Guild wars 2 Authenticator token?

Guild wars 2 Authenticator token?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kvatto.3509



Just wanted to check if there might be a Guild Wars 2 authenticator (those little plastic things that gives you a number to enter when you log in to the game) or authenticator app created at any stage, I know there is the E-mail Authentication System in place.

I know there is several other companies that sells them like Blizzard, Bioware (Swtor).

So i just wanted to check if it will be a possibility later on.

Kind regards

Guild wars 2 Authenticator token?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glitterby.8719



Just wanted to check if there might be a Guild Wars 2 authenticator (those little plastic things that gives you a number to enter when you log in to the game) or authenticator app created at any stage, I know there is the E-mail Authentication System in place.

I know there is several other companies that sells them like Blizzard, Bioware (Swtor).

So i just wanted to check if it will be a possibility later on.

Kind regards

This is a great idea for GW2 I know that I would use something like this and was going to start a thread about something like this.

It would also help if there was a mobile (cellphone) download app for this and you can apply as this is kind simple, what this should have is an serial number for the device(app) then the Auth code which charges every 45 to 60 seconds.

I have used these for different games (3 different MMOs)

as I have one open at the moment we can
1. visit the web site where we can DL the app
2. the login we wish to protect
3. click the attach authenticator button on the website and mobile authenticator
4. then we will need to verify our email address
5. enter the serial number and authenticator code on the first log in to the website and game server, then have the authenticator for the app/token every time we log into the game.


Guild wars 2 Authenticator token?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kvatto.3509


I had one for my account and also when i played SWTOR.

Guild wars 2 Authenticator token?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Plinius.5709


I would love(!!!) to have an authenticator (most preferrable for iOS/android/wp7-8)

it would make me feel so much safer concerning GW2

Guild wars 2 Authenticator token?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Antares.3984


I would love(!!!) to have an authenticator (most preferrable for iOS/android/wp7-8)

it would make me feel so much safer concerning GW2

When was the last time you’ve seen someone with a windows phone? lol

Guild wars 2 Authenticator token?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Veluthurk.6891


I would love(!!!) to have an authenticator (most preferrable for iOS/android/wp7-8)

it would make me feel so much safer concerning GW2

When was the last time you’ve seen someone with a windows phone? lol

They’re coming.

Guild wars 2 Authenticator token?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: coldFuSion.3104


Please invest in hardware and software authenticators as suggested by OP!!

Then in addition to logins… configure all account changes ( Including the recently removed ‘change username / email address’ feature ) to the authenticator. Then undesired third party can not do anything and all other security checks can be disabled i.e. login authorization emails etc.