AC Bugs

AC Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: destijl.3769


So my party and I just ran (or tried to run) AC explorable – all paths. We completed path 1 with no issue. Path 2 and 3 weren’t so kind to us.

In path 2, Detha bugged out like she always has when 2 gravelings followed us all the way into the hall of champions and repeatedly knocked her down during the part when Grast appears. I assume this is what caused her to break. We were able to reset her by bringing more gravelings up and letting her die, then ressing her. Then, during the Ghost Eater fight, GE bugged after the first time we charged a trap and had him trigger it. He didn’t move or attack for a bit, then reset to a point way off to the side of the central area. We started the fight again, but quickly found out that we couldn’t drag him to the furthest trap or he would reset on us. Using the two traps that were still “in his range” we were able to complete the fight and finish path 2.

In path 3 we were able to get to Rumblus without issue. During the CR fight though, Grast wouldn’t put up his bubble reliably. He’d instead be using a hammer attack with a super-long channel when the rocks started falling, leaving us exposed to being knock-locked into oblivion. This happened 5 times in a row before we decided to give up and leave the instance.

I’m torn between being excited that the attempt was made to improve this dungeon (make the mechanics more dynamic, challenging, etc.) and disappointed that the boss fights are bugged to the point where the bugs can’t even be overcome. Nothing is more disheartening to us as players than spending a significant amount of time doing a piece of content and having to leave without the reward, which in most cases was the goal of doing the content in the first place. And this wasn’t a case of poor play, undergeared characters, a lack of understanding mechanics, etc. The mechanics weren’t functioning correctly and through no fault of our own we were forced to give up, effectively wasting an hour of everyone’s time.

PS – I can understand (to a certain extent) bugs for these revamped boss fights, but how, when you do a complete overhaul, is Detha bugging in path 2 still even a possibility?

Your face is funny, all squished and weird.

AC Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: daimasei.4091


Detha bug (or any in P2) is easy to bypass. Grast on other hand…
It took me like 4 or 5 wipes to finish in the last 5 or 6 runs because of him and now, I just finish the boss a few minutes ago and no reward, no drop and just a waste of time.
Please Anet, fix ASAP (you killed AC for newbs and bad players and you make the few that can do it grind over and over and for what? A bunch of death mobs? Hours and hours of time wasted?).

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

AC Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bluwaterdragoon.2836


Path 2 Ghost Eater bug where he freezes every time he switches from “solid” to “ghost armor” form was experienced by my party, as well as the Grast error.

AC Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jabiacas Horologium.4976

Jabiacas Horologium.4976

To avoid Detha bugging and not starting the event run all the way to the back of the room, and I mean all the way back, so she will teleport/spawn at you, this makes her leave the mobs alone if you really want to skip the mobs on the way in.

Ghost Eater is getting stuck in the middle of her mobs sometimes, I don’t think it has to do with the traps, I see it happen a lot when she is not near one. For now, until they fix it, most pull type and knock back powers will make it move and inch which will unstick it.

Path 3, I don’t think him not casting the bubble because he is in the middle of his long cast swing is a bug, he will cast it after still, which is too late, I believe it was just a poor judgment call to give him the Hammer at all, it would have really been good to give him something ranged with no castable auto attack like a scepter. They could have given him a Hammer that had a normal swing even. That would solve that. Also the boss knocks him down and he can’t cast it, use abilities that give stability to allies, support goes a long way in the fight of keeping him up. (not all professions have stability, or stability that is shareable with allies.) That boss’s seismic activity ability can be interrupted negating the need for the NPC bubble at all, for a list of abilities that interrupt look at a stability power, all crowd control it lists to protect you are considered interrupt on bosses. Stun, daze, knocks, fear, ect. I have still not tried my thief in AC since the changes, but before his Basilisk Venom worked to turn him into stone and interrupt.