Perma Banned. No reason?

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexay.4521


Before anyone says anything, yes. I’ve contacted support, but there is no way in hell I’m leaving it just at that.

Today, upon logging in, I noticed my account had been permabanned.

I’ve never had a single ban before. Not even a 5 second ban. I’ve never exploited. I’ve never botted, I’ve never done a single thing that would warrant a permanent or temporary ban.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I was playing 14 hours ago. I was only crafting and doing personal story. What’s the go? Obviously I can still post in the forums so I’m assuming this is a bug?

I would REALLY like my account back, given the amount of money and time I’ve put into it.

Support Code:

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252

(edited by Mexay.4521)

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: grant winslow.3986

grant winslow.3986

Same thing is happening to me. Hadnt played for about a week and a bit and logged on and perma banned. Contacted customer support they told me to open a support account which I have do now nothing.
Very annoyed as well for paying so much money to be banned for totally no reason and so far get no help or resolution after three days of waiting

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexay.4521


Glad I’m not the only one.

I think there is probably a bug or some new guy in support doing a really, really, really bad job or trying really hard to get fired.

I mean, I haven’t done anything?

The last time I accessed my account was ~4am AEST 25/10/2012. I’m so confused.

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ddarek.8439


My fav GM Oghma doing such things for free
My post:
And got question – are you from Europe/Asia or US ?
Because I think ANet is afraid to perma ban players form States

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexay.4521


I’m from Australia. Play on US servers.

Seriously, if I actually HAVE broken a rule or something, a 72 hour ban would actually make more sense, not this. Seriously? Permaban? I’ve never had a single 72 hour yet? I mean, to get permabanned you have to do something that is pretty kitten obvious that it’ll get you banned and I seriously have no idea what I’ve done. Whether it be abuse, exploitation or something else.

I don’t even have a bad character name and the only time I used a third party program was when I tried to use GW2 via Texmod, which didn’t work past log-in anyway. (GW1 players should remember TexMod. It was used for cartographer)

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Beyonce.3207


Why should Gw2 give you a reason when losing you is much better for their bottom line and overhead costs? Giving no reason is also effective in stopping gold buying and botting, since that breeds fear into everyone in the community to conform to every rule irregardless. I honestly don’t think Anet has any choice moving forward given the state things are in right now.

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexay.4521


Why should Gw2 give you a reason when losing you is much better for their bottom line and overhead costs? Giving no reason is also effective in stopping gold buying and botting, since that breeds fear into everyone in the community to conform to every rule irregardless. I honestly don’t think Anet has any choice moving forward given the state things are in right now.

Because I paid kittening money to them for this and they banned me for no reason, you foolish troll.

Seriously? If Arenanet Permabanned you FOR NO REASON, would you be mad?

This is how your post comes across:
hahaha you had your account banned. That’s good for ArenaNet and it’s perfectly okay to ban people’s accounts without reason or evidence. Why don’t we just randomly select 50% of all accounts and ban them, because that’s better for their company?

Given that I’ve never bought gold or botted, EVER, ArenaNet no reason for an instant permanent ban.

I haven’t even had a 72 hour ban.

Should I get crappy support and have my GW2 account banned, I’ll definitely be expecting that all gem purchases be refunded, the price of my account be refunded AND my other account refunded. This is approximately $600. I’ve spent all that money because I WANT to support ArenaNet, but not if they are going to treat their customers like crap. I really, really hope that whoever opens my support ticket tomorrow is actually a decent person and sees the mistake.

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

I’m in the exact same situation. Never been banned before, and have never have done anything in any game to warrant a ban or suspension.

Get ready for a long wait without any response or indication that they even care. It has been 5 days since my ban, 4 since I put in a ticket and I haven’t even received a single response from these “professionals”.

ArenaNet makes good games but their customer support is by far the worst in the business. The whole situation has seriously degraded my respect for them. This is not the way you treat your paying customers, in any business.

ref no. 121021-001711

(edited by Grim West.3194)

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexay.4521


I’m in the exact same situation. Never been banned before, and have never have done anything in any game to warrant a ban or suspension.

Get ready for a long wait without any response or indication that they even care. It has been 5 days since my ban, 4 since I put in a ticket and I haven’t even received a response from these “professionals”.

ArenaNet makes good games but their customer support is by far the worst in the business. The whole situation has seriously degraded my respect for them.

ref no. 121021-001711

I sincerely hope that my ticket doesn’t take that long. I’m expecting a response tomorrow.

Have you posted in that thread for tickets which have taken longer than 3 days for a response?

I’d have to say, after this, I’m not recommending this game to anyone. I actually convinced maybe 5 or 6 people to buy Guild Wars 2. That’s about $300 worth of sales. It doesn’t seem like much, but given that the success of Guild Wars 2 has JUST been based on the community, you’d think their customer support would be THE MOST important aspect to them. Clearly not.

The last thing I did this morning was play my Charrdian and get his armoursmithing to max and get him to his level 19 story.

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Mexay, yep I posted in three days and waiting thread. Didn’t help.

(edited by Grim West.3194)

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexay.4521


Mexay, yep I posted in three days and waiting thread. Didn’t help.

That’s so bad.

It’s really disappointing to see that not only are they banning people permanently falsely, but they’re pretty much ignoring people too.

I get that sometimes there are mistakes and other times they might not be able to get to it right away, but it seems like this is happening a lot.

I really hope whoever is responsible for all these false bans gets a swift kick to the rear.

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator


Hi everyone,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We have forwarded this concern to the appropriate team and they are currently looking into it.

We will keep you informed as soon as we have more information.

Thank you for your patience.

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Beyonce.3207


@Mexay No I’m not trolling. Your Texmod probably triggered the kill alarm. We can all get emotional about things, but unless things are brutally equalized, rich paying customers will feel like morons paying the thousands of real USD dollars to buy gems to convert to gold the legit way pay for just ONE part of legendary precursors that this out of control system has been forced upon the community in a short 2 months. It will only get worse.

The best way out of this mess, unfortunately, is mass banning and zero tolerance triggers. So that paying customers feel they are not idiots. Let’s stop all this lying and hypocrisy please.

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ddarek.8439


Mexay +1 rep
100 % support from my side

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Beyonce, I’ve never used texmod or anything else. Nor have I done anything to be banned for.

ANET has some sort of detection system that is banning too many honest players. They have admitted the problem in other threads. That wouldn’t be such a big deal if their customer service was responsive. In any other gaming company, problems are dealt with in a timely manner. That is not true with ArenaNet.

ref no. 121021-001711

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexay.4521


I’d use the reply and quote functions, but they dissappeared,

Thank you, CC Charles, I very much so appreciate your response.

Beyonce, TexMod shouldn’t have triggered it, but I can agree that it MAY have triggered it.

Grim, I agree. Something is bugged with the system at the moment. If it’s just a problem with software, I probably wont be as annoyed, but if we’re actually talking about a person sitting at a desk then I’m going to be pretty annoyed. Though, again, were there slightly better support, it wouldn’t be so bad. I really hope your case gets sorted out soon. It’s not fair that you should have to wait so long. I’m hoping my case doesn’t take that long.

Maybe it has to do with me reply to gold seller mail telling them “Stop this kitten. You’re ruining the kittening game” because I did that several times, in fact, one day I received FOUR gold seller mails.

Funny that… I can receive four mails, yet I get banned?

I’ll be very surprised to see the reason behind this. Though, at least I can still post on the forums and ArenaNet should be credited for this. I’m taking some comfort that other people are having similar issues.

Edit: Just a note on that, I’ve never bought or sold gold. I hate gold sellers with a passion. It’s not legitimate business like some say. It’s really, really bad. I HIGHLY discourage anyone from purchasing gold, it will only encourage them and it can get your account compromised.

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252

(edited by Mexay.4521)

Perma Banned. No reason?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Stephane Lo Presti


Stephane Lo Presti

Content Marketing Manager, French


Since you already submitted a ticket to Customer Support, you should now wait for an answer from an agent. If you haven’t received a reply to your ticket after 3 days (so on 10/28), please post your ticket information in this thread:
