Achievement Progress Upon 'Event Failure'

Achievement Progress Upon 'Event Failure'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Day Trooper.3605

Day Trooper.3605

I’ve noticed this with at least three achievements:

*Daily WvW Sentry Captures
*Daily WvW Supply Camp Captures
*Seasonal WvW Mercenary Camp Captures

What happens is if you fail the appropriate event for either of the above achievements (e.g. while in progress of capping a supply camp an enemy comes along and kills you), then you still receive a point towards the achievement despite failing the event.

This is a bug, right??

(edited by Day Trooper.3605)

Achievement Progress Upon 'Event Failure'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Day Trooper.3605

Day Trooper.3605

As a further observation on this ‘bug’, I was just trying to cap a mercenary camp when some enemies came along and forced me to run away. After waypointing back, I got the ‘Event Failed’ message but also received a point towards the ‘Mercenary Camp Captures’ achievement.

Is this really working as intended? I mean it’s great that I’m receiving progress towards the achievement, but it seems that it should only be progressing upon a successful camp capture on my behalf and not the enemy’s lol.

Achievement Progress Upon 'Event Failure'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Armo.6208


i wish i would get points for mercenary camp capture when i actually capture one, the last 3 captures and got no points. captured hylek twice no points and ogre once and no point.

Achievement Progress Upon 'Event Failure'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shienarier.2015


I don’t get points towards the achievement on failure.
But on the other hand I don’t seem to be getting points even on success.
My current theory is that I don’t get points for Hyleks or Ogres, but for the Dredge.