Complain to ArenaNet!

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonasX.6045


Did anyone get banned from doing nothing??

Did hear about the news on 3,000 people getting banned for exploits.

But im a level 20, with noob items. How the heck does it look like i exploited anything?!

Its truly disappointing, and there is no one to talk to from ArenaNet. Goodness! Its money gone to waste! Please improve on support and not randomly banning your CUSTOMERS!

Are you guys trying to destroy the game!

Why dont you guys just fix the bug!

And to repeat i did not exploit anything! UNBAN ME!

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


Post your Ticket Number and hopefully they do something. You’re looking at a looooooooong wait. Coming up on day 8 here with ticket number 120830-007345. I know that feel, bro.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonasX.6045


I think this is my ticket no: [Incident:120906-001352]

Goodness 8 days? Thats the problem with Buy to Play. If you Pay to play, dare you to ban us for no good reason! Everyone stops! Game Falls! We’re customers, their just doing what they like!

Painkiller so no response for that long? I dont even know where to head to now. Its darn sad. I recently just started to like this game, but guess i gotta look else where if they dont fix the things up.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


Seriously, there is nothing we can do to hold them accountable as they already have our money. So far its still nothing, my friend. I hope you have better luck than I’m having. Gaile on here seems to really be trying to help, but the support team is non existent.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonasX.6045


I had this:

Your Guild Wars 2 account has been terminated for engaging in or assisting with gold or item sales for real-world-money, which is breach of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct. This action is permanent.

Seriously did you guys even really go into it? Or just ban on random!
Im a level 20 with really lousy equipments. How the heck did i buy gold / or exploited anything!

You guys are just killing the game, without players even having the chance to try it out.
Really bad move! Im serious the support is bad, and money not well spent!

Are you guys just intending to take our money, then ban all of us. So you could shut down, and move on to launching another game? And redo it all over again? (Its a question on my mind, dont be offended.)

1) Validating Emails, cant be done.

2) Banned for no good reason.

3) LAG!

4) No support!

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Jonas — if you didn’t do it, the team will get it sorted. If you did, sorry, you’ll remain banned. And that ticket appears to be just a few minutes old, so please be patient.

painkiller — have you updated your ticket lately? To include all the info mentioned in the sticky post at the top of this forum? The reason I ask is I’m worried the ticket has been mis-queued, and if you update that could get fixed.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


Jonas — if you didn’t do it, the team will get it sorted. If you did, sorry, you’ll remain banned. And that ticket appears to be just a few minutes old, so please be patient.

painkiller — have you updated your ticket lately? To include all the info mentioned in the sticky post at the top of this forum? The reason I ask is I’m worried the ticket has been mis-queued, and if you update that could get fixed.

Gaile, as I have said many times, I updated it with the system that you instated on the 2nd, however, I no longer have access to any of my accounts, playable or support, to update the ticket further. That is one of the most frustrating things about this. There is literally nothing more I can do. It is in your hands, please fix this as soon as possible. It is coming up on 8 days. Ticket Number – 120830-007345

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonasX.6045


Gaile, if you could, Please login into my account, and check out my account.

I only have 6 silver (if im not wrong), and look at my weapon. All from mobs that i killed. In which way did i exploited. NOT 1 Bit. I just dont understand why ArenaNet has banned me. And probably will take like a week or 2 to unban me again? We paid and did nothing.

I pre-purchased, and was quite disappointed with no updates ever since that “weekend beta” and decided to just drop the game. But i start to give a second try, because some of my friends are playing. And this huge disappointment comes along!

I had never been banned from any MMORPG, and i hate exploits. This tells why im really angry.

No offense Gaile, just really wants to play. But if it takes 1-2 weeks, some people might just get bored and look for something new.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Jonas — if you didn’t do it, the team will get it sorted. If you did, sorry, you’ll remain banned. And that ticket appears to be just a few minutes old, so please be patient.

painkiller — have you updated your ticket lately? To include all the info mentioned in the sticky post at the top of this forum? The reason I ask is I’m worried the ticket has been mis-queued, and if you update that could get fixed.

Gaile, as I have said many times, I updated it with the system that you instated on the 2nd, however, I no longer have access to any of my accounts, playable or support, to update the ticket further. That is one of the most frustrating things about this. There is literally nothing more I can do. It is in your hands, please fix this as soon as possible. It is coming up on 8 days. Ticket Number – 120830-007345

Can’t you update via email? It’s the way most people do it.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonasX.6045


well as said, the longer you drag, the players will slowly give up and drop the game for something new.

painkiller, hope we get to play it soon

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


Seriously, there is nothing we can do to hold them accountable as they already have our money. So far its still nothing, my friend. I hope you have better luck than I’m having. Gaile on here seems to really be trying to help, but the support team is non existent.

Aside from spreading word of poor support and awful EULA-nazism, you mean.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


Jonas — if you didn’t do it, the team will get it sorted. If you did, sorry, you’ll remain banned. And that ticket appears to be just a few minutes old, so please be patient.

painkiller — have you updated your ticket lately? To include all the info mentioned in the sticky post at the top of this forum? The reason I ask is I’m worried the ticket has been mis-queued, and if you update that could get fixed.

How am I able to close my previous ticket and rename my primary ticket through email? There are no options in the email. Can’t you just look at the ticket, see when it was created, and pass it to the support team for action from there? If it helps, here is the title and ticket number of the re-prioritizing ticket that I was told to open. Blocked Account – Ticket submitted August 30 – Ticket number 120830-007345 [Incident:120904-000568]
Gaile, as I have said many times, I updated it with the system that you instated on the 2nd, however, I no longer have access to any of my accounts, playable or support, to update the ticket further. That is one of the most frustrating things about this. There is literally nothing more I can do. It is in your hands, please fix this as soon as possible. It is coming up on 8 days. Ticket Number – 120830-007345

Can’t you update via email? It’s the way most people do it.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


I have no idea why that messed up the format.

“How am I able to close my previous ticket and rename my primary ticket through email? There are no options in the email. Can’t you just look at the ticket, see when it was created, and pass it to the support team for action from there? If it helps, here is the title and ticket number of the re-prioritizing ticket that I was told to open. Blocked Account – Ticket submitted August 30 – Ticket number 120830-007345 [Incident:120904-000568]”

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


well as said, the longer you drag, the players will slowly give up and drop the game for something new.

painkiller, hope we get to play it soon

That is precisely what we do NOT want to happen, which is why a lot of time, money, and effort is being spent on this problem. As it should!

I’m tracking a couple of things and hope to know more soon about the 30 August ticket, in particular.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ralsti.2147


I have a 3 day suspension for “defrauding someone of in-game items, currency, or services.”
I have not even played with other players in GW2 yet. I have not traded with anyone, I have only partied with a RL friend ONCE. I don’t understand how I could have possibly defrauded someone, and have NO idea why I have been suspended. Character name is Chronic Abuse.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonasX.6045


Seriously, there is nothing we can do to hold them accountable as they already have our money. So far its still nothing, my friend. I hope you have better luck than I’m having. Gaile on here seems to really be trying to help, but the support team is non existent.

Aside from spreading word of poor support and awful EULA-nazism, you mean.

I agree with what Gear is saying, money taken.

And yes Gaile, Thanks so much for trying to help. Just blaming on the support staffs! arghs!

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


well as said, the longer you drag, the players will slowly give up and drop the game for something new.

painkiller, hope we get to play it soon

That is precisely what we do NOT want to happen, which is why a lot of time, money, and effort is being spent on this problem. As it should!

I’m tracking a couple of things and hope to know more soon about the 30 August ticket, in particular.

I really hope you do. I waited 5 years for this game, but after a week of nothing but the run around, it really is starting to feel like a waste of money and time. I don’t know what else to do, Gaile. Please have support fix this ASAP.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonasX.6045


I have a 3 day suspension for “defrauding someone of in-game items, currency, or services.”
I have not even played with other players in GW2 yet. I have not traded with anyone, I have only partied with a RL friend ONCE. I don’t understand how I could have possibly defrauded someone, and have NO idea why I have been suspended. Character name is Chronic Abuse.

Ralsti, i feel you bro! im feeling the same here! well i have a worst one, mine is permanent ban! Goodness -.-

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ralsti.2147


I have a 3 day suspension for “defrauding someone of in-game items, currency, or services.”
I have not even played with other players in GW2 yet. I have not traded with anyone, I have only partied with a RL friend ONCE. I don’t understand how I could have possibly defrauded someone, and have NO idea why I have been suspended. Character name is Chronic Abuse.

Ralsti, i feel you bro! im feeling the same here! well i have a worst one, mine is permanent ban! Goodness -.-

Almost makes me wish we had to pay to play. Then at least they could afford a decent customer service team. If people are getting banned for simply saying a world boss is a B* in map chat and others are getting banned for really doing nothing, this game is going to fail harder then Diablo 3.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonasX.6045


LOL true, i rather pay to play for a GOOD GAME.

I played lineage2, they were p2p too. But support was bad, i lost my account and nothing to be done. It was from NCsoft too.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rush.6482


I have a 3 day suspension for “defrauding someone of in-game items, currency, or services.”
I have not even played with other players in GW2 yet. I have not traded with anyone, I have only partied with a RL friend ONCE. I don’t understand how I could have possibly defrauded someone, and have NO idea why I have been suspended. Character name is Chronic Abuse.

Ralsti, i feel you bro! im feeling the same here! well i have a worst one, mine is permanent ban! Goodness -.-

Almost makes me wish we had to pay to play. Then at least they could afford a decent customer service team. If people are getting banned for simply saying a world boss is a B* in map chat and others are getting banned for really doing nothing, this game is going to fail harder then Diablo 3.

Im banned aswell for Inappropriate language, 72 hours.. Guess I must’ve said a bad word in map chat when a 13year old was playing with profanity filter off. Wait, why do we even have the option to turn it on or off if we get banned for apparently “Offending someone indirectly”.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JonasX.6045


They should just premanently on the profanity filter, nobody would complain about not being able to swear -.-

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rush.6482


Yeah i’m just wondering how they are going about banning players.. It almost seems automated. I’m reading 3/4 of banned posts and they seem odd. Probably a bot streaming through reports banning using key words in certain contexts..

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freyar.3254


They should just premanently on the profanity filter, nobody would complain about not being able to swear -.-

No, people would just bypass it then.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

Lol this.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freyar.3254


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

That’s kind of what happens when it’s 0130 EST. :P

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

That’s kind of what happens when it’s 0130 EST. :P

Yeah it wouldn’t bother me if they didn’t claim to have 24/7 support on the forum. And its randomly throughout the day. No one from Arena Net has posted anything for about 45 minutes across all sections of the forum. Makes it hard to fit some “sit down and get support” time into your day, you know?

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I have a 3 day suspension for “defrauding someone of in-game items, currency, or services.”
I have not even played with other players in GW2 yet. I have not traded with anyone, I have only partied with a RL friend ONCE. I don’t understand how I could have possibly defrauded someone, and have NO idea why I have been suspended. Character name is Chronic Abuse.

Hey there. I recommend you immediately file a ticket. That’s an odd one to be related to an account hack, but it’s good for you to file. Even if the suspension expires, I think you’ll feel better knowing what happened.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

I put in a 11 hour day at the office. I’m posting from home now. Come on, be reasonable, friend!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

I put in a 11 hour day at the office. I’m posting from home now. Come on, be reasonable, friend!

Oh no, I’m not upset with you! I just find it odd that they have you doing everything. Doesn’t hardly seem fair to all parties involved.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Emmeh.6251


Gaile, how come you seem to be the ONLY representative trying to reply to our posts?

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freyar.3254


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

That’s kind of what happens when it’s 0130 EST. :P

Yeah it wouldn’t bother me if they didn’t claim to have 24/7 support on the forum. And its randomly throughout the day. No one from Arena Net has posted anything for about 45 minutes across all sections of the forum. Makes it hard to fit some “sit down and get support” time into your day, you know?

People will respond when they can. This isn’t a chatroom.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

I put in a 11 hour day at the office. I’m posting from home now. Come on, be reasonable, friend!

Oh no, I’m not upset with you! I just find it odd that they have you doing everything. Doesn’t hardly seem fair to all parties involved.

Oh no worries. We all chip in an try to help out. We have 24/7 moderation, but at this time we don’t have 24/7 in terms of staff members who are able to respond.

Thanks for understanding.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Gaile, how come you seem to be the ONLY representative trying to reply to our posts?

This is my area, this is where I help. Others respond in other forums.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


Gaile, how come you seem to be the ONLY representative trying to reply to our posts?

This is my area, this is where I help. Others respond in other forums.

One customer support rep to handle ALL of the issues flooding this section of the forum? Doesn’t make sense to me.

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: painkiller.4738


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

I put in a 11 hour day at the office. I’m posting from home now. Come on, be reasonable, friend!

Oh no, I’m not upset with you! I just find it odd that they have you doing everything. Doesn’t hardly seem fair to all parties involved.

Oh no worries. We all chip in an try to help out. I’ll respond to the 24/y comment separately. And thanks for understanding.

I hope I’m not being too much of a bother, I’m just running out of time that I can spend trying to get this ironed out. Is there any hope for a resolution for me? Here is both ticket’s information in case you need it “Blocked Account – Ticket submitted August 30 – Ticket number 120830-007345 [Incident:120904-000568]”

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Does anyone else find it odd that sometimes all of the Arena Net people just disappear?

I put in a 11 hour day at the office. I’m posting from home now. Come on, be reasonable, friend!

Um then I guess I’d like to say thank you. I haven’t experience any problems so far

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DarkTemplar.1725



as well a ticket from 30. august
i got no respond for more than 3 days now. no idea what i should do… cant login even with last reply telling i can log in again within 48h, that was 80h ago…

(edited by DarkTemplar.1725)

Complain to ArenaNet!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrdead.3156


same here
120831-004682 (Karma Weapons Exploit Appeal – approved)

“We received your answer and we will unban your Guild Wars 2-Account within the next 72 hours”
that was 100h ago now