What would you want in a Sylvari Holiday?
Something in celebration of the Dream, I think. The other races could be involved by the holiday revolving around exposing the sylvari to as many new ideas and experiences as possible and broaden the Dream. They could be invited to the Grove to bring all manner of cultural specialities to the sylvari – food, music, dance, stories, games, combat styles, etc. A lot of the sylvari don’t ever leave the Grove, so it’d be a good way of broadening their horizons.
But of course the Nightmare Court would gatecrash and we have a lot of ruined festivals as plots already
Would it be a wicked human working with the nightmare court who might crakitten and attempt to assassinate the avatar of the tree?
The avatar isn’t alive though, its just a mouthpiece for the giant thing that is the Pale Tree. It would be awesome to have some kind of holiday celebrating the arrival of the firstborns or the planting of the Pale Tree.
Cooookies, lots and lots of cooookies cookies cookies!
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Blooming Day! The day when the Pale Tree first blossomed.
Something in celebration of the Dream, I think. The other races could be involved by the holiday revolving around exposing the sylvari to as many new ideas and experiences as possible and broaden the Dream. They could be invited to the Grove to bring all manner of cultural specialities to the sylvari – food, music, dance, stories, games, combat styles, etc. A lot of the sylvari don’t ever leave the Grove, so it’d be a good way of broadening their horizons.
But of course the Nightmare Court would gatecrash and we have a lot of ruined festivals as plots already
+1! Love this idea, minus the Nightmare of course.
as for when something like this should happen throughout the year… well I would like to think that the spring would be the most appropriate time of the year to have a celebration like this.
Well apparently we’re only around 24.x years old or something, so we can still celebrate 25 years of Sylvari existence.
Next update seems to be focused on Sylvari/Twilight Arbor based on the release page image. (check the image link)
Maybe, we could invite not only another races, but sylvari from Magus Falls as well? I think, 1/3 of us will be glad to see Malyck once more.
Next update seems to be focused on Sylvari/Twilight Arbor based on the release page image. (check the image link)
I think that’s Caithe, but i’d love to see some sylvari-related release. The idea in the second post (Faowri’s) is genious
Hug a Sylvari Day.
Arbor Day