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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrakeWurrum.6049


u have got to be kidding me u have time to edit my post but u dont have time to fix my account… wow GREAT SERVICE.

Believe it or not, it’s not every single employee’s job to work on this. Some people have more pressing issues. Some people are entirely paid to handle things on the forums for PR purposes, and do not have the experience or know-how necessary for fixing these issues.

I hope you haven’t forgotten my role in this little story. I’m the leading man.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

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Posted by: Ariella.9035


Zerterga just had his account returned after 5 days, the damage is not as bad as we thought it was going to be. I just hope he doesn’t get banned after the daily report tickets I sent in >< He is one very happy bunny, so thanks and keep up the good work, mumble is now a much happier place!

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Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


My account was compromised, took about 24 hours to get access restored.
I did loose all my characters and “stuff”, so I am not all that motivated anymore to play since they have no ability to restore items or characters…

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Posted by: OMG.6753


I just got my account back after 4 days!

I’m very happy as nothing seems to have been taken or sold. Really weird. I changed my password to a 20 digit random password but it wont let me change my email address. Has something changed with the ability to change the email or could the validatiion be going to the hackers email?

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Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


My account was compromised, took about 24 hours to get access restored.
I did loose all my characters and “stuff”, so I am not all that motivated anymore to play since they have no ability to restore items or characters…

I wouldn’t let getting hacked stop you from playing. Maybe start a new character, get the story from a different perspective. Besides you have learned so much about the world already, shouldn’t take you any time at all to get back to your former glory…

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

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Posted by: Vanadiel.6407


That is true. My main concern is getting my account compromised again.
I did have a unique username and password, and was still compromised. I do not understand how they were able to retrieve both pieces of information.

I am going to wait a bit to see what happens.

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Posted by: DrakeWurrum.6049


Got my account back, waited for 5 days (Monday morning)

I’ve been waiting 8 days, how the hell are they prioritising these tickets?

It’s not about priority, but simply that some tickets are easier to resolve than others.

It’s not like they have one person looking through tickets, and randomly picking them out of a hate.

I hope you haven’t forgotten my role in this little story. I’m the leading man.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

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Posted by: Beelzebul.4510


thanks anet for restoring my account to me from the hackers. sorry about all the crap i gave you as is everyone once they get there stuff back. i know its annoying guys just as everyone else said be faithful they will help. i just gotta figure out how to do email verify now lol

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Posted by: Ensifer.3506


Hacked account restored today after 4 days thank you very much Gailegray, and all of the support team.

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Posted by: NonToxic.9185


On the 7th I had my email changed on me, filed a ticket, and waited. I got Lancebot’s automated response, which was no help, but on the 5th day (today) I updated the ticket with a reminder that the ticket was still open and that I was a sad little boy without an account. They promptly restored my access, and I have since changed the email and password and re-enabled the email authentication step at log-in.

On the actual account, whatever party took the account didn’t take any of my gear or items, but only the 2 silver I had on me (pales in comparison to the amount I have banked). This hacker was a silly goose! All is now well.

Be sure to read all of the instructions on the page dedicated to what to do if you have been hacked ( I followed this to a tee and am now back at the reigns.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ikigami.4980


Guys, Just got my account restored. Nothing was missing and all toons still there. Took 6 days but they are working on everyones tickets. Mine was a Hacked Account.I was pretty upset but everything worked out for the best! Dont give up hope!

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Posted by: AxeQuestions.3570


Account reactivated after 15 DAYS.

Thank you.

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Posted by: Achilis.3609


Keep the faith everyone. My account was hacked last Friday the 7th and was restored a few hours ago. They even changed my email address for me, which I strongly suggest you all do. I got lucky and had all of my characters and bank items. I did however lose 3g and 400 gems. Those will set me back a little bit but I am happy my account is back, so thank you ANet.

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Posted by: Tartarus.5368


I got mine restored after 5 days. Only problem is I cannot login because I think the hacker is still on my account. Anyone know a way to boot him?

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Posted by: Cartodd.8243


I just got my account back which I am greatful for, but does that include my gear and ingame money as well? My bank has been totaly whiped out and including all my crafting items as well. Does anyone know if hacked players will get their stolen items back?

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Posted by: Computer.4816


u have got to be kidding me u have time to edit my post but u dont have time to fix my account… wow GREAT SERVICE.

Believe it or not, it’s not every single employee’s job to work on this. Some people have more pressing issues. Some people are entirely paid to handle things on the forums for PR purposes, and do not have the experience or know-how necessary for fixing these issues.

We are not asking the people paid to handle things on the forums or PR purposes to FIX the issue. We need them to give us feedback and explain what is the current situation. They are paid for that, and its supposed to be their work no? Ever hear that anxiety kills? I just believe that ArenaNet should be more professional in handling their approach to problems.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Everlast.1389


Update to my restored account.

Keep up the good thoughts i was very lucky!!

It appears my account was hacked then sold immediately to a person in China. I found this out because my brother found him/her in game and they admitted buying it for about $2 american. He attempted to get it back but the person was remorseless and played on.

End result was a 4 1/2 day vacation for me but the following:

No items in my bank or collectibles were touched, even left my 14 unlearned inks alone

Bags were emptied but nothing of merit there.

Leveled up from 34-50 but spent no skill points of any kind so are still there for me to assign.

i have about 40 silver more than i did and all of my gear has been upgraded to crafted yellows.

All in all i spent more time with the wife and was able to end up in a better position then i would have been.

Hackers suck but i got lucky.

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Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I got mine restored after 5 days. Only problem is I cannot login because I think the hacker is still on my account. Anyone know a way to boot him?

Please update your ticket and let the team know — they will help you re-secure the account.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

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Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

u have got to be kidding me u have time to edit my post but u dont have time to fix my account… wow GREAT SERVICE.

Believe it or not, it’s not every single employee’s job to work on this. Some people have more pressing issues. Some people are entirely paid to handle things on the forums for PR purposes, and do not have the experience or know-how necessary for fixing these issues.

We are not asking the people paid to handle things on the forums or PR purposes to FIX the issue. We need them to give us feedback and explain what is the current situation. They are paid for that, and its supposed to be their work no? Ever hear that anxiety kills? I just believe that ArenaNet should be more professional in handling their approach to problems.

Try reading the sticky post call Tickets for Review above. It will show that players get updates several times a day.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

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Posted by: Computer.4816


u have got to be kidding me u have time to edit my post but u dont have time to fix my account… wow GREAT SERVICE.

Believe it or not, it’s not every single employee’s job to work on this. Some people have more pressing issues. Some people are entirely paid to handle things on the forums for PR purposes, and do not have the experience or know-how necessary for fixing these issues.

We are not asking the people paid to handle things on the forums or PR purposes to FIX the issue. We need them to give us feedback and explain what is the current situation. They are paid for that, and its supposed to be their work no? Ever hear that anxiety kills? I just believe that ArenaNet should be more professional in handling their approach to problems.

Try reading the sticky post call Tickets for Review above. It will show that players get updates several times a day.

Thank you. This is what I meant by giving a feedback response. Just wanted to make it clear that people posting on this forum are not asking the forum moderators to fix the issues. Everyone in the ArenaNet Team have their own job and responsibility to do, at least we know that much.

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Posted by: anonymouse.9053


They’ve said they don’t currently have the ability to restore individual characters or accounts. They’ve also said they will, at some time in the future, have the ability to restore entire accounts from a time before the account was compromised, but not individual characters or items. Sorry, I don’t know where this was posted but it was in one of these threads.

So you can wait for that restoration ability to be offered (no time frame has been given), or you can start playing with your character or with new characters. They would be wiped, presumably, if you chose to go for the restoration whenever it is available.

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Posted by: Kaden.3162


i sent in a bunch of tickets and got feedback even telling me when they were backlogged and everything got sorted out fine.

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Posted by: Unywien.8310


My account was restored to me after 5 days.
Thank you.

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Posted by: slycem.7695


im so happy and thankful just a few questions tho

1: now that i got my account back whats the best possible ways to keep it secure from future hacks.

2: is there anyway i can get my like 20g back in the game.. any form of roll back? its ok if not im just happy i didnt lose my gear

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Posted by: Cordite.2406


Mind if I ask how long it took?

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Posted by: slycem.7695


Mind if I ask how long it took?

it took 2 or 3 days then i got my guild mates to post on here then after 14-15min got an email with new pass

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Posted by: Eddard.2930


Hey everyone,

I had one of my accounts involved in the hacks recently and I just wanted to let you guys know that it just got fixed. It took a few days but they got it right and I want to thank Anet.

We are hearing a bunch of upset people in this forum and I wanted to start this thread for two reasons. Firstly, to thank the powers that be and secondly to let everyone know that things are getting fixed.

If people read this thread and see a growing list of satisfied customers then it might help them realize that help is on the way.

Thanks Anet!

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming like the people in his car.

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Posted by: Cordite.2406


Hrmm. Must be nice! Still no word for my son 3 days later.

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Posted by: Mentat.8215


My account was hacked on Sept 9th and was just restored today Sept 13. Thank you guildwars/arena net for getting this resolved.

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Posted by: Saywaat.5871


How many days did it take for you?

Im on my 9th day and still counting…. and no help still.

My hopes are gooing down for this game

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Posted by: Eddard.2930



But don’t fear. There are increasing numbers of posts from folks who are getting their issues dealt with.

Nine days is a bit long, though. Have you posted this in the area at the top of these forums (in red): Tickets For Review (5 days or older)?

Supposedly posting there will expedite your ticket.

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming like the people in his car.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alavastre.1693


Hacked Account, 4 days and finally it’s fixed. New problem atm, my account was suspended. Don’t know if this was just because it hasn’t updated that I changed my account to be secure, or that I have to do something else. At least it’s not in the hackers hands anymore.

“The state is the great fiction by which everybody
seeks to live at the expense of everybody else.”
-F. Bastiat

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: moonslightv.6704


Just want to give a big THANK YOU to GM Tangent who finally helped both my girlfriend’s father AND her daughter’s account. Turn around was 5 days for my gf’s father account and only a couple hours for my gf’s daughter’s issue.
Thanks again, and for those other people still needing help hang in there, Anet WILL help you!

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shyzxnyt.4682


Account hacked on 9/8 (email changed). Ticket sent 9/9 at 6am. Ticket resolved 9/13 at 12pm.
That’s only 4 days! =)

Thank you GM Sirius B!

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Posted by: Sturkie.1824


Account hacked on 9/9, ticket send that same day at about 3pm. Fixed 9/13 at 4pm! Free 30+ gold on my 80, better gear and a great deal more karma. All 4 days of that hackers work is now mine.

GM Olmar ftw!

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Posted by: Kurrick.3847


Just got back into my account! Came home from the dentist with no expectations of seeing any email from Anet but low and behold there it was!! As this had happened once before with me gaining access to my account but having my game locked I still was a bit hesitant to get excited.
But Im back!!! with full access to my game and account. Thank you Anet for finally getting me back in game. I hope you understand my frustration in a few of my post I dont think I took anything to far but I was a bit childish in my ranting.

Keep the faith other victims there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is a might long tunnel. My account was hacked on 9/6 and I’m back in as of today 9/13

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Posted by: InstantZzz.8675


While I’m happy for the lot of you who have had their accounts restored. It is disheartening that the same has not happened for my guild leader. But for me personally, it really ruins my mood when I see the hacker on his account. I do not believe anything could feel worse than when someone you know has had their account hacked and you see it online. I had hope for second and asked someone else in the guild who knew what happened and was left disappointed. It would honestly make me feel better, as a player, if Arena Net would lock his account down until the matter is resolved. I mean, this person, although I believe he/she is less than human, just ruins the way the game feels. Its really hard to enjoy the game when this could and has happened to a lot of people.

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Posted by: Darthbong.5412


Account restored after four days!
Ty so much Anet, I’m just glad to be back in the game.
I was one of the persons who received an email saying your email has been changed “probably wasn’t you but we hope it was!”
Keep up your hopes people it’s honestly not the end of the world

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Posted by: lordchrisgrave.3468


Account restored yesterday after 9 days, cheers support. Hope everyone else gets sorted soon.

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Posted by: LotharFreund.7456


I got my account back last night, But I still can not get (Guild Wars Account E-mail Authentication). They keep sending letters when I log in, but there is no clickable link on them, like the letter says there is, What am I doing wrong, do not want to get hacked again.

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Posted by: GM Tangent.3120

GM Tangent.3120

Just want to give a big THANK YOU to GM Tangent who finally helped both my girlfriend’s father AND her daughter’s account. Turn around was 5 days for my gf’s father account and only a couple hours for my gf’s daughter’s issue.
Thanks again, and for those other people still needing help hang in there, Anet WILL help you!

Yessss I’m internet famous!