(edited by Avtor.6923)
174/175 Krytan Explorer ! bug or noob )
This is not a bug.
This is a common mistake bout what you need to do for this achievement.
The confusion comes cause there are two kind of explorer achievements.
Been there done that – map completion.
This rewards you when you complete a map (getting all poi’s wp’s, hearts, skillpoints and vista’s). If you do this on every map you get the achievement and some additional rewards.
(area)-explorer like krytan explorer. You get this for unblurring every bit of the map and has nothing to do with checking if you got a PoI or a vista (you can get this title without ever watching a vista).
So thats your problem, you should not be looking for map completion points but for blurred area’s.
Best is to go to the wiki, look at the map-page (e.g. Queensdale). Understand that you have 100% mapcompletion, so you must have been to all area’s containing a heart, a PoI, a WP, a Vista or a skillpoint (keep in mind that due to elevation some unblurred area’s can be over eachother, also keep in mind that hearts-givers sometimes can stand in one area and the heart can be completed in another area).
Now if you look at the list of area’s in e.g. Queensdale there are 5 area’s with nothing in it (or only a jumping puzzle or mini dungeon) so 5 possible targets to check.
Windloss Delves (The skrittcave near Ojon’s Lumbermill Waypoint)
Lake Delavan (the water north of Ojon’s Lumbermill Waypoint)
Eastern Divinity Dam (the water to the east of Lake Delavan)
Beggar’s Burrow (The bandit cave north of Lake Delavan)
Demongrub Pits (south-east corner of the map, contains a jumping puzzle)
After checking Queensdale you do the same with the other maps. Keep in mind that towns like Divinity’s reach or Lion’s Arch can have the same blurred area’s.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
(edited by mercury ranique.2170)
area`s compared with http://wiki.guildwars2.com * … i know it
Altar Brook Vale
Altar’s Windings
Bandithaunt Caverns
Beetletun Farms
Beggar’s Burrow
Clayent Falls
Demongrub Pits
Eastern Divinity Dam
Godslost Swamp
Krytan Freeholds
Lake Delavan
Orlaf Escarpments
Phinney Ridge
Pinion Trail
Queen’s Forest
Salma’s Heath
Scaver Plateau
Shaemoor Fields
Shaemoor Garrison
Shire of Beetletun
Taminn Foothills
The Heartwoods
Township of Claypool
Village of Shaemoor
Western Divinity Dam
Windloss Delves.
and other ….
I checked all…
Your remark bout PoI’s in your original post made the impression you did’t understand the title and unfortunately your response isn’t making it clear either.
Also, if you understand that it is bout unblurring and has nothing to do with e.g. PoI’s, then do you also understand to concentrate on the area’s that don’t have map completion points in it??
Last remark. Do you know that Bloodtide Coast is Kryta?? cause thats a common mistake.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I checked again…
It`s a bug.
again, this is not a bug. I’m not trying to annoy you but a bug is something that happens to everyone else in your situation and is reproducable. That doesn’t mean this isn’t annoying for you. If you are absolutly sure you have checked all you can ask support by filing a support ticket. They react in two ways. The first is that they are sorry that it happened to you and that they have fixed it. The second is that they are unable to assist you. The last is a cryptic way of saying you are missing an area, we know wich one but you have to find out for yourself cause thats part of the game.
By the way, it is against the forum rules to bump your posts by responding on your own several time. If you forgot something to say, please edit your own post. I dont think the forum mods will make an issue out of it, but still it is advisable to avoid those things.
Good luck
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Did you do your storyline till youve reached Claw Island? If not, thats the map part youre missing.
I had the same problem, until I went to Claw Island on my personal story, then that counted as the final part.
Try to check here mate, this guy has done a good work
I have the same problem, checked all the Kryta maps couple of times now, also checked the “wich_are_the_most_difficult_places_to_find”-page,… Still missing a place (and been to Claw Island)… It is really annoying.
That’s a common case that happens to everyone, as already said there are areas with no things to do (like pois, wps, jps, etc..) but that are discoverable and counts toward that achievement. An advice I could give (that also happened to me) is looking intently your world map for any blurred areas, mainly map corners and then going there and walking around a bit. You will occasionally find the missing area.
You could try checking the commonly missed places listed here: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Explorer#Commonly_missed_areas
Also, you can use a checklist of all areas here: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Bluestone/Explorer
Okay thank you.
I’ll try it again ^^
Ok I found it, I’m missing Flooded Castavall. Been swimming around there for some time now (in the cave underneath the waypoint, in the cave next to the waypoint and on top) but somehow I still don’t discover it.
Anyway, at least I know what’s missing ^^
Good to hear you have found what’s missing. It has been a while since I had been there so I can’t recall how to get that place discovered. Just keep trying and you may get it at some point. This may not be useful but who knows then here is more info about that area http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flooded_Castavall (probably you have checked this).
Yeah, those are pain to figure out. got a few at 174/175 myself. It would be very nice if they had a checklist under the achievement. Otherwise you end up wasting a day and a half running around maps, attempting to find that one spot to stand, only to wind up empty handed.
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.”
A good thing to do is comparing that list on http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Bluestone/Explorer with world map. Just check each name in that list with those showing on your map. The list even shows it in order, from top-left to bottom-right.
That was how I found a missing area at Orr a few days ago. I looked at the list and then back at world map to see if it was visible there, and then I found one in the list that I couldn’t find in the world map and “tada”, there it was.