trebs on sm

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

am i the only one that finds it annoying that trebs up on sm 3rd floor peak, are untouchable with a couple elles that have apparently been told to stay at them forever?

it takes a lot to gather up the people run them to a spot by sm where we can hit the trebs with a treb(when they are to deep in for balista), then we have to race to get treb down, however elles are there with focus air 4, and we cant get it down.. meanwhile a zerg comes and wipes us. rinse repeat, try again.. 1 gold later, still cant get trebs down while watching dg, ap, wc, kg, ql, walls just drop and nothing we can do… pugs lose interest in endlessly dieing trying to take out the trebs… finally get it down.. they just slap down a couple more. sigh, how much gold have you all went through in this viscous cycle…

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


Yea, I hate how having the castle in EB basically gives you dominance in 5 other towers in the map as well ._.

And it’s not even from the outer wall, its from the kitten 3rd floor.
Anza, Durios, QL, Willow and Kolvan rarely ever get to upgrade if the enemy is holding SMC because the walls are bound to fall.

Although I don’t approve of just removing SMC’s entire power to get a good treb position I think they should make it so that you only treb towers from the inner part of the outer walls or modify the 3rd floor so that if you breach the first layer of defense you can take down the treb.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

(edited by LieutenantGoogle.7326)

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


I dont mind that they can place trebs there. However no siege should be able to avoid counter siege.

Right now due to how close DG and a few others are. Trebs can be set further back making them unable to be hit by ballista.(Unless you have someone who decided to keep a pet out, or someone who stands where you can target.)

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


On the flip side, SMC outer walls can be trebbed from a billion different locations.

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


nope. All trebs are vulnerable from counter trebbing or other siege as far as we know.

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
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trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

the trebs can be taken down if they are to far in, by another treb on the ground…. however with elles camping to protect them, with focus air 4, and other class skills like smoke screen etc… this is really difficult, and takes 3 or 4 tries, sometimes more, to get all the hits in you need, costing over a gold. also needs great organization, yelling in map chat for more people to get a zerg to protect your treb spot from their response zerg… have to keep changing spots, wait a bit between tries, regain organization.. and once you get down, move to next peak, while they rebuild trebs on last peak…..

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Hymnosi.5928


nope. All trebs are vulnerable from counter trebbing or other siege as far as we know.

There is two positions so far that I’ve seen that are usable and can’t be hit by treb or mortar, one is in green territory, other one in red territory. Both use cliffs to shield their treb from incoming fire.

Anyways, stonemist is supposed to hold that level of dominance on the map, and should always be that way. It essentially takes a combined effort from both opposing servers to even make it contestable.

Hymnosi – Lv80 Engineer
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Brendar.3548


Yeah, it’s annoying. But every server does it. SMC gives that advantage, and if you have the ele’s, then yes, it’s very difficult. But every server is capable of doing this.

Ignorance killed the cat, curiosity was framed.

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


Durios has 2 spots screened from the 3rd floor sm trebs…but your still vulnerable to your walls being taken down of course.

And once you get inside the outer wall of SM, there are certain skills that can hit those high trebs(Barrage being one of them). You just have to harass the heck out of SM to keep them busy defending multiple fronts to get in.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Durios has 2 spots screened from the 3rd floor sm trebs…but your still vulnerable to your walls being taken down of course.

And once you get inside the outer wall of SM, there are certain skills that can hit those high trebs(Barrage being one of them). You just have to harass the heck out of SM to keep them busy defending multiple fronts to get in.

Both of those spots can be hit by treb splash damage. (All the others in DG are straight Treb dmg.)

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


All they have to do is let the guardian Wall of Reflection reflect treb shots back at the target.


trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: ajm.2931


I don’t have a problem with it. Yes there are some spots that are hard to hit, but that’s as it should be. Placing trebs on the top of SM makes them hard to hit, and ele air focus 4 makes it even harder, but it’s not impossible and it rewards both creative defense, and creative offense.

Obic – Tarnished Coast
Yak Cultist and follower of the Great Golem God

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: gabal.4520


I think Whirling Winds don’t prevent ballista shots so you always have that as an option. Besides, cooldown is 30s on that spell so it really takes a lot of elementalists to completely counter treb shots. Or simply break down the SM outer wall and destroy it from below…

Infidelija, boatswain of Bloody Pirates [YARR], lvl 80 elementalist
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


Durios has 2 spots screened from the 3rd floor sm trebs…but your still vulnerable to your walls being taken down of course.

And once you get inside the outer wall of SM, there are certain skills that can hit those high trebs(Barrage being one of them). You just have to harass the heck out of SM to keep them busy defending multiple fronts to get in.

Both of those spots can be hit by treb splash damage. (All the others in DG are straight Treb dmg.)

I don’t know about that, the spot I had once they tried for an hour to hit me from that east platform and couldn’t…not even with splash damage. Granted I could only take out 1 section of SM wall because of the odd angle, but it still worked. The only way they were able to to get me was by building a treb on the ground in SM farther south.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

There is one simple rule when it comes to siege weapons in WvW.

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Durios has 2 spots screened from the 3rd floor sm trebs…but your still vulnerable to your walls being taken down of course.

And once you get inside the outer wall of SM, there are certain skills that can hit those high trebs(Barrage being one of them). You just have to harass the heck out of SM to keep them busy defending multiple fronts to get in.

Both of those spots can be hit by treb splash damage. (All the others in DG are straight Treb dmg.)

I don’t know about that, the spot I had once they tried for an hour to hit me from that east platform and couldn’t…not even with splash damage. Granted I could only take out 1 section of SM wall because of the odd angle, but it still worked. The only way they were able to to get me was by building a treb on the ground in SM farther south.

If its the one I am thinking about, their treb operator had bad aim, or didn’t think outside the box.
So pesky are roofs….

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


If the problem is ele focus 4, why don’t you just have your own eles use the same thing to protect your own? If they can do it, so can you.

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Gismor.8407


I’ve seen trebs in Durios take out SMC trebs before, so it’s not impossible. And the point of SMC is for the dominant team to hold it, so it’s a little perk of holding the most fought after location, you get to hit elsewhere. I don’t think ANet really needs to fix anything.

[EK] Guild leader → Retired
Friend Gismor – 80 Revenant
“Always outnumbered, never outgunned.”

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: lobo fett.4705

lobo fett.4705

If the problem is ele focus 4, why don’t you just have your own eles use the same thing to protect your own? If they can do it, so can you.

since it takes so long to wait for the elles to leave a gap where we can even get one hit, it takes a long time to get these trebs down when they have organized elles… by this time zerg comes and wipes you out.. focus air 4 just protects from projectiles.

just ridiculous the amount of gold you go thru in order to get trebs down when being defended properly. i have no issues with trebs being used, but give us an equal chance to get them down, we cant very wel zerg those until we get inside sm upper lords room. as again projectiles dont work.

to the guy that said Balista.. properly placed trebs in sm cant be balista’d down

ninja fett/lobo fett/Eagle eye Fett

(edited by lobo fett.4705)

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

All they have to do is let the guardian Wall of Reflection reflect treb shots back at the target.

Does this actually work? (have not played in a bit)

Work for a cause, not for applause.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown

trebs on sm

in WvW

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Trebs and Catapults are some of the very few instances in the game where having the high ground really is an advantage because of the parabolic projectile paths. I can’t tell you how often I have been frustrated because my siege was being hit, but I couldn’t hit back, even with the same type of seige. The shots just landed too low. Likewise, I have had times when my seige was pretty safe from retaliation because the enemy couldn’t hit it with their own.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver