It is so fearsome, brutal and agile, that no one say it’s name out loud.
They are afraid of their wrath so just call them DeX. But the real name is Dexterity Overload.
Go to eu server you can do the night shift and probably push up tier any server you join go to Vabbi they realy need help
SBI and CD are good servers to go to, they need more people too. Mainly CD needs NA.
T5 I also recommend Ehmry Bay, they are a nice NA/Oceanic server and have skillful players.
At anything higher than T4 including SoS, please stop posting, the OP clearly says low tier servers. FA and JQ have enough bandwaggoners anyway.
You should come to EU servers, you will meet a bunch of new guilds and players^^
JQ is so scared of losing they are trying to recruit more, lol so funny. Come to BG to take down the beast. NA prime is our only weakness
Terrible guild. I pity the server whos wvw spots they take. They give maps away for fun.
You should go to either GoM or NSP, I heard they are looking for more people.
Well in my opinon i would not mind to have fresh blood in the server and a well organized guild is always welcome,
sorry to hijack a bit the thread but once in the while server that stay on t8 for quite some time, the transfer should be cheap or the price should be droped.
You could pick a low pop + balanced tier and split your guild across it to become the best PvSelf guild ever…
Bonus points if you run confusion/retal builds.
please stay away from tier 7, we’re actually balanced now.
go help Anvil Rock or Borlis Pass.
It won’t stay balanced for long. NSP could use some fresh blood did we ever had transfer? I miss SF a little.
Well, i’m not generally doing this, but you could do worse than moving to <INSERT SERVER NAME HERE>.
We have a healthy, friendly and very skilled community, very little queues in your time-zone, and you would be welcome with lots of <GOLD/PRESENTS/KISSES>. Our community is widely acknowledged as one of the best in <EU/NA/TEH INTERNETZ> and all our opponents agree that they wish they were us. We fight our opposition using our <TEAMWORK/COORDINATION/MAD SKILLZ> even though all they can do in return is <ZERG/BLOB>. We never do that because we’re special and, dare i say, pretty unique in the entire GW2 server ecosystem. If we only ever lose a matchup, it’s because of such <UNFAIR TACTICS/CHEATS> as <SPEEDHAX/PVDOOR>. We are also home to <INSERT RANDOM GUILD TAGS YOUR MAN NEVER HEARD OF> whose <BROTHER-IN-ARMS/BFF/SIDEKICK> you would have the chance to become.
Now i hope you find a suitable home, and wouldn’t want to feel pushy, so feel free to go wherever suits your guild best. In my opinion, that would just happen to be <INSERT SERVER NAME HERE>.
kitten! That sounds great! I’m joining these guys right away!
It won’t stay balanced for long.
based on what? all 3 servers are still within 2k of each other after 5 days.
the only thing that would unbalance the tier is a large guild like this transferring over and breaking the equilibrium.
looking to move to a server anywhere from a tier 5 to tier 7
Your guild will be the biggest WvW guild BY FAR in those tiers.
Even the T2 servers have very few WvW guilds that have 15 people online 24 hours a day.
If you go to any of these lower tiers, you will be bored to death pretty soon, I think.
I would love to see your militia in Borlis Pass. We’re a pug-y server that is used to winning difficult 3-way matches, but with the newest match up again Ebay where their numbers destroy ours, have suffered a loss of moral as a consequence. In our first week against them, we pulled out the stops and destroyed them. They haven’t forgiven us since and have outspokenly focused their attention on pushing us down to T6. A large and organized guild would make all the difference in this fight, to the point where we could make this other server taste their own medicine. Or at least make the fight fair.
AR is a little more roam-y. They are the top server for sPvP, and consequently you’ll run into some great duels with their roamers, but they seem to lack large scale play coordination. Fighting them for 12 out of the 14 weeks I’ve played this game, my observations have been that they play to survive, not to win. (No offense my AR rivals, but I have seen even you admit to ‘playing for second’.) I’m confident that BP could jump to second place if we wanted—but that isn’t what we (I) want. We want to keep the boot on Ebay’s throat, not battle it out for second place with AR.
BP is at that point where we desperately want to take that next step, and your guild could be what gives us that opportunity.
If you decide to do T5, let me set some things straight about how each server is.
Anvil Rock seems to be a close-knit server filled with some skilled PvPers. While they don’t have much in the way of numbers, they make up for it with pure skill and strategy (which is how they’re second place despite BP and EB outnumbering them). We enjoy fighting AR every week, since they always give a good fight.
Borlis Pass seems to have a shaky relationship with each other (if their forums warriors are an indication), and has numbers yes, but unfortunately you don’t see much strategy from them at all, and quite a bit of their players don’t seem to be that skilled. We usually see them try to zerg to take a point (but we’re really proud of them when they show some good strategy). They’re close to falling down to T6, btw.
Ehmry Bay, the server I’m on, we’re somewhat of a combination of BP and AR. We’ve got the numbers, the skilled players, and strategy. We’re good enough to make it to T4, but we have no clue how well we’d actually do (we expect we’d get smoked, and probably like it as it’d give us a few new strategies).
That’s basically T5 servers in a nutshell.
It won’t stay balanced for long.
based on what? all 3 servers are still within 2k of each other after 5 days.
the only thing that would unbalance the tier is a large guild like this transferring over and breaking the equilibrium.
1 or 2 large HoD guilds jumped ship to GoM already, it will not stay balanced for long.
During my command hours we are pretty much always atleast 1v3 of GoM but 1v1.5 of DR (obviously not real statistics just what it seems like)
looking to move to a server anywhere from a tier 5 to tier 7
Your guild will be the biggest WvW guild BY FAR in those tiers.
Even the T2 servers have very few WvW guilds that have 15 people online 24 hours a day.
If you go to any of these lower tiers, you will be bored to death pretty soon, I think.
Not really true I mean the 24h a day yes but id bet os and zos can field close to their numbers and we are t7
looking to move to a server anywhere from a tier 5 to tier 7
Your guild will be the biggest WvW guild BY FAR in those tiers.
Even the T2 servers have very few WvW guilds that have 15 people online 24 hours a day.
If you go to any of these lower tiers, you will be bored to death pretty soon, I think.
Curiously enough, it’d be moving to higher tiers not lower ones. He’s from T8 (Ferguson’s Crossing, if I recall correctly). You’re fighting him right now, in fact!
It won’t stay balanced for long.
based on what? all 3 servers are still within 2k of each other after 5 days.
the only thing that would unbalance the tier is a large guild like this transferring over and breaking the equilibrium.
I fought when we were locked with AR and BP for nearly 2 months and Darkheaven/Dragonbrand for a month in those "Balanced’ match up.
Either one side get transfers or the 2 server gang up on 1. Animosity escalate pretty quickly.
(edited by yanoch.7051)
It won’t stay balanced for long.
based on what? all 3 servers are still within 2k of each other after 5 days.
the only thing that would unbalance the tier is a large guild like this transferring over and breaking the equilibrium.
I fought when we were locked with AR and BP for nearly 2 months and Darkheaven/Dragonbrand for a month in those "Balanced’ match up.
Either one side get transfers or the 2 server gang up on 1. Animosity escalate pretty quickly. NSP always seemed to get all the hate. Maybe now that the peoples causing internal drama in game or on the forums are gone we might be able to rebuild
Yeah, things change so enjoy the good times while they last =)
It won’t stay balanced for long.
based on what? all 3 servers are still within 2k of each other after 5 days.
the only thing that would unbalance the tier is a large guild like this transferring over and breaking the equilibrium.
I fought when we were locked with AR and BP for nearly 2 months and Darkheaven/Dragonbrand for a month in those "Balanced’ match up.
Either one side get transfers or the 2 server gang up on 1. Animosity escalate pretty quickly.
BP’s getting that in T5, mostly because they seem to be the easier one to take out…for both EB and AR. Plus well, every reset while AR and EB don’t invade other BL much because we’re too busy strengthening our BL, BP is the only one to start invading in full force. So we knock them down and attempt to keep them down for annoying us on reset night. AR stopped doing it after the first couple of weeks. BP keeps doing it. -_-
I feel the wise old proverb fits here…“Don’t go writing checks your butt can’t cash.”
(edited by RyuDragnier.9476)
Are you considering only NA servers or are EU on the table? your numbers on EU would give a server like Underworld 24/7 coverage without causing any real extra queues which usually upsets the original population.
What.. ? Uw is currently matched vs 2 german servers.You want to have a 50+ Nightzerg capping against 15ppl ? Be serious please….
Indeed, Desolation is a natural choice for NA timezone guilds thinking about the EU.
You don’t mention why you want to move. Why do you want to move?
Also, This month’s EU bandwagon server of choice is:
Ruins of Surmia
join Fort Aspenwood
we has cookies
join JQ, they need all the help they can get now
No and No. These two servers have perfectly fine North American timezone, and don’t need more.
True and fair people will advice servers other than their own.
My advice is to go Crystal Desert, they have bad NA and need a big improvement, or Dragonbrand.JQ needs more wvw NA guilds. JQ is mostly a PVE server with awesome commanders who can win fights out manned. That’s how we have been #1. Our tactics on that server are superior. But, right now with all the transfers to Blackgate by HUGE ZERG guilds we can’t keep up. There rarely is a que on any map during any time zone. When there is a que it’s only 5 min.
Blackgate hasn’t received pure zerg transfers, JQ are just scared of not winning for the first time. All tier 1 servers are super zergy. Blackgate puts full force into one or two borderlands like today, but leaving other areas vulnerable. I admit, Blackgate has received transfers, so has Jade Quarry, but mainly SoR. JQ is in first place, I strongly disagree they need more people.
Servers with low NA courage would need the large NA guild much more than any tier 1 or even tier 2 server.
“… but mainly SoR.” Good One. Very funny!
I would suggest Sea of Sorrows, good server and community with experienced players that suferred from mass transfers out to a certain server. They deserve a second chance. I am on SoR so not biased.
They currently play on JQ. They want a challenge in one of the lower tiers.
People saying move to JQ don’t know their own server.
KWBH? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that tag in WvW.
@ryudragnier what you say is twisted by eBay propaganda
BP will not fall into t6 anytime soon, if you look at the scores t6 has been more in balance and has caused dh(the only server close to t5) to lose points, you won’t see them for awhile. Also eBay likes to sit on us because we actually bring the fight to them that is the main reason we are red now. Lol it’s not because of AR tactics, and AR has a grudge against us for beating we gave them for weeks. They are only blue because eBay wants them blue, eBay decides who comes in 2nd and 3rd. If BP forum warriors stopped upsetting eBay we would be blue team
If you want any info about the guilds or how our population is Pm me.
If you simply look at his post history you will get a good idea of what server his guild is currently playing on. If they go to SoS, it would move them up to tier 3, as they do need help during NA, but he clearly stated that tier 3/4 are not an option. Lots of vultures in this post, who seem to have issues with reading comprehension.
They currently play on JQ. They want a challenge in one of the lower tiers.
People saying move to JQ don’t know their own server.
KWBH? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that tag in WvW.
It’s an ET guild VOLK. Pretty decent too. Large and run both groups and zerg trains depending on the need.
Couple of good commanders to follow, that people will actually see if they are on so they can flock to their Tag.
One commander in particular I follow quite a bit, unless he gets home late night drunk and runs us into repeated death hehe, but overall hes a kitten good commander.
Will be sorry to see them move on. Not too many large guilds left in ET to raise us back up from the depths we are sinking into.
If anybody is looking to transfer to an underdog server with Rare to Exotic WvW queues (rarely happens except for maybe reset night on peak time) Eredon Terrace is the place to come too.
They currently play on JQ. They want a challenge in one of the lower tiers.
People saying move to JQ don’t know their own server.
KWBH? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that tag in WvW.
It’s an ET guild VOLK. Pretty decent too. Large and run both groups and zerg trains depending on the need.
Couple of good commanders to follow, that people will actually see if they are on so they can flock to their Tag.
One commander in particular I follow quite a bit, unless he gets home late night drunk and runs us into repeated death hehe, but overall hes a kitten good commander.Will be sorry to see them move on. Not too many large guilds left in ET to raise us back up from the depths we are sinking into.
If anybody is looking to transfer to an underdog server with Rare to Exotic WvW queues (rarely happens except for maybe reset night on peak time) Eredon Terrace is the place to come too.
Thanks for the info, I’m sorry to see them leave you all after reading that. Well, if they’re looking for some larger fights, they’re welcome to play in the Quarry… otherwise maybe they should consider staying home? (Not knocking their desire to try new things, but sometimes there’s no place like home, you know?)
Terrible guild. I pity the server whos wvw spots they take. They give maps away for fun.
For fun eh? I would say that’s ok, this is a game so fun is the most important thing to have.
Smiling, as a former ET, that went to SF: Come to the Dark Side. Seriously, I will always have friends in ET, so I would hate to see you guys leave there and hurt the server.
But if you are truly dead-set on going, I would hope that you would consider your old foes at SF. We could use some oceanic coverage the most, but we do not have queues in EB 90% of the time in NA primetimes. The only times we experience queues are at reset (of course) and during peak weekend times, which is normally only reserved to EB.
We are in an uphill fight at the moment in T6, so it would not be like you were joining the bandwagon, DH and even IoJ have proven to be worthy opponents.
Anyway, like I said hopefully you guys work everything out, but if you do truly want to move do not do so without at least checking SF out.
Curiously enough, it’d be moving to higher tiers not lower ones. He’s from T8 (Ferguson’s Crossing, if I recall correctly). You’re fighting him right now, in fact!
Dwight Schrute False meme here. Not FC but our T8 “middle bro” ET.
Hey KWBH, have you considered going up to join SF? They were looking for night time crew.
ETA: I swear King Amadaeus and I are not one person.
If you decide to do T5, let me set some things straight about how each server is.
Anvil Rock seems to be a close-knit server filled with some skilled PvPers. While they don’t have much in the way of numbers, they make up for it with pure skill and strategy (which is how they’re second place despite BP and EB outnumbering them). We enjoy fighting AR every week, since they always give a good fight.
Borlis Pass seems to have a shaky relationship with each other (if their forums warriors are an indication), and has numbers yes, but unfortunately you don’t see much strategy from them at all, and quite a bit of their players don’t seem to be that skilled. We usually see them try to zerg to take a point (but we’re really proud of them when they show some good strategy). They’re close to falling down to T6, btw.
Ehmry Bay, the server I’m on, we’re somewhat of a combination of BP and AR. We’ve got the numbers, the skilled players, and strategy. We’re good enough to make it to T4, but we have no clue how well we’d actually do (we expect we’d get smoked, and probably like it as it’d give us a few new strategies).
That’s basically T5 servers in a nutshell.
I agree with your comments about your own server, but gotta say, you got BP all wrong. Not close to t6, and we are a very close knit group imo (basing that on forum warriors? c’mon). Skills etc. are in the eyes of the beholder, and certainly vary across the BP population. But we’re working on it because we live for ebay pride.
BP is probably just what OP’s guild is looking for, but I admit my bias.
Curiously enough, it’d be moving to higher tiers not lower ones. He’s from T8 (Ferguson’s Crossing, if I recall correctly). You’re fighting him right now, in fact!
Dwight Schrute False meme here. Not FC but our T8 “middle bro” ET.
Hey KWBH, have you considered going up to join SF? They were looking for night time crew.
ETA: I swear King Amadaeus and I are not one person.
Oh, sorry about my mistake!
Curiously enough, it’d be moving to higher tiers not lower ones. He’s from T8 (Ferguson’s Crossing, if I recall correctly). You’re fighting him right now, in fact!
Dwight Schrute False meme here. Not FC but our T8 “middle bro” ET.
Hey KWBH, have you considered going up to join SF? They were looking for night time crew.
ETA: I swear King Amadaeus and I are not one person.
Oh, sorry about my mistake!
It’s okay! I admit it actually took me a little while of looking back at posts and stuff before I was sure it was ET and not HoD. Or GoM. cough
SF would love to have some t8 hell-forged brothers with us. KWBH was another one of those forces to be reckoned with on ET. We’re looking for more people regardless as we settle into our tier and would definitely prefer it was people we knew were competent and good at WvW.
So hopefully SF is a consideration for you guys. Feel free to pm me if you need any info/help getting over. Most of the commanders that fought you when we were in t8 are pretty tight and would work with integrating communication with you guys if you wanted.
(edited by pulsecodesgnl.3470)
SF would love to have some t8 hell-forged brothers with us. KWBH was another one of those forces to be reckoned with on ET. We’re looking for more people regardless as we settle into our tier and would definitely prefer it was people we knew were competent and good at WvW
So hopefully SF is a consideration for you guys. Feel free to pm me if you need any info/help getting over. Most of the commanders that fought you when we were in t8 are pretty tight and would work with integrating communication with you guys if you wanted.
Another SFer jumping in to echo this sentiment. We’d welcome you with open arms, Starbucks and cookies.
SF would love to have some t8 hell-forged brothers with us. KWBH was another one of those forces to be reckoned with on ET. We’re looking for more people regardless as we settle into our tier and would definitely prefer it was people we knew were competent and good at WvW
So hopefully SF is a consideration for you guys. Feel free to pm me if you need any info/help getting over. Most of the commanders that fought you when we were in t8 are pretty tight and would work with integrating communication with you guys if you wanted.
Another SFer jumping in to echo this sentiment. We’d welcome you with open arms, Starbucks and cookies.
I remember you guys. The match up was a little boring for you before anet let you out of t8 hopefully we made it a bit interesting while you were in the tier.
I remember you guys. The match up was a little boring for you before anet let you out of t8 hopefully we made it a bit interesting while you were in the tier.
For a while KWBH, TAC (pre transfers), and MEND (pre transfers) were the only guilds really giving is any viable fights. Which is exactly why we know we’d be glad to have you guys come over.
Consider kaineng, we are t3 but very close to being balanced if we had SOME NA help, it’s virtually non-existent atm. The current player base is very dedicated to wvw, very welcoming and also has decent pve(not that I participate in pve) We are not looking to move up...but survive and keep or players energized for wvw.
SF would love to have some t8 hell-forged brothers with us. KWBH was another one of those forces to be reckoned with on ET. We’re looking for more people regardless as we settle into our tier and would definitely prefer it was people we knew were competent and good at WvW
So hopefully SF is a consideration for you guys. Feel free to pm me if you need any info/help getting over. Most of the commanders that fought you when we were in t8 are pretty tight and would work with integrating communication with you guys if you wanted.
Another SFer jumping in to echo this sentiment. We’d welcome you with open arms, Starbucks and cookies.
I remember you guys. The match up was a little boring for you before anet let you out of t8 hopefully we made it a bit interesting while you were in the tier.
Very much so, and I’d like to +1 the “t8 hell-forged brothers”!!!
if you can field 80-90 players during reset i don’t think T5 or T7 is a suitable place for your guild. Most guilds at lower tier enjoy small scale battles. A guild of your size is more suitable in T1 or T2.
t7 loves their zvz what you talking bout as well as some small man
ETA: I swear King Amadaeus and I are not one person.
Or are we? Nah…Maybe? Nope.
Probably not, but maybe. Not really.
SF would love to have some t8 hell-forged brothers with us. KWBH was another one of those forces to be reckoned with on ET. We’re looking for more people regardless as we settle into our tier and would definitely prefer it was people we knew were competent and good at WvW
So hopefully SF is a consideration for you guys. Feel free to pm me if you need any info/help getting over. Most of the commanders that fought you when we were in t8 are pretty tight and would work with integrating communication with you guys if you wanted.
Another SFer jumping in to echo this sentiment. We’d welcome you with open arms, Starbucks and cookies.
I remember you guys. The match up was a little boring for you before anet let you out of t8 hopefully we made it a bit interesting while you were in the tier.
Very much so, and I’d like to +1 the “t8 hell-forged brothers”!!!
I remember you guys. The match up was a little boring for you before anet let you out of t8 hopefully we made it a bit interesting while you were in the tier.
For a while KWBH, TAC (pre transfers), and MEND (pre transfers) were the only guilds really giving is any viable fights. Which is exactly why we know we’d be glad to have you guys come over.
SF would love to have some t8 hell-forged brothers with us. KWBH was another one of those forces to be reckoned with on ET. We’re looking for more people regardless as we settle into our tier and would definitely prefer it was people we knew were competent and good at WvW
So hopefully SF is a consideration for you guys. Feel free to pm me if you need any info/help getting over. Most of the commanders that fought you when we were in t8 are pretty tight and would work with integrating communication with you guys if you wanted.
Another SFer jumping in to echo this sentiment. We’d welcome you with open arms, Starbucks and cookies.
SF would love to have some t8 hell-forged brothers with us. KWBH was another one of those forces to be reckoned with on ET. We’re looking for more people regardless as we settle into our tier and would definitely prefer it was people we knew were competent and good at WvW
So hopefully SF is a consideration for you guys. Feel free to pm me if you need any info/help getting over. Most of the commanders that fought you when we were in t8 are pretty tight and would work with integrating communication with you guys if you wanted.
Smiling the thing to take away from this thread, is that all these people love me and welcomed me with open arms when I came over, as 1 person, coming from the “enemy” ET as we were still very much locked up back then all in T8.
Focus on the bold words, cause we all know a what a god-awful task that must have been (cause Sav can be hard to love lol), and you guys would be a formidable group, and I can honestly say I have never had as much fun on any server before SF. Great people, great community, exceptionable work ethics while still managing to treat WvW as a game (ie: having fun). And most of the core player base all know each other, so it is not like it is a huge server full of strangers…We are fairly close-nit.
(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)
I’m going to be very honest with the OP, you should put a lot of thought into transferring your guild. I’m assuming you’ve already talked to your guild but it will affect your guild. There are a lot of factors that sometimes may go unaccounted for. Transferring to any server at this point on the NA ladder costs 1800 gems. If you are moving around 300 people….the amount of cash that is….it’s harder than it looks to get that together with transfers right now between 60-70g a person.
I highly doubt any Tier 5-7 server can give you more than 1000g aid. As well with other posters I will agree that if your guild is as good as you and others claim you will imbalance the lower tiers and raise the server at least a tier or 2. What happens then when you face a lot higher skill and bigger coverage gaps within your server of transfer?
In honest. Nothing against the lower servers however, look at tier 2-4 as well and see what they can offer you. I know when I was transferring my guild I told myself there are a limited amount of choices since we only wanted Tier 1. Then we did research on tier 2-4 and saw that T2 was the best place for us.
Keep in touch.
(edited by Mayoken.9851)
looking to move to a server anywhere from a tier 5 to tier 7
Your guild will be the biggest WvW guild BY FAR in those tiers.
Even the T2 servers have very few WvW guilds that have 15 people online 24 hours a day.
If you go to any of these lower tiers, you will be bored to death pretty soon, I think.
That’s not true. Ehmry Bay has three WvW guilds that each field more people. We just have little night time coverage. The 10-15 people OP claims to be able to add to that would be a huge help.
if you can field 80-90 players during reset i don’t think T5 or T7 is a suitable place for your guild. Most guilds at lower tier enjoy small scale battles. A guild of your size is more suitable in T1 or T2.
They said 80-90 people online, which isn’t the same as fielding.
I made the jump from T8 to T2 (TC) and it was a great choice! Seemed to be way too much bickering in T8.
Though it may be early to tell, both TC or FA seem to be falling behind DB’s coverage in that Tier. Numbers also seem to be lacking for TC during prime time at the moment; though TC and FA are a pretty even match!
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