7:11:3:191:101 another server downtime bug
and then the fail message change to 42:0:9001:4409:101
and 1022:5:1:337:101
I’m getting the same problem. I’ll be standing in LA crafting i’ll suddenly get DC’d from the game (with error code 7:11:3:191:101). Or I will be running WvW or ETOM and the same thing will happen. It isn’t my internet or my firewall and this has been happening for the past two evenings. I can’t stay logged in for more than twenty minutes without it kicking me and me having to log in again. What is wrong with my client?
EDIT: I’m on Tarnished Coast, NA server cluster
I was hoping that this one was fixed after a week with no problems, but alas last few hours I have been getting this error message again.
Just got this error again… Normally I really wouldn’t mind. But it’s annoying as hell while in PvP
I’m having that same problem too, but only with one character.
It happened as I was trying to enter the Heart of the Mists for PvP.
Now, every time I try to log in, it’ll give me this error code before the map is even all the way loaded.
But I can log in on my other characters just fine…
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I’m brand new to the game and right after creating my character I get the error message. The character doesn’t actually get created. I log out and log back in and have to create all over again and get the error message again. I’ve tried about ten times now.