I was banned

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Laluna.2608


I’ve sent you a question before.. but it won’t solved properly..

program says I was banned permenantly for using third party program.. which i didn’t

even I format the computer only for doing GW2 !!!.. it’s been my only pleasure doin

GW2… one time I turn on the Windows left my character in Kessex … that’s the last time i’ve seen my avata~ … plz solve quickly.. it’s sunday

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Same exact thing! I left to go get something to eat, come back am now banned for the exact same thing! I didn’t even use a third party program!
Incident Number 120909-001580

(edited by Linestro.1056)

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shogun.9567


Same deal, went afk with caltrops on auto attack. Came back to find a perm ban. It said I was using third party programs. Which I never have used or installed.

account disabled [Incident: 120909-001546]

Sure ban the botters etc but a perm ban for afk is a bit harsh. Can you fix this please.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Merkator.6351


Were you guys using a recording program like Fraps, or an overlay like Steam? Just curious. Those shouldn’t be illegal but I wonder if things that like are giving Anet false positives.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shogun.9567


Ive never used fraps etc, I had steam running at some point and diablo 3 auction house going at the same time I got banned. AVG anti virus and google chrome aswell.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chobiko.9182


This sounds like their defence system being overly sensitive. Bump this and it will be looked at most likely.

For the record, not yesterday, but prior to this I have stayed AFK for several hours (I had steam running but no overlay in GW2?) and I have yet to be banned for that.

Even though you have a clean computer, you might have a compromised connection or a phishing site open, beware.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Were you guys using a recording program like Fraps, or an overlay like Steam? Just curious. Those shouldn’t be illegal but I wonder if things that like are giving Anet false positives.

Yea I have steam up at all times, and I had camtasia open for a few minutes but nothing major.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shogun.9567


Have you tried a virus scan? I had a few trojans and they were just removed last night. They were changing the time on my desktop clock and giving me bluescreen of death while in game and slowing my internet connection to the point it would log me out of guild wars 2.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Have you tried a virus scan? I had a few trojans and they were just removed last night. They were changing the time on my desktop clock and giving me bluescreen of death while in game and slowing my internet connection to the point it would log me out of guild wars 2.

That is not the case with my issue. Have no viruses.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jezath.7395


I have been afk for hours also, no ban, however I wasent on auto attack at the time.

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


I have been afk for hours also, no ban, however I wasn’t on auto attack at the time.

I have been afk on multiple occasions, sometimes I even forget to log off. However to accuse me of using a third party program is nonsense. It just bugs me that everyone is having these problems with no real solutions as to why.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wizgamer.7123


I think it might be because gold sellers often stand idle in public places shouting their spam. Where did you log AFK at? Maybe they are tagging players who AFK in certain zones.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Laluna.2608


I think it might be because gold sellers often stand idle in public places shouting their spam. Where did you log AFK at? Maybe they are tagging players who AFK in certain zones.

they really often shouted and talk about the gold seller which doesnt catches my attention several time .. is it that relevant to this situation…
I’m just upset that in this golden time, I Can’t Do the GW2 !!!! with ridiculous reason..

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Laluna.2608


May I Add, I have been doing nothing while I’m AFK
Only GW2 and ALT + Tab to Window desktop not turning on any program behind and Leave it alone for 1~2hours
and.. it’s gone…

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Halfcentaur.9706


Run malwarebytes, scan for viruses, maybe even reformat. It’s most likely because you have nasty third party programs running that you are completely unaware of. You’d be amazed how they’re getting these things on our computers these days.

You could also be lying. Which cheaters love to do on forums to gain meaningless sympathy and vent unnecessary anger.

If anything in this thread is true, well I hope Anet notices false positives and fixes this issue. Certainly sucks..

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Yea I do not know, as I said Steam is constantly running and I also listen to music from Playlist. That is all though.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


They Changed my Description now when I try and Log in saying I was using a third party program or a bot and saying the decision is permanent. Ok, how can I be accused of using a bot or third party program when If you look at my actions in the game. How could a bot do multiple different events,do my quests,sell my loot, raise my crafting skills,recruit for a guild,and help friends??? It is not possible! Let alone that the game has been out less than 2 weeks!!! I highly doubt bot technology has even gotten that far at this point in time! These accusations infuriate me to no end. I want a response so I can go back and play this game! I spent $160 on your game and am severely frustrated with the way this is being handled.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lysico.4906


One side of the story. I am sure there are facts not being told to us by the op

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: drguild.2045


If you guys left your character at the centaur bridge repair event and went afk while auto shooting constantly even between the event restarts then that would have done it if someone saw him shooting when the event wasn’t running hence reporting him.

Macroing a auto attack on a restarting event aka that bridge or the portal in brisban when afk while its not full on botting is still against the TOS.

If he wasn’t sitting at a reoccurring mission and some random place on the map then he probably would have credibility about his ban.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shogun.9567


Some people still dont get it, “auto – attack” is an in game function. It is NOT macro it is NOT a 3rd party program.

I had a noob message me while I was afk saying I was a bot, I messaged them back saying caltrops on auto attack isnt a bot/macro. They apologized. The chat log will show that.

The fact that some people were using a macro to spam an attack isnt grounds to ban everyone afk with auto attack enabled.

Go get a thief put caltrops on auto attack, i can see how it would look like a macro spamming an attack.

I guess we can thank the noobs that dont know the difference.

(edited by Shogun.9567)

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: drguild.2045


The thing is Auto Attack yes part of the game but its not Auto Targeting.

It only only auto attacks once you have actually targeted a mob either by manually activating the spell first or clicking your mouse on a mob.

Those that can try it in game you will not automatically start shooting something even a enemy unless it is targeted first.

I know that when I play my Ele that I have to target something before auto attacks works.

As once I just stood at the bridge didn’t press anything and I didn’t shoot anything.

Mostly people that get banned that you see casting spells over and over even between events have a macro spamming the 1 key constantly.

Unless your spell just keeps casting that Caltrops 24/7 when its on auto target and anytime a mob comes near you which I doubt and if it does then its a bug that probably should have be reported as you are meant to target first else it wouldn’t be casting it.

Some people yes do think that auto attack is cause for a macro I agree but there’s a difference between auto attack and auto targeting and when your afk your character won’t attack anything near you at all unless you are actively targeting different creatures or spamming the 1 key.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crowbane.4651


I was playing in a tournament and got disconnected. I tried to log back in and got a message that my account was permanently banned for using a third party program. I sent in a ticket but still waiting…001:000498:51590

I have never used a third party program and only run Kaspersky (virus scanner) and Vent when I am playing. Sometimes, I alt tab to view things online but that is it.

I have spent a lot of money on this game and I am very frustrated…

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crowbane.4651


They changed my message from permanently banned to terminated today

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hucksteel.4086


Wow, that seems pretty absurd… How can a game so good, have such horrible cs?

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Im done with this game, Honestly. I Spent $160 on their collector Edition game and paid $20 for their in store stuff, I got three of my friends to buy it, I played Guildwars 1 for six years. Then they accuse me of just using a third party program/bot and thats it. They do not respond to me, they will not refund me, and they made a game I thought to be amazing, to completely worthless. ArenaNet, you need to listen to your customers and not ban us simply because we already bought your game and now we are disposable. You have handled this situation worse than any MMO gaming company I have ever witnessed. You do nothing to show me what has made my account suspicious of any botting like behavior and cut the cord with no second thoughts. I am reporting you to the Better Bushiness Bureau for this. To think I thought so highly of this group, now I just wish I had never even picked up or heard of this game. If my account was restored I would at least play the game and eventually change my thoughts of an incident like this never occurred again. However I am sure you are to busy randomly banning other accounts to care. Goodbye Guildwars Community, I had fun the 11 days I played. Sadly all good things are forced to end.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loko.1047


Same here was banned about 3-4 days ago FOR NO REASON WHAT SO EVER, put up a ticket got nothing but automated messages and a big “f**k you” from Guild Wars support team. Then tried logging on hoping that they just fixed my error but little to be known i get a reason (finally) for my ban, code 20……… serious? SERIOUSLY??? i guess there is a reason why when i played wow for 4 years (and PAYED monthly) that i never had this type of problem. Great work Guys i wonder if you guys ever read this.

THanks for robbing me of my $60
Go burn somewhere you crooks

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279

Max Lexandre.6279

And The Flame War about Bans and ANet Policies continues…

But it may be possible, the sytem for detect bots surely is automated and then it may causes false alerts in some cases, things that ANet may explain to us, since I don’t trust in-game moderators that are Robots.

I’m The Best in Everything.
Asura thing.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


And The Flame War about Bans and ANet Policies continues…

But it may be possible, the sytem for detect bots surely is automated and then it may causes false alerts in some cases, things that ANet may explain to us, since I don’t trust in-game moderators that are Robots.

Exactly, I am guessing they have some automated system that tries and detect bots. However they ban players without even questioning them or even looking into their history. If they honestly just looked at my character history, you can tell no bot-like behavior is present. They sadly did not do this and terminate my account instead. I mean what do they care? They got my money and since I did not buy it online I can not receive a refund. I am just baffled as to why the ArenaNet moderators are complete “Ban Happy Communists” they suspect you of doing something and that’s all they need to do away with you. Think about it, they could ban as many as they wanted and lose little to no money. We already made the purchase and in some cases when you are banned you are not allowed to ask for a refund. I have no idea what is going on in the offices of ArenaNet, however they need to fix their support/moderating before anything else comes into play.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bina Fydan.3512

Bina Fydan.3512

And The Flame War about Bans and ANet Policies continues…

But it may be possible, the sytem for detect bots surely is automated and then it may causes false alerts in some cases, things that ANet may explain to us, since I don’t trust in-game moderators that are Robots.

Exactly, I am guessing they have some automated system that tries and detect bots. However they ban players without even questioning them or even looking into their history. If they honestly just looked at my character history, you can tell no bot-like behavior is present. They sadly did not do this and terminate my account instead. I mean what do they care? They got my money and since I did not buy it online I can not receive a refund. I am just baffled as to why the ArenaNet moderators are complete “Ban Happy Communists” they suspect you of doing something and that’s all they need to do away with you. Think about it, they could ban as many as they wanted and lose little to no money. We already made the purchase and in some cases when you are banned you are not allowed to ask for a refund. I have no idea what is going on in the offices of ArenaNet, however they need to fix their support/moderating before anything else comes into play.

Actually they are losing incredible amounts of potential money. A person could easily make more money than just the box cost over the life of this B2P game. I already spent 20 and would have spent another 20 but they haven’t helped me yet. I know some people that have spent hundreds on gems so they could convert to gold/minipets or dye for sale. They will be hurting from chargeback fines and they will be hurting a lot more without the potential income of all thekitten off people

Loyheta.3754 got his account back. Now I able to use the forums. ;3

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: arwis.7045


Chances are you accounts were banned because they got compromised as you used your email and password somewhere else allowing hackers to gain access to it.

My advice to everyone who got perma banned because their accounts got compromised:

  1. Make unique email for guild wars 2 account. You can use this email for blizzard, ncsoft, microsoft, EA and for other high security companies BUT NOWHERE ELSE. Ofc like in recent blizzard’s case nothings is 100% safe, but with these companies it’s much safer and you can easily make new email like I did after blizzard reported a security breach.
  1. Make a really unique password because if hacker gets your email address he will run it systematically against 5 000 or so most common password list and god, if you got passwords like ’’7eleven’’, ’’porsche911’’, ’’iPhone3GS’’, ’’Password’’ you are asking to be hacked as these passwords are very commonly used and they are on most common password lists around the net.

Couple suggestions for really easy to remember and unique passwords;

[First 2 letters of your name][Your phone number][First 2 letters of your last name]
Example: GE84342447634234CL

[Name of your favorite beverage][Your name][Year you were born]
Example; CocacolaGeorgeClooney1961

[Name of the street you live][Your phone number]
Example; WallStreet54755417865

Using details like your name, phone number, social security number in general is a bad idea, but if you make a unique mix of those like I’ve shown before password is very secure unless obtained by other means in which case you should think of new mix and new password.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightingale.6820


Does it state “reason 20”, or does it explicitly say “the use of a third party program”?

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Chances are you accounts were banned because they got compromised as you used your email and password somewhere else allowing hackers to gain access to it.

My advice to everyone who got perma banned because their accounts got compromised:

  1. Make unique email for guild wars 2 account. You can use this email for blizzard, ncsoft, microsoft, EA and for other high security companies BUT NOWHERE ELSE. Ofc like in recent blizzard’s case nothings is 100% safe, but with these companies it’s much safer and you can easily make new email like I did after blizzard reported a security breach.
  1. Make a really unique password because if hacker gets your email address he will run it systematically against 5 000 or so most common password list and god, if you got passwords like ’’7eleven’’, ’’porsche911’’, ’’iPhone3GS’’, ’’Password’’ you are asking to be hacked as these passwords are very commonly used and they are on most common password lists around the net.

Couple suggestions for really easy to remember and unique passwords;

[First 2 letters of your name][Your phone number][First 2 letters of your last name]
Example: GE84342447634234CL

[Name of your favorite beverage][Your name][Year you were born]
Example; CocacolaGeorgeClooney1961

[Name of the street you live][Your phone number]
Example; WallStreet54755417865

Using details like your name, phone number, social security number in general is a bad idea, but if you make a unique mix of those like I’ve shown before password is very secure unless obtained by other means in which case you should think of new mix and new password.

Would Not matter at this point I am afraid. My account has been terminated, so It would be impossible for me to gain my account back in its entirety.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Does it state “reason 20”, or does it explicitly say “the use of a third party program”?

Word for word this is what my message says when I try and Log in. “Your Guild Wars 2 account has been terminated for using a bot or other third-party program which is a breach of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct. This action is permanent.”

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lwd.1264


It is funny to read something like I was afk for hour or more and so on, dunno what are you using but game uses auto log off for afking. So I’m pretty sure you’re using “something”.

All my answers are not official or something , I just have great experience ;)

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jimdove.5704


the auto log off didnt seem to work in the first week as i remember going afk for at least an hour and still being online when i returned to the computer. Since I have to go afk quite a lot I often see the timeout kick happening these days tho you still see the countdown when u logback in hehe. Im not using any 3rd party programs altho im not sure if going on auto run bypasses the autologout?

It dont matter anyway as they banned me for bad language and still wont show me proof so im getting a refund. Dont need a company like this running a game im playing no matter how good it is.

DAOC – Excalibur
WAR – Karak-Azgal

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


It is funny to read something like I was afk for hour or more and so on, dunno what are you using but game uses auto log off for afking. So I’m pretty sure you’re using “something”.

Do not get it twisted. I said that I went afk to get something to eat and when I came back I was banned, I was not away for an hour, it was 20 minutes at most.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Ok, i finally found why my account was banned. This is of course a guess, but based off my research this is the only situation I have come to. It was because I chose the engineer class and if you unlock the trait to allow the turret to repair itself then the turret shall stay even after it should be destroyed after ten minutes or so. So dropping the turret and then going to a new location you will still gain xp from any events or enemies it kills as long as you are in the same region. Arena Net considers this botting because the you are no longer gaining the xp yourself but through doing nothing. If this is the case I am sure I had done this at some time, but this is by no means third party or an actual Bot. I am honestly shocked, if this is really the reason then I can say this game is going nowhere but down hill from this point on.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jimdove.5704


That sounds a bit OTT if they consider using an actual in game skill botting,

DAOC – Excalibur
WAR – Karak-Azgal

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shogun.9567


afaik it takes about 7 days for support to look at your ticket, I would wait till then. we havnt used any third party programs, so we havnt broken any tos, so our accounts should be fixed.

I got an email saying it will be looked at asap.

The afk auto log out system obvioulsy isnt working for me or it doesnt work with auto attack enabled, or maybe it doesnt work after you alt+tab into something else.

(you still dont get it dr.guild? “Go get a thief put caltrops on auto attack” it attacks non stop with no target.)

(edited by Shogun.9567)

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shogun.9567


Wow just got another email……. Thanks to the bot that sent me it.


This mail is to notify you that your account was confirmed to be violating the User Agreement and/or Rules of Conduct by engaging in the use of an unauthorized third-party application in conjunction with the Guild Wars 2 service.

As a result of this violation of the User Agreement and/or Rules of Conduct, this and all related accounts have been permanently closed. The account(s) will no longer be accessible and will not be reactivated. Our decision is made in the best interest of the Guild Wars 2 service and for the player base.

It just shows they really do not investigate it at all.

(edited by Shogun.9567)

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Crowbane.4651


Linestro I believe this is the same issue I am facing. I run an engineer and if you place your turret on auto attack it does just that with a 1200m range. If the turret is destroyed another one will respawn once the CD is up.

I responded to the GM but I am not sure what their position is going to be. I feel very foolish but I frankly did not think this was against the rules :/

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shogun.9567


Look above at what the decision will be. A wrong one.

Can some staff show me where it says in the tos “dont enable an in game fuction and go afk”?

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Look above at what the decision will be. A wrong one.

Can some staff show me where it says in the tos “dont enable an in game fuction and go afk”?

It does not, I looked over their entire TOS and found nothing resembling the problem. I think they do not know how to own up on this issue, so they are avoiding it.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kamikaze.2319


it happen to me too, the same thing. said i was using 3rd part program
wtf is wrong with the support?
this is an absurd.. what can we do legaly?

(edited by kamikaze.2319)

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracrogo.5627


my account got terminated permanently as well. i was at kessex hills,Break centaur worker morale to prevent bridge repairs. I left my account there putting the skill flame trap on auto attack and the next thing that happened was being banned for using a bot or a third party program. The only thing i used was the auto attack system which the game had allowed us to use not any bot or Third party program. I did not know leaving my account on auto attack was against the rules using the system guild wars 2 as given to us

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shogun.9567


Even if they admit their mistake, how are they going to fix it?

They have already deleted out accounts. In game gems purchases gone. Your place on your server will be gone. Pre-order items gone.

Can 1 staff spend 20 seconds to reply to this or any of the many similar posts?

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kamikaze.2319


Even if they admit their mistake, how are they going to fix it?

They have already deleted out accounts. In game gems purchases gone. Your place on your server will be gone. Pre-order items gone.

Can 1 staff spend 20 seconds to reply to this or any of the many similar posts?

looks like they dont care about us, cause i aready got 2 replies deleted and no answer for anything… so.. i say again: what can we do legaly?

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Linestro.1056


Even if they admit their mistake, how are they going to fix it?

They have already deleted out accounts. In game gems purchases gone. Your place on your server will be gone. Pre-order items gone.

Can 1 staff spend 20 seconds to reply to this or any of the many similar posts?

looks like they dont care about us, cause i aready got 2 replies deleted and no answer for anything… so.. i say again: what can we do legaly?

If they say you broke their TOS there is little you can do. The only thing people have been doing that can not receive a refund, is report them to the BBB for consumer abuse.

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kamikaze.2319


Even if they admit their mistake, how are they going to fix it?

They have already deleted out accounts. In game gems purchases gone. Your place on your server will be gone. Pre-order items gone.

Can 1 staff spend 20 seconds to reply to this or any of the many similar posts?

looks like they dont care about us, cause i aready got 2 replies deleted and no answer for anything… so.. i say again: what can we do legaly?

If they say you broke their TOS there is little you can do. The only thing people have been doing that can not receive a refund, is report them to the BBB for consumer abuse.

but how can they prove we broke their TOS when there is NO PROVE cause we didnt do that?

I was banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: phoenixdot.9760


Wow, i got that message to :

Response Via Email (GM Kaine) 09/11/2012 07:22 PM

This mail is to notify you that your account was confirmed to be violating the User Agreement and/or Rules of Conduct by engaging in the use of an unauthorized third-party application in conjunction with the Guild Wars 2 service.

As a result of this violation of the User Agreement and/or Rules of Conduct, this and all related accounts have been permanently closed. The account(s) will no longer be accessible and will not be reactivated. Our decision is made in the best interest of the Guild Wars 2 service and for the player base.


GM Kaine
Game Surveillance Unit

So, this was auto reply after all. What happen in this game ??? i forgot to logout and falll asleep and the bammmm suddenly banned -_-

Here’s my ticket 120911-009271 same problem

Ticket : 120911-009271
Started on : 09/11/2012
Status : Solved