A Shadow's Deeds. Caithe doesn't appear

A Shadow's Deeds. Caithe doesn't appear

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nuvat.6431


I tried to do the “A Shadow’s Deeds” story instance for Out of the Shadows, and as soon as I defeat all the White Mantle, nothing else happens. Apparently Caithe is supposed to be there, and you’re supposed to talk to her, but my story progress bar is completely faded out, and nothing happens. I’ve been standing in the instance for 30 minutes (I went to go get some food and Fanta, hoping something might happen, and then fed my cat :\). So, I’m just sort of chilling out in there. Don’t know what to do. I exited and re-entered several times as well. Nothing.
The image is basically what I get as soon as I beat the White Mantle.


A Shadow's Deeds. Caithe doesn't appear

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


have you tried moving forward? I’m pretty sure she doesn’t appear straight away. just move towards the structure at the end of the chasm. if she doesn’t appear before you get to it, then it’s bugged

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A Shadow's Deeds. Caithe doesn't appear

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nuvat.6431


have you tried moving forward? I’m pretty sure she doesn’t appear straight away. just move towards the structure at the end of the chasm. if she doesn’t appear before you get to it, then it’s bugged

I have explored the entire instance area, jumped into the tunnel with tbe broken bridges, found tbe scrap of paper in the tent and even flew up to the floating stones to take pictures of their shadows seared on the walls before i went off to get food. Caithe had more than enough time to show her acorn butt. :U