AOE Loot on Interact bugged

AOE Loot on Interact bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThaArchivist.3579


When set up for AOE Loot on Interact, it doesn’t just works like normal. Is this happening to anyone else? For me to AOE Loot I would have to bind a key to aoe loot and then press that key.

AOE Loot on Interact bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


The AoE loot function is somewhat confusing.

If there is any other interaction you’d do for F, you do that instead of the AoE loot. For example, if you’re next to a corpse and press F, the regular single-target looting will take priority, and you won’t AoE loot. If you move away from the corpse and the prompt clears, pressing F would do the AoE loot. Or if you loot the corpse you’re next to and press again (keeping the one second cooldown in mind), the AoE loot functions properly. Clear as mud?

Could this be what’s happening for you? For my own part it took some time to get used to how it worked, and it definitely did seem buggy until I understood it.

I’ve opened a thread a while ago to suggest raising the AoE loot priority over the single target looting, though it got no responses so no idea if it’d make it into the game. To be honest, though, I found that binding a different key for AoE looting is just simpler overall. Neither really makes this a bug, just strange design.

AOE Loot on Interact bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brunobyof.3541


It seems there is a problem there where if you keybind to any other key than “F” and also check the box “AOE on interact” on the options, it won’t work.

I did this:

Let the box UNCHECKED, but binded “C” for AoE loot. Now “F” works as a normal interact/loot and “C” works as AoE loot. And it has been working fine since i did this.

AOE Loot on Interact bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


It seems there is a problem there where if you keybind to any other key than “F” and also check the box “AOE on interact” on the options, it won’t work.

I did this:

Let the box UNCHECKED, but binded “C” for AoE loot. Now “F” works as a normal interact/loot and “C” works as AoE loot. And it has been working fine since i did this.

I don’t have any problems with both enabled. Aside from the priority that I described above.

I have the loot on interact option turned on, so my F key does AoE loot if there are no other actions to take. I’ve also bound X to AoE loot, so I can do that directly. Works just fine.