We ran AC explorable today with a few guildies. We selected the Detha path. Everything went perfect until the Cannon event. Took us about a half hour and I don’t think we ever died.
How this event is supposed to work is that Detha fixes cannons while groups of 5 Ascalonian Ghosts attack the group. If you kill the ghosts, they are supposed to respawn, but I don’t think there’s ever supposed to be more than 5 ghosts.
Instead of that we were getting double pulls of ghosts. (9-10 ghosts) every time Detha would switch cannons. I don’t think she is supposed to go to the next cannon until the ghosts are all dead but, she would basically go and then the event would reset and we’d have more than one group of ghosts.
We gave up when Detha was two thirds of the way through the last cannon but we were staring at a group of 15 ghosts. Also, instead of her stayind dead, she would essentially insta-respawn, then charge into the last cannon, pulling the huge group of ghosts. One of my guildies mentioned that a similar thing happened yesterday on the same path, where more than 5 ghosts were spawning at once.
I’ve run AC explorable probably 14 times between all the paths, this is the first time I haven’t finished. It was extremely frustrating. We were to the cannons without any deaths and in 30 minutes, and in the end we tried them for an hour and a half and all I got to show for it was a 30 silver repair bill.
I assume something was done to this event in the last patch. Please put it back how it was before. Detha/Ghost scripting is all messed up now. Thanks