Please explain me HOW someone got my Password that i only use with GW2

Please explain me HOW someone got my Password that i only use with GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lancezh.8207


I really would like to know from anyone being official or not on how in the world someone sniffed out my Password for Guildwars 2 ? Luckily i had email authentication activated but someone tried with the correct password to access my Account from kitten Tokyo.

I accuse Arenanet of a serious Security Problem which is absolutely beyond me, i dont use this Password somewhere else and it contains Numbers / Letters, was 9 chars long and absolutely random without a chance to bruteforce it.

Please someone explain me, this is absolutely inacceptable! Tell me that i’m wrong please and i miss something here.

Please explain me HOW someone got my Password that i only use with GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Treu.6514


There are hundreds of ways your password and login information can become unsecure. Most commonly: there was an illegal keylogger program on a computer that you have used in the past. They are designed to record as many email/password combinations as possible, and then spam them later at various websites hoping for a match. If you have never used that account information on another computer, then I would not only be concerned about the security of my email account, but the security of my computer overall.

I am a perfect example, I used my typical email, and the same password to access my Guild Wars 2 account (I usually do for almost everything, i have a bad memory). Not smart!

If your account was hacked through ArenaNet’s side, they would have a legal obligation to publicly state their systems have been compromised (otherwise you would never hear about that happening to companies).

Please explain me HOW someone got my Password that i only use with GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lancezh.8207


I cannot exclude keyloggers completely since i havent checked my pc specifically for it, but i will do that tonight.
Until i have a positive Report from there i suspect a breach of some sort. I worked in a company where i could have easily extracted data from 150k Customers along with their Email / Accountdata. NOONE would have noticed it.

To be able to report it you would have to notice it as well. And as I said i’m pretty sensitive on the subject hence the unique Password that’s randomized.

Please explain me HOW someone got my Password that i only use with GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Actracts.1389


Just youtube search “Guild Wars 2 Hack.” It’s frustratingly irritating how easy some of them can get their hands on your account login info.

Please explain me HOW someone got my Password that i only use with GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zagdul.1502


Just youtube search “Guild Wars 2 Hack.” It’s frustratingly irritating how easy some of them can get their hands on your account login info.

Yes, they’re getting it from Fan Sites and keyloggers.

There were a few fan sites of guildwars 2 who were hacked and passwords retrieved. The issue with current GW2 security is that we use our e-mails for login authentication.

I would like to have a pin or an account name that isn’t my e-mail address that is sent via HTTPS to the servers. Some kind of secondary handshake rather than my e-mail.

Please explain me HOW someone got my Password that i only use with GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cub Discus Gig.2176

Cub Discus Gig.2176

Lancezh you are not alone:

Of course there are people being keylogged and whatnot, but there are inconsistencies when people take care of username/password security.

Killed Again / Jade Sorrow

Please explain me HOW someone got my Password that i only use with GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jodiug.9713


Here’s some possibilities:
- A keylogger
- Commonly used password
- Shared passwords between sites
- Internet Explorer (srsly)