Digital Deluxe Edition Query
ArenaNet Communications Manager
Hey everyone I pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 digital deluxe edition last year. I was looking at a copy of Guild Wars 2 for a friend to buy, when I go on to the deluxe edition I see that new content has been added to it such as a suit of legacy armor ankittenhril box. Also I see that in the Gem store I have the ability to upgrade to the deluxe edition when before it used to say I had already purchased it. Now to me this seems slightly unfair as I paid £64.99 for my Deluxe edition and now I don’t have it technically because they added more stuff into the deluxe edition and selling at a lower price of £49.99. All want is for arenanet to give the new items of the deluxe edition to the people who bought it before the new items came out on this edition. If there is a way for us to get these items and I have just gone off on one for no reason can you tell me how please.
Thanks in advance
According to our Marketing Team, the items you mention are from the Heroic Edition, not the Digital Deluxe Edition. The items are given to those who activated a new game account starting around the end of August and on into the future. Please keep in mind that with any developer, offerings and prices change over the life of a game. Just as your local department store doesn’t give this week’s bonus B1G1F offer to someone who purchased the a pair of shoes six months or a year ago, we’re not giving the new items to those who have had the pleasure of playing the game for the last many months.
However, I’d like to say more about the Heroic Edition items: all these items are available in the game. For those who have played for a while, it’s likely they already would have acquired the items or would find that they no longer are relevant.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
According to our Marketing Team, the items you mention are from the Heroic Edition, not the Digital Deluxe Edition.
You might want to update the Marketing team with the information that the new “Digital Deluxe” Edition includes the items mentioned by the OP (as in, it includes the Heroic Edition); however, the DD edition is about 20 more than the Heroic and includes additional items.
Just my two coppers worth,
Proud member of the Ring of 1000
(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)
I agree with Rabbi Rick the digital deluxe edition contains all the items of the heroic edition plus more. Yes developers do give offers however they do not sell things under the same name if you were going to add things that contained both heroic and deluxe edition then you should create a new edition called “Heroic deluxe edition” not upgrade the digital deluxe edition then tell all the people that had bought the digital deluxe edition before the upgrade to it that they can upgrade to get the items by buying the digital deluxe edition again in the gem store. Does this sound fair to you because I am unable to say I have the digital deluxe edition as when I go to the gem store under the upgrades tab it says I am able to purchase the digital deluxe edition, so technically I have not got the digital deluxe edition even though I paid £64.99 for a digital deluxe edition which got downgraded.
Perhaps retailers in the area in which you live do not put things on “sale,” but stores in my area will commonly repackage a product to include something different for the same price. At the time that you purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition, you received exactly what you paid for. That ArenaNet repackaged the product and included different items and excluded others (the Hero’s Band) is irrelevant to your purchase months earlier.
Let me give you an example using what you describe. 2 years ago, my wife and I purchased a Chevrolet HHR. We love our little car, but the new model has better gas mileage, free Satellite radio for life, and a year’s worth of OnStar, which ours did not come with. There is no chance that if I were to drive my car back to the dealer that they would give me all of the new features at no cost, even though the car bears the same name. Why? Because it’s the 2014 version of the HHR. What you purchased was the 2013 version of the Digital Deluxe version. ArenaNet is under absolutely no obligation to provide you a 2014 version at absolutely no cost. As Gaile said, the items can be easily purchased in game, and if you’ve been playing it, you have had, or will have had the opportunity to gain those items and then some – such as the 20-slot box given when the Karka Queen event first happened (and many other things). These things can never be received by new players, but players who bought the old model had more than ample time to gain the equivalent of the rewards in game.
Just my two coppers worth,
Proud member of the Ring of 1000