100% Map completion Bug? Need help.
Having this exact same issue. Character select screen says 100%, but in-game it’s at 99% with one POI missing. Every individual map says 100% and I have the Chantry of Secrets as well.
Any clue on how to fix this?
That’s not it as I’m standing there right now.
Following that thread and others linked on the issue, it appears to be a problem in cities; you’ll get map completion in them without actually finding all the poi locations.
For me it was The Grove. The map for it shows 5/5 POIs but there are at least a dozen POI. I’m guessing other cities are similar. Anyway, I went there and found the POI I missed. But this issue needs to be addressed by Anet. Why list only 5 POIs and actually have map completion for that city if there are actually double that number you need?
If anyone else is having this issue just go to racial cities and look around closely for any extra POI.
Do what Koomaster suggests and check out the cities. I know for a FACT that I got them to 100% back when I first made my character earlier this year. However, when I checked out Rata Sum, I had two of the easiest to get POIs showing as not discovered. It was the last two I needed, but Rata Sum was showing as 100% complete.