so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: waeren.9743


However i do wonder, if Anet says that nightcapping is a game mechanic, why don’t we ever have US vs EU then?

That’s why I ask my self all the time. If game is 24/7 there should be no regions.

The reasons for regions is because there are two datacenters. One is located in the UK, and one is located in Seattle.

The reasons why some servers have designations, such as french, german, etc. is so people who don’t speak english, or english is not their first language, they can go to those servers designated for people who speak the same language they are comfortable with.

They aren’t enforced as in, if you are french you MUST play on the french server, or if you are European you MUST play on the european server. You are more likely to find people you have more in common with on those servers, but if you want to, like say you have friends in america, you can play on their server if you want, though you might have ping troubles.

This is also why the WvW matchups are separated regionally. to reduce lag.

It’s not exactly rocket science or anything, so i don’t know why people ask this question.

Yet another random HoD comment.

You are aware that only the UK population speaks English in Europe? Where’s the Russian, Swedish, Dutch, …. servers? Hey it’s an international game, learn to mix.

If it’s an international game then we should forget about lag. If you want that 24/7 pop you’ll need people from everywhere so yes some part of your population will lag. I’m sure the EU/SEA/Australian people on HoD experience some of it.

If the game is truly 24/7 and international then there shouldn’t be any obvious population split on the server screen.

Can you please think a bit before posting, you’re contradicting yourself in the same post.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


@ Keldrath.4735

Great for you to give us light on this rocket science issue. However as you might guess we already know how GW-2 system works.

What we’re questioning is if they are intended to make a 7/24 game, why did they made such a game play, with 2 data centers for specific regions, with language servers, with game play which can severely affected by latency.

If they wanted to follow the path of ordinary MMOs with 2 regions, with language servers, with latency oriented game play, how they hoped to bring a 7/24.

There is EVE out there which is a proper 7/24 game, with no regions, no language servers, no latency oriented game play.

Either you plan and deliver a game which can be 7/24 or just shut up and don’t claim it to be meant for 7/24. If ANet hoped WvW to be 7/24 with latency issues, regions, and language servers all I can say that they have no idea about 7/24 online gaming.

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


Hi Everyone,

All is fair in love and war – and as love, WvW is a battlefield.
There are exploits, I’ll give you that – but then there is coordinated effort to ensure your world or your team uses each and every resource they have to their advantage.

War is not fair, war is not pretty, war gets out the worst in us – and the best – and even if we have excluded open world pvp from the rest of the game, this is exactly what happens on the WvW maps: It is the ‘playground’ for strategists and great tacticians, it is the place for coordinated efforts and mean ideas in the middle of the night.

Night capping is one of those valid tactics to score some points in a lasting battle – to get your world the upper hand, or cancel out daytime supremacy by another well coordinated opponent.

As Guild Wars 2 will progress in time, so will world vs. world and core gameplay mechanics. But for now, night capping is one valid possibility to ruin your enemie’s days – pun intended.

Thanks for the reply. It isn’t very nice hearing a few people constantly trying to make our only playing time worthless. Hopefully these people will stop harassing the Oceanic community after hearing your response.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Also, it’s great how the queue system already limits the potential advantage high-population realms have over lower populated ones.

Even a medium population server should be able to fill most battlegrounds.

But somehow asking for a fix to a much “cheesier” imbalance is somehow too much?

Talk about double standards…

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


Thanks for the reply. It isn’t very nice hearing a few people constantly trying to make our only playing time worthless. Hopefully these people will stop harassing the Oceanic community after hearing your response.

Currently your play time worth 5 times our play time. We were just trying to make it even.

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Corew.8932


This just tells me Anet is clueless about the issue a few servers are having.. I guess the solution is to transfer to where I don’t have to deal with it. Might even join the “night crew” on the NA servers instead.. nah, I won’t.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: dtfauss.5729


“Hi Everyone,
All is fair in love and war – and as love, WvW is a battlefield.
There are exploits, I’ll give you that – but then there is coordinated effort to ensure your world or your team uses each and every resource they have to their advantage.
War is not fair, war is not pretty, war gets out the worst in us – and the best – and even if we have excluded open world pvp from the rest of the game, this is exactly what happens on the WvW maps: It is the ‘playground’ for strategists and great tacticians, it is the place for coordinated efforts and mean ideas in the middle of the night.
Night capping is one of those valid tactics to score some points in a lasting battle – to get your world the upper hand, or cancel out daytime supremacy by another well coordinated opponent.
As Guild Wars 2 will progress in time, so will world vs. world and core gameplay mechanics. But for now, night capping is one valid possibility to ruin your enemie’s days – pun intended.”

I believe the core part of this post by the Anet rep is disingenuous.
Obviously Anet understands that this is a game and to continue to be a game in which folks participate it cannot be like REAL war.
Anet has coded specific non war features (some anti snowballing) like untakable spawn points, respawn itself, the ability to transfer, the lack of significant technology disparity, resets of the battlefield, and many more.
To pretend anything else is a bit silly and for an Anet rep to make a public comment to that effect is in my opinion short sighted.

While I believe there are some issues that could be looked into, and anti snowballing mechanics that could be implemented to keep matches “interesting” and entice folks to participate, I don’t believe the sky is falling.

If we ignore it however, make disingenuous or inflammatory statements, or stop dialog, based on many past examples we will see a drop off of participation in WvW and that harms the long term viability of player fun, and the game itself.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Bubasparks.7829


Just limit difference between incoming points to 300 (if one side got 170, 2nd side got 150, than 3rd leading side can have 450 incoming points max) no matter how many objectives leading side got. It will slow down growing of lead and there wount be situations like 60/50/610 or smth like that

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: above mars.4586

above mars.4586

Anyone who complains about nightcapping is a fool. What do you want them to do, pause the war overnight? Do you realize people have different night times? Pausing the war for East Coast players would screw over overseas players, and even some PST players.

Besides the fact that people wanted an open world of wvw, and pausing would complete defeat the purpose.

I think its absurd that people wanted a response from ANet about this.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: AcOrP.3947


Go play during the night time then and win if you think it is so easy….

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Gibber.9530


Sorry guys, the devs have spoken and whether you feel it’s fair or unfair it’s the hand you’ve been dealt. Now you can either ragequit and complain while waiting for someone else to fix your problem for you, or you can step up to the plate and start recruiting more for your inactive timezones, organizing what you do have; and strategically planning countermeasures to give your server the best shot of defending against greater numbers (something we all have to do sometimes regardless of time zones btw). I know it’s not as easy as majority vs majority that you get during your prime time and sometimes it may be the objective to lose less instead of hold all, but it’s what you are going to have to do if overall winning is what makes WvW fun for you.

The Elite [ELTE]
RIP Titan Alliance

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Anyone who complains about nightcapping is a fool. What do you want them to do, pause the war overnight? Do you realize people have different night times? Pausing the war for East Coast players would screw over overseas players, and even some PST players.

Besides the fact that people wanted an open world of wvw, and pausing would complete defeat the purpose.

I think its absurd that people wanted a response from ANet about this.

This, this, this.

Anyone who argues about the situation is selfish.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


Anyone who complains about nightcapping is a fool. What do you want them to do, pause the war overnight? Do you realize people have different night times? Pausing the war for East Coast players would screw over overseas players, and even some PST players.

Besides the fact that people wanted an open world of wvw, and pausing would complete defeat the purpose.

I think its absurd that people wanted a response from ANet about this.


Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


I don’t recall any posts suggesting pausing the war overnight

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Malarky.9546


If you want “balance” I think we should petition the devs to alter the spinning of the earth on its axis so as to create a new time-space continuum and sync every time zone in the world. But it might be a few weeks because they have their plates full with other stuff, remember guys?

Are you people in NA (I am also in NA….) really that self centered? The reason some servers are getting stomped is because they have off-peak populations. In many cases, that’s hardly Anet’s fault. Most of the servers with “night crews” (day-time for them, remember) are organized that way because they anticipated it being necessary if they wanted to win.

If you want to win, you should organize the same way. Everyone likes comparing WvW to DAoC. DAoC was great, everyone loved it — but you’re forgetting that DAoC guilds/alliances used the same exact tactic. Guess what, everyone still remembers it fondly today.

Anet has worked very hard to balance the classes and the abilities as best they can. They’ve optimized the borderland maps so there’s an even playing field (in the literal sense). If you want an experience that’s been balanced with every other micro-detail in mind, go play sPVP.

If you can’t actively reach out to off-peak players on your server, don’t bother passively complaining on the forums. WvW may not be the place for you. On the whole, the GW2 Community is a great one, and I’m confident that every server that wants to be competitive will step up with the people that can pull their servers together to stay competitive with more coverage in more time zones.

(edited by Malarky.9546)

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kryptorchid.7620


The free character transfer is NOT a core mechanic of the game – but instead a launch only initiative to balance out server population (to actually prevent the above mentioned ‘possible scenario’). It will go away at some point.

Here’s your problem. Leaving free character transfers open may have helped spread players across multiple server, but it allowed the WvW populations to congregate on a few servers. I have no idea why we even have PvE servers in this game? You have overflow, USE IT. Place everyone into the same PvE pool — no more population problems for PvE. Now you just need to redistribute the WvW populations on to smaller teams so you can’t have a situation where all the WvWers flock to one side, which is a current possibility.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Raze.5420


It’s always the same people QQ’ing about the same issue. For Pete’s sake just give it a rest.

So many lies and half-truths also being told.

- ….“a minority of the population that log on the cap everything while 90% of the playerbase sleeps.” ? Really – rubbbish. 90% ay? Have you ever played in other peoples prime? It’s definitely not walking around an empty borderlands capping keep as we sing rock anthems. Apart from the rock anthems bit, it never happens. Perhaps you should look at improving the quality of your night crew, because numbers are more often than not spread amongst all three sides (there are some exceptions, but on my server (IoJ) in our Oceanic prime we have never faced empty servers, not once throughout the 24hr and 1 week matchups). It just a bunch of ill-informed lies.

- “tons of people are complaining” – not true. The same tiny minority of players are complaining. The VAST majority of players who play in the same timezone as the whiners are not complaining. They are the majority and they actually seem to be having fun in WvWvW (even though the sheer amount of posts by this same group of peopole would have you believe this is impossible).

- “It’s not fun after day two.” – Your opinion. The thousands of people in WvWvW all the way through the week would disagree.

- “Even a medium population server should be able to fill most battlegrounds.” – If this is the case (posted by one of the most vocal and frequent posters for the anti-nightcapping minority) then what is the problem. If even medium servers can fill the queues and negate the large population how can you argue that nightcapping is an issue? Credibility = 0.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: phild.7862


I have just one simple question.

Why is it called “night capping” when it is daytime where those “nightcappers” are playing? That is the flaw! That is what is unfair!

The whole discussion here revolves around whether “night capping” is legit or not. Of course it is legit. It is fully legit assuming EVERYONE on the server has the same night and the same day.
This is why there are so many people defending night capping, because they are right, it is definitely a legit move.

However, and I haven’t seen any argument in favor of this, it is total bullkitten, that the servers allow people from different continents to dominate WvW by simply having a 24 hour day.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Natural.7013


Keep saying it’s ok. See SWTOR forums for those same types of supporters.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Malarky.9546


I have just one simple question.

Why is it called “night capping” when it is daytime where those “nightcappers” are playing? That is the flaw! That is what is unfair!

The whole discussion here revolves around whether “night capping” is legit or not. Of course it is legit. It is fully legit assuming EVERYONE on the server has the same night and the same day.
This is why there are so many people defending night capping, because they are right, it is definitely a legit move.

However, and I haven’t seen any argument in favor of this, it is total bullkitten, that the servers allow people from different continents to dominate WvW by simply having a 24 hour day.

It’s called night capping because these whiny self centered kittens. Instead of coming up with a solution to the problem, they take the passive approach and complain about it on the forums and erroneously call the game “broken”. Like a kitten drinking milk, I am enjoying lapping up their tears from my saucer as I hop around at work all nimbly bimbly in anticipation for this weekends matchup.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I don’t recall any posts suggesting pausing the war overnight

And nobody ever did. But the night-capping fanboys are so blended by their opinions they don’t stop to think for a minute if there might actually be a point to all this.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Aza.2105


I don’t know if I can understand the analogy of war that Anet is using. Maybe I’m wrong but, I don’t think in the middle of a war one tells the enemy that they’ll be back in 12 hours because they need to go to sleep so that they can get up early in the morning for work or school.

In a real world, its the soldiers job. So of course they will have to be on their guard around the clock. So I don’t see how this applies to wvw unless Anet is telling everyone that in order to win wvw you have to give up your actual job and schooling to live in GW2.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: above mars.4586

above mars.4586

I don’t recall any posts suggesting pausing the war overnight

Honestly, what other options are there? Leave it as is (what I think should happen), or pause it. There is no other way to balance WvW, and pausing is just absurd. Which leads us to leaving it as is.

If anyone suggests lowering the amount of people allowed in the map..
How would you feel, if during your prime time hours (7pm?) you got kicked out because the other team didn’t have enough players and they wanted to balance it? I’d be pretty kitten

Everyone has different prime time hours. Simple as that. Can’t screw a group of players over just so the other one can have an easier time.

(edited by above mars.4586)

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Corew.8932


It will go away at some point.

Really? You think the Canadians will get tired of PvEing us during the (our) night and move NA? I doubt it.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: krakenstar.1674


How about score tick is proportionally represented? Right now a minority of people can swing the score so much its completely unfair to the MAJORITY of the people.

So during prime time, all servers full, the score tick is multiplied by 100%.
during sleep time, servers are mostly empty. score tick is multiplied by 20%.

This is true fairness. 10-15% people playing at night should not account for 60% of a night cap server score at the end of the week.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Malarky.9546


It’s absurd how people are crying about “night capping”. They’re essentially saying “It’s unfair that people are playing when we aren’t”. Chances are, most servers have a relatively active off-peak population, the top ones are just organized better.

But it’s not unfair, it’s a tactic. Complaining about night capping is not only unreasonable and selfish, it doesn’t take into consideration the game and how it was designed. If you wan’t balance in the form of equal numbers at all times, on every map. You want something structured. Go play STRUCTURED pvp. World Versus World is the exact opposite. It is fluid, dynamic, and unstructured. It’s chaotic. Sometimes there are equal numbers, sometimes there aren’t.

To shy away from the “War is 24/7 Metaphor” this people are taking issue with, that’s like complaining that you can’t go to the bank

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


It’ll balance out eventually, once the 24/7 servers establish who they are. I suspect there’ll be a few properly 24/7 servers, and then there’ll be a whole bunch of other servers that don’t organise themselves and don’t really care about WvW.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


I’m a member of a EU guild with 100+ members. We’re pretty well organized and bring regular 10-50 man groups to WvW and generally change the tides of the map when we do. I was thinking to move to an NA server like SBI to even the odds against HoD. And in theory it sound great.

However in practice our management and member-base don’t want it, and it’s not about influence or upgrades. We can re-gain all the upgrades in a fairly short time. Problems are:

1. They don’t want to play on cross-Atlantic latency in such a game where latency matters. Especially on sPvP and WvW
2. They don’t want to be online on a under-populated time for PvE and sPvP
3. As that server is marked as NA, they have worries about or long term community size. As it will be really harder to find new EU players on NA servers to fill places of players getting bored of game.
4. No one is certain of future of WvW with this trend. It might be we’re gonna be the only ones on WvW in 3 months at late night times, and we’ll be forced to transfer back to an EU server.

To be honest, making a region based infrastructure with servers and WvW rankings divided to regions, and expecting to be a 7/24 game is a lost cause.

Also we don’t want to fix the solution for ANet as we’re paying customers not developers.

On the other-hand a solution is fairly easy. Just multiply score for each tick with overall population of the map, so that at each time of day one man’s effect on score will be same. It will not fix everything however it will bring some motivation to continue competition.

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Just saying, there have been suggestions to fixing the issue, the one I’ve seen that makes the most sense has been the one of “bubasparks” who suggest A FEW POSTS AGO to decrease point gain when the server population is very unbalanced…

Before people state “Stop whining and find a solution” read the posts THAT STATE POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS.
In so many of these posts i see “arguments” that have been contested in previous posts.

And i couldn’t not quote this:

It’s always the same people QQ’ing about the same issue. For Pete’s sake just give it a rest.

So many lies and half-truths also being told.

- ….“a minority of the population that log on the cap everything while 90% of the playerbase sleeps.” ? Really – rubbbish. 90% ay? Have you ever played in other peoples prime? It’s definitely not walking around an empty borderlands capping keep as we sing rock anthems. Apart from the rock anthems bit, it never happens. Perhaps you should look at improving the quality of your night crew, because numbers are more often than not spread amongst all three sides (there are some exceptions, but on my server (IoJ) in our Oceanic prime we have never faced empty servers, not once throughout the 24hr and 1 week matchups). It just a bunch of ill-informed lies.

- “tons of people are complaining” – not true. The same tiny minority of players are complaining. The VAST majority of players who play in the same timezone as the whiners are not complaining. They are the majority and they actually seem to be having fun in WvWvW (even though the sheer amount of posts by this same group of peopole would have you believe this is impossible).

- “It’s not fun after day two.” – Your opinion. The thousands of people in WvWvW all the way through the week would disagree.

- “Even a medium population server should be able to fill most battlegrounds.” – If this is the case (posted by one of the most vocal and frequent posters for the anti-nightcapping minority) then what is the problem. If even medium servers can fill the queues and negate the large population how can you argue that nightcapping is an issue? Credibility = 0.

I’m going to break this one down:

1- No rubish, i recall just a few nights ago on the VS borderlands where myself and 5 guild-mates were defending what was left of the FS control, in the end at 2-3AM we were the only 6 players defending the last tower against 40 incoming VS players, it was quite fun a good “last stand” moment.
When prime-time ends on FS the players slowly gather on EB to make their stand till there is literally noone logged in that isn’t using a auto-mouse mover to keep AFK in WvW

2- There are quite some players complaining about this issue, the main thing is who’s confronted with the issue? because FS keeps fighting against VS because we are second we’re the only ones that are CONSTANTLY having the issue.
I’m mostly seeing counterarguments from players that don’t have this issue and classify it as “whining”

3- When the main playerbase is online from 9AM-11PM GTM +1 then there are hardly players online between 11PM-9AM.
If in WvW your fighting a server that has players with a primetime between those hours you get something called nightcapping…..

Like i stated before, i won’t lose any sleep over it, but if your gonna make an argument, get your facts right.


so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: above mars.4586

above mars.4586

How about score tick is proportionally represented? Right now a minority of people can swing the score so much its completely unfair to the MAJORITY of the people.

So during prime time, all servers full, the score tick is multiplied by 100%.
during sleep time, servers are mostly empty. score tick is multiplied by 20%.

This is true fairness. 10-15% people playing at night should not account for 60% of a night cap server score at the end of the week.

Quality > quantity.

10 Stealth bombers or 50 Gunbuses?

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Corew.8932


How about score tick is proportionally represented? Right now a minority of people can swing the score so much its completely unfair to the MAJORITY of the people.

So during prime time, all servers full, the score tick is multiplied by 100%.
during sleep time, servers are mostly empty. score tick is multiplied by 20%.

This is true fairness. 10-15% people playing at night should not account for 60% of a night cap server score at the end of the week.

Well.. that doesn’t work when you are matched against a server where the borderlands are capped (full) of French during the day and when they go sleepy the borderlands fill up with Canadians.. I think they have pretty much 100% coverage 24/7.

Well.. that doesn’t work when you are matched against a server where the borderlands are capped (full) of French during the day and when they go sleepy the borderlands fill up with Canadians.. I think they have pretty much 100% coverage 24/7.Here’s an idea, match VS (EU) against HoD is it? (NA) that seems like it would be fair…

Well.. that doesn’t work when you are matched against a server where the borderlands are capped (full) of French during the day and when they go sleepy the borderlands fill up with Canadians.. I think they have pretty much 100% coverage 24/7.Here’s an idea, match VS (EU) against HoD is it? (NA) that seems like it would be fair…Edit: what the fuff happened to the post..?

(edited by Corew.8932)

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


Stop complaining and organise your servers.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Spryt.8012


Why are people so obsessed with winning? So what if a server caps everything during night and wins the overall match? They get absolutely nothing for it except long queue times.

People say it’s not war it’s meant to be fun. Well ask yourself what is fun? Being on a high pop server with long queue times and when you finally get in you see your server already owns everything and there is nothing to do but “win” the match. Or be on a server with shorter queue times where there is always something to fight for but loose.

I don’t care about winning the match. So what? I would much rather be able to jump in to WvW with minimal queue times. Have fun taking forts and killing people while I can. Log off and loose then sit in a queue for hours but be able to boast that I was in the winning servers queue.

As soon as people get their priorities right and start moving to more balanced servers maybe the night cap and queues issues will sort them selves out.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


Ok I’m going to start rejoining this ridiculous debate and post virus that is “night capping”

First off, Night capping is not a problem. People should be allowed to play on an equal footing 24 hours a day, if you bring more people you should win. if you bring more people over a longer period of time statistically you should win.

What is the current problem is that the nighttime capturing is now the main way to win, because the massive ammount of scores that can be made using the current scoring system at night far outweigh winning with the most objectives during prime time.

We are in the situation where. 100 vs 10 vs 10 is where you win the game not 150 vs 150 vs 150. what happens during the time of day where servers are maxed out in WvW population is now irrelevant to the entire matchup.

The scoring system is the issue not night capping. People with irregular sleep/work patterns, day time gamers, students, people in different time zones should not be punished because of a bad scoring system.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


Ok I’m going to start rejoining this ridiculous debate and post virus that is “night capping”

First off, Night capping is not a problem. People should be allowed to play on an equal footing 24 hours a day, if you bring more people you should win. if you bring more people over a longer period of time statistically you should win.

What is the current problem is that the nighttime capturing is now the main way to win, because the massive ammount of scores that can be made using the current scoring system at night far outweigh winning with the most objectives during prime time.

We are in the situation where. 100 vs 10 vs 10 is where you win the game not 150 vs 150 vs 150. what happens during the time of day where servers are maxed out in WvW population is now irrelevant to the entire matchup.

The scoring system is the issue not night capping. People with irregular sleep/work patterns, day time gamers, students, people in different time zones should not be punished because of a bad scoring system.

Completely agreed. Scoring system should take “how many players online on map” to account.

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

I support the guy above me .
Also noone is asking to turn off your pve night/day raids , we are demanding a balance for a gamebreaking ( imo ) issue .
For you guys is ok to allow PvDoors to win rotations , for me and a lot of other people is the thing that discourages us to play .
Now you can keep on saying “go back to wow/swtor/hko” “diz iza war” or we can try to find a solution , since i think that let EVERYONE enjoy the game should be Devs and Community goal .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Malarky.9546


Attention Citizens of Tyria: The enemy commander has gone to bed <daughter’s soccer game in the morning> WvW servers will shut down in 30 minutes.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


Why are people so obsessed with winning? So what if a server caps everything during night and wins the overall match? They get absolutely nothing for it except long queue times.

People say it’s not war it’s meant to be fun. Well ask yourself what is fun? Being on a high pop server with long queue times and when you finally get in you see your server already owns everything and there is nothing to do but “win” the match. Or be on a server with shorter queue times where there is always something to fight for but loose.

I don’t care about winning the match. So what? I would much rather be able to jump in to WvW with minimal queue times. Have fun taking forts and killing people while I can. Log off and loose then sit in a queue for hours but be able to boast that I was in the winning servers queue.

If you don’t care about it please ignore this thread, and leave it to who care for it. After all if scoring system changes it will not effect you as you don’t care.

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


Attention Citizens of Tyria: The enemy commander has gone to bed <daughter’s soccer game in the morning> WvW servers will shut down in 30 minutes.

No one is asking for shutting down the servers. Please don’t troll.

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


Ok I’m going to start rejoining this ridiculous debate and post virus that is “night capping”

First off, Night capping is not a problem. People should be allowed to play on an equal footing 24 hours a day, if you bring more people you should win. if you bring more people over a longer period of time statistically you should win.

What is the current problem is that the nighttime capturing is now the main way to win, because the massive ammount of scores that can be made using the current scoring system at night far outweigh winning with the most objectives during prime time.

We are in the situation where. 100 vs 10 vs 10 is where you win the game not 150 vs 150 vs 150. what happens during the time of day where servers are maxed out in WvW population is now irrelevant to the entire matchup.

The scoring system is the issue not night capping. People with irregular sleep/work patterns, day time gamers, students, people in different time zones should not be punished because of a bad scoring system.

Completely agreed. Scoring system should take “how many players online on map” to account.

No this isn’t what I am saying at all population dependent scoring breeds defending by not defending. the score needs to be shrunken and normalised so a marginal win during prime time is still a win equal to that of a land slide during an off peak section of play. peoples ability to score points shouldn’t be downgraded because of when they play and how many opposition show up. If you don’t defend you deserve to lose.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Malarky.9546


Ok I’m going to start rejoining this ridiculous debate and post virus that is “night capping”

First off, Night capping is not a problem. People should be allowed to play on an equal footing 24 hours a day, if you bring more people you should win. if you bring more people over a longer period of time statistically you should win.

What is the current problem is that the nighttime capturing is now the main way to win, because the massive ammount of scores that can be made using the current scoring system at night far outweigh winning with the most objectives during prime time.

We are in the situation where. 100 vs 10 vs 10 is where you win the game not 150 vs 150 vs 150. what happens during the time of day where servers are maxed out in WvW population is now irrelevant to the entire matchup.

The scoring system is the issue not night capping. People with irregular sleep/work patterns, day time gamers, students, people in different time zones should not be punished because of a bad scoring system.

This could work, I think….However, there still needs to be some sort of tactical advantage for dominating at night — regardless of the population.

It is 100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a valid tactic. And the servers that are willing to organize themselves to pull it off should be rewarded…..In DAOC, the faction that could do that usually had all the relics (In my mind, that’s advantage enough for GW2 as well). This would provide an advantage on the following day without throwing the score off like it is now….

I kind of have a feeling that this might be how Anet approaches it, with time. For now, patience is a virtue (but organization will help)

[Edit] A bit confused by your follow up Kyus (maybe it’s too early) care to give us an example of how your idea might pan out?

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


Quality > quantity.

10 Stealth bombers or 50 Gunbuses?

So you mean people living on less populated time-zones have more quality compared to people living on more populated time-zones?

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Corew.8932


Ok I’m going to start rejoining this ridiculous debate and post virus that is “night capping”

First off, Night capping is not a problem. People should be allowed to play on an equal footing 24 hours a day, if you bring more people you should win. if you bring more people over a longer period of time statistically you should win.

What is the current problem is that the nighttime capturing is now the main way to win, because the massive ammount of scores that can be made using the current scoring system at night far outweigh winning with the most objectives during prime time.

We are in the situation where. 100 vs 10 vs 10 is where you win the game not 150 vs 150 vs 150. what happens during the time of day where servers are maxed out in WvW population is now irrelevant to the entire matchup.

The scoring system is the issue not night capping. People with irregular sleep/work patterns, day time gamers, students, people in different time zones should not be punished because of a bad scoring system.

I totally agree, the scoring system are to blame in most cases. But what do you do when a server basically has 2 communities ? And borderlands are full at all times?

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


Really surprised by Anets comments on here, I’m not saying night capping is not a valid strategy, but when you allow open transfers for a full month it causes kitten like this…

Why not make the points go down for claiming things based on how many players are on the map? If the map has less then 50% people than they get 50% less points…

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Malarky.9546


There’s nothing to do about that Corew, that’s because they’re organized. They shouldn’t be penalized or handicapped for that.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


Ok I’m going to start rejoining this ridiculous debate and post virus that is “night capping”

First off, Night capping is not a problem. People should be allowed to play on an equal footing 24 hours a day, if you bring more people you should win. if you bring more people over a longer period of time statistically you should win.

What is the current problem is that the nighttime capturing is now the main way to win, because the massive ammount of scores that can be made using the current scoring system at night far outweigh winning with the most objectives during prime time.

We are in the situation where. 100 vs 10 vs 10 is where you win the game not 150 vs 150 vs 150. what happens during the time of day where servers are maxed out in WvW population is now irrelevant to the entire matchup.

The scoring system is the issue not night capping. People with irregular sleep/work patterns, day time gamers, students, people in different time zones should not be punished because of a bad scoring system.

I totally agree, the scoring system are to blame in most cases. But what do you do when a server basically has 2 communities ? And borderlands are full at all times?

if they have a full server 24 hours a day they probably will and probably deserve to win, but it would be nice that if you beat them during prime time that the scoring registers in a more meaningful way than it does currently. In the present system someone winning off peak with two communities can net +100,000’s during the week when their is no opposition but if they are beaten every prime time by superior coordination the winning servers then can only ammass 10,000’s of additional points. this gives the scored where you have order of magnitudes bigger between servers with two timezone populations.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Anlyon.8375


Why are people so freaking out about losing a day time dominance to a night crew?

How much fun do you really think the night crew had (PvE’ing keeps….woooo.)
How much fun is it to FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL for them back?

If a whole map is one colour, i look at that and say, look at all the opportunities.

The ‘winning’ server doesnt actually matter. Everyone is winning (world bonus’).

Getting Zerged on a map? consider going to a different map.

You have nothing to fear but Fear itself

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043



I agree on that. If a server is so well organized to bring full players at 7/24 they have the right to win.

What I don’t like is 30-40 players on night time can actually bring more points than 166 players on daytime. That demotivates 166 players on day time even they win or loose.

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


Why are people so freaking out about losing a day time dominance to a night crew?

How much fun do you really think the night crew had (PvE’ing keeps….woooo.)
How much fun is it to FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL for them back?

If a whole map is one colour, i look at that and say, look at all the opportunities.

The ‘winning’ server doesnt actually matter. Everyone is winning (world bonus’).

Getting Zerged on a map? consider going to a different map.

good healthy attitude and one I personally share with you.

The reason i care about this topic is the same as the reason I care about people not being able to operate ticket machines at train stations. Its stupid and that bothers me

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


Quality > quantity.

10 Stealth bombers or 50 Gunbuses?

So you mean people living on less populated time-zones have more quality compared to people living on more populated time-zones?

Are you kittening kidding me with this kitten?

Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria