Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mif.3471


I deleted my items with along with my hastily made name reserve character on day one, but I haven’t bothered to ticket it yet because you guys already have a big enough workload at the moment. So my question is, is there going to be a cutoff time to claim lost items?

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rakuza.1563


About a week ago I noticed that the email containing the Rytlock, Tome, and Chalice now has a warning stating that it’s for only one character and deleting such character would result in deletion of items. However this warning was not in on head start nor on launch and I too am on the same boat as everyone here. I deleted my first character which had already obtained the items into his inventory so now I’m out a Rytlock. I submitted a ticket which said they were working on it, now it’s been almost a month and have not heard anything else and I have since submitted additional tickets. My biggest issues with this is that it seems they do not want to give us our items when they can do so very easily. You can actually go right now and purchase an upgrade with 2000 gems and receive the items we all lost in a matter of just a relog, but why pay $20 when I’ve already paid the initial $20 and lost the items because the email had no warning when game started. It just sucks that it has taken this long. I know you have other issues to deal with that are more important but I know it also doesn’t take but one dedicated person to start issuing these items to those who have deleted them.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Methos.7512


I’ve also had this issue and sent two tickets who have been closed without the problem being solved:

I’ve been waiting since the first day of headstart and for me what worries me is to see that some people seem to get their items back in a non consistent fashion.

I know that finding a solution that applies to everyone may take some time but if you’re going to return items at least take into account the age of the requests.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blaze.8127


Im still waiting for my items back as well =(


Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ishist.6572


I’m still waiting as well. My previous ticket was closed without resolution, which is really irritating. If the issue isn’t resolved, support should not be closing the ticket as if it were.

120906-005655 – Updated
120825-006037 – Closed

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Adrenaline.2316


Still waiting on my Digital Deluxe Edition items ): Submitted my ticket on the headstart day 1, and hasn’t been resolved yet. Please help!
Ticket #120825-003361

It’s me,

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Minna Jast.8127

Minna Jast.8127

I’m in the same boat as a few others in this thread: I made a ticket and got the response that a fix was coming. It was then closed and is not possible to reopen.

Do I need to open a new ticket to make sure I’m included in a future redistribution? My previous ticket is 120825-003694.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kurama.1257


Hey anet, did you know, that umm, the easy way to fix this, is by making it items redeemable on all characters?

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sivex.6120


I know the issue is being worked on. Just wanted to post by ticket number to ensure it isn’t lost.


Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SpiderPIG.4150


Zora — we will be making another distribution of items, and if you have not been included in the past, you can be included in the next one. (I don’t have a date, but I imagine it will be pretty soon.)

This post should be in the Tickets for Review thread or in the CE/DD post. I’ll move it in a minute, when I know you’ve seen this. And I’m sorry you haven’t been helped before now.

Why does he get precedence over everyone else who has been kindly waiting patiently just because he raged in ALL CAPS? I can be an a**hole too, yet my items have been mistakenly deleted within the first hour of head start going live. I really hope when making distributions you guys are selecting those who submitted tickets first, not random ones or people having a big cry about it.


Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vandell.8603


I can’t find my miniature Rytlock anywhere, or any of my other items from the special edition, aside from the banker and ring. A very messy system in place..

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: trinzen.7891


This should have been fixed long by now…..

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Zora — we will be making another distribution of items, and if you have not been included in the past, you can be included in the next one. (I don’t have a date, but I imagine it will be pretty soon.)

This post should be in the Tickets for Review thread or in the CE/DD post. I’ll move it in a minute, when I know you’ve seen this. And I’m sorry you haven’t been helped before now.

Why does he get precedence over everyone else who has been kindly waiting patiently just because he raged in ALL CAPS? I can be an a**hole too, yet my items have been mistakenly deleted within the first hour of head start going live. I really hope when making distributions you guys are selecting those who submitted tickets first, not random ones or people having a big cry about it.


With all due respect, is “my items have been deleted” accurate? Or is it “I accidentally deleted my items?” I mean, let’s be fair, ok? I don’t think they disappeared, and I’m not pointing at you, but “mistakes were made” is so much less honest than “I made a mistake” which is something I hate about politicians, but that’s another topic for another day.

To your point: No one is being given special treatment or preferential treatment, or individual distributions. If I answered someone who wrote in all caps, I should not have done so, I agree with you, because that isn’t good form, and I generally avoid any response to rude and aggressive posts.

We’re going to be sure we harvest all the ticket numbers and get a distribution out to all those who need it. I will post individual about that below.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


For those of you awaiting a replacement of Collector’s Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition items, I can tell you that a distribution will be made in what I think is the near future. I believe that a date has not yet been set for this. If you’ve posted in the Tickets for Review thread and have been marked “In queue, awaiting resolution” or something of the like, know that your issue is recognized and that we will make sure you get your items when that distribution is made.

The dev team is working on some game changes that will make future distributions unnecessary, so they are holding off on the distribution for a bit.

Thank you for your patience.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Montag.3158


If I deleted my Deluxe Edition mini should I fill out a ticket or wait for the game change?
I am willing to be patient for it I just want to make sure I get it.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Draeyon.4392



I have posted previously about my ticket so i wont bump with that again, but my question is (and I may have misunderstood this thread) is this thread for people who deleted their 1 time use items and not realizing that or people who did not receive any of the digital bonuses to begin with or both?
I only ask because I am pretty sure mine is the latter of the 2 there as I do not have the mistfire wolf elite skill either (which should be unlocked but is not)

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager



I have posted previously about my ticket so i wont bump with that again, but my question is (and I may have misunderstood this thread) is this thread for people who deleted their 1 time use items and not realizing that or people who did not receive any of the digital bonuses to begin with or both?
I only ask because I am pretty sure mine is the latter of the 2 there as I do not have the mistfire wolf elite skill either (which should be unlocked but is not)

It’s for both issues. Thanks for asking and allowing me to clarify.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


If I deleted my Deluxe Edition mini should I fill out a ticket or wait for the game change?
I am willing to be patient for it I just want to make sure I get it.

Submit a ticket and add the number to this thread, please.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nemui.6753


i submitted my ticket about a week ago, but only now stumbled upon this thred. if i understood this correctly is hould just post my ticket number here anyway? my issue is that i accidently deleted the one character that had the DDE-items on it. my mistfire wolf works just fine, though.

Ticket #120916-002064

edit: i just thought of something else.. since i’m in germany, should i even be posting here? cause i was automatically assigned to the european support team and submitted my ticket there. if this is the wrong place for me to post, is there a european equivalent of this thread somewhere?

(edited by Nemui.6753)

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nix.9120


I am one of those idiots who didn’t really read the warnings when I decided I didn’t like my first character and deleted it…with the DDE items in it. Getting added to that list to fix this horrendous and depressing mistake of mine would be greatly appreciated……

Ticket #120921-004494

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Montag.3158


Thanks for the help.

Ticket #120921-004851

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


i submitted my ticket about a week ago, but only now stumbled upon this thred. if i understood this correctly is hould just post my ticket number here anyway? my issue is that i accidently deleted the one character that had the DDE-items on it. my mistfire wolf works just fine, though.

Ticket #120916-002064

edit: i just thought of something else.. since i’m in germany, should i even be posting here? cause i was automatically assigned to the european support team and submitted my ticket there. if this is the wrong place for me to post, is there a european equivalent of this thread somewhere?

Oh, Nemui, you’re welcome to post here any time.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: 21 September

I just learned that the dev team and support have come up with a solution that will allow us to address these issues individually (rather than doing a mass distribution). A CS Agent will review your ticket and will enable the redistribution. Of course, if there’s a reason that he or she cannot give you the items, you’ll get an update about that, instead. (And I’m sure such cases will be rare.)

The process will involve the generation of special codes and the application of one code per affected account. The codes cannot be made until next week, so please bear with us because it’ll probably be a few additional days before this is set right. The good thing to know is that it will be set right soon.

Thank you for your patience! (And it goes without saying, thanks for the love of the game that prompted you to purchase a DDE or CE in the first place. We appreciate that extra level of support!)

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Succor.3709


Ticket: 120825-035574

Thanks ANet!

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: divhead.2537


Another ticket for a very long list: 120908-003570

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Frupert.7240


Update: 21 September

I just learned that the dev team and support have come up with a solution that will allow us to address these issues individually (rather than doing a mass distribution). A CS Agent will review your ticket and will enable the redistribution. Of course, if there’s a reason that he or she cannot give you the items, you’ll get an update about that, instead. (And I’m sure such cases will be rare.)

The process will involve the generation of special codes and the application of one code per affected account. The codes cannot be made until next week, so please bear with us because it’ll probably be a few additional days before this is set right. The good thing to know is that it will be set right soon.

Thank you for your patience! (And it goes without saying, thanks for the love of the game that prompted you to purchase a DDE or CE in the first place. We appreciate that extra level of support!)

When you say a CS agent will review our ticket, does this include tickets like mine that were submitted on 8/25 and have been closed for several weeks now? There are many in my situation who were skipped over during the 1st batch of fixes that were sent in the mail and I would appreciate not being missed again if possible. Do I need to create a new ticket referencing my original one that has been listed both on this thread and the 5 day old + thread?

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hyena.9648


Got all my stuff in the mail today. Thanks ArenaNet!
To those waiting: Just be patient. It took a few weeks for me. Just open one ticket and don’t keep bugging them lol

In reality this problem we’re having is miniscule in importance. There are much more important things for them to work on.
Just be patient, and your patience will be rewarded.

“I will walk heavy, and I will walk strange.”
— Mark Z. Danielewski, Only Revolutions

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Montag.3158


Thanks ANet! Fantastic support team, thank you for all the quick updates

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Breydon Deathwalker.8193

Breydon Deathwalker.8193

I finally got my items tonight. I had been waiting since Aug 25th.
Thanks and much praise to the support team.
It felt like no one was listening for a while there.
To everyone else who are still waiting, be patient they are coming.
Thanks again to all who worked on this and got the problem fixed.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hurik.6137


Just wanted to say thank you, I just got the mail for this (and I closed my ticket).

Very greatly appreciated!

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Starchaser.9176


Do I have to open a new ticket or just reference the old one from 25/8 here?

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Azeures.9251


Ticket 120825-022921 [Updated]

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chandar.8346


[Incident: 120825-005198]


Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sadistik.6543


Patiently waiting since August 25th

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blaze.9407


Just adding my Ticketnumber: 120905-002964

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shtra Quo.1932

Shtra Quo.1932

Perhaps posting this here makes things a bit faster: 120902-00304

Freck – You’ve been desolated!

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dimitris.8514



Thank you in advance!

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Denriel.9238


I am still waiting for my Tome of Influence.
I used it on August 26th or so, I don’t even remember now, my guild still hadn’t gotten the 1k Influence bonus.

[Incident: 120829-006530]

I do hope to hear from you soon as this is beginning to be insulting.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tyr Regner.6214

Tyr Regner.6214

I have submitted my ticket thank you for sorting this out


It’s fun being me, you should try it sometime

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Semerkhet.1920


Another ticket for the pile
120825-033424 (Closed)
Thanks in advance

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acid.6714



Thanks for your help. You guys are amazing, as always. Hope you guys can fix this for everyone soon.

Here is my ticket: 120921-002261

We all love the game. Thanks once again.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ahmedadel.1593


Hi GW Team
Thanks alot for your help. i really appreciate what are you trying to do here . Hope you guys can fix this for everyone soon.
Here is my ticket: [Incident:120923-003175]

thnx again

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Redmist.1084


Hi, as a lot of others i deleted a toon which had the unique items at the start of the game.
Ticket: collector edition items [Incident: 120825-027451] 25th of august.
Hope you can fix this.

Thanks again

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sedric.2495


Previously posted on this topic
So like many here, i did the same thing i delete a character that had all my Digital digital deluxe, soon as i realize that i wasn’t able to get those items on any other character, i put in a ticket. i haven’t heard a update or am i sure my ticket was properly submitted, I don’t want to summit another ticket as i was told that just slows things down but i would like to received acknowledgement of my original ticket.


I see everyone posting their ticket number, where is everyone getting that from? i see don’t see where to find this number, if someone can help me out here it would be appreciated

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sedric.2495


I am idiot, maybe, just “found” the web support page and submitted a question via that, i been submitting my previous tickets via the in game interface which is probably not the proper way to submitted them, I apologize if that will cause any problems. sorry.

Now i have a ticked number for my “Question” about my deleted DDE items. I hope to get an update soon. thanks

Ticket #120923-003700

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UberPz.3250


Like most people here… We should all learn to read I guess :P

Ticket #120923-004376

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Adreyana.1935


Although, my support ticket from 8/26 has not been closed, I am adding it here like everybody else with the same request/issue.
[Incident: 120826-007802]
Thanks Anet

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zephyr.5820


Please add my ticket to the list: 120910-000423. Thanks!

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaius Audax.7906

Gaius Audax.7906

Adding my ticket number to the list. My ticket was already closed, but figure it can’t hurt to post it here.

Ticket #120912-003849

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: davidteo.5920


Adding my support ticket not being closed. [Incident: 120827-010401]. Thank you.