AC Path 2 - Hall of Champions will not begin

AC Path 2 - Hall of Champions will not begin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Echoplex.1492


Detha would not begin the event inside of the Hall of Champions for my AC group today, preventing completion of the dungeon and the token reward that follows.

Initially, the group skipped Kohler and continued onward to defend the flooded section of the map. Upon reaching the bugged Hall, we first attempted to kill Kohler (succesfully) but the event still would not progress. We killed Detha in hopes that she would somehow reset, to no avail.

It wouldn’t be so bad if each boss dropped a portion of the overall token bounty for a run.

AC Path 2 - Hall of Champions will not begin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sjulian.7914


I just ran AC earlier today as well and ran into this exact problem. Our group tried to get Detha killed in hopes of resetting her, but even after the NPC’s death, the Hall of Champions event would still not start.

Hopefully, this gets worked out soon because this bug makes getting tokens difficult.

AC Path 2 - Hall of Champions will not begin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rogueplatypus.4720


Same thing happened to me.

AC Path 2 - Hall of Champions will not begin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yousef.4912


i didn’t expect this to happen but it did

i want my Ascalon Tears


AC Path 2 - Hall of Champions will not begin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StuN.5193


Still has not been fixed.