AC Path 2 bug
same problem here… started to hate doing path 2.
You can lower your chances of bugging her by killing the mobs leading to the final room, she bugs when the event script triggers but the npc is busy fighting. Its still not a sure thing though, I’ve had her bug with everything dead.
To reset the instance the party leader has to leave the group and be invited back or log on another character and back again.
Server Kaineng. Same issue, p2, bugged at end. I see multiple posts on this. I only need 60 tokens and it’s a bit silly but will just do another path. Someday it will get fixed maybe? I find it hard to believe this problem cannot be replicated. She still keeps telling us the wheels keep turning.
Whether you kill everything en route, or skip middle boss and trash mobs to the room, p2 just does not work.
EDIT: Sorry but I find this humorous
You can lower your chances of bugging her ….
officially still bugged. the times it’s been bugged for me, someone from the party was slow to enter the Hall. the player was either knocked down while the rest of us ran through the mobs, or maybe they were just slow to run.
it probably has nothing to do with it, but just something i’ve noticed when it’s bugged. nothing to do other than exit the dungeon, break the party, regroup the party and start over.
The Society [SCTY] on YB
Just played through path 2. Same bug. I think it is fantastic the team at Anet keep providing additional game content with super adventure box and such, however part of me did become frustrated that existing content is flawed, and reviewing the posts time line, this bug has been reported for a few months now.
How about not leading her to the center that starts the dialogue? Head into the room and go all the way to the right and see if that helps.