How to reactive E-mail Authentication System

How to reactive E-mail Authentication System

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Andrezze.6731


In this last few days, I got some problems with this system. Always showing an error when I try to “Allow” my IP in the link that was send to my account mail.

Error that appears in the page next to click “Allow”:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Error code=“48” module=“3” line=“339” text=“callback (): TypeError: Cannot read property ‘error’ of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property ‘error’ of undefined at Templates\EJS\Account\allow.login.result.ejs:42:43 at Object.render (Library/core-template.js:185:15) at Object.reply (Library/sugar-reply.js:85:25) at Account/allow.login.js:66:16 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Location/controllers.js:61:13 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Object.<anonymous> (Location/controllers.js:45:21) at Library/sugar-sts.js:125:72”/>

So to can play, I disable the system but now I want to get it ON again. How can I do that?

How to reactive E-mail Authentication System

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DABhand.2079


Account/allow.login.js:66:16 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Location/controllers.js:61:13

at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40



Just sayin :P

How to reactive E-mail Authentication System

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RLD.7439


I too had this issue. I was using Chrome at the time. Tried IE and it worked fine.

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” -CS

How to reactive E-mail Authentication System

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Andrezze.6731


But there’s any way I can turn on again the Email Authentication?

How to reactive E-mail Authentication System

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: pohsib.8625


Just rec’d an answer from a support ticket that it cannot be reactivated. I honestly find this hard to believe. The game is high quality and I just cannot see how something like this is not possible or was overlooked. Something as simple as a flag on an account.

I realize I’m probably oversimplifying it a bit, but this cannot be that difficult to code.

How to reactive E-mail Authentication System

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: deltalord.9473


I just had the same response that it cannot be turned back on. I only turned it off because the system NEVER once asked for permission from 2 locations, this being after the verify button vanished after clicking a link they sent me that failed with same sort of error in first post.

I used the self help to turn it off as suggested if one was having issues with the system, with only a warning that you would need a good password, which I can understand. But it did not warn that it could not be turned back on. I logically thought I could turn it off, then back on and get the verify button back on the login screen.

It is simply mind boggling how this system is so hard for them to get working properly and needs to be fully fixed and allow the enabling and disabling of the system and the current status within the My Account section, which seems pretty useless as an account management area. Please fix this as this extra layer of security which never worked for me to begin with is now apparently not able to even be turned back on.