20 Slot Fractal Rare Equipment Box Bug

20 Slot Fractal Rare Equipment Box Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mystiq Angelic.8193

Mystiq Angelic.8193

The 20 slot Fractal rare equipment box currently has a bug that rare armors and weapons does NOT go in this box first. I’ve 3 other 18 slot equipment box in my inventory, and armor and weapons will fill these equipment boxes from top to bottom order despite item’s rarity. I do not have the 20 slot uncommon or exotic Fractal equipment box but I suspect they may also lack the coding for the specific rarity item to go in a specific rarity equip box before filling in a general equipment box based on top-bottom inventory order.

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20 Slot Fractal Rare Equipment Box Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Numakulla.6125


I have to confirm that partially… i’ve done a bit experimenting.
The results are weird in a way.

If you have any non fractal equipment box equipped BEFORE fractal ones it takes precedence in sorting thus ANY equipment lands in it.

For fractal equipment boxes to sort uncommon, rare and exotic items properly you should equip them first (looking from top to bottom at bag slots) and the normal equipment box(s) last.

An example of proper way of doing this would be
Starter Backpack
20 Slot Fractal Uncommon Equipment Box
20 Slot Fractal Rare Equipment Box
20 Slot Fractal Exotic Equipment Box
20 Slot Equipment Box

Other types of bags/boxes that don’t sort equipment to land in them do not interfere with the sorting order.

Possible solution:
1) make the fractal bags take precedence in sorting items
2) optionally make a new option to enable the precedence in sorting for fractal bags