AC Exp Path 3
Content Designer
No changes were made to the heavy armor ghost transform. Being transformed locks your current utility skills in place.
Thank you for the quick response. I do this path daily and I could have sworn I was able to switch my skills before but I’ll just go with what you say
This bug still exists and has been there for at least two months, although this is the first incidence where I’ve heard of a warrior getting the problem.
Typically its rangers, thieves, and engineers that lose their 6 through 0 slots after the transformation. You can try to select skills, but they won’t work and just show a solid box.
Different issue Treehugga that was supposedly fixed in the last patch. I haven’t tested yet myself.
He is referring to ‘changing’ his utility skills after transformed. Not losing them.
Yep, something has been changed, now Utilities are locked in on your character after transform, this was NEVER the case before. Somethings been changed.