Does my name really deserve change/ban?

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SanctusDemon.5310


Hello every one!

I think this is technically in the correct place, if it is not i apologize.

Okay now my character name, that got me temp banned; is Piercing Bloodlust. Now I understand that at first glance, you see lust first and blood second. I played GW1 for EVER from day one till this game was released. ALL and i mean ALL of my old chars were bloodlust something. It was my title, I started with bloodlust roar as my necro, piercing bloodlust was my my ranger, hilt of bloodlust was my warrior, spirit, element, etc etc etc etc i can keep going. Today though same as any other running around killing stuff doing my daily enjoying the winters day stuff. but i got trolled took on a box of floating cubes and they aren’t too nice. during this battle a fellow player comes running through my volley of arrows with a few creatures following him, he dies they aggro too me because of my AOE. i beat his mob and my own. i did not yet pick up my presents. instead i go over to REZ him. he quickly gets up and steals my presents. i called him a kitten N******. ha hahaha not cause I’m racist or because I’m prejudice. because that wasn’t a very nice thing to do. and so this guy decides to spam his report button. for my name. not what i said or any thing i actually did wrong. and now I’m being forced to change my name. in 3 days of course. my name simply means the enjoyment and desire to shed blood in war. and piercing because its a ranger. it does not have a sexual meaning to it. simple grammar rules me out. it doesn’t break a single RULE. bloodlust is my title. i love it. i love pvp and fighting and winning and loosing. the battle its self is where i can have fun. sooo any way I’ve spent FOREVER looking at the rules. and i cant find out what rules i broke for this to happen. since i didn’t get reported for foul language, or harassment or any thing else. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME>? maybe one player doesn’t matter to ncsoft or arena net any more, but i know i used to matter to this game and company. I’ve never been wrongly done by them. but if i cant USE MY TITLE MY RESERVED NAME FROM THE FIRST GAME then I’m done. this shouldn’t be an issue now. should have been an issue when i made the character. sooo please some one explain. I’m legit upset about his one.

soo what are your opinions and insights on this? id love to hear every one. and i hope i hear from an admin regarding this. i am truly lost and very disappointed.

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SanctusDemon.5310


ha i got typoed a bit. but i called him not very nice things. but as formentioned i was not reported for that

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loli Ruri.8307

Loli Ruri.8307

Your name was in breach of the Guild Wars 2 Naming Policy. The policy does not permit the use of names that depict real life violence. You may contest this decision with customer support, however good luck with that.

Intel Core i7 4790K @4.7 GHz, 32 GB 2133 MHz DDR3.
MSI GTX 1080 Sea Hawk EK X 2xSLI 2025 / 11016 MHz, liquid cooling custom loop.
Samsung 850 Evo 500 GB. HTC Vive.

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SanctusDemon.5310


hahaha i think you neeed to update your definitions of some things. along with your general knowledge about gw2 its rules and some in game info. all though i do greatly appreciate your input. so in this post ill help you out. sexual acts or reallife violence. the real life violence part means no names dealing with reiks or the holocaust shooting events and stuff like that. the game of GW2 has a few buffs and the old GW had weapon parts, buffs, abilities and EVEN a shout. depicting BLOODLUST sooo i assure you the great desire battle inside of an RPG breaks no rules. but thanks again for saying somthing

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SanctusDemon.5310


to any one who has checked this one out. i truly cant figure out why some 12 yearold kid who thinks i said a bad word can spam the report button because he sees the word “lust” and thinks its bad. whats wrong with in game violence? isnt that kinda the point? why we play an RPG on a computer. so we can have battles in game. for the race and side we choose. under the conditions we prefer with the goals we choose to follow. real life we cant do this but in game. where /roar used to make use say bloodlust. lol i think i should be allowed to enjoy my fantasy world where bloodlust rules my choices. its the goal i follow. this is an RPG, MMORPG but RPG and the game does have a rating to stop little kids from playing it. and to top it off there is a language filter. oh oh oh wait one more thing. there is a NAME CREATION FILTER………… OMG and a name reservation system? WHY IN THE WORLD DIDNT I GET FLAGGED THEN???????

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loli Ruri.8307

Loli Ruri.8307

Definition bloodlust

(Synonyms) Penetrating

What more is there to say?

Intel Core i7 4790K @4.7 GHz, 32 GB 2133 MHz DDR3.
MSI GTX 1080 Sea Hawk EK X 2xSLI 2025 / 11016 MHz, liquid cooling custom loop.
Samsung 850 Evo 500 GB. HTC Vive.

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


Definition bloodlust

(Synonyms) Penetrating

What more is there to say?

Shouldn’t you be worried about your own name too?

War doesn’t determine who is right, only who is left.

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loli Ruri.8307

Loli Ruri.8307

Definition bloodlust

(Synonyms) Penetrating

What more is there to say?

Shouldn’t you be worried about your own name too?

Nope, because my name comes from a monster in Ragnarok Online. An actual International gaming company thought that name was appropriate for being used around a young online audience. This thread is also not about me, so let’s keep it on topic.

Intel Core i7 4790K @4.7 GHz, 32 GB 2133 MHz DDR3.
MSI GTX 1080 Sea Hawk EK X 2xSLI 2025 / 11016 MHz, liquid cooling custom loop.
Samsung 850 Evo 500 GB. HTC Vive.

(edited by Loli Ruri.8307)

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


Definition bloodlust

(Synonyms) Penetrating

What more is there to say?

Shouldn’t you be worried about your own name too?

Nope, because my name comes from a monster in Ragnarok Online. An actual International gaming company thought that name was appropriate for being used around a young online audience.

Then you should google definition of loli (lolicon) <- same argument that you come up against OP, but in your case breach of naming policy is more evident.

This thread is also not about me, so let’s keep it on topic.[

I agree.
They have “penetrating” weapons/armors in game “penetrate&pierce” trait and “bloodlust” sigils, but Piercing Bloodlust as name is not allowed?

War doesn’t determine who is right, only who is left.

(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loli Ruri.8307

Loli Ruri.8307

Then you should google definition of loli (lolicon) <- same argument that you come up against OP.

That would be Lolicon, not Loli. Wrong! Loli is short for lolita meaning pre-teenage girls. There is only a problem when somebody applies a context. The same can be said for the word hole, and balls. In the case of my name, there is no use of a context, therefore the default meaning is applied. There is no reference to sexual acts. Personally though, it’s just a name, and it doesn’t characterize me as a person.

Again this thread is not about me. Stop, before a moderator comes in here and stops it.

They have “penetrating” weapons/armors in game “penetrate&pierce” trait and “bloodlust” sigils, but Penetrating Bloodlust as name is not allowed?

Yeah that is a good argument to use in defense. The OP could say that he was referring to in-game acts. But I don’t know how well that will go.

Intel Core i7 4790K @4.7 GHz, 32 GB 2133 MHz DDR3.
MSI GTX 1080 Sea Hawk EK X 2xSLI 2025 / 11016 MHz, liquid cooling custom loop.
Samsung 850 Evo 500 GB. HTC Vive.

(edited by Loli Ruri.8307)

Does my name really deserve change/ban?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moderator.6837



That kind of issues are meant to be discussed with our customer support team, as posting here on forums will not solve your issue.

Therefore this thread is now locked.