A Shadow's Deeds - Story Mode
What is preventing you from training in the Counter Magic line?
What happens when you travel to the Bloodstone Maw?
Why are you unable to train Counter Magic? Your exp bar looks full, so you should only need to use a Mastery Point to unlock it. There are even two fairly easy-to-reach Mastery Point locations in Bloodstone Fen, if you don’t have any Mastery Points right now.
Thank you – I was able to train with RoseofGilead’s suggestion and I have completed my story instance.
I,m stuck in shadows of deeds,i glide to the bottom of the cavern and enter the instance as instructed, I then glide down to the moving room where there is an altar and a star showing that I am in the right place. then nothing, ican,t interact with the altar or the star hence I can,t move on. I have done this with 2 different charcters with the same result. I hav,nt missed anything or skipped part of the story line. any help would be appreciated.
I have similar problem but i trained Counter magic mastery – and still i dont see where to go now… ? Any advice?
Update: After logging out, client close and back in; heading to Squad Leader Bennett re-ran the mastery check and progress can continue.
I am having the same issue, but I have trained the counter magic mastery. My issue may be related to the rollback, as I unlocked it before the rollback, but didn’t return to Bloodstone Fen before the reset. I have attached a screenshot. Is anyone else still having this issue?
(edited by Sigma Cephei.1245)