disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fed.8594


On the lower tier NA servers, there is good participation while scores are balanced. Once the night kicks in, if one server has a lot of Asian/Oceanic players then they usually totally outscore the other two by the next day. Participation for the 3rd place and even 2nd drops down so low that the server in the lead just cleans house…during NA primetime on the following day!…until the new match-ups begin.

Even now, with just 24hour games, people lose motivation and transfer off the server. What do you think it will be like if the game is a week long? A week is a great time for well balanced servers… but for the guys that play on lower pop realms, getting stomped for a week is not going to be fun.

Anet needs to disable free server transfers before these 1 week games begin for two reasons :
1 – Prevent low pop servers that are naturally undermanned in WvW from emptying out of WvW players (who will transfer to servers that are doing better – rather than sitting getting stomped for a week).

2 – Prevent high pop & high rated servers from getting even more swamped with people and queues.

Anet – You guys really need to start directing those free transfers to the low pop servers. At the very least lock out the high pop servers for transfer. I speak this playing on Borlis Pass.

(edited by Fed.8594)

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuco.2419



Telling people that the solution to queues is to transfer to lower pop servers is a complete nonstarter when people are actively able to and pursuing transfers to high pop servers.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


This has to happen. at least make it cost to transfer to a high pop server. Way to much abuse of this system currently.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anndy.5632


agree 100%, have seen whole guild groups change servers when the tide turns, and i suspect a lot of people are doing this, i see it almost everyday where a server will get pushed back then suddenly they only have like 5 people left then out of nowhere the winning server gets an even bigger boost in numbers

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sathure.1562


While I agree with this. I do hope they at least warn people in advance the Free Transfers are closing. I know several people who temporarily transferred to other servers to play with friends in PvE since Guesting hasn’t been implemented yet.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: NixZero.7540


keep in mind that transfering to an high population server means that you cant do wvwvw when you want, there’s evenings when you cant enter wvwvw at all as every map is chocked full with several hours of queue.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Melphina.9035


I thought it was said you couldnt WvW until that paring was over after the transfer.

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


I thought it was said you couldnt WvW until that paring was over after the transfer.

they did say that but that’s not the case. Some guilds are putting people on enemy servers to monitor troop movements/spy or even (anecdotally) lead pug groups from enemy servers.

There is a lot of abuse of this system, and very few are using it in the way Arenanet envisioned because they have allowed for free access and immediate wvw.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Melphina.9035


I thought it was said you couldnt WvW until that paring was over after the transfer.

they did say that but that’s not the case. Some guilds are putting people on enemy servers to monitor troop movements/spy or even (anecdotally) lead pug groups from enemy servers.

There is a lot of abuse of this system, and very few are using it in the way Arenanet envisioned because they have allowed for free access and immediate wvw.

I can understand that for the start kind of but if this is the official start to the WvW and not just “pre-season” they should turn those features on, and guesting too.

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fed.8594


I thought it was said you couldnt WvW until that paring was over after the transfer.

they did say that but that’s not the case. Some guilds are putting people on enemy servers to monitor troop movements/spy or even (anecdotally) lead pug groups from enemy servers.

There is a lot of abuse of this system, and very few are using it in the way Arenanet envisioned because they have allowed for free access and immediate wvw.

I can understand that for the start kind of but if this is the official start to the WvW and not just “pre-season” they should turn those features on, and guesting too.

Yeah we need some feedback on what the situation with transfers is. As is, i’m not looking forward to next week’s week long battle.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Krashr.2537


Haha you think if it is not fun but they can’t transfer, they will keep playing anyway?
You are so naive.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Metzger Wickersham.5976

Metzger Wickersham.5976

Haha you think if it is not fun but they can’t transfer, they will keep playing anyway?
You are so naive.

But that’s the point, they shouldn’t be allowed to switch to another server just because they’re losing. You have to stay on your server and fight it out!

|||Sea of Sorrows|||

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Glex.5043


It is also bad to show the leaderboard ranking for wvwvw since everyone will flood to the top servers. Now players have the obvious servers to join and the extremely obvious ones to leave.

eventually it will be 3-4 servers that mainly fight eachother.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


I thought it was said you couldnt WvW until that paring was over after the transfer.

they did say that but that’s not the case. Some guilds are putting people on enemy servers to monitor troop movements/spy or even (anecdotally) lead pug groups from enemy servers.

There is a lot of abuse of this system, and very few are using it in the way Arenanet envisioned because they have allowed for free access and immediate wvw.

Obvious assertions from a Team Legacy member!

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


Whenever they close free transfers, I (we) need to know it many days before they do it. I am still unsure about what server I will play.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kracin.6078


I thought it was said you couldnt WvW until that paring was over after the transfer.

they did say that but that’s not the case. Some guilds are putting people on enemy servers to monitor troop movements/spy or even (anecdotally) lead pug groups from enemy servers.

There is a lot of abuse of this system, and very few are using it in the way Arenanet envisioned because they have allowed for free access and immediate wvw.

Obvious assertions from a Team Legacy member!


if people can use server transfers to get to specific vendors in orr who only appear X times a day, they can definately xfer to get into wvw and wreak havoc on the other team.

messing with other servers in this game is way too easy atm. hell, if one really wanted to, their entire large guild could purchase a second copy, join the server thats winning, and hop around in wvw jumpng puzzles like idiots all day to take up queue spots so that they only get to have 60 productive people per zone instead of 160.

server xfers just need to be closed, and hsould have been closed nearly 3 days ago

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


Don’t stop free transfers completely, just to the fuller servers, keep it free to move to the lower population ones, and add in that guilds can keep their hard earned upgrades and influence if they move to low pop

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kracin.6078


Whenever they close free transfers, I (we) need to know it many days before they do it. I am still unsure about what server I will play.

no, unexpected is better.. best trap those nimrods who like to abuse the transfers to hop around to other servers to do things unintended for the server swaps.. ie.. spying, exotic equipment heart farming, orichalchum node farming through server swapping constantly in 1 area.

not to mention swapping people to competing servers to watch map chatter to know what the enemy is up to.

yes i can still happen later, but come on.. we are playing a game, if you havent decided what server you want to play on yet, then you are probably (99%) not using it for the intended purpose, which was to effectively give you a chance to see where you encounter the most players of your time zone (or least if you prefer) and get the best play experience, as oppoesd to rolling a server and finding out you rolled on a server where its a ghost town during your play times.

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


There needs to be a real incentive for people to move off the band wagon servers and on to other servers, and a true cap to force people from being able to join high populated servers.

In all honesty people join specific servers to be on the number 1 server. It’s like this in any game you play, for instance WoW had Tichondrius and Blackrock along with other servers. It’s just a fact in the gaming community that people look at server rankings in picking a server.

After about two years when Blizzard asked the community to spread the population from high populated servers to lower populated servers and even with free server transfers… This is what we got.


It used to be a little over 5k in TBC /roll

So unless Anet is willing to give out some lucrative toy, gold, or gems. No one is going to go anywhere and that’s just the facts. Sure some people will spread to other servers because of queues or other reasons, but not anywhere near the numbers needed to fill the servers as required.

If free transfers aren’t available; how will the lower populated servers get filled?

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

disable free transfers before 1 week games begin

in Suggestions

Posted by: NornBearPig.9814


Transfer to lowest pop server needs remain free. Completely free. Otherwise there will never be any reason for anyone to go there and fill it up.