Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Texnoi.5148
(edited by Texnoi.5148)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Texnoi.5148
Gaile ,
please take a look at my issue. It would be easy to fix and would not take more than 5min! Its just that i have a feeling that the support doesnt want to assist! And i was hoping that i get a chance to play the game during the weekend!
120910-005932 Thank you in advance!!!
(edited by Texnoi.5148)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ChrisTopZ.2685
Hacked Account – Ticket 120909-004170 since 9/9/2012
I am posting this for my cousin since he no longer has access to his own account. The hacker changed his email so he can’t login to the forums and do this himself. He has been waiting patiently for a response for awhile now. If anyone from ArenaNet is reading, both my cousin and I would be very thankful for any help you can provide in this situation.
His in game account id is snowmanboy.8936
This might be helpful. Under his guild wars 2 support login it shows 2 tickets like he listed below. The first ticket was sent in under the wrong format so he sent another one in using the “hacked account” format you guys have listed. i didn’t realize this would create a duplicate ticket so he went in to his support login and closed the first ticket hoping it would clear the duplicate and leave 1 remaining. Just wasn’t sure if when it says duplicate under status that mean open, closed or what. I hope it means open.
Subject – Duplicate Ticket Notification
Reference # – 120909-004170
Status – Duplicate
Date Created – 09/09/2012
Subject – Submitted from Web – 09/09/2012 07:19 AM
Reference # – 120909-003417
Status – Closed
Date Created – 09/09/2012
Ticket nr: 120910-006360
Thank you for your help.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nerradus.2785
Still unresolved, but I have had a reply, although they used the “shortly” last time they said they would get back shortly, it was nearly 2 weeks.
Trying to get my HoM account link changed.
It was updated 2 days ago only because I asked why they closed the ticket with no answer.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Krimer.2073
ticket 120831-007836
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Boroming.8093
my friend was hacked, pls help him:
ticket from 08-09/09
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BarnabusIX.1682
Ticket Ref#120909-003027
Regarding my wife’s hacked account. Ticket has been updated with requested information (even though i’m sure it was provided when the ticket was originally logged).
Hope to have this restored asap so that we can finally play together again…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Archangel.1604
Serial Code Overlap and no CE items delivered in game.
Ticket# 120904-002200
11 days and counting.
now im 15 days banned for karma exploit, i already apoligize (and want to delete my items) and the support told me 2 times i’ll get unbanned (3.9 and 6.9), but nothing happen. Now if i try to login, the status ban text changed into “terminated”, but i never had the chance to make my promise reality. Also theres no reaction of the support anymore… would be really nice if sb could help me…
ticket: 120831-006932 since 31.8
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Archangel.1604
Ticket: 120904-002200
Olmar was replying to me for a while, but he just said my account wasn’t a CE account. Whenever I try to register my CE key I get this:
Serial Code Overlap
The serial code has already been applied to your account.
I’ve noticed some strange happenings with my account name too. Originally it was Archangel.1603, now it’s changed to Archangel.1604 both in game and on the forum. But when applying the CE key it still tries to add .1603 to my name.
It looks like somehow my account is “fractured” and parts of it seem to be using two different numbers.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Grizzly UK.1209
When I registered my CE pre-purchase my user ID was Grizzly UK.3271 but when I registered my CE serial code my user ID changed to Grizzly UK.1209. No idea why the numbers changed but I know I have a CE account because the first character I created received the in-game items.
Unfortunately I deleted that first character before I knew that the 3 in-game items were only issued once per account so I submitted a ticket about it back on 25th August. Now, 21 days later, I’m still waiting on a solution!
All you can do is keep your ticket open until they finally fix the problem you have.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: gakkan.9236
Posting for ticket 120908-008202
Some help would greatly be appreciated. 6 days after being hacked, i have had my account restored so i can log on here etc. However, still unable to play as my account is suspended due to the hacking, i don’t see why this has taken 2+ extra days to rectify?
Thankyou kindly.
Posting for a friend;
Ticket :120908-00627
Thank You
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Archangel.1604
I’m really starting to drift into a high degree of p-issed off about this.
One things is for certain, they aren’t getting another dime of my money.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: vinifera.7846
Posting for my husband. Ticket is 6 days old.
#: 120908-004763
120831-011009 – 16 days
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: nabaxo.7450
I have the exact same issue. I’ve opened a support-ticket and I’ve gotten no response whatsoever.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nerdle.5479
My dad had his accounts hacked (email address changed) on Sunday at 7:00 Am. Please fix ASAP.
Guild Wars 1 –Ticket # 001:000579:58943, 120909-005258]
Guild Wars 2- Ticket # 120909-004924
Lothar Freund
Sea of Sorrows
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nerdle.5479
Sorry was resolved thank you so much
Still can’t access my account after being hacked.
Got a reply late last night, waiting on resolution after I sent the information requested.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Vallen Frostweaver.3701
I posted on page 16 and realized that I had accidentally typed a “?” In my incident #. I have corrected that now. Please let me know what the status is of my incident. Thank you.
ticket 120910-001112 updated.
Please help me resolve the problem asap.
Thanks for the hard work!
120825-007873 – Original Problem
120911-005522 – Request for refund
I also submitted a BBB complaint. Never have I experienced such terrible support as this. Please review my tickets and let’s resolve this asap.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: cristi.2764
Hello there, i know it hasn’t passed 5 days since i made the ticket but someone hacked another account of mine and changed it’s email and password.
I am posting here so fast because ArenaNet didn’t ban the account and someone is playing on my account because i have been informed from the persons in my guild that someone was online yesterday and my account was hacked 2-3 days ago.
The ticked nr is : 120912-002581 created on 09/12/2012
Could you at least ban it untill someone helps me so he can’t take anything from the account anymore ?
Incident #: 120906-001074
Posting for a friend, he’s made numerous reports, which may have worked against him, but we REALLY NEED HIM!!! =). Please help out our lost brother!
This ticket might not be that old, but I can vouch he’s been attempting to get his account for well over a week now.
Much love Anet. Help us get our sPvP rollin!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shelazar.5693
Please help me, I’m on a school break and I can’t wait to play Guild Wars while I’ve got enough time! My account was hacked so I changed the password and now I need your authorization.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Samjatin.7645
Below is a text I posted on the general forum and on reddit. Because of an answer on reddit I am now posting on the “account issues” board.
Original posting
Hi there fellow Tyrians.
First off I love this game and the way Anet handles the communication between the game company and the players. Be it through random posts on Reddit or just daily updates on the state of the game.
But sadly there is something that really bugs me. It is the way customer support is done or rather the lack of service for paying customers.
For the first time in my long ongoing gaming history I was going to actually use a cash shop. I was always against that kind of business model. Maybe I was just ignorant, not informed enough. Whatever, Anet changed my approach.
All the more I was saddened to hear and experience how Anet conducts business with customers of the gemshop.
I planned on spending 50 € in the first weeks of the launch. I started buying boxing gloves and several mini-pet packs. Then on Saturday last week I was going to purchase some dye packs. Then it happened. Instead of buying two dye packs I purchased two Primeval Armor Skins.
YES, it is my own fault. You have to double-click to confirm a purchase. I have no legal claim here. And even if I had, I know it was my mistake that led to all this.
I went on to write a support ticket and hope for a refund, or at least the possibility to exchange the spent gems on something else in the gemshop. Today I got feedback. The money is lost. They claim that Anet does not have the technical know-how to rollback what happened. I highly doubt this. So the 10+ € I spent are down the drain as I do not have any use for the armor skins.
Again, I do know that this is all my fault, but I am really very very disappointed in Anet. This is not good service or customer support at all. Not even on a basic level. This is basically taking money and telling the customer to kitten off.
When I buy something in a store and realize I made a mistake, I go back there and get either a refund or a voucher to buy something in the same prize range. And that is in Germany. A country not very well known for its quality in customer service. We actually have a word for it. Servicewüste Deutschland. Literally meaning Servicedesert.
From a company based in the US I expected more.
I still have 1100 gems on my account and I guess I have to spend them, but that certainly is the last time.
End of original post
Someone on reddit referred to an official posting about roll-backs for hacked accounts.
Since my account has not been compromised/hacked this obviously does not really compare to my situation but I am somewhat buffled. You are able to help people whose account have been hacked but are not willing/able to support someone who spent money on the gem-shop?
Yes I made a mistake on the purchase, but those accounts the support were able to roll-back didn’t magically hacked themselves as well. 9 out of 10 times the accounts got hacked b/c the user made a mistake (weak PW, the same PW for multiple forum-accounts and so on).
So is it Anet`s policy to help get hacked accounts back up but let people who spent money just sit there and tell them it was their own mistake?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kyle Bishop.4317
Hi, my wife and I can’t have access to HoM rewards, use reserved names or even log in GW1 with our “linked” GW2 accounts. First tickets, weeks ago, were autoreplied, those below are the new ones, not yet answered.
My Ticket: 120909-004502
Her Ticket: 120909-004321
Please, can you hep us?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ZidZabre.7256
I’m posting this for my fiancé who had her account hacked, she wanted you all to know this:
“Hello everyone,
I know alot people have been waiting to get thier accounts back because of the pesky hackers.
I myself got hacked,due to someone changing my E-mail.I would think that if Anet got a request to change the Email to Gw2,they would at least have the option to confirm this through You’re Email befor allowing you to preceed forth into the game.It’s simple,why was this not an option?
Looking at some of these post were people have been waiting for weeks on end for a response is scarey to see,not to mention that alot of us prepurchased the Gw2 and to get no response what so ever reguarding the issue can become really bothersome.If you paid for something ahead of time,you want it to work,if i doesn’t,you also expect to get it fixed quickly or get refunded .Sure you don’t have to pay every month for the game,but my Huny did pay alot of money to prepurchse it.I understand that there is a long waiting list,i understand this fully.I am upset i suppose that i never had this happen to me befor,even on Gw1,i’m a vet and have been playing since they came out,so this is a great disapointment for me to say the least.
I hope that if this get’s resolved,that i don’t have to submit yet another ticket asking why i can’t log in,or why can’t this or what work after they said it would blah blah blah,and there goes another couple weeks of waiting….
If i do get my account back* in 19 frozen solid* i hope that nothing is taken,i should be glad to get it back even though ,which i would be don’t get me wrong.So all in all,i’m at edge here with alot of you all,but i have to keep my head up knowing that they are trying thier best to resolve all these problems,and that there are thousands of others that need help as well."
Ticket: Account hacked [Incident:120912-006285]
Display Name: mia.7608
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Vehementi.1094
My friend asked me to post on his behalf for unresolved “hacked account” ticket of 5 days.
Ticket number: 120910-001702
Account name: TeamAwesome.3740
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Raouwel.4876
120904-005888 still waiting for a response messed up sn# attachment to account now have 2 characters locked in an account that has no sn#.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Quinci.5968
Ticket Number: 120908-006278
It has been 6 days since this ticket was posted now. 17 days since the issue was brought to the attention of support through my original ticket (which they closed because they more or less ‘gave up’ on it and asked me to submit a new ticket).
I look forward to some sort of response. Thank you.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Thumbstar.9431
Ticket # 120908-000119
I am writing this on behalf of my wife. Her account was hacked 9 days ago.
Account and password were changed without verification.
She submitted a ticket when we became aware of the issue 7 days ago.
She recieved an email from your staff requesting more information 3 days ago, and promptly responded to it. Still waiting….
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: kadmon.7431
Ticker number: 120909-002278 waiting for another response. To clarify the account which posted the tickes IS the hacked account. Account name is: Jchigo.8634. This is the hacked account. I written in it, me kadmon.7431, cause i know english better than my friend. My account is ok, hes account was hacked. Im writing this cause you didnt understand this problem so im clarifying this cause i feel stupid for causing more problems than helping him. Please help my friend Jchigo.8634 whose account is hacked for 6 days now. Just review the ticket listed above, review it and give my friend his account back. I would be gratefull for a fast respeonse to the ticket.
Best regards.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Finarfin.3945
I got my acount back after ~78 hours.
People just have faith and be patience and remember to co-opperate with GMs!!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: genesisicaras.7146
I don’t want to nag; really. I get that you are humans have 10,000 tickets to deal with but tomorrow it’ll have been a week with 0 response to my ticket besides a copy and paste message.
What frustrates me more is that the topic title was changed to something completely irrelevant so I’m worried it’ll get brushed over for another week as the title says it’s something completely stupid while in reality (at least in my eyes) 44 Gold going missing without an answer is a pretty big deal)
We’ve already made the other 56G we need to buy Squad Commander; but can’t because of no reply to my ticket.
A follow up would be very much appreciated.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nerradus.2785
I got my acount back after ~78 hours.
People just have faith and be patience and remember to co-opperate with GMs!!
after more than 18 days, I think my patience has been used up and my faith is gone. approaching yet another weekend and no sign that I’ll be able to play.
Its pretty evident that fully pre-paid CE customers aren’t important since they have our money already.
(hows that charge back thing work again?)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Inviction.2945
I got my acount back after ~78 hours.
People just have faith and be patience and remember to co-opperate with GMs!!after more than 18 days, I think my patience has been used up and my faith is gone. approaching yet another weekend and no sign that I’ll be able to play.
Its pretty evident that fully pre-paid CE customers aren’t important since they have our money already.
(hows that charge back thing work again?)
This. Seriously, 14 days now for me and yet another weekend unable to play coming up. Why are some people getting attention so easily and others have to wait days? I haven’t even gotten 1 reply. I’ve tried to be patient and calm but this is really getting ridiculous.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Marios.7198
ticket number 120906-003683
i accepted the solution that was offered to me and now waiting support to apply it
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Campalishous.9076
Ticket Number: 120826-002453
I opened the ticket on 8/25 but it was closed following the Mass Commerce Email, despite me responding to that, without an explanation for why it was closed as it certainly wasn’t resolved.
The issue is I was charged for a Server Transfer so I would like those gems restored.
Hi Gaile,
I really don’t mean to be a trouble maker because I know you guys are working as fast and hard as you can but it is day 14 of my incident with no reply and I posted on this topic as of day 10 and people after me have been helped already.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: MomentumNine.1825
Posting on behalf of a friend, with respect to Hacked Account [Incident: 120909-000844] . He received a response yesterday, asking him to resend all of the information that he’d already sent in the original ticket. The ticket is now five days old.
Hey Gaile,
I can confirm that account access has been restored for my hacked account. I was able to move myself back to the original server as well. THANK YOU for everyone on the team for their support.
To those of you who are just starting this process now, the only advice I have for you is BE PATIENT. A resolution will come no matter how complex your issue is. Give them the benefit of the doubt.
Again, thanks so much for lending a hand here Gaile, I know this isn’t fun.
UPDATE: Have been banned due to whatever the hacker was doing on my account. Please restore. Ticket re-opened.
(edited by Chato.6312)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Eliande.2478
7 day old ticket as of this morning.
295$ stolen due to a saved credit card, with no way of removing the information.
My bank account is locked. I need groceries and gas. I have no other way of getting to work.
This has gone from a inconvenience, to downright scary.
Ticket is:
Please! Arena net… PLEASE!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lady Lozza.9670
Not just five day, but over a month old, am I going to see any movement on this at all?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Dragonz.6953
120901-025089 Sent September First -13 days as of post.
Update: I’ve been promised a refund for the fraudulent charges but nothing as far as recovering my hacked account. I fear I’ve been moved back to the beginning of the line and don’t feel like waiting ANOTHER week. Why couldn’t support fix both problems at once?
Posting for a friend
Ticket : 120901-010764
Thank You
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