Rant against mass mailings [locked]

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wizgamer.7123


I sent an updated ticket about how my account was banned after it was freed from hacking. Obviously it was banned from the actions of the goldsellers, but ArenaNet did not even read my updated message. Instead they gave me a link to reset my password and e-mail, WHICH I ALREADY DID. They are not even appreciating our time and examining us case by case, instead grouping me under a solution for a Hacked account. I got my account back. I want it unbanned. It should not take more than 5 minutes to examine one player’s file and definitely get rid of the ban, while determining which IP was accessed when and where. How much longer will I have to wait?

And yes, the person who responded without reading my Ticket was named Lance like some of the other posts.

(edited by wizgamer.7123)

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bluewolf.3812


Finally got a response from someone who has no idea what he is doing. The guy directed me to Account Recovery, which is primarily for recovering passwords.

Ticket Ref #120903-004993 – still need help with hacked account.

I already wrote in my ticket that the account name/email has been changed but I guess no one wants to read the ticket.

The procedure I was told to follow, i already tried that at least 50 times in last 2 days. Now this guy is taking me through all that again, i already know whats gonna happen. Well I tried it anyway and nothing happened.

Put some real technical support staff on this issue,

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mazatron.2974


It wasn’t Lance was it? That’s who responded to my Husbands email and he has the same problem.

Maybe if we name the CSR’s improperly responding to these issues their supervisors will crack down on them and they’ll have to do the job right first time?

Incident 120904-000063 for us.

(edited by Moderator)

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wizgamer.7123


Yeah this JUST happened to me. Some guy named lance. they didn’t even bother to READ the ticket. They just gave a blanket solution. They really are not taking the time to help us individually.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Borishnikov.7368


Yes, same for me.. and it was Lance… There were only password recovery, email authentication stuff…


Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wizgamer.7123


Please help: 120903-012168

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SenpriW.7981


Indeed! WTH Lance!? I lost my golds and you told me to recovery email/passwords???? This is truly the worst customer support ever for this level of MMORPG, comparable to those Korean/Chinese Free to Plays

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reality.2475


Same here! What gives?

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reality.2475


Same here. Lance didn’t help at all :\.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: passion.5481


Sadly it didn’t help.


Hacked Account since 5th September
120905-008912 (prioritized)

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lucepher.3146


I had my account hacked a week ago. They didn’t change anything just took my stuff. I still had control of my account but was banned. Tuesday at work I get an email saying that the problem has been resolved. I got home and yep password change but still banned.

I just got my account back.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


Story of our lives..

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: artismygod.2405


Dear Gaile,

I am posting for my friend since his account is still not active.
I just received a e-mail from support, with a link in it that i could change my adress etc,
but its gave me an error.
The hacker changed my email adress of my acount, so i don’t know what more info i can really give to get helped.

This is the error i get:

Account Recovery

There’s been an error. Please contact support.

Use this only when you need to reset your password or disable e-mail authentication as directed by the knowledge base.

Please help, i just want to play, i really wouldn’t whine about gear or gold stolen, i can farm it all back.
Just want that account back, thats all i’m asking.

Acc Name: Zedu
Ticket: 120905-008159

I just re-updated it.
But i hope the reply here goes faster.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Firefly.1326


OMG this Lance guy has GOT TO GO! He is the one who didn’t read my husband’s ticket about losing his serial code.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iordgonz.1352


Kitten man i thought this Lance person was a real person who actually looked into my account, now i feel like a fool.

i was wondering why this Lance person sent me an instruction to reset password & authentication…. without thinking bad about the situation i simply assume that my email has been restored and i am now able to reset the password. well guess what i still get the same error from when i started doing exactly this since the 5th. i have known about password reset& authentication since my account was hack don’t they think that people would have tried several alternatives?

(edited by Moderator)

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gajeel.4578


And now you know why people pay 15 a month for MMO’s .

Proper customer service.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: artismygod.2405


I wonder how you guys know that it was Lance that helped me?
But idd, you are right, he sended me the “solution”, but ye.. i was so excited to see a e-mail, and now i’m even more dissapointed then before.. But ok.. Can a GM please look at my issue? Ty.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SenorPez.1568


Same deal here. Blanket response, not remotely helpful, and now back to waiting in the queue.


Guild Wars 2: Join the MMO Revolution!
Get banned for no reason at all!
Endure customer service that’s both slow and unhelpful!

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joker.9810


You know what they are saying they got my info from another site but this is the first time i have had my information hacked. If i find out that this was a security breech on their end and they are lying well… We are talking about major refunds people. This is crazy i was just on last night…. No warning nothing just permanent ban??? Get you stuff worked out or i want my money back.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: artismygod.2405


I’m wondering if ArenaNet also works in the weekend? Or are we screwed and have a weekend of playing outside in the bright, shiny sun :p?
Wish Gale was here to fix things, i’m sick of waiting and when i finally get a reply, it’s to change my pasword….
Yet again, the hacker changed my e-mail adress linked to my account, so i wonder how i would change the password without the current linked e-mail adress to it…
Please read our tickets properly and don’t give a link to pasword reset.

Zedu – Ticket: 120905-008159

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: passion.5481


Hacked Account since 5. September


Account-Recovery gives out an error-message

Hacked Account since 5th September
120905-008912 (prioritized)

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Joker.9810


Oh and Further more, my steam account is the same name and pass and no issues. Not even an attempt to log in from another computer. im 98% certain guildwars 2 site got hacked not another site…

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ariex.6379


Please help my friend out. Been hacked and probably banned since september 1st….

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: anonymouse.9053


Oh and Further more, my steam account is the same name and pass and no issues. Not even an attempt to log in from another computer. im 98% certain guildwars 2 site got hacked not another site…

First of all, RMT folks don’t really have much to gain by trying to hijack steam accounts.

Second, if you are using the same email and password for GW2 and ANYWHERE else, don’t bother complaining that your GW2 account was hacked.

Hopefully you have learned not to use the same credentials, especially for MMOs, at multiple places. If not, we will see you back here again in a month or so, maybe less.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alexixiv.4582



Yeah I got “Lanced” also lol

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squidlips.3817


A small village lies in utter destruction. Thatched-roof huts emit acrid, white smoke into the air, charred bodies scattered haphazardly. The approaching company looked on in disbelief. What had been a remote epicenter of life in this frontier was completely devastated.

“My God, it’s all gone” the army private said, to nobody in particular. “Any idea what could have done this?” now addressing the Captain.

Just as he was about speak, a dark figure shambled from behind a smoke column towards the soldiers. A small child, probably only ten, slowly made his way through the wreckage.

The private ran to the child, dropping his gun behind him and fell to his knees before the boy. He clutched him by the arms and said, almost yelling, “What the hell happened?! Who did this!” But the boy only stared off into the woods flanking the remnants of his home.

“Say something!” The private screamed, almost in tears.

The boy slowly turned and made eye contact with him, a single tear escaped his eye and began to clear a path through the soot and dirt down his face. The private raised his hand and rubbed the tear from the boys face, smearing it across his cheek.

An explosion rumbled off in the distance and reverberated through the valley, shaking leaves loose from the trees. Bravo company looked at each other uneasily, unsure of what unknown forces they were dealing with.

“Lance… the boy murmured.”


Review my friend’s ticket, starting from August 31st, please! Thanks! ?_?

Ticket Number: 120908-000739 <- Newest Ticket with most information!

vvv Thanks!

Straight Dumpstered [ONE] – Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Squidlips.3817)

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SenorPez.1568


Your friend has a ticket… from the future?

Can he tell me the lotto numbers?

Guild Wars 2: Join the MMO Revolution!
Get banned for no reason at all!
Endure customer service that’s both slow and unhelpful!

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shiro.6841


Uh huh, i got a response to my ticket from the same guy too. Didn’t bother reading my tickets at all, where i clearly state that I’ve already changed my email and password to my account, and he tells me the exact same thing you were told.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wizgamer.7123


maybe the hackers would be better at getting our accounts restored than ArenaNet…

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zattin.6490


maybe the hackers would be better at getting our accounts restored than ArenaNet…

They’re probably more likely to at least respond to us….

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


maybe the hackers would be better at getting our accounts restored than ArenaNet…

They’re probably more likely to at least respond to us….

Honestly, I doubt it, but the thought had me lmao, seriously…
I think you wounded a moral…

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squidlips.3817


Straight Dumpstered [ONE] – Sanctum of Rall

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


A small village lies in utter destruction. Thatched-roof huts emit acrid, white smoke into the air, charred bodies scattered haphazardly. The approaching company looked on in disbelief. What had been a remote epicenter of life in this frontier was completely devastated.

“My God, it’s all gone” the army private said, to nobody in particular. “Any idea what could have done this?” now addressing the Captain.

Just as he was about speak, a dark figure shambled from behind a smoke column towards the soldiers. A small child, probably only ten, slowly made his way through the wreckage.

The private ran to the child, dropping his gun behind him and fell to his knees before the boy. He clutched him by the arms and said, almost yelling, “What the hell happened?! Who did this!” But the boy only stared off into the woods flanking the remnants of his home.

“Say something!” The private screamed, almost in tears.

The boy slowly turned and made eye contact with him, a single tear escaped his eye and began to clear a path through the soot and dirt down his face. The private raised his hand and rubbed the tear from the boys face, smearing it across his cheek.

An explosion rumbled off in the distance and reverberated through the valley, shaking leaves lose from the trees. Bravo company looked at each other uneasily, unsure of what unknown forces they were dealing with.

“Lance… the boy murmured.”


Review my friend’s ticket, starting from August 31st, please! Thanks! ?_?

Ticket Number: 120908-000739 <- Newest Ticket with most information!

vvv Thanks!

Fantastic attention grabber, very captivating, and a nice twist at the end. Wish I had thought of doing something like that

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Epic, really…. even goes along with the theme of the game, thanks Squidlips, I needed that


120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

(edited by Moderator)

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zattin.6490


Well… That’s that… The claim for the chargeback has officially been submitted. Lets see who works faster, the bank or ArenaNet. If they beat the bank, I’ll cancel the claim. If not, good try. I won’t be buying anything from them again.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Well… That’s that… The claim for the chargeback has officially been submitted. Lets see who works faster, the bank or ArenaNet. If they beat the bank, I’ll cancel the claim. If not, good try. I won’t be buying anything from them again.

really hope they address your issue… I would give you my place in line since you feel so strongly about it, but really I dont exactly know where my place in line is lol, I just got confirmation today (from our favorite jouster) that I am still “in line”

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zattin.6490


Well… That’s that… The claim for the chargeback has officially been submitted. Lets see who works faster, the bank or ArenaNet. If they beat the bank, I’ll cancel the claim. If not, good try. I won’t be buying anything from them again.

really hope they address your issue… I would give you my place in line since you feel so strongly about it, but really I dont exactly know where my place in line is lol, I just got confirmation today (from our favorite jouster) that I am still “in line”

It’s the first time I’ve ever made a chargeback, I normally will hear their side out and work an agreement. This is hard to do when there’s no way to contact the other side.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alexixiv.4582


Well… That’s that… The claim for the chargeback has officially been submitted. Lets see who works faster, the bank or ArenaNet. If they beat the bank, I’ll cancel the claim. If not, good try. I won’t be buying anything from them again.

really hope they address your issue… I would give you my place in line since you feel so strongly about it, but really I dont exactly know where my place in line is lol, I just got confirmation today (from our favorite jouster) that I am still “in line”

It’s the first time I’ve ever made a chargeback, I normally will hear their side out and work an agreement. This is hard to do when there’s no way to contact the other side.

Yeah, I feel your pain… maybe not as deep as you, but I still feel it, I am actually a tier 2 support for an ISP so I know it is very possible to juggle, call support, chat support and phone support and forum support all at the same time and triaging properly is a must… I wouldnt say that support is doing a bad job in this instance, I think there were some managerial or executive decisions that I dont agree with, but I dont have much room to talk because I cant even get the company I work for to hear my appeal to logic most of the time…

120901-018012 – Serial Key Issue

(edited by Alexixiv.4582)

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iordgonz.1352


A small village lies in utter destruction. Thatched-roof huts emit acrid, white smoke into the air, charred bodies scattered haphazardly. The approaching company looked on in disbelief. What had been a remote epicenter of life in this frontier was completely devastated.

“My God, it’s all gone” the army private said, to nobody in particular. “Any idea what could have done this?” now addressing the Captain.

Just as he was about speak, a dark figure shambled from behind a smoke column towards the soldiers. A small child, probably only ten, slowly made his way through the wreckage.

The private ran to the child, dropping his gun behind him and fell to his knees before the boy. He clutched him by the arms and said, almost yelling, “What the hell happened?! Who did this!” But the boy only stared off into the woods flanking the remnants of his home.

“Say something!” The private screamed, almost in tears.

The boy slowly turned and made eye contact with him, a single tear escaped his eye and began to clear a path through the soot and dirt down his face. The private raised his hand and rubbed the tear from the boys face, smearing it across his cheek.

An explosion rumbled off in the distance and reverberated through the valley, shaking leaves lose from the trees. Bravo company looked at each other uneasily, unsure of what unknown forces they were dealing with.

“Lance… the boy murmured.”


Review my friend’s ticket, starting from August 31st, please! Thanks! ?_?

Ticket Number: 120908-000739 <- Newest Ticket with most information!

vvv Thanks!

Jesus man that’s a very captivating story…. i cant wait for the next piece or is there…..

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: acealucard.9368


I felt so alone, all of these people are speaking truth, Lance and Steve both need fired they DO NOT read tickets and give copy and paste responses, i have been banned for 7 days now, i seriously only have 10 hours played on my account. i did nothing wrong, ive never even thought about buying or selling gold in any MMO. This customer service is bad, and the sad part is i was having a lot of fun playing this game. I am starting to feel like i was scammed out of 60 bucks

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: voidlord.5243


yeah my friend just got received a message from ArenaNet saying they solved the issue then they linked him to the password recovery site. Dunno how they expect someone whos account was hacked and his email/account name changed to change his password when it requires the email/account name which he doesnt have

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zattin.6490


Well… That’s that… The claim for the chargeback has officially been submitted. Lets see who works faster, the bank or ArenaNet. If they beat the bank, I’ll cancel the claim. If not, good try. I won’t be buying anything from them again.

really hope they address your issue… I would give you my place in line since you feel so strongly about it, but really I dont exactly know where my place in line is lol, I just got confirmation today (from our favorite jouster) that I am still “in line”

It’s the first time I’ve ever made a chargeback, I normally will hear their side out and work an agreement. This is hard to do when there’s no way to contact the other side.

Yeah, I feel your pain… maybe not as deep as you, but I still feel it, I am actually a tier 2 support for an ISP so I know it is very possible to juggle, call support, chat support and phone support and forum support all at the same time and triaging properly is a must… I wouldnt say that support is doing a bad job in this instance, I think there were some managerial or executive decisions that I dont agree with, but I dont have much room to talk because I cant even get the company I work for to hear my appeal to logic most of the time…

It wouldn’t have been very hard for them to hire some temp employees to cover this.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: trb.7052


At least I now feel a bit better, since I’ve only been getting asked for the same info repeatedly by Eddy and Chris.
Hope lance steers clear of my ticket.

Maybe Steve can help us?

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Captain Law.7281

Captain Law.7281

Steven helped me.

Saying stuff about inapropriate behaviour when I explained him in detail that my account got hacked and perm banned because of selling gold..

Made me rage.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GetsugaTensho.6158


Problem with mixup with serial codes. Still no response. I feel IGNORED. I can’t play…play a game I paid 250$! Every time they post “we’re prioritizing hacked account and other login issues” i just roll my eyes because obviously no1 isn’t listening to me and my emails and tickets!


Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Twofacedsoup.8734


lance pasted my ticket aswell, highly annoyed, what is this guy doing! he does not even read the tickets, just paste in his copy =/

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kalidor.9426


Hi I’m Lenny.3178. Kalidor is my husband’s account. I submitted 2 tickets for error code 3002 and have gotten password reset help….. My first ticket is 120901-012726 and the second one that is “restored” is 120905-004303. I just submitted yet a third ticket for error code 3002 # 120908-003503. I wasn’t hacked. I got an email saying someone was trying to change my password,so I changed my email since password resets were disabled. Had no issue before even with authenticator. Changed my email and boom,can’t log in. Submit tickets, follow all wiki instructions. My husband even posted here for me and a Dev said to do “this” and I did and submitted my second ticket. I don’t think it was even read. I’m very upset. I love this game and have jumped through the hoops they said to only to have them not help. My husband wants me to buy another game ,but I refuse to. I want to be a part of the game so bad ,but the customer service is terrible. I think it should be a requirement that they actually check the accounts after “restoring” them to make sure they work. That in itself would cut down on the tickets! Please I’m begging at this point to actually help. I feel like I have followed all the rules and after a week this should be addressed properly this time. Thank You for listening if you even are~Lenny

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darkkforcee.3581


It wasn’t Lance was it? That’s who responded to my Husbands email and he has the same problem.

Maybe if we name the CSR’s improperly responding to these issues their supervisors will crack down on them and they’ll have to do the job right first time?

Incident 120904-000063 for us.

OMFG i had lance respond to me too and all he did was send me to account recovery wow… fail gw2 just fail…

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kalidor.9426


Lenny.3178 here on my husband account. My guys were Marlin and Popadopolis…It’s an epidemic I tell you,lol. I hope my 3rd ticket will be the winner and I actually get to play.

Rant against mass mailings [locked]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SenorPez.1568


It’s Lance. It’s always Lance.

Guild Wars 2: Join the MMO Revolution!
Get banned for no reason at all!
Endure customer service that’s both slow and unhelpful!