Suspended again?!

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spartan.3014


May I ask why? I have submitted a ticket on this and am unaware of doing ANYTHING to breach the code of conduct. I have read over it multiple times and have only responded in kind to people who attempt to troll me or Gates of Madness.

What warrants this?

The One Spartan – Norn Guardian – (ART) Guild
Commander/Guild Leader in WuvWuv

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spartan.3014


Specifically, what did I say or do to warrant such a harsh and steep suspension?

The One Spartan – Norn Guardian – (ART) Guild
Commander/Guild Leader in WuvWuv

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Sorry, but how are we supposed to know?

Did you submit a new ticket or did you update your old one?

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.5416


You are not the only one. After this troubles with login server, account of my girlfriend also had been suspended. I bought it to her just 2 days ago.. so annoying behaviour..

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I’m really sorry to hear you are suspended, you might want to do follow the following steps.
a: Read the login error message. Besides the fact that you are suspended it also gives the reason. e.g. Name violation, bad language, botting, gold selling, etc.

b: if after reading this you are not clear what you did wrong and want clarification or disagree with the suspension you can file a support ticket. (ask a question). I know you are upset, but try to keep it friendly and correct. You catch more fly with honey then with vinegar.

c: if the respond to the ticket takes longer then three days, please post the ticket number in the sticky in this section of the forum.

d: if the respond isn’t what you wanted and support stops talking to you, you can ask an arenanet official here to review te case. Keep in mind that they need the ticket number. They don’t have to grant you the review. Also keep in mind their reaction is in public.

Goodluck and if you are indeed innocent, I hope you get unsuspended soon.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Redbear.5910


wow, why are there so much suspended account at a sudden. they beter act quick since there is a temporary event. or at least lengthen it by the days they could not logon. this would be fair the the players who could not logon.

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fenlander.9037


“have only responded in kind to people who attempt to troll me or Gates of Madness.”

And there you probably have it. It doesn’t matter if you get angry or frustrated because somebody said something to upset you – if you were abusive in response then you earned the suspension.

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.5416


a: Read the login error message. Besides the fact that you are suspended it also gives the reason. e.g. Name violation, bad language, botting, gold selling, etc.

There is no actual reason in the error message. It says just:
“Your Guild Wars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue.”

So it’s absolutely unclear what was the issue and why I can’t play in the game for that I pay not a small amount of money..
Also it’s unclear why support is so slow with such an urgent issue? I send a request yesterday night and for now get such a “promising” answer:
“We are in the process of investigating this issue for you and you should receive an update as soon as we have more information to provide. We may need more time if you contacted us on a weekend or holiday, but someone will respond to this support ticket as soon as possible.”

This is not the behavoiur I expect from respectfull company..


Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I am not seeing how it’s not respectful of them to investigate it for you. If you sent a request “last night” (not knowing what time zone you are in), it might have been after hours for many of the support staff. They’ll probably have it sorted out for you today.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Also it’s unclear why support is so slow with such an urgent issue?

I can’t say for sure but they might have to process hundred if not thousands of support tickets a day with similar “urgent” issues.

The Burninator

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

a: Read the login error message. Besides the fact that you are suspended it also gives the reason. e.g. Name violation, bad language, botting, gold selling, etc.

There is no actual reason in the error message. It says just:
“Your Guild Wars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue.”

So it’s absolutely unclear what was the issue and why I can’t play in the game for that I pay not a small amount of money..
Also it’s unclear why support is so slow with such an urgent issue? I send a request yesterday night and for now get such a “promising” answer:
“We are in the process of investigating this issue for you and you should receive an update as soon as we have more information to provide. We may need more time if you contacted us on a weekend or holiday, but someone will respond to this support ticket as soon as possible.”

This is not the behavoiur I expect from respectfull company..

Sometimes accounts get suspended because they can tell that a hacker is trying to access it. They can see when multiple passwords are tried and they close it down to protect it. The part where they said “account issues” is different than the usual suspensions like botting, gold selling, etc…

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Yeah, the reason account issue is that they believe your account is compromised. This can be they suspect you of sharing your account with others, or because they believe your account has been compromised by hackers.

Also keep in midn that yesterday gw2 has been out of service for several hours. So you ticket is prolly in between the big pile of tickets cause of that. Now you got a response your ticket is out of that pile and should be handled quicker.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.5416


I login to account settings and didn’t find any suspicios connections to it.

Unrespectfull is to ban account without any reason and then not able to fix their own mistake for a whole day.
For example for years of using Blizzard products I never saw such problems without a reason. ArenaNet is not a newcommer, so I thought they can do it in the same way.
Also I’m working in IT industry and if we saw something like this, it is the “alarm” for everyone that something is going wrong and must be changed.

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.5416


Yeah, the reason account issue is that they believe your account is compromised. This can be they suspect you of sharing your account with others, or because they believe your account has been compromised by hackers.

Also keep in midn that yesterday gw2 has been out of service for several hours. So you ticket is prolly in between the big pile of tickets cause of that. Now you got a response your ticket is out of that pile and should be handled quicker.

What is the reason to suspend account completely if it was compromised? Just send a request to change password and block it until I will do this steps. It is common behaviour for thousands of companies!
But no, block it, send no e-mail, make me write a ticket and wait for few days to fix. Very reasonable behaviour!

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I login to account settings and didn’t find any suspicios connections to it.

Unrespectfull is to ban account without any reason and then not able to fix their own mistake for a whole day.
For example for years of using Blizzard products I never saw such problems without a reason. ArenaNet is not a newcommer, so I thought they can do it in the same way.
Also I’m working in IT industry and if we saw something like this, it is the “alarm” for everyone that something is going wrong and must be changed.

Please re-read my first post and my last. I understand your upset. But lets not speculate on what might be the reason and give support a fair change to explain it to you. Also understand that after a fall out like last night, they prolly have ten thousands of tickets, and they had to read them all to see if they could auto-reply or needed to pay attention to it. So basicly the time since then is lost time.

Also understand you need them at this moment, So please be udnerstanding and consinderative. You have a better change then just jumping to conclusions.

Last thing is, that as many people, I’m hooked to this game as well. But gaming-addiction is a serious condition. The lack of patience you are showing got me worried if you have enough control over it. A day or two without GW2 isnt the end of the world. If it feels liek that for you I have to advise you to get professional help.

Again: be patient and I’m certain all will be fine or atleast explained.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I have to wonder why you chose the title: Suspended, again! What were you suspended for previously? Could it be the same reason this time? You do admit to trolling others in your opening statement, so that could be the reason for the suspension. Either way, until 72 hours have passed, it is well within reason to give Customer Support time to address this situation. Good luck.

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.5416


I have to advise you to get professional help.

Oh, thanks a lot for such professional conclusion ! But I’m playing GW2 few hours a week.
The reason I’m worried is that I make a gift for a girlfriend and it’s broken now without a reason. Another reason to worry is that now is Friday evening and as I understand from Support letter, they don’t work on weekend.
So it seems that ArenaNet just destroyed my gift for 4 days including weekend, when I’m actually wanted to play with my girlfriend.
This is what making me angry – attitude to the customer.

(edited by Dan.5416)

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


Yeah, the reason account issue is that they believe your account is compromised. This can be they suspect you of sharing your account with others, or because they believe your account has been compromised by hackers.

Also keep in midn that yesterday gw2 has been out of service for several hours. So you ticket is prolly in between the big pile of tickets cause of that. Now you got a response your ticket is out of that pile and should be handled quicker.

What is the reason to suspend account completely if it was compromised? Just send a request to change password and block it until I will do this steps. It is common behaviour for thousands of companies!
But no, block it, send no e-mail, make me write a ticket and wait for few days to fix. Very reasonable behaviour!

They suspend the account so that the hacker cannot do damage to your account while it’s out of your control. Sure, they can send you a “better change your password” email – but how do they know you didn’t just, say, go on a week-long vacation and won’t see the email until you get back? You can bet if they did that, someone who was out of town would be here in the forums instead, complaining that they lost everything because they didn’t see the email and why can’t Anet just suspend the account?

I’ve played WoW too, and I’ve had tickets open more than a week without a reply. My husband’s D3 account got suspended over a $2 auction house transaction and we never did get that $2.

And as multiple people have said, ALL THE SERVERS went down yesterday. I’m sure they have a lot of “urgent” issues to sort through.

EDIT: Also, it may be Friday evening for YOU, but I happen to be in Washington where Anet is located and it’s not even 7:30am Friday here. Local support staff is probably barely even out of bed yet. There’s a good 12 hours before they will be done for the day.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

(edited by bluestocking.6148)

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234


Customer Support works 24/7. If you are trying to get help with your girlfriend’s account, it may be slower because she needs to contact support. If it is under your name, that also is a problem, as gifting in that manner is against the ToS, only because it makes it so much harder for Customer Support to do their job and ascertain who is the true owner of the account. Remember, patience is a virtue. Support will assist you in a timely manner. =)

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spartan.3014


I appreciate the feedback guys. Some of you may know me, and if you do, feel free to back me up on this. I have not said a single racist comment to anyone, I am not a troll, I rarely swear, and I ALWAYS am joking around as most people know who know me… I am no more important than any of the rest of you but I seriously cannot think of a single reason why… It is telling me I said something inappropriate? What did I say exactly? I am a DIEHARD Guild Wars 2 fan who plays this game relentlessly in the hopes of getting my Dusk one day (lawl).
The point is this: I am requesting that you review my case since I still have received no response from anyone over at ArenaNet regarding this…. This is the second time I have been singled out for this (the first time I was defending myself to a nonstop troll who literally followed me around EVERYWHERE I went and told everyone that I was a POS and a noob commander and all this nonsense; he is still not banned btw). I have read and re-read your EULA over and over again and cannot see how I could have possibly broken your rules…
Please lift this sentence you have placed on me or, if you find I said something, please let me know what exactly it was that I said that was so offensive (chat filter is useless I guess)? If you do find something that breaks the EULA, could you at least reduce the sentence time? 72 hours is quite a long time for 1 lapse of judgement (if there even was one)…
Thank you.

The One Spartan – Norn Guardian – (ART) Guild
Commander/Guild Leader in WuvWuv

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spartan.3014


Again, thanks for your feedback guys. In my opening statement, I am not saying I am a troll… I simply try to defend those that are falsely accused and being targeted out of spite or whatever reason. I was very surprised to see that Guilds Wars servers were shut down for ‘emergency maintenance’ right after that happened as well… I am hoping this is a fluke but I will hope for the best and expect the worst. I have to say, I cannot take much more of this support system… No phone number, no live chat reps, this is ridiculous. As I said 10 hours ago, I did submit a ticket, actually right before I posted this. If you would like to see what I am talking about with the other incident, feel free. Here is the link:

The One Spartan – Norn Guardian – (ART) Guild
Commander/Guild Leader in WuvWuv

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LeCreaux.3087


“have only responded in kind to people who attempt to troll me or Gates of Madness.”

And there you probably have it. It doesn’t matter if you get angry or frustrated because somebody said something to upset you – if you were abusive in response then you earned the suspension.

I think you’re on to something.

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bluestocking.6148


I find replying to abusive behavior online with what I like to call “cheerful unconcern” is the best strategy. Either I act like I don’t have any idea what they’re talking about, or I just agree with them. “wow ur so ugly” “Okay.” Eventually they get so frustrated with the lack of response that they cross a reportable line, or they give up and look for a more easily-provoked target.

A guy on WoW once harassed me after I refused to give him gold. After about 5 minutes of me replying with “Okey-dokey!” and smiley faces, he got so angry that he ended up blocking me.

Don’t give them what they want. Report behavior that crosses the line and note if it’s repeated harassment by the same person. Because letting them provoke you into an unwise reply is exactly what they want.

I am destruction itself. I also bake cookies.

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I find replying to abusive behavior online with what I like to call “cheerful unconcern” is the best strategy. Either I act like I don’t have any idea what they’re talking about, or I just agree with them. “wow ur so ugly” “Okay.” Eventually they get so frustrated with the lack of response that they cross a reportable line, or they give up and look for a more easily-provoked target.

A guy on WoW once harassed me after I refused to give him gold. After about 5 minutes of me replying with “Okey-dokey!” and smiley faces, he got so angry that he ended up blocking me.

Don’t give them what they want. Report behavior that crosses the line and note if it’s repeated harassment by the same person. Because letting them provoke you into an unwise reply is exactly what they want.

I find the best way is to not respond at all. Eventually they either get out of control and enter ‘reportable’ mode or more frequently just give up. If most people just ignored trolling all together it would take the troll’s fun away.

The Burninator

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.5416


72 hours is quite a long time for 1 lapse of judgement (if there even was one)…

I have to say, I cannot take much more of this support system… No phone number, no live chat reps, this is ridiculous.

That’s what I’m also trying to say. Such imperfect auto-ban system is ridiculous, when there is no appropriate support for customers.

They answered me a minute ago that my account was without reason blocked because of possible unauthorized credit card activity. But because of this stupid auto-ban, they also voided last transactions and disable my serial key! Now I don’t have my 60$ (just hope that they’ll return correctly my money “in next few business days”) and still can’t play next 3 days!
So maybe I must buy another game? Such a perfect way to earn money!

Also they don’t have any quick form for answer to them, just mail, which probably spammed. Is this a customer care they propose?

(edited by Dan.5416)

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.5416


In this story there is few unbelievable things:

1) They didn’t send any email to me that my account was blocked because of possible unauthorized credit card activity.

2) They first void (not froze) transactions and only then trying to analyze if it was system mistake or real threat.

3) They didn’t propose any compensation for me, like 3-days trial, untill “business days” will come up. And leave me a choice to do not play the game this weekend or buy a new one without any assurance that my money will be definetly back at my card.

After all this “adventures” I’m not sure if I want to pay my money again for “this” or recommend “this” to my friends..

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

72 hours is quite a long time for 1 lapse of judgement (if there even was one)…

I have to say, I cannot take much more of this support system… No phone number, no live chat reps, this is ridiculous.

That’s what I’m also trying to say. Such imperfect auto-ban system is ridiculous, when there is no appropriate support for customers.

They answered me a minute ago that my account was without reason blocked because of possible unauthorized credit card activity. But because of this stupid auto-ban, they also voided last transactions and disable my serial key! Now I don’t have my 60$ (just hope that they’ll return correctly my money “in next few business days”) and still can’t play next 3 days!
So maybe I must buy another game? Such a perfect way to earn money!

Also they don’t have any quick form for answer to them, just mail, which probably spammed. Is this a customer care they propose?

2 questions. One, what credit card did you use to buy the game? I don’t mean was it Visa or MasterCard. I mean whose name was it under. If it wasn’t in your name then the owner of the card may have reversed charges. Two, where did you get the game from? From the Guild Wars 2 online site or did you buy it from some dealer? There have been cases where people bought the game from somewhere other than the ANet site and the people they bought it from, reversed the charge they originally had to ANet. In effect getting double the money from one sale. This also will cause an account to be terminated.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dan.5416


2 questions. One, what credit card did you use to buy the game? I don’t mean was it Visa or MasterCard. I mean whose name was it under. If it wasn’t in your name then the owner of the card may have reversed charges. Two, where did you get the game from? From the Guild Wars 2 online site or did you buy it from some dealer? There have been cases where people bought the game from somewhere other than the ANet site and the people they bought it from, reversed the charge they originally had to ANet. In effect getting double the money from one sale. This also will cause an account to be terminated.

It’s my name on the card and I bought game from Guild Wars 2 online site.
Account was not terminated and charges was reversed because of their auto-ban system. They wrote to me that there is no cause for this account to be blocked, but charges was already voided because of mistaken temporary block.

This is what they wrote to me:
“This game account was temporarily blocked by our billing system due to possible unauthorized credit card activity. I have reviewed this Guild Wars 2 game account and have determined that there is no cause for this account to be blocked for this reason. As a result of this temporary block, the recent transaction was voided and was not billed to the credit card on file.”

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

2 questions. One, what credit card did you use to buy the game? I don’t mean was it Visa or MasterCard. I mean whose name was it under. If it wasn’t in your name then the owner of the card may have reversed charges. Two, where did you get the game from? From the Guild Wars 2 online site or did you buy it from some dealer? There have been cases where people bought the game from somewhere other than the ANet site and the people they bought it from, reversed the charge they originally had to ANet. In effect getting double the money from one sale. This also will cause an account to be terminated.

It’s my name on the card and I bought game from Guild Wars 2 online site.
Account was not terminated and charges was reversed because of their auto-ban system. They wrote to me that there is no cause for this account to be blocked, but charges was already voided because of mistaken temporary block.

This is what they wrote to me:
“This game account was temporarily blocked by our billing system due to possible unauthorized credit card activity. I have reviewed this Guild Wars 2 game account and have determined that there is no cause for this account to be blocked for this reason. As a result of this temporary block, the recent transaction was voided and was not billed to the credit card on file.”

Well glad you got your account back. It would be nice to know what exactly they meant by “possible unauthorized credit card activity” but getting direct answers from support can be difficult at best. Probably because they have found that it leads to people arguing with them about why or why not something is wrong. But anyway, glad it was fixed.

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

They blocked your transaction in error, but they didn’t charge you anything. That is the best they can do. You are now free to set up another account if you so desire. Mistakes happen sometimes, especially when working with millions of accounts. Hopefully, you will try again…if not, we will be sorry to see you go. Best of luck, either way. =)

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spartan.3014


Glad your problem was fixed… I am hoping this issue is resolved and I at least get my sentence reduced as they gave me one example as to why I was suspended… One second lapse of judgement get me banned for 3 days… I was copying what someone said in map chat… 3 other people said it right after… Did they receive the same punishment? I don’t understand why ArenaNet dislikes me, it is absurd to do these kind of things when you have a profanity filter…
This whole thing is completely unfair when there was no warning that even though it was not a swear word, I still got suspended for swearing.
I am going to delete this whenever this gets resolved…This is drawn out and lame. ANet, please read my reply in the support ticket and consider it.

The One Spartan – Norn Guardian – (ART) Guild
Commander/Guild Leader in WuvWuv

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

Glad your problem was fixed… I am hoping this issue is resolved and I at least get my sentence reduced as they gave me one example as to why I was suspended… One second lapse of judgement get me banned for 3 days… I was copying what someone said in map chat… 3 other people said it right after… Did they receive the same punishment? I don’t understand why ArenaNet dislikes me, it is absurd to do these kind of things when you have a profanity filter…
This whole thing is completely unfair when there was no warning that even though it was not a swear word, I still got suspended for swearing.
I am going to delete this whenever this gets resolved…This is drawn out and lame. ANet, please read my reply in the support ticket and consider it.

When being punished any schoolmaster, laywer, judge, policeman and other people who can punish you will say the same thing.
Do not try to unblame yourself by pointing at others but take responsability for your own actions. You have been suspended for a reason and wether someone else is suspended or not is not your business but between them and Arenanet. You broke a rule by using unallowed laqnguage, whatever the reason was or what caused it or what others did to cause it, you said it. Justice is blind so you are judged purely on the fact that you did.

Now for the timespan of the ban. This has been discussed many times. The minimum amount of time for a suspension is 72 hours. The reason is that people who dont play everyday might miss their punishment all together so this is chosen as a good amount. Keep in mind it is only a game you have to miss for 3 days….

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pew Pew Dont Q Q.5168

Pew Pew Dont Q Q.5168

I want to make a comment in regards to the chat filter. Ive been doing alot of digging and research on the subject and I just happen to know for a fact that and Ncsoft have purposely developed the chat filter system to allow people to foolishly fall victom to their TOS and ban them. Its a way for them to make money and my source comes right from the horses mouth. A family who has partial ownership over It can be considered a conpsiracy if you want to call it that but its fact that ncsoft perma bans peoples accounts over repeated offences. The chat filter is the most useless tool available to Gw2 Players since it only works 1 way. Im pretty angry over this fact and have asked for help with several outside well connected anet sources on the subject but responces have been very quiet on this topic. My guess is they want to keep it quiet and dont want people knowing. The fact theres no contract you sign when you manualy remove and unlock the chat filter is evidence enough that anet allows people to use vulger language. If your going to have a filter it needs to work both ways. And removing the filter should acknowledge that you are willfully signing an agreement that you infact wish to view vulger language and also to use it as well. If you remove the chat filter you shouldnt have the right to report vulger language in the first place, reducing the amount of reports for GMs to sort through. Ultimatly what it comes down to is $ money. GMs need tickets for their daily quota, so they go home feed their Kids and family. Have a nice cushy job and earn a descent income. But the fact that ncsoft refuses to acknowledge these details and my sources is proof enough. Its a cycle of corruption that has infested even the lead GMs of ncsoft.

Its sad, for a game that has half naked women that can strip down nearly naked, and weapons and art that reveal the most intimate parts of a woman ncsoft has declared its still just a game for younger teens. This is just insane. If Anet isnt willing to make the filter work both ways then its just showing that the cycle of corruption will continue on and on.

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


I want to make a comment in regards to the chat filter. Ive been doing alot of digging and research on the subject and I just happen to know for a fact that and Ncsoft have purposely developed the chat filter system to allow people to foolishly fall victom to their TOS and ban them. Its a way for them to make money and my source comes right from the horses mouth. A family who has partial ownership over It can be considered a conpsiracy if you want to call it that but its fact that ncsoft perma bans peoples accounts over repeated offences. The chat filter is the most useless tool available to Gw2 Players since it only works 1 way. Im pretty angry over this fact and have asked for help with several outside well connected anet sources on the subject but responces have been very quiet on this topic. My guess is they want to keep it quiet and dont want people knowing. The fact theres no contract you sign when you manualy remove and unlock the chat filter is evidence enough that anet allows people to use vulger language. If your going to have a filter it needs to work both ways. And removing the filter should acknowledge that you are willfully signing an agreement that you infact wish to view vulger language and also to use it as well. If you remove the chat filter you shouldnt have the right to report vulger language in the first place, reducing the amount of reports for GMs to sort through. Ultimatly what it comes down to is $ money. GMs need tickets for their daily quota, so they go home feed their Kids and family. Have a nice cushy job and earn a descent income. But the fact that ncsoft refuses to acknowledge these details and my sources is proof enough. Its a cycle of corruption that has infested even the lead GMs of ncsoft.

Its sad, for a game that has half naked women that can strip down nearly naked, and weapons and art that reveal the most intimate parts of a woman ncsoft has declared its still just a game for younger teens. This is just insane. If Anet isnt willing to make the filter work both ways then its just showing that the cycle of corruption will continue on and on.

You do realize that the same exact chat filter is in.. well just about every game, ever? this isn’t an NCsoft thing. And unless that family is Nexon, I’m keeping my tinfoil hat on..

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Care to reveal the sources of this purported conspiracy?

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I’m not even going to quote all that and simply say, “Your sources?” Okay, mystery sources are generally the roots of most conspiracy theories like the one you are trying to fester. You dug up an 8 day old thread just to type a bunch of stuff you can’t back up with facts yourself. Part of GW2’s business model is to sell gems for real money. How would suspending people who curse in chat make them more money? The less people in game the less people to buy gems.

I’m going to leave my response at that.

The Burninator

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I want to make a comment in regards to the chat filter. Ive been doing alot of digging and research on the subject and I just happen to know for a fact that and Ncsoft have purposely developed the chat filter system to allow people to foolishly fall victom to their TOS and ban them. Its a way for them to make money and my source comes right from the horses mouth. A family who has partial ownership over It can be considered a conpsiracy if you want to call it that but its fact that ncsoft perma bans peoples accounts over repeated offences. The chat filter is the most useless tool available to Gw2 Players since it only works 1 way. Im pretty angry over this fact and have asked for help with several outside well connected anet sources on the subject but responces have been very quiet on this topic. My guess is they want to keep it quiet and dont want people knowing. The fact theres no contract you sign when you manualy remove and unlock the chat filter is evidence enough that anet allows people to use vulger language. If your going to have a filter it needs to work both ways. And removing the filter should acknowledge that you are willfully signing an agreement that you infact wish to view vulger language and also to use it as well. If you remove the chat filter you shouldnt have the right to report vulger language in the first place, reducing the amount of reports for GMs to sort through. Ultimatly what it comes down to is $ money. GMs need tickets for their daily quota, so they go home feed their Kids and family. Have a nice cushy job and earn a descent income. But the fact that ncsoft refuses to acknowledge these details and my sources is proof enough. Its a cycle of corruption that has infested even the lead GMs of ncsoft.

Its sad, for a game that has half naked women that can strip down nearly naked, and weapons and art that reveal the most intimate parts of a woman ncsoft has declared its still just a game for younger teens. This is just insane. If Anet isnt willing to make the filter work both ways then its just showing that the cycle of corruption will continue on and on.

Paranoia will destroy ya. ^^

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


May I ask why? I have submitted a ticket on this and am unaware of doing ANYTHING to breach the code of conduct. I have read over it multiple times and have only responded in kind to people who attempt to troll me or Gates of Madness.

What warrants this?

No one in the forums can tell you why your account was suspended. The only way to learn the answer to this is to contact Support and discuss the matter with them.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Suspended again?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

I want to make a comment in regards to the chat filter. Ive been doing alot of digging and research on the subject and I just happen to know for a fact that and Ncsoft have purposely developed the chat filter system to allow people to foolishly fall victom to their TOS and ban them. Its a way for them to make money and my source comes right from the horses mouth. A family who has partial ownership over It can be considered a conpsiracy if you want to call it that but its fact that ncsoft perma bans peoples accounts over repeated offences. The chat filter is the most useless tool available to Gw2 Players since it only works 1 way. Im pretty angry over this fact and have asked for help with several outside well connected anet sources on the subject but responces have been very quiet on this topic. My guess is they want to keep it quiet and dont want people knowing. The fact theres no contract you sign when you manualy remove and unlock the chat filter is evidence enough that anet allows people to use vulger language. If your going to have a filter it needs to work both ways. And removing the filter should acknowledge that you are willfully signing an agreement that you infact wish to view vulger language and also to use it as well. If you remove the chat filter you shouldnt have the right to report vulger language in the first place, reducing the amount of reports for GMs to sort through. Ultimatly what it comes down to is $ money. GMs need tickets for their daily quota, so they go home feed their Kids and family. Have a nice cushy job and earn a descent income. But the fact that ncsoft refuses to acknowledge these details and my sources is proof enough. Its a cycle of corruption that has infested even the lead GMs of ncsoft.

Its sad, for a game that has half naked women that can strip down nearly naked, and weapons and art that reveal the most intimate parts of a woman ncsoft has declared its still just a game for younger teens. This is just insane. If Anet isnt willing to make the filter work both ways then its just showing that the cycle of corruption will continue on and on.

That is ludicrously ridiculous. Absolutely, provably, horribly wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself for entertaining such a notion and for posting it on this forum or in any way alluding to this nonsense.

I don’t know of any company that would act in the reprehensible manner you describe and certainly not a company of ArenaNet’s and NCSOFT’s stature. The $50 here and the $50 there that would be gained from exercising the components of this Tinfoil Hat Theory of the Day would not be not worth a thing compared to the loss of reputation that would occur if we were to act in this manner. Not to mention the bitter taste of unfairness that we — gamers like you — would feel if this was any policy or any process at all or in any way.

You don’t remove the filter, you simply choose not to use it. You do not own the right to determine what others will see, and the filter cannot ever be perfect, hence the actions that our GM Team will be forced to take on those who breach the RoC and the rules of commonly accepted game behavior.

We value every player and every customer. We do not suspend or terminate accounts lightly. We do our darnedest to work with individuals who have been suspended and even terminated, going the extra mile to give a second chance or to work with a person who has made an error in judgment. The suspension system is a model of balance and fairness. It is even set up to give second chances automatically. We do not conspire to ban people unjustly. We never, ever will.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)