Achievement "Halloween Events Completed" bugged, won't go past tier 2...

Achievement "Halloween Events Completed" bugged, won't go past tier 2...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Splinter.6580


I have done all achievements for Halloween, the only one I have left is “Halloween Events Completed”. The problem is that I am stuck on Tier 2, and I can’t get any further. I have done events which I know are part of Halloween, including those in The Lunatic Inquisition Labyrinth.

I would love to get that final achievement, so is there anything you can do to help? Considering how there is an entire year until I can get this again, please do answer quickly.


Achievement "Halloween Events Completed" bugged, won't go past tier 2...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

You will see there is another thread on this already. Here is a link.

having dozens of threads isn’t as useful as keeping it all under one thread.