(edited by Moderator)
So if you purchased gems to pay for this item and can no longer buy it … will ANet refund the gem purchase? The idea of holding onto gems for a new replacement item no one has seen is far too close to Bait and Switch.
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.
This means that when the change goes through, I will effectively lose both sets of Human Light T3 (worth 238g, but I think 2 or 3 pieces I didn’t buy for one set) because I thought the Flamekissed T3 art was clearly better.
Will I be liable to be refunded for the whole 2 armor sets when the change occurs and I have absolutely no cultural to show for it?
Resident Thief
(edited by Auesis.7301)
They should just let the people that already bought and used the new light armor keep the looks and put the different set on the gem store for the future. I know they will be offering a gem refund if we don’t like the new look but I already used and like it.
So, lets see. I know nothing about GW2, only been playing for a few. I see new armor today and bought it, because I liked the looks of it. In fact, I didn’t know nothing about it being pulled until I logged in and people were talking about it. First, no matter what you do, you’re gonna tick off people. So instead of ticking off the Humans, you are now going to tick those off who already spent the 10 bucks to buy it! So with that said…..
REFUND my 10 bucks! Not in gems, gems are now useless to me. I know we don’t have to buy gems, but if you want a nice looking character with good gear you almost have to. The amount of gems that I bought the last 3 days to gear my warrior, I could of paid WOW for 3 years. And now you do this?? I think I’m done with this game, so please just refund my CASH. Oh, and I already transmuted over my character, so replace his armor with what he had on before as well, just in case I start playing this game again.
You may want work on your lag issues on full servers…
I will see if I can get answers to the questions you have posed, the opinions you have offered, and the proposals you’ve made.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I agree with Just… Like I said.. I liked it because of the look.. I didn’t know that it was similar to the human race set. To me, it’s bait and switch, they should of known that before they posted it for sale. If I can’t keep what I bought looking the way I bought it, then I want a refund and not in gems, I want my cash back, because I’m not buying gems anymore.
something have to be done
some other ppl i know buyed expensive dyes, used hair kits, to match that armor its just kittened just make us change stuff we already adapted our characters to. the armors have to stay if already been gotten on the patch is just not fair for many ppl.
Please do not repeat-post your comments. We are listening, but saying the same thing repeatedly is not helpful. If you’ve posted in any thread on this subject you’ve had your say. “Yea, like I said” or “I demand an answer” isn’t contributing anything at all.
Thanks for understanding.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
kitten it. I even changed my Mesmer from Male to Female for this set. It looked so awesome. Now it’s going to get one of those extremly crappy karma looks or something. Can I have a refund of two Total Makeover Kits as well? Doubt it. But oh well..
Two Total Makeover Kits you ask? Well.. One for making my now human female (with male name) back into a male again and one for the Total Makeover Kit I wasted. I had even planned on renaming it and bought gems for that purpose. But never got that far (luckily).
(edited by Lipstick.3469)
Please do not repeat-post your comments. We are listening, but saying the same thing repeatedly is not helpful. If you’ve posted in any thread on this subject you’ve had your say. “Yea, like I said” or “I demand an answer” isn’t contributing anything at all.
Thanks for understanding.
Hey Gaile, I hope you guys see this.
I just want to say, now would be an excellent time to release the still-for-some-reason-unreleased-in-PvE Rubric set. Granted I’d probably only buy a not flamified version, but it’d be cool anyhow.
I also spent more than just gems on this armor. Because of its look I used Transmutation Stones, and a hair Change Kit not to mention. Because of its effects and how it matched my armor I used my Flame dye..So if its changed & I do not like the new look. I have wasted 600 gems, Xmute stones, a hair Style & 60g..
Guild Leader of [CERN]
Tarnished Coast
You know, in looking at all the situations with players and their different needs, I really believe the best course here is to wait for the introduction of the replacement armor set. From what I’ve been told, it’s going to be really nice. Please keep in mind we’ve already made it clear that Customer Support will try to resolve the individual concerns that you may have once the armor change is made. Each of you may have slightly different situations. But since the armor is not out now, and because we will be happy to address your concern after you’ve had time to appraise the new set, doesn’t it make sense to wait and see?
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
You know, in looking at all the situations with players and their different needs, I really believe the best course here is to wait for the introduction of the replacement armor set. From what I’ve been told, it’s going to be really nice. Please keep in mind we’ve already made it clear that Customer Support will try to resolve the individual concerns that you may have once the armor change is made. Each of you may have slightly different situations. But since the armor is not out now, and because we will be happy to address your concern after you’ve had time to appraise the new set, doesn’t it make sense to wait and see?
It definitely does. But I believe most players feel that if they don’t voice their concerns right now, the issue might “run out in the sand” as they say where I come from. Meaning something like: Either them or you will just not consider the issue serious anymore, and the anger it has ‘caused’ subsides with time. Thus nothing will be done about it, nothing will be refunded and noones concerns are voiced or heard. It just dissipates and gets accepted as it is. Even if one is not satisfied with the new set.
Anyhow. On a different matter; you should tell your dev friends to rework the Heavy and Medium Flamekissed as well. Doesn’t seem right that the light armor users get an “awesome” skin while Medium and Heavy users just gets Karma and WvW armor with some random flame effects on them.
Initially I almos believed it to be a mistake. That you released T3 Human armor for Light, but random crap sets for the Medium and Heavy :P
You know, in looking at all the situations with players and their different needs, I really believe the best course here is to wait for the introduction of the replacement armor set. From what I’ve been told, it’s going to be really nice. Please keep in mind we’ve already made it clear that Customer Support will try to resolve the individual concerns that you may have once the armor change is made. Each of you may have slightly different situations. But since the armor is not out now, and because we will be happy to address your concern after you’ve had time to appraise the new set, doesn’t it make sense to wait and see?
Gaile it is great the attention that has been given to this matter. It indeed seems to be an unfortunate situation. The new set may be great, heck, mind blowing and I hope so. However everyone has different tastes. I agree waiting is a good thing but I think people are just venting frustration given then unknown. I have seen posts from people that stated they not only bought the set for looks but also used makeover kits to match and so forth.
These things as well as people that spent RWM only to buy gems to get the new set brings on a whole new set of problems beyond the T3 issues. If people that spent RWM just to get gems to buy the set advertised don’t like the new look they won’t be happy and I imagine that will be the case in many situations. Gem refunds don’t do much good for those that only paid RWM for the gems to buy the set that was advertised.
I really am pleased with the attention this issue has received from Anet to try to fix the problem. I simply feel that the smoothest way to deal with it is to let those that have the current set keep the look and to put the new set back in the gem store. That way those that bought what they paid for get to keep it and those that like the new version get the chance to buy it.
i feel one thing can be done is if the armor rly angry ppl cuz is the human cultural T3 let the humans keep the look if choiced and change it to the other races i love that armor i got it cuz i like the T3 on my human but this one is so much better.
The thing is, we can’t make it an either/or situation, and the devs feel that the best course is to change the armor. It would be nice to say “Change if you want” but that’s not feasible. So the Flamekissed Armor Skin will be reworked. And when it is, you guys are welcome to share your thoughts and to let Customer Support know what they can do for you. (No, “a new car and a couple of free pizzas” isn’t going to be on the table. )
I understand this is sort of a hot topic right now, but again, there’s nothing to lose by waiting for a look-see at the new armor set, and there may be something to gain! It’s certainly what I would do and I encourage you to think of doing the same.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I understand you guys are trying to fix this issue, an we should wait & see. But waiting does not change the fact. I only got the armor because it was like Human T3 I already had, but Better. Therefore, unless the new armor looks this way. I wouldnt have spent money on gems, and ingame money on dyes etc.
Why not do as stated, and let those who have bought it already to keep the current look. Since I prefered it to my Human T3, which I transmuted over with this new skin.
Guild Leader of [CERN]
Tarnished Coast
Ah, Calimshan, we posted at just the same time. I think I answered the question above.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
well why not let ppl buy the armor as a different T3 and give us 120g to get it?
The thing is, we can’t make it an either/or situation, and the devs feel that the best course is to change the armor. It would be nice to say “Change if you want” but that’s not feasible. So the Flamekissed Armor Skin will be reworked. And when it is, you guys are welcome to share your thoughts and to let Customer Support know what they can do for you. (No, “a new car and a couple of free pizzas” isn’t going to be on the table.
I understand this is sort of a hot topic right now, but again, there’s nothing to lose by waiting for a look-see at the new armor set, and there may be something to gain! It’s certainly what I would do and I encourage you to think of doing the same.
Well I guess that is what i don’t understand. The current Flamekissed skin is already out there on people that bought it and being used. It was a skin, like the others that were sold. So why can’t that skin be left as if it were sold and no longer available like other gem store items? In turn the new skin is placed in the gem store when it is made. New skin = different skin than the original and is in the gem store. The original skin is left alone for those that have it. I suppose it mostly comes down to the people complaining about it being HT3 and so for those that paid RWM for gems to get the skin that looks like it lose out if they don’t like the revamp.
I know, I know this is a tough situation. I am glad to see Anet response but I will hold my stance that those that paid RMW for the skin that was originally advertised are getting slighted as well.
And I don’t think people are saying, “change if you want.” People that have the current skin don’t want to change it they just want to keep it. It isn’t an issue of, “well here is the new one let us know if you want to change it to it.” but people just want to keep the one they paid for.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Yes, it seems we did. My net is not great tonight so a slow posting. An I do understand what your saying. I will wait & see how this new set looks, my concern here is I have used alot of gold, and items which the value was going up on the longer this takes to fix. If I am not happy with the “new” Flamekissed armor how much have I really lost out on.
The Dye I used purley for this armor is now 12g higher. So, had I not used it for this specific look, I would have more gold.
Guild Leader of [CERN]
Tarnished Coast
Well the people who used RWM on the set will get their gems refunded if they don’t like it. As such they can just spend the gems on something else. I bought the gems needed for RWM and I couldn’t care less about that. If I don’t like the set I’d want my gems refunded and the total makeover kits and then I would just save the gems for future sets or buy something different with them.
The Dye I used purley for this armor is now 12g higher. So, had I not used it for this specific look, I would have more gold.
Yes I also forgot about the people that bought dyes for the current version. That’s another problem when it changes if people that bought dyes don’t like the change. Seriously, it would be best IMO to cut losses on this matter. The armor has been pulled from the gems store. Let people that bought it keep it and put the revamp in the store when ready for those that want it. This would save a huge amount of customer support time dealing with refunds, splitter refunds, and all sorts of other issues related to people that made changes to their appearances based on the new armor they bought.
Sorry Gaile I know I see I’m out of line but like those during the HT3 issue I’m pretty invested in this. I don’t mean to come of as curse. i’m just concerned.
Well the people who used RWM on the set will get their gems refunded if they don’t like it. As such they can just spend the gems on something else. I bought the gems needed for RWM and I couldn’t care less about that. If I don’t like the set I’d want my gems refunded and the total makeover kits and then I would just save the gems for future sets or buy something different with them.
Yes but what about people that only spent RWM for gems to buy the set advertised? Then they don’t like the revamp and get a gem refund. That is great and all but they spent their money and now have gems and have to hope something comes along later they want. So really their money is in limbo or may never be used since the money they spent is not for what they planned to purchase.
This is kind of a repost but it is from an edit I made:
And I don’t think people are saying, “change if you want.” People that have the current skin don’t want to change it they just want to keep it. It isn’t an issue of, “well here is the new one let us know if you want to change it to it.” but people just want to keep the one they paid for.
The thing is, we can’t make it an either/or situation, and the devs feel that the best course is to change the armor. It would be nice to say “Change if you want” but that’s not feasible. So the Flamekissed Armor Skin will be reworked. And when it is, you guys are welcome to share your thoughts and to let Customer Support know what they can do for you. (No, “a new car and a couple of free pizzas” isn’t going to be on the table.
I understand this is sort of a hot topic right now, but again, there’s nothing to lose by waiting for a look-see at the new armor set, and there may be something to gain! It’s certainly what I would do and I encourage you to think of doing the same.
I’m willing to wait and see. But, could you bug someone working on it to look at the fourth page of the “Your Best Looking Character” thread and see what those of us who really like the current skin like about it: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Your-best-looking-character
This skin was taken away from those of us that like it with no choice on our part. I think that if those of us who purchased the new skin knew that what we liked was being considered in creating the replacement it would take some of the sting out of that.
This is kind of a repost but it is from an edit I made:
And I don’t think people are saying, “change if you want.” People that have the current skin don’t want to change it they just want to keep it. It isn’t an issue of, “well here is the new one let us know if you want to change it to it.” but people just want to keep the one they paid for.
Well if the new set they make looks even better, then I wouldn’t want to keep it.
But obviously I spent my Total Makeover Kits to model my character after this current set. The new set might not work at all with the hairstyle I’ve chosen and the accessory color, skin color, face and body type et.c.
So it’s a bit of a gamble.
all been said on posts above we want that skin, we got it cuz of the look of it, not cuz was new, we want that skin and we changed our look and got dyes etc for it if other ppl complained about it we and got it changed we are complaining about it cuz we want it, so pls keep that in mind before u make a choice cuz we are the ones that wasted money on it.
After all this… The replacement skin should be something really, really great, work well with dyes and looks people spent gems and gold on for dyes to match or it will just be another mess. Maybe not as much as those that all bought human T3 “in the last week”, funny how so many people bought HT3 last week, but still the issue is so much more complex now.
The armor skin looked great. I think it’s fair to make cultural available to other races via the gem store. Hello folks, it keeps the game running. More then 50% of the gems I have owned came from my hard earned USD via paypal. Gaile, why does anet tend to the needs of the moaners vs those who ask for things to better the game like challenging content and more items in the gemstore? It seems every time new content is release, the only changes are made when the complainers are out in full effect on the forums. You guys should listen to the little voices that’s asking for harder content and such. Those are your long term players. Perfect example, look at those who did the repetitive HM PvE content in GW1. They stayed true to the game up until GW2 was released. The complainers aren’t asking for minor changes which always get the most attention.
Well im going to say this ive been in gaming a long time ive seen alot of mess ups and this is by far one of the worst ive have see.I my self agree with others i bought the skin for light armor for my norn female because it was a very nice skin and looked great.gale im sorry but im tossing this out there sadly the norn female armor looks Horrible I mean im sorry but just some of the light armor look for the norn is a fashion clash to no end.And yes i said fashion clash why can iI as a norn not look as stylish as a human in T3 while i hack and slash my oposition in WvW. Why should we have to change the armor we bought just because a small group has a gripe with it.i guess im with the other here as well if Anet is going to shove this down my throat and make me change something i do not want to are you going to refund me the armor i skinned it on the dyes the runes plus my gems.As i see it i think it should be left alone its fine as is.
In short gale i would really like some answers like the other here.I honestly think if you go in and change this skin and it flops you are going to have alot more people upset than you do at this point with Anet.This does not include the man hours and the large bottle of asprin you going to need when people want there refunds as well as there armor and stuff replaced.Honestly if you leave it be id be happy if you change it and it flops ill want everything from my gems down to the armor and the dye’s i used back.
So in closing i think this is a bad idea to change this armor words of a wise man once said if its not broke leave it alone the armor is not broken let it stay as is
Yes I also forgot about the people that bought dyes for the current version. That’s another problem when it changes if people that bought dyes don’t like the change. Seriously, it would be best IMO to cut losses on this matter. The armor has been pulled from the gems store. Let people that bought it keep it and put the revamp in the store when ready for those that want it. This would save a huge amount of customer support time dealing with refunds, splitter refunds, and all sorts of other issues related to people that made changes to their appearances based on the new armor they bought.
I would support that option. Sort of like when the Magic Find was removed from gear, players were given a choice of what stats that could be applied to it. Perhaps a solution like this could be applied here as well. Let the player choose between the existing skin similar to the T3 Human, the new skin, or another existing light armor skin from the gem store without having to purchase a new skin.
There are also the concerns of what happens to armor should you want the new skins removed off of it. Does a player have to spend their own gems to purchase splitters? Currently, a set of armor skins is 800 gems. Purchasing six splitters to remove the skins will cost 1,350 gems for five splitters and an additional 300 gems for the sixth, which is 1,650 gems. Even with a refund of the original 800 gems, a player is going to have to either purchase an additional 850 gems to buy splitters, go ahead and find a new armor skin for the refunded 800 gems that they like, or thankfully the Transmutation Crystals are cheap enough, they could buy ten for 360 gems.
Perhaps if aNet is planning to refund the 800 gems to the player, they could also either change the armor back to the previous look for the player or give them six free splitters so that they could do it themselves. Or, to quote TrogDor, just cut the losses at this point. The people who bought the T3 look alike bought it because they liked the look, not because it actually was the Human T3 Cultural Armor.
And really, in the eight years that Guild Wars 1 has been on the market, is it really that hard for aNet to find a more obscure armor to recycle the look off of?
Co-Guild Leader | The Nefarious Legacies [TNL]
Henge of Denravi
The people who bought the T3 look alike bought it because they liked the look, not because it actually was the Human T3 Cultural Armor.
Quite the contrary. Looking at the posts from the day the armor appeared in gemshop, lot of people did indeed buy it because this was a Cultural (unique) look previously.
Anyway, we just can’t have both things at the same time. Either the armor is revamped and onld look removed from anyone that has it, or the exclusivity of Cultural armors is no more (but then more Cultural reskins should be reintroduced).
Leaving it unchanged for those that bought it, and revamping only for future buyers would make it something that’s more unique than the original human T3. Which i’m sure would not placate protesters even one bit.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I bought it because I liked the look of it on my character. The character is not human, and it should definitely not be given to just humans who complain they have spent the money on it. I spent the money on it, too. Not only that, but it would mean that humans have -two- versions of T3 and that would unbalance the rest of the races.
When buying gems for real money, you accept the contract for buying precisely that – gems. Nowhere there does it say “by buing gems, you are guaranteed that skin which is purchasable with gems.” There is no logical link between buying gems and, by performing that action, being guaranteed a certain skin. These two things have no logical link. It is obvious that you buy the gems in order to buy something else. Nevertheless, the first contract, to buy gems, does not involve the other contract to buy something else you have in mind.
Hence, you buy gems ( 1st independent action ), and then buy a skin that you liked, with gems ( 2nd independent action ), a skin which is later on removed due to an issue, you are in the end returned your gems ( the 2nd independent action that it refers to ), not the money with which you bought gems ( the 1st independent action it does not refer to ). The fact that you had a motive of buying gems in order to buy the new skin does not mean that you should be, e.g. returned you real money back ( 1st independent action ).
It’s very simple really, when you think about it.
Best regards
(edited by Corpus Christi.2057)
This is coming from somebody who BOUGHT the T3 cultural way back when and purchased the new skin and placed the new one on top of it.
Heres what I think you should do.
If your gonna take my skin away I want my T3 cult back. Because quite frankly the one I currently bought and placed on top of it was an improvement. Especially since I was going for the fire ele look. If your gonna give me a new skin thats fine but don’t swap the skins on top. Reset our chars looks to before the purchase and then give us the option if we want either gems or the new set.
As far as taking the skin off the gemstore that was a good choice but if your gonna tamper with something like cultural your better off adding a new batch(3 new tiers) of culturals to every race. That way every one is happy and no one is here to complain about lack of culturals or gemstore shenanigans on the forums.
And I’m sorry to say but I almost expect a backlash of people who will want to keep their original flamekissed skins. And by doing what your doing may never make those people happy. You might make say 75% of the pop happy but you’ll be left with a hurt 25%.
I wish the whole Anet team would work like Gaile does. At least you won’t get an arrogant and rude answer from Gaile lol. Hope you get a raise one day..
very unhappy, like what most people have said…. lets not forget about all the time setting up the new armor, i best not lose my T3 armor. Also you run in armor is not the best i don’t like any of your new armors so hold out very little hope of liking the new one, but even that said will want my T3 back no matter how good it is even if i buy the new one.
very sad way of dealing with this.
The thing is, we can’t make it an either/or situation.
You mean it will be more work to do, it must be possible or we would only have 1 armor in the game
The thing is, we can’t make it an either/or situation.
You mean it will be more work to do, it must be possible or we would only have 1 armor in the game
while it may be “technically” possible, it’s a horrible idea. If they allowed the players who already purchased it to keep the current appearance, the players who where upset about the T3 being in the gem store would still be upset and anyone who could not purchase it before it was removed would be upset. You would be creating a small elite group of players with a very rare armor set, not a good idea at all.
Knowing the way Anet has done things in the past, if players decide they do not want the new look and wish a refund, but have already used it, they will probably be given the splitters from support (returning their armor to its original appearance) and directed to delete the skin to receive a refund. As to weapons, dyes, etc, I would guess you are going to be on your own as you will still have these items on your account and really they have nothing to do with the armor or the gem store purchase. Before everyone starts raging and demanding refunds, why not just wait to see what the new skin looks like first?
The thing is, we can’t make it an either/or situation.
You mean it will be more work to do, it must be possible or we would only have 1 armor in the game
while it may be “technically” possible, it’s a horrible idea. If they allowed the players who already purchased it to keep the current appearance, the players who where upset about the T3 being in the gem store would still be upset and anyone who could not purchase it before it was removed would be upset. You would be creating a small elite group of players with a very rare armor set, not a good idea at all.
Knowing the way Anet has done things in the past, if players decide they do not want the new look and wish a refund, but have already used it, they will probably be given the splitters from support (returning their armor to its original appearance) and directed to delete the skin to receive a refund. As to weapons, dyes, etc, I would guess you are going to be on your own as you will still have these items on your account and really they have nothing to do with the armor or the gem store purchase. Before everyone starts raging and demanding refunds, why not just wait to see what the new skin looks like first?
You do realise that splitters is not good enough for most of us.
As my armour had already been transmuted for looks and stats.
So that would mean i would have to re-buy all that again.
That’s not even counting the expensive runes i have on it as well.
and thats on two chars with that armour now.
The only work around now is anet letting keep the armour we legally bought.
When buying gems for real money, you accept the contract for buying precisely that – gems. Nowhere there does it say “by buing gems, you are guaranteed that skin which is purchasable with gems.”
Yes I think most of us are aware of that. Making gems a currency as opposed to paying cash straight out for items gives them a buffer for situations such as this. However there is also a thing most companies try to do and that is to keep the customer happy.
Anyway, this whole thing isn’t really an account issue as of this point. Although I took part in it as well this is not the place to debate things that may or may not happen. There are multiple threads in other areas of the board on this. I suggest we all let it drop in this thread and see what happens.
Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S.
While i understand Gaile’s “wait and see” request, the fact is that in the past customer service has always stated that it is impossible to restore in-game items and gold. In this case, for those whose armor look gets changed into something they don’t like an don’t want, restoring the former expensive skins on some armors will be a basic requirement of fairness, as will refunding dyes, splitters, character makeovers etc for those made changes in order for the their characters to fit well with the new armor they just bought. That means the devs will have to doing far more than designing a new armor skin. And that means they need to work on these things NOW, now some time down the road when they release the new armor skin and find out people don’t like it. So yes, this is the appropriate time to deal with this issue and figure out the best way to solve these problems.
While i understand Gaile’s “wait and see” request, the fact is that in the past customer service has always stated that it is impossible to restore in-game items and gold. In this case, for those whose armor look gets changed into something they don’t like an don’t want, restoring the former expensive skins on some armors will be a basic requirement of fairness, as will refunding dyes, splitters, character makeovers etc for those made changes in order for the their characters to fit well with the new armor they just bought. That means the devs will have to doing far more than designing a new armor skin. And that means they need to work on these things NOW, now some time down the road when they release the new armor skin and find out people don’t like it. So yes, this is the appropriate time to deal with this issue and figure out the best way to solve these problems.
This I agree with i think this is a matter of getting this fixed now.And Gail I give you props dear at least you are answering people.I hope all have a happy Thanksgiving and lets hope that this get fixed soon as I am as upset over it as most are equally.
You offered a product. You let people purchase it. You gave no indication that it was anything other than a permanent purchase, so they legitimately felt safe using or replacing other expensive items to fit the armor to their character. Then you took it away.
To make this fair to every player out there…you would have to go back in time. Sorry, but there is no good way out of this and you won’t convince the community otherwise. Here’s the 4 problems you have, as I see them:
- Some people spent RWM for gems for an armor skin specifically because they liked that skin
- Some of those used a number of other style, dye and transmutation items to match that skin to their character and current armor stats
- Some of those transmuted the skin onto already expensive armor
- One of your designers is either the unluckiest person in MMO history or, and I’m sorry to say much more likely, they decided to plagiarize the T3 Human Cultural armor in order to save time and/or money and merely added a few extra designs to its appearance to match the other Flame armor
Like I stated above, there is no good way out of this. You can ask people to wait to see what the new armor set is going to look like before voicing their opinions further. But even in your best case scenario, where the new set turns out looking fantastic and people either have a choice of getting the new set or getting their gems back, you haven’t actually solved any of the above problems.
Really, the only group that your stated solution solves the problem for are those that like the new armor set, spent gems they already had and/or don’t mind getting a refund in gems for just the armor skins. Everyone else will feel cheated, and rightly so. The only ways out of this are steps I would wager you are unlikely to take:
- Provide all players the option of gem or cash refunds for all gems used to buy the armor skins and refund all items or gold that was used by that player to setup or match the armor
- Reprimand, up to or including dismissal, the designer responsible. After all, this is plagiarism we are talking about. It’s a serious offense. People often lose their jobs in these situations.
CONTINUED IN THE NEXT POST (apparently your character limit of 5001 for posts has a bug you should look into as well, original complete post without this text was 4958 with spaces)
You offered a product. You let people purchase it. You gave no indication that it was anything other than a permanent purchase, so they legitimately felt safe using or replacing other expensive items to fit the armor to their character. Then you took it away.
To make this fair to every player out there…you would have to go back in time. Sorry, but there is no good way out of this and you won’t convince the community otherwise. Here’s the 4 problems you have, as I see them:
- Some people spent RWM for gems for an armor skin specifically because they liked that skin
- Some of those used a number of other style, dye and transmutation items to match that skin to their character and current armor stats
- Some of those transmuted the skin onto already expensive armor
- One of your designers is either the unluckiest person in MMO history or, and I’m sorry to say much more likely, they decided to plagiarize the T3 Human Cultural armor in order to save time and/or money and merely added a few extra designs to its appearance to match the other Flame armorLike I stated above, there is no good way out of this. You can ask people to wait to see what the new armor set is going to look like before voicing their opinions further. But even in your best case scenario, where the new set turns out looking fantastic and people either have a choice of getting the new set or getting their gems back, you haven’t actually solved any of the above problems.
Really, the only group that your stated solution solves the problem for are those that like the new armor set, spent gems they already had and/or don’t mind getting a refund in gems for just the armor skins. Everyone else will feel cheated, and rightly so. The only ways out of this are steps I would wager you are unlikely to take:
- Provide all players the option of gem or cash refunds for all gems used to buy the armor skins and refund all items or gold that was used by that player to setup or match the armor
- Reprimand, up to or including dismissal, the designer responsible. After all, this is plagiarism we are talking about. It’s a serious offense. People often lose their jobs in these situations.CONTINUED IN THE NEXT POST (apparently your character limit of 5001 for posts has a bug you should look into as well, original complete post without this text was 4958 with spaces)
Well said cant get any more down to the point than this thank you gray fox
The thing is, we can’t make it an either/or situation.
You mean it will be more work to do, it must be possible or we would only have 1 armor in the game
Knowing the way Anet has done things in the past, if players decide they do not want the new look and wish a refund, but have already used it, they will probably be given the splitters from support (returning their armor to its original appearance) and directed to delete the skin to receive a refund. As to weapons, dyes, etc, I would guess you are going to be on your own
this is the bit that most of us are worries about, i have invested a lot for the look, gems, tokens and a lot of gold, i don’t care that much about the gems tbh its everything else, i feel like i have just been ripped off by Anet, i have never transferred gold for gems as i believe in trying to fund the game, i also like the idea for ppl that don’t have the money to be able to buy gems too, but as a paying customer, i will not buy another gem ever again if they don’t not resolve this fully.
I would like to point out that arena net is one listening on the people who do not pay € 1
while all the people who have paid for this skin, and that maybe they are regular customers are in no way heard!
I owned a t3 on my mesmer human but even so I changed to the flamekiss! And I will not go back!! I want to continue to use my flamekiss!
The only group this solution does not address are the players who purchased T3 Human Cultural armor with in game gold. I believe you also owe them an apology and need to find some way to make up this error to them as well. But they are the ones who should be consulted on exactly what that would entail.
GrayFox, your entire post is the best summary of what is happening with the recycled-mesh problem. THIS quote is exactly it, and I do not think that anyone else could have said it better.
After reading this, I did also remember that the actual in-game purchase of the T3 Human Cultural armor also awarded achievement points to the player purchasing it. While some people bought the armor for the actual achievements, most people also bought it just for the look to skin over other existing exotic quality armor.
Co-Guild Leader | The Nefarious Legacies [TNL]
Henge of Denravi