A grisly shipment

A grisly shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


At the “escape from burning ark” point i have gone to the top of the ship but there is no chopper waiting to pick me up or green ring indication to go to the location (i found up what to do from you tube)


A grisly shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


Quick fix:

re spawning from checkpoint, then running up the other tower (dunno if running up tower made a difference) trigged the green ring so i could complete the mission.

A grisly shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

You’re a bit ahead of yourself, there’s a specific step to climb to the top of the ark, which you’re not on. (So no copter.) Did you place the charges on the top of the ship? During the “escape” step there’s a tripwire that fires when you cross from the lower deck (where the charges are handed out) to the upper deck. THEN it changes to “Move to the highest point on the ark” which is when you need to climb to the point indicated.

A grisly shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


a ok :/ i planted the charges on the lower deck (it let me put them any where) on the mid deck then i ran around the ship for abit and i was not promted to do anything else then when on you tube to find out what to do next. I didn’t see the trip wire you speak of but i ran up both stair cases from the bottom deck to the mid deck.

I decided to run to the tower becuase like i said nothing promted me and the asura (in the bomb suite) said we need to get to a higher level canr remeber he exact words.
Thanks ben

(edited by slapandtikle.8145)

A grisly shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


a ok :/ i planted the charges on the lower deck (it let me put them any where) on the mid deck then i ran around the ship for abit and i was not promted to do anything else then when on you tube to find out what to do next. I didn’t see the trip wire you speak of but i ran up both stair cases from the bottom deck to the mid deck.

I decided to run to the tower becuase like i said nothing promted me and the asura (in the bomb suite) said we need to get to a higher level canr remeber he exact words.
Thanks ben

The tripwire is not literal. Basically you have to run back up the same stairs you used to go down, assuming you went down using the stairs that were closest to the plank from the other ship.

Maybe they can add another tripwire to the other stair as well. I ran into this as a result of using a mesmer portal to speed things up but luckily I remembered where the update triggered the last time I did that story step.