Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I’m not good at writing long descriptive paragraphs so I’m going to get straight to the point here.

I was using the TP before it went down and noticed none of my buy orders were going through so I cancelled my remaining buy orders, received my gold and logged out to clean and make lunch. Fastforward an hour or so I log back in, all is well. I notice the TP is down so I log out (3:50pm’ish EST? I noticed it at 3:58 when a guild member said he had been rolled back) to switch characters and log back in and everything is gone.

I’m pretty livid right now considering I just lost the only meaningful progress Iv made in this game since launch, which was quite a substantial amount.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tabal.2739


I experienced a roll back at approx 4pm EST as well. I had just spent the last hour trying to complete Lornars Pass, I had collected some rare dyes and other equipment, sold some etc.

Once I was done my exploration I tried logging into WvW. I was logged out and given some sort of error about router settings. I then tried logging back in, took a few mins to get it it allow me to log in. When I was able to get back in I was inside a cave I was in approx an hour ago. Upon further inspection all the Vistas, POI and Skill points I had discovered had turned back un discovered and all my items where gone and the ones I had sold were back.

So basically I was rolled back about and hour. I didnt notice if my EXP was gone as well.

So what are we supposed to do in this situation?

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I experienced a roll back at approx 4pm EST as well. I had just spent the last hour trying to complete Lornars Pass, I had collected some rare dyes and other equipment, sold some etc.

Once I was done my exploration I tried logging into WvW. I was logged out and given some sort of error about router settings. I then tried logging back in, took a few mins to get it it allow me to log in. When I was able to get back in I was inside a cave I was in approx an hour ago. Upon further inspection all the Vistas, POI and Skill points I had discovered had turned back un discovered and all my items where gone and the ones I had sold were back.

So basically I was rolled back about and hour. I didnt notice if my EXP was gone as well.

So what are we supposed to do in this situation?


I’m glad I’m not the only one this is effecting.. I lost literally 301 hours worth of progress. Everything I had worked for since day 1 is gone. All I do is CoE because I want the gear and work the TP because it’s so hard to find a group. I went from 50 gold to nothing. It was all invested in buy orders, I cancelled them since if you let a buy order sit for more than 10 minutes you’ve already been outbid, took my gold and left. The weirdest thing? The items I had received at the same time are still in my inventory.

I mean, seriosuly, what am I supposed to do? I don’t care what anyone has to say, you don’t just tell someone that they lost 301 hours worth of progress and to go do it again. Let me re-iterate.


My gold was the culmination of my play time and about the only tangible thing you can have in this game and now it’s gone.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


“So what are we supposed to do in this situation?”

I’ll save you the headache of refreshing the forums and looking for a update. No sugar coating, no “This happened to me too” I’ll just be blunt. “Sorry about your luck, send in a ticket to support and maybe the automated email you get in response will give you a warm and fuzzy feeling”

Hah, well I demand an answer or demand a refund. I’m going to get one or the other, I’m just waiting for the TP to come back to see if by some miracle it’s there again.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VooDooU.4891


they wont do anything, you might get your stuff back because it was TP. if you look at my post you will see issues they WONT help.. lost items and progression int he game, they say they CANT fix this.. but what game cant create items in game?!?! They need to stop ignoring all the lost item problems as they are piling up.. im so ticked off after today Im not playing. I am just waiting for the husband to turn on Borderlands 2.. maybe shooting some psychos will ease my frustration.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


they wont do anything, you might get your stuff back because it was TP. if you look at my post you will see issues they WONT help.. lost items and progression int he game, they say they CANT fix this.. but what game cant create items in game?!?! They need to stop ignoring all the lost item problems as they are piling up.. im so ticked off after today Im not playing. I am just waiting for the husband to turn on Borderlands 2.. maybe shooting some psychos will ease my frustration.

That’s not an acceptable answer to me, 301 hours is a substantial amount of time. They can’t tell someone that they just lost 301 hours worth of progress because “Oops database error!”. This post will remain at the top of the list until I get an acceptable answer (ie; my progress returned) or a refund. That’s all there is to it. This is the last straw that has broken the camels back in the plethora of other issues Iv encountered.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Oh, my bad. It’s not 301, it’s 321.


Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mythotical.4258


I feel for you all. I experienced a roll back but nothing as bad, I just had to redo an entire area of exploration. Didn’t lose any items or gold, just my exploration progress.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VooDooU.4891


oh I agree, see my post a few below yours “faithful customer starting to get angry” I have lost items 5 times now.. I had tickets open for 3 weeks and 2.5 weeks for 3 of those.. Gaile closed those tickets yesterday or the day before because they CANT give items back. They NEED to address this issue.. many people are losing items and you can forgive a few things but ive now lost(and I know this pales in your situation) ~1 gold 24 silver, 4 yellows, 4 greens, 2 blues, sapphire orb, 120ish guild influence and 2 portabello mushrooms. It starts adding up and we as customers deserve ideally our items back but at the very least a fix so that you stop these things from occuring or a safeguard! How can you have a game where you cannot return lost items? You made the game you have the ability to create items. If you job doesnt have the ability to then set up 1 dev to slowly answer everyones issues.. because I personally dont care how long it takes to get my items but just the assurance that its really being dealt with would ease my mind. Right now im losing so much faith in Anet.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Does Anet have any numbers we can call? I’m not the kind of person who waits on answers. I don’t care if I have to call NCSoft to get Anets numbers, I will do it. I do not just idly complain at forums and hope for an answer, I will speak personally with a human being whether it’s my bank and the bbb or a representative from Anet addressing my issue.

When I needed customer support from Blizzard, CCP (EVE Online), SOE (EQ2) or even Square Enix, which I deem the worst customer support of all time, all had personel I could call and speak to to resolve my issues in a timely manner. This whole post on the forums, send in a ticket and pray it’s answered sometime this month is wholly unacceptable considering I JUST LOST EVERYTHING due to their database errors. It’s not like I lost my account due to me being hacked which, in the end, would be my fault for not exercising basic computer/account security. No, this is 100% their problem and they will 100% fix it by my standards or reimburse me. I did not buy this game for them to suddenly misplace an entire months worth of progress.

Right now, the TP is still down so my money may actually be back there but for some odd reason I still have the items that I received at the same time as the gold so I sincerely have my doubts on that. The only thing preventing me from going completely hulk mode is having faith that my gold is back in the TP waiting for it to revive itself and give it back to me.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yadda.2764



The TP is back up, my gold has been returned. All is well. As to those who legitimately lost stuff, I’m sorry. Maybe you can continue to use my thread as an example of just how extreme this bug can be.

The idea of losing 321 hours worth of work (which was more than 50 gold, which may not seem like much to others, but it was 321 hours of my time) due to a server malfunction only to come to the forums and realize just how lacking their customer support is is seriously distressing and Id go as far as demanding a refund and filing complaints with the BBB over it.

Anet should use this as an example to upgrade their customer support because I’m sure others have lost things of much more significance.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VooDooU.4891


Whats funny(this is sarcasm) is this almost happened again, same exact scenario except the items were still there when I can back to game in the middle of a jumping puzzle after trying to port after completion.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShadowX.4639


Guild mate of mine lost half their gold because they bought something, and as they closed the trading post the game crashed. It apparently made them buy 2 of the item they were purchasing because the amount missing was exactly twice the cost of what they bought. They went from nearly 24g(I think) to about 4g in less time than it takes to relaunch the game.

Rolled back several hours, lost all of my gold returned from buy orders

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Guild mate of mine lost half their gold because they bought something, and as they closed the trading post the game crashed. It apparently made them buy 2 of the item they were purchasing because the amount missing was exactly twice the cost of what they bought. They went from nearly 24g(I think) to about 4g in less time than it takes to relaunch the game.

I heard of a situation like this today, but oddly, after a while, the gold and item balances rectified themselves. Would you let me know if that happens with your guildie?

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events