, as long as you have swiftness. ele, thief, and mesmers can skip over half the puzzle with blink

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Blink is useless in arena.

Anet make Rev great again.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


Blink is useless in arena.


looks like someone needs to camp puzzle more

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


There are many people here that don’t know what they are talking about. I’ll clear up a couple points:

Teleportation skills like blink cannot cross gaps. Only a few certain leap skills can, like the Engineer’s rifle jump, the Warrior’s sword leap, etc.

As for passing through a camped area, that is what the Mystic Fountains are for. As long as you don’t have clueless allies drawing fire onto you, or enemies continuously attacking the ground in the off chance that there is an invisable person trying to sneak by, then you can easily bypass them.

And even if the campers are trying to kill other people that happen to be beside you, it is still possible to get pass them (I’ve overtaken one server at the bottom of the arena being camped by the other server at the top of the arena, then opened a portal to allow my reinforcements to come up and wipe out the campers and the campees before). This is very much within the realm of possibilities.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: kokuou.9537


There is one small section on the back side of the arena that Blink can, in fact, be used to skip about half of it. I don’t know if it’s intended or not, but it is possible.

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Raehvyn.4530


LOL guys why so butthurt? CrimeThink all the way u just jelly u cant own the puzzle like we do. how did u like not havng access to the chest for 7 hours i sure enjoyed it

I make a light hearted thread and the mods delete it. I post a legitimate response and it gets infracted. But this sewerage crap gets to remain? REALLY?

[NoPe] Jello Gangsta Cosby.Cute Lil Pookiebear
“Check your inbox. Infractions for everyone!” – Oprah

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: DemonCow.5328


There is nothing wrong with camping the jumping puzzle. I’ve never done it, and I’m actually in the match against Yak’s Bend, but if they just let us go through the jumping puzzle, then we get free siege equipment to use against them.

The jumping puzzle should be considered part of the battlefield that you get no points for holding, but that enables you to hold and take objectives a little easier than your opponent if you can control it.

[TI] Taking Initiative- Tarnished Coast
Guild Leader

Yak's bend EB Jumping Puzzle Camping!

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Great Job YB…. love Crystal Desert.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?