The description of the Gold Hoarder achievement says Have 1,000,000 gold in your inventory at one time.
No way!
I am sitting at 25% towards the completed title “Golden” for having 50 gold in my Bank, so I assume that means 200 gold at one time is what’s needed for 100%? (Yes, I am looking at my DESKTOP, where it gives the percent of the total, not the percent of a particular tier).
And don’t they mean in your BANK at one time? I didn’t get the 25% notification popup until I moved the money OUT of my inventory and INTO my Bank.
I see the Golden title around a fair bit, and I can’t believe that many players have a million gold. (Heck, I can’t believe ANY players have 1 million gold. If I am wrong, give me the precursor and any other transferable materials required for “The Flameseeker Prophecies” and I will shut up and go away.
Please correct / clarify. Thanks!
Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
2,000,000 coins is the achievement.
100 coins (copper) = 1 silver
10,000 coins = 100 silver = 1 gold
1,000,000 coins = 100 gold
Jala – Human Warrior – Blackgate