best moments you had in WvW

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Orcommander.5481


Im a member of Herfolge boldklub and this is how we roll (Black Gate US server)

If any of you likes to share his best WvW moments feel free,
If you into making videos also like to see your work.

Ive recordet this 2 days ago running around and having fun, hope you enjoy.

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


bwe 1

bwe 2

bwe 3

that is all

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I dont have any records or screens of that, but it was a very amazing moment in WvW

The garrison on our borders was attacked and my party and I (3 people only tough) were taking lake/vale camps at that time. We headed back towards garrison sea gate and found a group of 10 attacking the gate, we used the moment of suprise and took all of them out

other than that, i dont have alot good memorys from our servers wvw

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Katsumoto.9452


Had a couple of ridiculous battles in Stonemist this week. I’m on Aurora Glade battling verses 2 French servers of Jade Sea and Fort Ranik.

Fort Ranik held stonemist, and we on Aurora glade capped umberglade and then saw a battle developing on the second wall of stonemist. We made our own breach from the north and proceeded to the centre, with Jade sea doing likewise from the south I presume. Ridiculous 3 way battle for stonemist.

Aurora Glade [EU]

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Inconceivable.7823


We were losing that week so the enemy would often own things on our side of our main map.

At one point they were holding a supply camp and had a bunch of ranged players with siege as well so it was impossible to get to. (About 10-12 players) We weren’t getting great participation and had about 5-6 players fihgting them from a distance (other hill) but nothing was getting done at all.

So I quickly flanked them (I travel fast) and because they never tunred around to see me (plus some were on siege)…I laid down my most devastating attacks and all my knockdowns and had half of them downed in a few seconds. The rest then fought me and while this was happening the guys from my servers started to run over. Eventually I got stomped (I was still fighting 1 on 6) but with the damage I did and the players I donwed (while taking them off siege) made it so my 5-6 guys could run in and take out 10-12 players with siege and rez me. It felt good. Ive done similar things like that but this was the first time.

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Inconceivable.7823


The other one is more of a move I do every once in a while…5 enemy players are chasing just one of ous….iI see them get crippled and they go down. Well I don’t let my teamates down. Ride the lightning in, knock back…prevent the stomp. Pop shield and start rezzing….then while rezzing I attune to earth and cripple everyone slowing them down…then I stop rezzing and another knockdown…then continue rezzing while popping mistform…which is enough to get that person up. Then we make a break for a keep. DId this many times where I saved a player from a certain stomp.

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rizach.4852


I must say as underdog server (whiteside ridge) some moments where you get success due to some tactics can be very rewarding.

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


Im a member of Herfolge boldklub and this is how we roll (Black Gate US server)

If any of you likes to share his best WvW moments feel free,
If you into making videos also like to see your work.

Best moments in wuvwuv ironically comes from losing and getting crushed.. these 2 videos are perfect examples of “300” like stands on the Isle of Janthir vs the former Tier 1 Eredon Terrace

it is these moments, that brings communities together, the struggle and adversity against overwhelming odds.. it is what we remember most, the fights that we treasure

Video:Isle of Janthir’s 300 like defensive stand against overwhelming enemies

Video: Korean guild Never Die [ND] defends Janthir’s last objective on the map, pushed by 2 servers.. PVP breaks down language barriers

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: DemonCow.5328


@Orcommander, easy to win battles when the enemy team can’t see you, isn’t it?

[TI] Taking Initiative- Tarnished Coast
Guild Leader

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

best moment…
Everytime i see who I am actually fighting.
Everytime an opposing team doesn’t adapt [taking advantage] their tactics to the problems of WvW.
iow mesmers portalling the whole serverpopulace to 1 point so the opposing team [me] isn’t even aware they are there for about 30 seconds..

but the best experience.. being on mumble and having great fun with the random PUG’s online and trying to get something.. anything

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Orcommander.5481


It is but we where testing out the mes portals we had 2 mesmer at that fight, 1 in and 1 out, I personaly dont like portals that much tough. Prefer walking trough them,flank have the real flank system, But it whas a nice experience. .. . I also enjoy the small group scale wvw more then the big group based. its more chaotic and challenging. Fighting with 20% health is more fun , makes you having a worthy fight. mostly before logging of and going to bed , me and some guildies run of in EB and looking for a fight to the death , always makes you end up a night perfect

Also like to thank you guys for sharing its bin quite amusing to read your stories

best moments you had in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


there i was…100 to 1…nowhere to run…no escape, i thought I was going to die, i was cut, bleeding in and out of consciousness …almost dead …but we got him good!! /roar

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