Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: horsicorn.8650


Got suspended for no reason earlier today so I submit a ticket like any other person would do. After getting 2 automated responses that gave me no information at all and had nothing to do with my problem, I get an email telling me my account has been permanently closed and that “The attempted purchase of the Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create this account was voided as the transaction was found to be fraudulent in nature” and that “There is no option to have this account reopened or to have the block removed from the game account.” That’s great, except I bought the game from the online store at the Guild Wars 2 website which apparently is a fraudulent retailer. So…I’ve been playing for not even 3 days an Arenanet has already juked me out of 60 dollars.

Also I find it funny that it takes them 2 hours to send an automated ticket response. If you’re going to have robots reply to people’s tickets why not just send em out once the ticket is submitted? Are they trying to make it seem like they’re actually doing work?

(edited by horsicorn.8650)

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


Send in a ticket. Make sure you have the full receipt to prove that it was legally purchased.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: horsicorn.8650


and wait 2 more hours just to get another automated response that has nothing to do with my ticket? ….i guess i have no other options

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BearArms.1654


I’m going through the same thing currently. It’s been two days now and I hope the same thing doesn’t happen to me. Good luck.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: karrak.3598


2 hours? Are you kind me! My last automated response was yesterday!

“NCsoft has no obligation to explain any decision…” 5.d.i Conduct Rules!

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leira.9702


Hey you still are lucky. 13 days and counting Keep calm. Maybe it helps. At least your heart it will help.
I will have to think hard now to ever buy a key for this game since my first one was a credit-fraud one. Buying it officialy seems to not help at all.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


If you want them to hear your problem, and have someone do something about it, you need to follow their procedures. If you dont, the only thing you can do is kick and scream. Neither of them doing anything at all to help your situation.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


You might want to take a screenshot of the completed transaction in your bank account log, can be helpful to prove that the payment did go through correctly. Um, assuming there is a way to add screenshots to tickets (sorry I haven’t checked this).

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


Screenshots in this case probably wont be taken as evidence as they can very easily be doctored. I wouldnt be surprised if they had you mail in something.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ymindalor.5179


Did you use credit card or paypal?

In my case, it was credit card and I checked for past charges and they didn’t actually charge me — but did email me an order # and serial # — leading me to believe the game was purchased.

It seems like an issue with their online store.

I’m going to keep checking with my credit card company to make sure they don’t accidentally charge me now.

Gah. Not starting over. Not playing their game. How horrible to spend time on their game and get banned for some unknown reason.

Good luck.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ophelia Better.7195

Ophelia Better.7195

It is very disturbing that procedures are not in place to prevent a “fraudulent” serial code from being entered and accepted, but 2 weeks later being suspended. This puts an unfair burden on the player who purchased a code in good faith and since the code was accepted did not have reason to question the validity of the seller. As posted by Gaille “lesson learned” is bad enough, but to further aggravate the issue, upon following Gaille’s instruction to request refund from seller and purchase a code from Arenanet I find that I cannot reactivate the account due to “serial code overlap”. No joy in this household as it is no fun for 3 family members to play while the 4th is locked out due to the poor response by support team

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ophelia Better.7195

Ophelia Better.7195

WOW, totally amazing. Got a refund from the seller faster that Arenanet can get my account in a state where I can again get into game.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: horsicorn.8650


checked my credit records….the $60 is just sitting there under “reserved” waiting for arenanet to pick it up, so apparently they ban me cause they’re too lazy to take the money I already cleared for them. and I can’t do anything else with the $60 since it’s reserved fo them. well played arenanet…well played

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DarK.1839


WOW, totally amazing. Got a refund from the seller faster that Arenanet can get my account in a state where I can again get into game.

Which seller?

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


WOW, totally amazing. Got a refund from the seller faster that Arenanet can get my account in a state where I can again get into game.

So, lets get this right, the seller used fraudulant card details to obtain the Cdkey. This got you banned, and you are blaming Arenanet for it?

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Madlax.8152


checked my credit records….the $60 is just sitting there under “reserved” waiting for arenanet to pick it up, so apparently they ban me cause they’re too lazy to take the money I already cleared for them. and I can’t do anything else with the $60 since it’s reserved fo them. well played arenanet…well played

same for me

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leira.9702


@Renegadeimp: nobody blames ArenaNet for the problem itself. But for taking so long to solve the tickets since the problem is known and a procedure should be developed by know about how to handle this fast – with a customor in mind that still wants to play and pay!

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


Oh i know the ticket queue is astronomically huge. This is due to hundreds of thousands of players filing tickets for any manner of things, and the fact that Arenanet hasnt communicated what is allowed in a ticket very clearly, so you have people asking for item restorations etc, when the GM’s simply dont have the ability to do so.

Then you have the people that still harass the GM’s with multiple tickets thinking the GM’s are lying.

Not to mention they only have a small support staff, which admittedly they have said that they are increasing.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ophelia Better.7195

Ophelia Better.7195

No Renagade I am not mad at Arenanet for their stance on the code being invalid, but follow my logic here. If they shut the account down because they know the code was purchased incorrectly by whatever distributor was passing these along to people, what is left for them to investigate. They have already made their decision, could they not clear the account so that a newly purchased code could be entered and allow the person who desires to play the game the opportunity. That being said, this infraction which is substantially severe to Arenanet and should be addressed, in not a an intentional violation or breaking of any rules by the player. Said player is not accused of doing anything to harm the game such as gold farming, foul language or general greifing other players. It is strictly a financial issue, so could they not investigate the issue just as well while the player was allowed to continue in the game, possibly with some banking and trade restrictions just to protect themselves, while the issue is investigated. The results would be the same for A-Net and a much happier community while they straighten out their mess. We play as a family here with 4 accounts, the kids are home from college this weekend which really is their only playing time, and were hoping for some rousing joint adventures, ingame not in support chat. I have done everything in my court to correct this, the vendor who sold me the code has investigated his source and refunded the full amount in four hours from my contact, I have purchased direct from A-Net, but unless I abandon the account and create a new one I am still locked out of the game. So 4 unhappy people, one who can’t log in and 3 who won’t because that would be rather cruel to the one left out. These are just the views of a player with 82 months in the Guild Wars world. Support was much better on the previous version.

(edited by Ophelia Better.7195)

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


So basically you want to be allowed to have the game for free?

Not going to happen.

The game was bought from a third party site. Usually an RMT site, or one that is linked to them. These sites are notorious for scams and using fraudulent details.

In this instance a game was bought seemingly legitimately. However, the merchant had in effect stolen the game and commited fraud in order to obtain the game/key.

This was then sold to an unsuspecting player, and shortly after, the person who owned the details that the merchant used to buy the game originally reported a fraud to their bank. This has a domino effect and ends with the account being banned.

Moral of the story here? Only use this website to purchase the game online, or buy it from a brick and mortar store. Don’t go to RMT sites to buy the game because it says its $5 cheaper or whatever, because you will only be worse off in a months time.

As for refunds etc due to the banning of the account, the player needs to take it up with the merchant the game was purchased from. ArenaNet has nothing to do with this at all.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Madlax.8152


So basically you want to be allowed to have the game for free?

Not going to happen.

The game was bought from a third party site. Usually an RMT site, or one that is linked to them. These sites are notorious for scams and using fraudulent details.

In this instance a game was bought seemingly legitimately. However, the merchant had in effect stolen the game and commited fraud in order to obtain the game/key.

This was then sold to an unsuspecting player, and shortly after, the person who owned the details that the merchant used to buy the game originally reported a fraud to their bank. This has a domino effect and ends with the account being banned.

Moral of the story here? Only use this website to purchase the game online, or buy it from a brick and mortar store. Don’t go to RMT sites to buy the game because it says its $5 cheaper or whatever, because you will only be worse off in a months time.

As for refunds etc due to the banning of the account, the player needs to take it up with the merchant the game was purchased from. ArenaNet has nothing to do with this at all.

ArenaNet has nothing to do with this at all. So who have something to do with this if i bought my game from here?

(edited by Madlax.8152)

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: horsicorn.8650


So basically you want to be allowed to have the game for free?

Not going to happen.

The game was bought from a third party site. Usually an RMT site, or one that is linked to them. These sites are notorious for scams and using fraudulent details.

In this instance a game was bought seemingly legitimately. However, the merchant had in effect stolen the game and commited fraud in order to obtain the game/key.

This was then sold to an unsuspecting player, and shortly after, the person who owned the details that the merchant used to buy the game originally reported a fraud to their bank. This has a domino effect and ends with the account being banned.

Moral of the story here? Only use this website to purchase the game online, or buy it from a brick and mortar store. Don’t go to RMT sites to buy the game because it says its $5 cheaper or whatever, because you will only be worse off in a months time.

As for refunds etc due to the banning of the account, the player needs to take it up with the merchant the game was purchased from. ArenaNet has nothing to do with this at all.

Yeah the guild wars 2 website is a “seemingly legitimate” dealer i’m sure you’re right. man those scammers sure make a convincing sales website. i’m glad you read my post before you replied with an intelligent comment that was in no way pompous or condescending

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ophelia Better.7195

Ophelia Better.7195

Apparently when trolling, you only read what you want to read. If I want to play for free I would not have already purchased a new code from A-net direct, even though the response time of support prevents me from installing the serial code. Sooo, having recieved a refund from the duped distributor and purchasing a shiny new A-net code that I cannot use with out creating a new account and falling further behind guildmates, I guess I and the Bane of Guild Wars. Thanks for reminding me

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drachdhar.7016


Well… Considering that you’d probably be suspended even if you use a code bought from the official store… I was.
ANet got some serious issues they need to deal with on their own payment methods.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daelowana.7319


Suspended here for “fraud” as well. They have some serious issues to resolve. It took them 48 hours to email me that I committed fraud even after I provided all the information to show a legit purchase was made. I’m at least a bit relieved that this is not just affecting me but I am very frustrated at this whole process. For the two hours I’ve played the game, I liked what I saw, but kitten #8230;I’m not sure I want to keep playing if this is any indication of future issues,

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaosuyousei.1049


I was also suspended for “fraud” using my own credit card to purchase from their own website. Anyone else notice all the “Fradualent purchases” happened around the same time. Someone in their company screwed up hard and now they’re trying to sweep it under the rug by just claiming everyone who bought the game used stolen information instead of just asking us to resubmit payments.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daelowana.7319


Keep this thread going peeps. Put the pressure on them to fix this ASAP.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaosuyousei.1049


For those who haven’t seen. Go to the thread “Blocked/suspended/terminated — Players’ comments” Gaile has noticed there seems to be something up and is collecting information to hopefully help people. So go post there as well.

Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

I’m gathering info in another thread, as Kaosuyousei points out. I’ll close this one and invite you to post in the Blocked/suspended/terminated thread.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events