GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
Hello, I’d like an update regarding ticket number 567885. It’s been about 3 days since I posted it.
i5-4690k 4.5ghz | ASRock Z97 Extreme | Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB | Nvidia GTX 760
Friend’s ticket 570157 about an account compromise was initially good as they managed to get the account back within an hour but they had received no reply when asking about an account restoration or later when their account had been terminated due to the offender’s botting so they’re concerned if anything’s still being done to help them.
Would like to request a status update regarding my ticket. “(562900:Re: Request received: 562895:Account restoration)” It is going on 10 days since initial ticket “(558940:account hacked and gems and items stolen)” I believe they are merged under the 562900 ticket since it is all one issue? Have not received an update since 4/23. Thank you.
Looks like I’m going to miss the sale for the unlimited use mining pick that I was saving my gems for until they were stolen.
(edited by Lan Legolas.1023)
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: That Just Happened.3671
Been more than a week, heard nothing back. Ticket# 561147
Ticket number: 567819
I’m glad that I did not got a reply during the 3 days interval, because I want this issue to be brought to the attention/ resolved by someone from upper management (a lot of other players are in this situation, not just my case).
Ticket: 557353 – Update request.
It’s been ten days since my account was hacked. I understand I am in the queue for account restoration, and that you’re very busy but I am getting no communication via e-mail or otherwise. If someone could mail me to give me an estimate on when it’s likely to be addressed I’d be grateful.
My ticket has been more than 5 days with only auto responses. Hopeing to get more resolution than that. Ticket # 565598.
Hi Gaile Gray!
Ticket # (557007: Missing Skin)
I added a reply to this ticket and its been 7 days without response. I know you are super busy so I understand why a ticket involving 1 missing skin wouldn’t be a priority. That said, no worries, I just wanted to follow up on it. : )
Please & Thank you!
Kubo & Nuiko – Tarnished Coast residents
Update on Ticket #568324
Thank You.
ticket # (573597:hacked account)
its been 72 hours withouth getting a update on it
gladly awaiting response
ticket 564027, account compromised.
Been waiting 5 days and just wanted a quick update. thnx.
I read about tickets review delay as reason of sending few tickets. I think this system should be updated because I think people are confused right now and there is lot of multiple tickets. Maybe option to create ‘chat or channel’ for single account would be some idea. My case: I created ticket #559606 and later wanted to update it with additional info, so I followed advice in confirmation mail “To add information to your request, simply reply to this email”. So I replied and this created another ticket #565215. I was really worried about this case so after waiting another 2 days I asked about my case status by… creating another ticket in process, yea that was my mistake but it’s not obvious to use boards when you desperatly look for help after account compromise.
It has been few days now, more than 8 since account compromise, so I would really like to merge my tickets and ask kindly for your help with my case (tickets #559606 + #565215).
Decided to write here after I received mail “Request #570779: How would you rate the support you received?”. uhhhh
Ticket: 570131 : account hacked
Created: 4/25/14
Last Info: 4/25/14
I was helped with regaining and resecuring my account after it was compromised, but discovered that all equipment, items, materials and gold had been salvaged or taken. After requesting a rollback, I received no reply. Both my email and account have been re-secured with new passwords and mobile authentication.
Ticket Number – #567585
have yet to hear anything back from support, had sent a ticket in over a month and a half ago and heard nothing. sent another ticket (sorry) to modify my request as it has gotten this far down the line with no response.
Update: 28 April 2014
Before the update, a request: Please do not post multiple times in this thread about the same ticket. I just reviewed almost a dozen tickets where someone had posted and then posted again a day or two later. Just as you should submit one ticket, you should post one time to follow up. I go back to my most recent post to collect all the questions, so your inquiry will not be missed. Only if you see a new update, without reference to your ticket number, may you post again. Thank you for your cooperation.
553384 Resolved – Your feedback has been received.
548729 Resolved.
552598 Resolved.
554571 Resolved.
554814 Resolved.
564267 Resolved.
555983 Resolved. Two tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets.
555400 Answered today.
550719 Answered Saturday.
554587 Answered today.
569009 Answered today. Your purchase was refunded, so you can repurchase, add the code, and you’re good to go.
552404 Answered yesterday and additional review taking place.
550451 This ticket was incorrectly handled, and we apologize. I believe we will get this resolved for you today.
513029 Closed. No additional information is available.
559606 Four tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
557040 In the queue for account restoration.
557353 In the queue for account restoration.
557413 In the queue for account restoration.
557511 In the queue for account restoration.
557963 In the queue for account restoration.
559026 In the queue for account restoration.
560286 In the queue for account restoration.
565598 In the queue for account restoration.
566428 In the queue for account restoration.
567256 In the queue for account restoration.
567585 In the queue for account restoration.
570131 In the queue for account restoration.
570157 In the queue for account restoration.
567449 In the queue for account restoration. Please confirm that you wish this service.
564688 6(!) tickets. Please stop submitting duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
549610 The issue is still under review. The survey was simply asking if you had received an informative answer. I feel you have, but you’re welcome to rate as you see fit.
559338 3 tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
561713 3 tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
562900 3 tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
568368 3 tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
566783 2 tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
568324 2 tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
534713 Under review. I followed up to ask about progress.
558665 Under review. I followed up to ask about progress.
568230 Under review. The account is suspended to keep it secure during investigation.
554490 Under review.
557007 Under review.
557113 Under review.
557196 Under review.
558540 Under review.
560681 Under review.
561147 Under review.
561510 Under review.
564027 Under review.
573597 Under review.
557353 Under review.
567885 Under review.
563589 Please reopen the ticket by responding with the account ownership verification information our agent requested.
567819 You are asking for items we cannot provide. An agent will respond to your ticket as soon as possible.
566422 Your e-mail account and/or your computer have been hacked. Please re-secure your computer system AND your e-mail account so that we can assist you.
FateTwine.2390 Thanks for your kind words!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Warring States.4810
How is the progress on ticket #571780?
Thank You!
Please and thank you
Hello Gaile
I’d like to know anything about 569833
IT has been almost 4 days, but I understand these things take time.
I temporarily lost my account, and I now believe I have it back in my possession. I am looking to get a reset, and change emails. Just to be extra safe.
(edited by TakaYama.5394)
hello again Lady Gray
can i plrase get an update status on ticket #554090?
Please, what’s the status of the ticket #570607?
it been 8 day +
Hello, the ticket is #557806
Ticket number 429162
Has been ignored for two months
I have also a myriad of other tickets that have been neglected, it is a very recurrent fact for my account and I would appreciate if that could change. In the past I complained in the forums about my email being blacklisted from Anet, I got a very dishonnest response from a community coordinator that asserted me of the opposite. Yet the fact that my tickets have been ignored for two months proves me right.
what is the situation for my frend on ticket 566312????
Would really appreciate an update on ticket #568493. (5 days old). Compromised account, I have regained control and secured email and computer. Requesting rollback.
waiting your replies more than 3 days. My account got hack, and no gear and gold in account. I ask for account restoration. But no one answers. Please help me. My ticket is 557657.
My request 557022#Asking for refund for a “Phoenix Light Armor Skin” was made 19/04/2014.
Any update would be appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
Hello. My account got hacked. You removed the authenticator. But you didnt reply me when I ask for help about getting back gold and gear and mats. Please. I waited more than 3 days. Please. I didnt have much patience. My ticket number is 562805.
Ticket: 565516
could you please look into it.
I submitted a town clothes refund request on the 20th, i got mails on the 23, and 24th about ticked delay for reasons.
However, its is now the 29th, and still no official reply.
Ticket: 557185
Vizier: 80 mesm-guard-ele-war
Fort Aspenwood
ticket: 566284
hacked over a week ago, ticket sent in 6 days ago, no response, no help whatsoever.
ticket: 563172
pls help. hoping for restoration after hack. tired of running around Tyria naked. Hackers stole my clothes. ty
Request 559702 wkitten 21.04.2014 – 9 days no respond.
Was updated with: Hello? How long does it takes to do somthing with my problem? Hazel? Anyone? 23.04.2014 – 7 days ago – no respond.
Request 574648 wkitten 27.04.2014 via alternative e-mail to make sure that you guys recive it. No ANY respond at all. My account was hacked & ruined almost 10 days ago. Nothing at all from your side guys.
Well.. if this situation is O’K then i have nothing to tell you about. I will re-post this situation FULLY at main NCSoft support. If nothing happens after that – im quit.
It was really fun time at game till this hack situation happens. And im really frustraited & sad. Thats it.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Scarycarebear.4125
Ticket Number: 566244
I submitted a ticket 5 days ago about costume refunds and have had no response.
Account used: Scarycarebear.4125
My ticket number is 565397 and I submitted it on the 23rd. Can I please get a status update I submitted my ticket on 4-23-14
thanks a bunch!
I notice that my ticket# 562525 is not included in the latest update. I’d appreciate it not being removed until some half-decent customer service is actually rendered upon it. I normally wouldn’t post twice but as I said, it was not included in the last update.
It’s been over a week now. Just so you guys know… I’ve been planning on getting the new mini and the new gem medium armor, but I refuse to spend a cent on gems as long as I have outstanding refunds that I haven’t received yet. If the 7 days on the mini comes and goes you can consider both gem purchases forever lost. In fact, I will likely be removing my credit card and forswearing all future gem purchases based on the dismal level of service displayed.
(edited by Alfador.7649)
No response what so ever since 04/23
Account hacked, all items lost and 7- L80s deleted and no response.
I see its very common not to get a response after a week of waiting. No matter how busy you guys are a response of SOME sort from a human being would go a LONG way.
Thanks…I think.
(edited by Knuckles.8706)
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: borderlinegamer.7582
Ticket Number: 566559
I submitted this ticked 6 days ago and just wanted to make sure everything is going smoothly. Thanks!
Ticket Number: 571054
I got an e-mail saying an agent should contact me soon, and that my ticket has been flagged. I apologise for posting here, but I am getting concerned about the issue described and I have not received any response yet.
Thank you.
Ticket number: 569397
Filed 5 days ago on 04/24/14 and received two automated responses asking me to be patient.
Any human response would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morthos Marir.1027
6 days old
(you’ve contacted me saying it was flagged but I didn’t see it on this forum so I figured to put it up)
Update: 29 April 2014
- Please do not post about item replacements.
- Please do not post more than once in this thread.
557657 - Resolved.
569291 - Resolved.
559702 - Answered today.
554090 - Five tickets. Please stop submitting duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
569833 - Five tickets. Please stop submitting duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
566112 - Four tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
574092 - Three tickets. Response sent last Friday. If you did not receive, see the thread about e-mail problems above.
571780 - Two tickets. Answered today.
566284 - Two tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
566559 - Two tickets. Please do not submit duplicate tickets. In the queue for account restoration.
562805 - In the queue for account restoration.
563172 - In the queue for account restoration.
566312 - In the queue for account restoration.
568493 - In the queue for account restoration.
571054 - In the queue for account restoration.
566611 - In the queue for account restoration.
429162 - You have been answered. Forum issues are not Account Issues.
557022 - See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
557806 - See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
565516 - See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
567514 - See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
557185 - See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
566244 - See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
569397 - See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
565397 - See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
562525 - See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
564961 – See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
564961 – See this post. You’ll be helped as quickly as possible
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Scarycarebear.4125
Should I just sit tight then for my refund? It’s been almost 7 days now.
Should I just sit tight then for my refund? It’s been almost 7 days now.
Yes, please. There’s no way for us to expedite the courtesy refunds, and clearly our priority must be hacked accounts and other security-related issues. We’re dealing with refunds every day, but they will take a while, as we said at the time the offer was announced.
Thanks for understanding.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
still have not received any info on ticket # 566836 about a account restoration. has been almost a week now. I understand it may take some time to look into or queue it. Just wanting to know if it is under review or what ever is going on with it.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Scarycarebear.4125
Should I just sit tight then for my refund? It’s been almost 7 days now.
Yes, please. There’s no way for us to expedite the courtesy refunds, and clearly our priority must be hacked accounts and other security-related issues. We’re dealing with refunds every day, but they will take a while, as we said at the time the offer was announced.
Thanks for understanding.
Ok then, thank you for the speedy response
Ive requested an account restoration/rollback and I want to know how thats going
My request is 565488. I sent it more than 4 days ago. But no one answer me. My account got hacked, no gear and no gold. I didnt play gw2 for days. Please help.
It’s been 5 days and wanted to know if it was being looked into.