The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Riellan.2590


Wonder wich armor designer made beautiful armor and then kittens it with clipping issues like thease ? Was there no way for you to test out 30-40 armor and weapon models ?At least you should have tested cultural,dungeon and crafted items since those are most common used.
Charrs are affected most of all races with clipping issues.
Clipping issues are sign of sloppiness and neglect , you had those in gw1 for 7 long years ,hope you wont do it in gw2 again.
Never understood how someone can spend hours and hours on armor design and then kitten it with things like thease.

P.S all kittens are written by me since your censure is worse than in China.


The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


+1 on this

I actually rolled a normal sized charr to mitigate this a little. Which sucks, cause we want to be in your face big IMO.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
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The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Lifeson.4352


I can’t even preview a dagger to see how it looks cause in the preview it clips through my robe.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Esorono.1039


That’s nothing. This happens when you use any shield in combat.

Playable Tengu please!

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Grommen.7894


yeah, I am sick and fed up with my Charr, I do not want to reroll. Id like a race change please, charr armor sucks so bad.

Like a kindergartner got some markers and started going “bull in a china shop” drawing armor, no accounting for tail, shoulders, clipping left and right like a freak.

Who let this slip by?

Led designer was: Clippy “McClipper” Clippington

ok I’m finished!

(edited by Grommen.7894)

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


The worst part is armor that is SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR THE CHARR still managed to clip.

I wish I was kidding.
Gear that has an effect ONLY for charr, and thus was clearly designed with the charr in mind, has literally no hole for the tail. Somehow this did not cross in the mind of the person who was currently making said tail be on fire. Yes. There is armor in which the tail is aesthetically changed. And they somehow overlooked the fact that the armor has exactly 0 tailholes. I dont even know Anet. That’s some kitten sloppy work right there.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


+1. The clipping is ridiculously bad, especially on Charr’s. It really looks like amateur work.

But then again, I also wonder if the designers were hamstrung by having to conform to some wider performance mandate that came from on high, like limits on polygon counts, etc., in order to make sure GW2 would run on the widest number of PCs (in other words, it’s sales-driven).

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The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Beyreva.8769


I think the heavy armour has the smallest percentage of clipping. Light has the highest and medium is right behind light. Even the cultural sets clip!

For my engineer, I think I’ll never ever change T1 cultural, and for my elementalist I I’ll go for T2(I like it more than T1 and T3 CLIPS!).


Sometimes it’s necessary listening to the silence, it could tell more..

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: LameFox.6349


You know your armour sucks when you choose what skin to use not based on how much you like it, but whether or not it has horrific visual malfunctions. Which is exactly what I have to do on all my charr characters (regardless of size, actually). You should see my engineer with visible pauldrons… you could fit two extra bags for loot in the space between the shoulder and the shoulder armour.

Then you look at it from certain angles (like the ones you’ll see ALL THE TIME on a charr because of how it runs) and you can plainly see that what was meant to appear like armour is actually thinner than a piece of paper.


The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: TheCelt.1394


I agree with all the sentiments in this thread. I was greatly disappointed in the visual relationship between Charr and armors.

“It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument”. -William G. McAdoo

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Will Charr ever have more then a few sets of armor that don’t blatently clip?

Even the NPC charr look terrible.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: GaseousMask.3018


The thing is, what will YOU do to fix this clipping issue? From my view, this is the best we can get. Charr shoulder pads are large and spikey, shields and some weapons will clip into them but what can we do to change it to make it even more ridiculous? Vanishing spikes? Remove armor piece entirely? Position the shield lower though that won’t look right. There are some things we just have to deal with just cause there’s no other way to make it better. It seems like the best we can get. Also some shoulder pads have to be lifted to avoid further clipping with different armor configurations.

As for weapons clipping into cloth and leather. The only possible way to fix weapon clipping that I can think of is instead of rigging the weapons statically to the model skeleton around the waist, but instead make it act as a “ragdoll” or with physics that collide with armor though that can still make it look silly with the jerky movements of the characters and will also have to rig the armor into the physics system.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: LameFox.6349


What ‘will’ I do? Nothing – I don’t work on this game, do I?

If things need redesigning to not suffer from these issues – so be it. Point spikes someplace else, remove them, change their shape… whatever. Right now most armour looks terrible. I’m not too concerned that in trying to fix it, they might accidentally make it still look terrible. Because it already does.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: fellyn.5083


The thing is, what will YOU do to fix this clipping issue? From my view, this is the best we can get. Charr shoulder pads are large and spikey, shields and some weapons will clip into them but what can we do to change it to make it even more ridiculous? Vanishing spikes? Remove armor piece entirely? Position the shield lower though that won’t look right. There are some things we just have to deal with just cause there’s no other way to make it better. It seems like the best we can get. Also some shoulder pads have to be lifted to avoid further clipping with different armor configurations.

As for weapons clipping into cloth and leather. The only possible way to fix weapon clipping that I can think of is instead of rigging the weapons statically to the model skeleton around the waist, but instead make it act as a “ragdoll” or with physics that collide with armor though that can still make it look silly with the jerky movements of the characters and will also have to rig the armor into the physics system.

Yeah a lot of it would involve heavy tweaking of the armor to fix a lot of the clipping problems. But the only one that really bugs me is no tail holes in about 99% of the armors.

The other day I finally broke down and bought the Charr t3 heavy armor pants and it’s glorious because it’s pretty much the only armor in the game that doesn’t clip through the tail. And they also fixed the see through section on them, too. Which I am actually surprised happened as fast as it did.

If they can do it for one armor, why not all of them?

(edited by fellyn.5083)

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: MadDemon.7548


People, people, you have to remember:
Clipping is a part of almost EVERY MODERN VIDEO GAME.
Look at Skyrim. Pick an Argonian or Khajit, and their tails clip through almost every armor set.
Seriously, clipping like this isn’t a problem.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Grommen.7894


People, people, you have to remember:
Clipping is a part of almost EVERY MODERN VIDEO GAME.
Look at Skyrim. Pick an Argonian or Khajit, and their tails clip through almost every armor set.
Seriously, clipping like this isn’t a problem.

you failed to mention in your comparison, Skyrim is not an MMO and that the Skyrim’s community has mods, mods which fix the issues you talk about.

This game we have to wait for developers to fix the HUGE amount of clipping that is in the game.

You can’t compare Skyrim to GW2 in that respect. Skyrims mods fix most issues.

(edited by Grommen.7894)

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: fellyn.5083


People, people, you have to remember:
Clipping is a part of almost EVERY MODERN VIDEO GAME.
Look at Skyrim. Pick an Argonian or Khajit, and their tails clip through almost every armor set.
Seriously, clipping like this isn’t a problem.

You might have a point if they didn’t have armors that didn’t have clipping in the game. The heavy t3 armor works just fine. They built around the tail. There is absolutely no reason why they can’t do that for the rest of the charr armors. It’s just pure laziness and bad game design.

I don’t think it would take all that long to make some unique meshes to fit the charr tales in. 2-3 days to make the meshes and another 2-3 days to test them.

As mentioned above, if amateurs can do it in games like Skyrim I’m sure pros shouldn’t have any trouble doing it as well.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my charr warrior, he’s a kitten incarnate. But the clipping still needs to be fixed.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: GaseousMask.3018


People, people, you have to remember:
Clipping is a part of almost EVERY MODERN VIDEO GAME.
Look at Skyrim. Pick an Argonian or Khajit, and their tails clip through almost every armor set.
Seriously, clipping like this isn’t a problem.

You might have a point if they didn’t have armors that didn’t have clipping in the game. The heavy t3 armor works just fine. They built around the tail. There is absolutely no reason why they can’t do that for the rest of the charr armors. It’s just pure laziness and bad game design.

I don’t think it would take all that long to make some unique meshes to fit the charr tales in. 2-3 days to make the meshes and another 2-3 days to test them.

As mentioned above, if amateurs can do it in games like Skyrim I’m sure pros shouldn’t have any trouble doing it as well.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my charr warrior, he’s a kitten incarnate. But the clipping still needs to be fixed.

It just isn’t meshes. It will possible include new texture work and new bump mapping. Also it’ll probably mess with the original design of the look. The only way to keep it from changing too drastically is to cut holes for the tails but even that will look just as weird as the clipping issues.

Personally, i’d like more time being spent on more charr culturals than fixing up the non-charr armor

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Beyreva.8769


Also the coats/robes need the waist looked at as well. At the moment they are modelled around the torso(as latex), now this doesn’t look bad on humanoids(their posture dissimulates this), but on charr it makes all coats/robes look like victorian dresses. The cloth should drop down from the chest down, not stick to the waist. It just looks silly.. look at the cultural sets, the robes follow the posture nicely.

Sometimes it’s necessary listening to the silence, it could tell more..

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Vrede.8942


I am having the same problem with my Asura as much as with my Charr.

“Clipping is a part of almost EVERY MODERN VIDEO GAME”

Yet it can be solved if they re “rigged” the polygonal mesh to the skeleton. It seems like the mesh is not going along with the sliders of the avatar. And if that is the case, than the content creator who made the “clipping armor” had to tweak it a bit more. Then again there are so many variations, it is not the easiest thing to do.

The Goonie who wasn’t in the movie.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Tsgrarr.2371


The thing that annoys me about Charr is that hind toenail It always clips when you’re walking on all fours or
standing up. What also irritates me is weapons magically sliding forwards, for example the swords on Charr
when standing still are normal but the second you walk it gets shoved forwards into the hands
Which looks weird cause than you hold the grip or pommel of the sword.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Aryto.5873


I swear they’ve gone and cut holes for certain armors (some cultural and dungeon pants) in an update, or I just forgot that those slots were ever there to begin with in the infrequent number of times I’ve looked. In either case, they looked pretty bad. It was pretty clear that it was a transparency trick as the left and right sides of the “flaps” moved with each other as the tail sways—they’re clearly attached as one contiguous unit, despite there being a transparent gap.

Clipping is abound with the head and tail, but I would really prefer to see the “tail flaps” on everything Charr, rather than holes. Look at T3 and T2 heavy pants and town clothes pants, that is how it should be done! Heck even the medium armor Duelist coat was designed to work right.

A R Y T O . S HA D E S T A L K E R

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Wonder wich armor designer made beautiful armor and then kittens it with clipping issues like thease ? Was there no way for you to test out 30-40 armor and weapon models ?At least you should have tested cultural,dungeon and crafted items since those are most common used.
Charrs are affected most of all races with clipping issues.
Clipping issues are sign of sloppiness and neglect , you had those in gw1 for 7 long years ,hope you wont do it in gw2 again.
Never understood how someone can spend hours and hours on armor design and then kitten it with things like thease.

P.S all kittens are written by me since your censure is worse than in China.

Those arent that bad at all. Im sorry if little bits of mesh that overlap each other here and there annoy you so much but its not something that should hinder your enjoyment of the game. Not everything is gonna be picture perfect. As another poster asked, what would you do to fix it? Make the spikes magically disappear or warp the shields? The greatsword pommel clippings are negligible at best. Barely noticeable to me.

These are nitpicks.

You need to appreciate the games as a whole and not fret on the super small stuff that, lets face it, pale in relevance to the larger bugs and issues that plague mmos.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


Not bad at all? Well maybe when i am out of combat with the weapon on the back the spikes clipping is something i can accept. But really all the tail clipping issue is just pathetic and can be explained only in 2 ways:
1- whoever made charr armors has not aesthetic sense at all;
2- whoever made charr armors put zero effort into it.
That`s really annoying since charr race is awesome, too bad most armors look just bad on them. U know Oreoz some ppl are perfectionist, like me, the op, and lots of other players. I`m glad you have no problem playing a character affected with TONS of clipping issues, but you can`t blame others if they do actually have problems with that.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Not bad at all? Well maybe when i am out of combat with the weapon on the back the spikes clipping is something i can accept. But really all the tail clipping issue is just pathetic and can be explained only in 2 ways:
1- whoever made charr armors has not aesthetic sense at all;
2- whoever made charr armors put zero effort into it.
That`s really annoying since charr race is awesome, too bad most armors look just bad on them. U know Oreoz some ppl are perfectionist, like me, the op, and lots of other players. I`m glad you have no problem playing a character affected with TONS of clipping issues, but you can`t blame others if they do actually have problems with that.

Im not blaming anybody. Im just saying that perfectionists like yourself need to realize that the issues you bring up, when compared to ACTUAL issues in the game, don’t really matter.

You demand perfection from a game that literally will never be perfect. They dont have the time to go through and fix every bit of clipping in the game and when you say,
“Whoever made charr armors put zero effort into it,” a statement which is totally and completely untrue, you sound like a whiny baby.

You honestly thing anyone is going to even want to try and improve their work for someone who insults it and their pedigree so childishly?

Ummm no.

Especially when 4-5 years of their life went into what youre kittening about.

The tail clipping is not a problem in the large scheme of things.

Thats a reality you need to face.

Report texture and mesh issues as you see them like any other level headed gamer who understands that certain other issues can and will take precedence, but dont be a kitten about it like you have been.

The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


Oh c’mon the whiny baby comment is a bit commonplace, you could do better. Anyway no sry it doesn’t look like they put much effort into making armors for charrs. They just took the skin and adapted it to charr body. I don’t expect them to make this game perfect. Small clipping issues exist in every game i’ve played we just need to accept them. The tail clipping is not a small issue tho. They actually modified some armors by creating a “hole” for the tail, so it’s not like they are not aware what the problem is.
Are there more serious problems? Ofc there are. But u know there are also different teams working on different aspects of the game.
It wasn`t my intention to insult their work, this game is awesome. I just hope them to fix this issue. More people will play as charr for sure.