High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

I look forward to these restorations and thank you all at Anet for looking into this issue.

Last I heard, Restore point 0 will be the day the service goes live, unfortunetly (Anet post, I think from Gaile)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

You do know that the rollback feature is not retroactive right? Meaning once it’s implemented, any past hacked players are still stuck.

well, thats why i said “…and even if they cant restore what was lost, im hoping they will at least reimburse what was lost”. And even if they dont do that, at least others wont be completely screwed over like i was … but im hoping thats not the case…

The only sort of reimbursement I’ve seen them be able to do is gems and system-sent items (mini-rylok pet, emails, etc)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Perfectxshot.6712


You do know that the rollback feature is not retroactive right? Meaning once it’s implemented, any past hacked players are still stuck.

well, thats why i said “…and even if they cant restore what was lost, im hoping they will at least reimburse what was lost”. And even if they dont do that, at least others wont be completely screwed over like i was … but im hoping thats not the case…

The only sort of reimbursement I’ve seen them be able to do is gems and system-sent items (mini-rylok pet, emails, etc)

Ya i havent seen anything huge either, i was just thinking that with new systems in place, maybe they could make something happen

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


They already have your money. Helping you will cost them more money.


A-net already has our money, and keeping players around will only cost them more money.

Because God knows, no one has ever paid money for gems and then spent said gems on stuff in the store, and then bought more gems later.

Nor has anyone ever shown a friend the game, or even just told a friend about it, and had said friend go out and buy it because of the recommendation. Ever.

There is a hole in the server. I mean come on, it is absolutely the only possibility here. Some of my friends who have gotten hacked didn’t even use ANY guild wars sites.

You’re aware that they can take logins/passwords from one site and enter them into any other site, right? Even if the two sites are completely unrelated?

And their e-mails are still secure.

Or so you think – just because the password hasn’t been changed on the emails doesn’t mean the account is secure. Hell, if I hacked an email account, changing the password’s the LAST thing I’d do, to avoid tipping off the target.

Don’t skirt around trying to BS us. Your servers are threatened. You’d be much better off letting us know about the threat and we can decide if we want to chance it or not. Otherwise, some very important information might be taken – and that’d be on your head.

Totally doesn’t sound like you’re saying “I’m about to pwn your servers. Own up if you ever want to see them alive again, muahahaha” at all. Not even a little bit.

To be honest I forgot about gems, etc. but I want to add that they still have expansions to sell too and clearly I’d look forward to them if I were still playing

And just to add something about the hack: I checked BLTC history and it hasn’t been used, so everything has just been mailed (or destroyed? don’t think so XD).
Now… I know there is no mail history about the ones sent (why didn’t you make it? :S), but it can’t be as hard to check as rolling back an account without these ‘snapshots’.
I think it would be nice from you to spend time to dig into mail logs and discover what has been mailed and to WHO.
You can’t create items yet but that would be the moment to implement this functionality. I know that in the case of Legendaries used the hacker probably has salvaged them so you’ll be able to refund only ectos, but it would be a sign of good will.
At the end, we spent lot of time here

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

You do know that the rollback feature is not retroactive right? Meaning once it’s implemented, any past hacked players are still stuck.

well, thats why i said “…and even if they cant restore what was lost, im hoping they will at least reimburse what was lost”. And even if they dont do that, at least others wont be completely screwed over like i was … but im hoping thats not the case…

The only sort of reimbursement I’ve seen them be able to do is gems and system-sent items (mini-rylok pet, emails, etc)

Ya i havent seen anything huge either, i was just thinking that with new systems in place, maybe they could make something happen

The account rollback would make that unnecessary.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toothy.8640


Perfectxshot there are various emails which allow you to check the login history of the email account. People aren’t just saying ‘oh, they didn’t change my email password so it wasn’t compromised’. Also, at least one person got hacked who bought the game retail, so his cdkey was never stored online.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


Me and Freyn have physical copy, so we’re at least 2 ^^
So yeah… let’s say they found out our email and game password (didn’t happen but let’s say that) and sent a ticket, right?
And those French GMs asked for serial code, RIGHT?

Gaile, all discussions about same email/password are useless since serial code isn’t stored nor typed in our PC or in some internet sites.

And no ‘the hacker went into all your rooms to check boxes and get your code’ please lol

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AncientCWS.5342


I do suppose my post was a slight bit thoughtless. I was a little aggravated over some issues of my own, and I apologize, A-net.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toothy.8640


If neither of you stored your cdkey, either the GMs changed email without asking for or checking the cdkey given, or someone has found a way to steal your cdkey ingame, which shouldn’t be possible at all since it’d be insane for cdkeys to be transmitted at all once the account is created.

Neither of these options seem likely :/

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vain.7643


I do suppose my post was a slight bit thoughtless. I was a little aggravated over some issues of my own, and I apologize, A-net.

we mess up online
we blame the real life

we mess up the real life
we blame the online

it’s a cycle!

The real trouble with reality is that there’s no background music.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cerise.9045


How do we protect ourselves from support giving our accounts to other people?

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Karpuz.5409


Right now you can’t xD it’s up to them

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Plesh.8035


Me and Freyn have physical copy, so we’re at least 2 ^^
So yeah… let’s say they found out our email and game password (didn’t happen but let’s say that) and sent a ticket, right?
And those French GMs asked for serial code, RIGHT?

Gaile, all discussions about same email/password are useless since serial code isn’t stored nor typed in our PC or in some internet sites.

And no ‘the hacker went into all your rooms to check boxes and get your code’ please lol

Why not? Maybe he went into my room when I was asleep and did all this horrible things to my characters :X Maybe I should check if I am alright and if there isn’t anything else missing >.<

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smokesacks.1084


Me and Freyn have physical copy, so we’re at least 2 ^^
So yeah… let’s say they found out our email and game password (didn’t happen but let’s say that) and sent a ticket, right?
And those French GMs asked for serial code, RIGHT?

Gaile, all discussions about same email/password are useless since serial code isn’t stored nor typed in our PC or in some internet sites.

And no ‘the hacker went into all your rooms to check boxes and get your code’ please lol

Why not? Maybe he went into my room when I was asleep and did all this horrible things to my characters :X Maybe I should check if I am alright and if there isn’t anything else missing >.<

I’ll save ArenaNet some time on this one and ask everyone to keep the subject of your posts on topic. This thread needs to be a source of information for those affected not pages of random nonsense. Everyone here wants this resolved as quickly as possible including ArenaNet.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

Shame I can’t get mobile auth due to my phone type, but some of the players hacked are using mobile authenticator anyway. Once they change your email they can login and disable it I believe?

So the root of the problem is how are they changing the email to begin with.

Actually they can’t disable the link to the mobile authenticator unless they have access to the phone itself.

Yes they can, via account recovery.
which requires pretty much the same info as opening a support ticket.

thing is, apart from having access to emails or having stolen the physical game key from your house, theres no way for anyone to be seeing your serial key without having access to the Anet database :|

That is, of course, if its not actually a disgruntled Anet employee taking accounts for himself and his friends.

(edited by Squall Leonhart.2075)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BSMO.4560


OMG seriously got another DC when I m playing my Ele then someone get logging in my account took my mesmer …….. what a joke ????

I haven’t received any message from email neither nor from my mobile authentificator …. I’m really scared … Help me to resolve the issue plzzz

Besides is it possible that someone get your logging information just from sending you a wisp in game ? Because a few minutes before i got a pm from an unknow player who asking me to help him … I dont know who it was and for why ? So just answered by "?"

Then I get my DC from ele to mesmer …

(edited by BSMO.4560)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Karpuz.5409


Any news regarding the rollback system? ^^

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: magdalenasins.1027


Anet please train your ticketing support staff to not be lazy and actually ask for info. When I was hacked in Sept I got my email changed back without being asked for any info (I had already changed it all back and found who hacked me using the master password from NCSOFT-maybe tell people that is an option). Send them to a social engineering and how to avoid it course f f s.

The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.

Penny Larceny – Ruins of Surmia – Lazy Commander

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sander.8516



May I ask you in wich server, town etc.. It happened?

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maetel.2130


I’m waiting since 2 days to know how my serial code has been discovered excluding any fault at Anet side.
I know you can’t admit you’ve security issues (in support system, email change system or wherever they’re located), but it’s one week now and this is ridicolous.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Funset.7893


2 friends on mine got hacked and their account robbed in 1 week period. The one of them has the commander title. It is really weird that 2 ppl that I actually know, are hacked. Cant imagine how many others got hacked, but are not on the forums to let us know.

And no, they are not 12 year old school boys who share their acc info with the world. And they are using unique password to their accounts. Some weird s***ts are goin on in arenanet headquarters…

The first one requested an account restoration, but they said they cant do it. Wait what?! A company for hundreds of millions dollars can not restore a robbed account? Are we in the stoneage?! The guy with the commander title got his account data completely changed – mail, password, everything, and the support told him, attention guys, that he has a BETA code on his account, and they cant help him?! Ahaha what?! Get ur **** together arenanet, and help those who got hacked and robed, cuz it is not a coincidence, nor their fault that ur security system s****.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BSMO.4560


Home server : Vizunah Square
The gay pm me in WvW – my home borderland
I wanna underline that my mobile authentificator and email authentifcator are still on and now I changed the password once again.

Besides I noticed that the main NCSOFTaccount keep all the personnal (name date of born adress ….) and the game’s account information like the serial code etc … Moreover from their website we can change the gw2 account password and much more like allowing or not the IP connexion.

Therefore if there’s a failure from database maybe its one the source causing those hacks….

(edited by BSMO.4560)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: csjuni.1795


I had this happen to me also shortly after halloween event started. Used mobile Auth, Never even received the initial e-mail telling me a 3rd party Ip was accessing account. And twice support replied that I wasn’t giving them a complete serial code. ( which I had never actually given them. They’ve know about this Mobile auth bug and the emails not being recieved and even stated it was an issue on their end. Either way its piss poor CS.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: This evening, I emailed a few of the people who were mentioned in the early comments in this forum thread.

I will update you on this situation when I have more details, but we are making forward progress!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I honestly think it would help by removing the forum name attached to ingame player names.Also the need to own two seperate passwords,one for the game and one for the forum.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nalukai.8946


part 1;
Here is my story;
I have been in the game since the pre-order head start weekend in August. I play solo or with a select group of ppl I formed a clan with here that I have played with through gw1 off and on for over 8 years including other games. I managed to get my ranger to lvl 80 and solo’d through with 100% map completion and 400/400 crafting with no problems at all until the lost shores patch came up. Mind you I am not currently part of any other website as I only lurk them for builds and such for pvp/wvw. The day the lost shores event came up, I was unable to log into my account giving me the standard error code for wrong password/email. I request a password reset from that and it failed. I thought it was a glitch which was ok.
The next morning I got paid from work and noticed a significant lack of funds in my bank account.. I had 5 charges pending; 50,50,50,50,35; I knew with the overtime working as an EMT I was scrounging around the net trying to figure out what was bought; until I looked at the prices on gems for guild wars; sure enough the bank did a retro log and found out that i had 235 dollars worth of gems bought within 5 minutes and they froze access from any more transactions from that one spot. I had my debit card wiped( still awaiting another one which sucks) and a fraud report filed.
I put in a support ticket which took 3 days to get a response plus a phone call saying my account was compromised and the funds were to be refunded to me within 5-10 days. Note that I did have the mobile authenticator linked to my account. CS dodged my response to that.
After almost 5 days I finally gained access to my account and found it to be fully wiped naked except the lvl 80 was geared with explorer stuff and geared for farming.. with an entire stash of salvages.. I spent hours calculating what the hacker had sold to the trading post on my own account and it totaled to be about 110 gold plus the real money that was taken. They restored the account and gave me a message that we cant replace anything you need to go to karma merchants blah blah. okay 1 time shame on me;
4 days later of aggressive farming on cursed shore just to get stuff to make me competitive with the guild again, plus some very generous handouts from guildmates; I get home from work and get the same error code password not working- mind you this is with a brand new linked mobile authenticator. Managed to do a password reset and logged in no problem; I was still in the same place with all my things. I went to change my pass once again on this site and looked at security and noticed there were different IPs on my account; I back-traced those accounts to Beijing, China so I banned the entire subnet on my router. the next morning I woke up I got the same error code and was completely locked out of my account in game and online… password reset function was not accessible as well.
Yet I put in another ticket telling them about I was hacked again twice in the same week with mobile authenticator and very unique passwords that are max length upper/lower/num/symbols etc. and support is completely dodging a legitimate answer right now.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nalukai.8946


part 2;
This is the message I sent via new ticket upon access this morning;
thank you for restoring access to my acccount.. are you guys looking into how my account is being compromised with a mobile authenticator? once again i was wiped and this is becoming ridiculous.. i have had no phishing emails or anything, my passwords are upper/lower case with numbers and all measures have been taken to prevent this including spyware/keylogger detection and still this hacker is getting on my account. gaile gray said something about account rollbacks and i would like to request one. twice hacked in one week is crazy especially with authenticators. out of 12 years of online gaming this is the only game i have ever been compromised in.
and this was the “bots” response;
Response Rivas via Email 11/27/2012 09:25 AM
Hi *******l!
We are more than happy to know that everything is working properly for you now. Also, we verified the information in your account and everything is working now. In this case if you want to improve the security in your account you could use this tips:
Security FAQ
We hope this information is useful to you. If you have any further questions or concerns, let us know. See you in Tyria!\
To me it seems that they know what is going on and completely dodging responses at this time; NO everything is NOT working for me right now; you put a band-aid on the wounds and sent me packing.. Happens to me twice in the same week? shame on YOU!
Also I found this out which could be a very nasty password backdoor bug; when they sent me the new account recover pass to log in; I changed it to something off the wall immediately. That was this morning.. Tonight I was able to log in to gw2 with that exact same pass they sent me… but I had to log in to the website under the new pass I changed it to.
To me whats fair is fair… and support dodging something on this level without giving a legitimate response and sending you back to links and FAQs is unacceptable.. I’m not a pro at this game; but I built my own rig and have been playing online games since 99 and this kitten ain’t flying in my book. Some of us know how to prevent things like this happening, so don’t take our responses like a grain of salt with the majority.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: carmencaliope.1276


This is terrifying. There is a terrorist in our online community, preying on people and anet hasn’t been able to stop it. I’ve shown this thread to my guildies and they’re like oh.. people aren’t using good enough passwords, blah blah blah.. they have so much faith in anet that they can’t believe it’s a server-end issue. Reading the posts here, I am convinced it is. And now someone has had real money stolen along with months of work on dungeons and farming? This issue is really putting me off of gw2. I loved it but now I’m frightened and not willing to let months to years of farming, plus my bank account, go down the drain due to a security breach.

I hope the victims of this person terrifying our community get some sort of compensation and that the guy goes to jail. An online community is just as vulnerable to terrorism like this as a real town or city. This is just horrible.

And yes. The fact that he’s causing mass fear and ‘terror’ in the population by definition makes him a terrorist. He deserves a trial as such.

(edited by carmencaliope.1276)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


Characters are stored on ANet servers…servers are backed up regularly (well that is an assumption…. they wont deny it as they would look really silly)….therefore character data IS available…..it may be just a little bit tiresome to get it…but data IS available so why can’t characters be restored? I think it is more a policy thing again rather than a tech issue….especially over 3 months into the game.

(edited by Oldbugga.7029)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Plesh.8035


I honestly think it would help by removing the forum name attached to ingame player names.Also the need to own two seperate passwords,one for the game and one for the forum.

This shouldn’t be an issue. I never logged in forums before and I still got hacked in-game so at least it wasn’t an issue for me. For people getting hacked multiple times – I suggest You to find yourself something else to do. I didn’t check my account since I logged in to see what is missing (didn’t even request a new password) and this is how I ended up in pandaland >.< check forums once or twice a day for an update and that’s it. You can’t do anything else… Most of the people out there got that it isn’t an issue on our side and the sad truth is that we can’t be compensated at the moment (maybe never) and they can’t prevent this from happening again… That’s why I quit playing (at least for now) and even if I get hacked again – they can’t take anything from me and I won’t need a compensation (which they can’t give me anyway).

P.S. The needed time for an issue like that is so letting down that I don’t have the words to describe it (or at least I can’t think of a censored way to do so ;P)

(edited by Plesh.8035)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Karpuz.5409


Thank you Gaaaile ^^

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Since this seems to primarily affect power players, maybe they’re using some kind of third party software which contains a trojan… nobody would admit that of course.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Perfectxshot.6712


Since this seems to primarily affect power players, maybe they’re using some kind of third party software which contains a trojan… nobody would admit that of course.

I was one of the players to get hacked, and ive never even been to a 3rd party site…let alone buy from them. Not all people with a lot of gold had to buy it, i just played an insane amount, so it hurts a lot more to lose what you work for, rather than just something you bought :/

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Irontodge.9524


Iruwen, I play the game legitametly. I can only speak for myself of course, but I believe it’s a bit of a rash statement to say that all the bigger players on one server have been hit by a Trojan:)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I didn’t mean to insult anybody, I’m sure most people are just dedicated hardcore players. But as I said here it doesn’t even have to be a case of cheating, might be anything. I still doubt there has been a breach at ANet though. We’d have way more reported cases of hacks then.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Well of course the people who are ACTUALLY hacking the game with 3rd party software (which is still a big deal btw devs…I’ve had it with watching people teleporting around the world and using maphacks to see where people are) or buying gold won’t admit to it…so that’s a dead-end to start with anyway.

The main issue is the forums. Even if you log into the game securely, you’re still logging into the forums with your same email and password. If you’ve got spyware on your PC, chances are every time you alt-tab to log into the GW2 website, or go there on your off time, you’re sending email/pass information to an outside source.

Forum accounts should always be made and kept separate from actual in-game login information. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just ASKING for accounts to be stolen.

(edited by Redscope.6215)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


If you have spyware on your PC, it’s probably gonna log the game authentication too. If the forum is using the same authentication backend, which it probably does, this is purely a frontend problem which can be solved for the most part by using TOTP two-factor authentication, which definitely everybody should do. It seems reliable considering it has been available for a longer time now and I haven’t heard of any fundamental issues with it so far.
The two things ANet should work on are account restoration (in the works) and maybe ways to quickly recover a hacked account, if somebody grabs the TOTP key you cannot login at all and should instantly notice that something’s wrong.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

(edited by Iruwen.3164)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toothy.8640


People have been hacked who are using mobile authentication. If someone finds out their key, which only Arenanet and their phone have a copy of, it wouldn’t necessarily stop you logging in now, would it.

(edited by Toothy.8640)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrus.8261


If you have spyware on your PC, it’s probably gonna log the game authentication too. If the forum is using the same authentication backend, which it probably does, this is purely a frontend problem which can be solved for the most part by using TOTP two-factor authentication, which definitely everybody should do. It seems reliable considering it has been available for a longer time now and I haven’t heard of any fundamental issues with it so far.

There is a big issue with the two-factor authentication: You don’t get prompted for a code when you log in from an authorized network. You don’t need the two-factor to authorize a network. That makes it easy to bypass when the hackers manage to change your email address, which appears to have happened in the cases in this thread.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

I just added authenticator to my account from home and then tried to log in from a pc at work and it didn’t ask for the authentication.

Authentication isn’t even working right now anyway.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toothy.8640


If you have spyware on your PC, it’s probably gonna log the game authentication too. If the forum is using the same authentication backend, which it probably does, this is purely a frontend problem which can be solved for the most part by using TOTP two-factor authentication, which definitely everybody should do. It seems reliable considering it has been available for a longer time now and I haven’t heard of any fundamental issues with it so far.

There is a big issue with the two-factor authentication: You don’t get prompted for a code when you log in from an authorized network. You don’t need the two-factor to authorize a network. That makes it easy to bypass when the hackers manage to change your email address, which appears to have happened in the cases in this thread.

I thought you needed to login to authorise a new network?

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrus.8261


You are right, I never get asked for auth codes anymore, but managed to grab a different IP address using my phone and it did ask for a code.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


That’s why I never check that option. I think it shouldn’t even be there, as it just sacrifices security for lazyness. It doesn’t work for me anyway, as our IP addresses are not only different, but also come from totally different class b networks.

People have been hacked who are using mobile authentication. If someone finds out their key, which only Arenanet and their phone have a copy of, it wouldn’t necessarily stop you logging in now, would it.

This shouldn’t ever happen, and I’m not quite sure how this could happen at all. The master key is shown exactly once and you don’t enter it with the keyboard, also the traffic is enrypted. To change the key, you need another TOTP. If a PC is so badly infected that somebody can actually get hold of it, that’s probably bad luck – there’s always an element of risk remaining.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


I still doubt there has been a breach at ANet though. We’d have way more reported cases of hacks then.

Actually there is an alarming amount of hack reports on forums. If you consider that only 5-10% of playerbase uses forums (and even less are posting), then it does look like a security problem on A-Net’s side. While some hacks may have occurred due bruteforcing, but ability to target certain players is an evidence of either database theft or a serious security overlook in log in process.

War doesn’t determine who is right, only who is left.

(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I don’t see an alarming amount here. People specifically come to the forums to complain, so the number of incidents here isn’t representative for the majority of players (the number of people active here is actually way higher according to ANet iirc). On the other hand, if you cannot login, you probably cannot login to the forums too, so that argument works in both directions. But what’s representative is the amount of support tickets ANet receives, and the support account is a separate account, so they can judge by those numbers pretty well. That being said, I tend to believe it when they say that there has been no unusal increase in hacks recently. I doubt they’d straight out lie to everybody, especially since they also have a big marketshare in Germany and the laws here are pretty clear about their responsibilities concerning customer information when it comes to data theft. After having read their blog post about account security, I doubt they’re the “bad guys” (like Sony for example, that was a mess of lying and incompetence).

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

(edited by Iruwen.3164)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


I don’t see an alarming amount here. People specifically come to the forums to complain, so the number of incidents here isn’t representative for the majority of players (the number of people active here is actually way higher according to ANet iirc). On the other hand, if you cannot login, you probably cannot login to the forums too, so that argument works in both directions. But what’s representative is the amount of support tickets ANet receives, and the support account is a separate account, so they can judge by those numbers pretty well. That being said, I tend to believe it when they say that there has been no unusal increase in hacks recently. I doubt they’d straight out lie to everybody, especially since they also have a big marketshare in Germany and the laws here are pretty clear about their responsibilities concerning customer information when it comes to data theft. After having read their blog post about account security, I doubt they’re the “bad guys” (like Sony for example, that was a mess of lying and incompetence).

Of course they wouldnt announce such mishap, because it’ll hurt their sales. And that blog post about account security is like litany of common sense, which they fail to follow themselves.

War doesn’t determine who is right, only who is left.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Characters are stored on ANet servers…servers are backed up regularly (well that is an assumption…. they wont deny it as they would look really silly)….therefore character data IS available…..it may be just a little bit tiresome to get it…but data IS available so why can’t characters be restored? I think it is more a policy thing again rather than a tech issue….especially over 3 months into the game.

Things are not always as easy as they appear. I manage a database application. The server is backed up several times a day as it is critical information. If a record is deleted, I cannot restore it without restoreing the entire database. That would mean doing a “rollback” on our entire application. It’s very easy to imagine that the GW2 database could be very similier as this is actually VERY common.

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Of course they wouldnt announce such mishap, because it’ll hurt their sales. And that blog post about account security is like litany of common sense, which they fail to follow themselves.

Not telling your customers about such a breach hurts your sales much more (keyword Streisand effect) and is probably also illegal in some countries. As I said above, they should work on better ways to restore a hacked account. Sending mails to the old address is disadvantageous in cases where you cannot access your old mailbox any more. The user could have avoided the hassle by using two-factor authentication, which doesn’t require a smartphone as me and others have already pointed out several times, although I agree that a normal user is probably unable to cope with that option, so I think ANet would be better off officially telling people that they can use any TOTP device (e.g. Vasco DIGIPASS GO 6).

Things are not always as easy as they appear. I manage a database application. The server is backed up several times a day as it is critical information. If a record is deleted, I cannot restore it without restoreing the entire database. That would mean doing a “rollback” on our entire application. It’s very easy to imagine that the GW2 database could be very similier as this is actually VERY common.

Character information cannot actually be a lot of data, they can simply take a timestamped snapshot of the items currently on char as soon as the player is logging out, since that’s probably all that’s needed for a satisfying restore, and keep them until a max timespan and/or number is reached.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

(edited by Iruwen.3164)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Karpuz.5409


If anyone recieved the email from Gaile, it is legit and whatnot (i feared it wasn’t initially, before i even got to read her comment) but you must follow the exact instructions in it, or else it seems the offer falls.

So don’t try to get a backup, don’t try to save valuables in case something bad happens, don’t try anything…just leave it be…Or you’ll end up wishing you didn’t even get your hopes up in the first place.

(edited by Karpuz.5409)

High Ranked players & Commanders hacked [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Things are not always as easy as they appear. I manage a database application. The server is backed up several times a day as it is critical information. If a record is deleted, I cannot restore it without restoreing the entire database. That would mean doing a “rollback” on our entire application. It’s very easy to imagine that the GW2 database could be very similier as this is actually VERY common.

Character information cannot actually be a lot of data, they can simply take a timestamped snapshot of the items currently on char as soon as the player is logging out, since that’s probably all that’s needed for a satisfying restore, and keep them until a max timespan and/or number is reached.

A snapshot of data and a database backup are 2 very different things. A snapshot may very well be the way they will go when they finally setup the restoration service, but I doubt very much they would have anything like that already in place just for the heck of it. You would be surprised just how much data is involved in a “simple” player account. For 1 toon, you would have every bit of armor, the colors it’s dyed, stats, etc. The same for weapons, items in inventory, your position when you logged out, your achivements, levels, map completion, exp, etc, etc. Than add all other toons on your account, all your account information, and it could get very large very fast. It’s easy for an outsider to say “this should be easy, why can’t they do it”, but until you actually work on the data yourself, you can really have no clue how complex or “easy” it may or may not be. Then even when you do have an isolated copy of the data, it’s a whole other issue injecting that data in to the LIVE database, overwriting whats there without damaging anything else. When we have had issues, we have had to pay a consultant from the database manufacturer. I sat there and watched what he did. It was NOT easy, we had to down the database to do it and lock all users out of the application. It took over 2 hours and cost us several thousand dollars, and this was for a simple record containing nothing more then names, addresses and contact notes. Gail has said this is something they are working on, and of all the Anet employees I have seen or spoken to, I trust her the most. Trust her, if she says they are working on it, they are.